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Bei ansehen →The package IMRC (Application Development R/3 Measurement Readings & Counters) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | IMRC |
Short Text | Application Development R/3 Measurement Readings & Counters |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package IMRC contains 14 function groups.
0IMR | MeasPoint/MeasDocument Customizing |
IMR0 | MeasPoints/MeasDocuments: Online |
IMR1 | MeasPoints/MeasDocs: Database Accesses |
IMR2 | Convers. of FLTP <-> CHAR + SI Convers. |
IMR4 | MeasPointObject Possible Entry Help |
IMR5 | CHDO IMPT => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
IMR6 | ===> Object IMRG , generated by |
IMR7 | Entry List for Measurement Readings |
IMRA | Archiving of Measurement Documents |
IMRF | Measurement/Counter Functions for Fleet |
IMRGRAPH | Graphic for Measurement Readings |
IMRH | Reporting 1 via MeasReading Transfer |
IMRJ | Reporting 2 via MeasReading Transfer |
INEW | PM: Provisional, New RFC Utilities |
SAP Package IMRC contains 36 transactions.
IK01 | Create Measuring Point |
IK01R | Create Reference Measuring Point |
IK02 | Change Measuring Point |
IK02R | Change Reference Measuring Point |
IK03 | Display Measuring Point |
IK03R | Display Reference Measuring Point |
IK04 | Create Measuring Points for Object |
IK04R | Create Ref. Measuring Points for Obj |
IK05 | Change Measuring Points for Object |
IK05R | Change Ref. Measuring Points for Obj |
IK06 | Display Measuring Points for Object |
IK06R | Display Ref Measuring Points for Obj |
IK07 | Display Measuring Points |
IK07R | Display Reference Measuring Point |
IK08 | Change Measuring Points |
IK08R | Change Reference Measuring Point |
IK10R | Transfer Data from Ref Measuring Pnt |
IK11 | Create Measurement Document |
IK12 | Change Measurement Document |
IK13 | Display Measurement Document |
IK14 | Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK15 | Take Up Measurement Reading Transfer |
IK16 | Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK17 | Display Measurement Documents |
IK18 | Change Measurement Documents |
IK21 | Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK22 | Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK31 | Create MeasReading Entry List |
IK32 | Change MeasReading Entry List |
IK33 | Display MeasReading entry list |
IK34 | Collective Entry of MeasDocuments |
IK39 | Nummernkreispflege: IMEL |
IK41 | Display MeasDocs From Archive |
IK51 | MeasReading Transfer Structure |
IK52 | MeasReading Transfer History |
OIMRC | Field Selection Meas.Points & Docs |
SAP Package IMRC contains 12 database tables.
IMEL | Entry List for Measurement Documents |
IMEP | Items in the Entry List |
IMPH | Measurement and Counter Reading Transmission History |
IMPTT | Measuring Point (Table) |
IMRCCUST | System Settings for Measuring Points and Measurement Docs |
IMRG | Measurement Document |
IMRG_TEST_LOG | Log file for imrg tester |
IMTR | Termination of MeasRead. Data Transfer to Measuring Points |
INHB_MP_TRANS | Meas. Pt: TRANS - Post Logic for Transferring Meas. Vals |
T370O | Object Categories Allowed for MeasPoints and MeasDocuments |
T370P | Measuring Point Category |
T370P_T | Language-Dependent Texts for T370P |
SAP Package IMRC contains 5 views.
H_T370O | Help View: ObjCategories Allowed for MeasPoints & Documents |
IMEP_LAST_DOC | Last Measurement Document for Measurement Reading Entry List |
IMPM_CABN | Standard View for Collective Search Help IMPM |
IMPM_VIEW | Standard View for Collective Search Help IMPM |
IMPT_LAST_DOC | Last measurement document for measuring points |
SAP Package IMRC contains 31 structures.
DIIMPT | Measuring Point: Output Structure for ABAP Lists |
DIIMPT_R | Reference Meas. Pt: Output Structure for ABAP List |
DIIMRG | Measurement Document: Output Structure for ABAP Lists |
IMPHE | Table IMPH Enhanced By Effective Validity |
IMPT | Measuring Point (Structure) |
IMPT_CABN | Characteristic Fields for Measuring Point |
IMPT_LOCKD | Structure for Table Lines With Locked Measuring Point |
IMPT_POINT | Structure for Table Lines That Only Contain POINT |
IMPT_USR1 | Structure for User Exit for Measuring Point |
IMPTH | Measuring Point With Hierarchy Level |
IMRG_MDOCM | Structure for Table Lines Only Containing MDOCM |
IMRG_USR | Structure With User Fields for Measurement Document |
IMRG_USR1 | Structure for User Exit for Measurement Document |
INHB_MP | Cancellations of Data Transfer for Measuring Point |
INHB_TOBJK_USNAM | Cancellation List for Data Transfer |
IREF | Dummy structure with fields for purely formal DDIC refs |
IRLOTH | Technical Reference Location (Table) With Hierarchy Level |
RIHIMPT | MeasPoint: Output Structure for ABAP Lists (Excl. Int. Fld) |
RIHIMPT_R | RMP: Output Structure for ABAP Lists (Excl. Internal Fields) |
RIHIMPTI | Addition to Reporting Structure RIHIMPT by Internal Fields |
RIHIMRG | MeasDoc: Output Structure for ABAP Lists Excl. Int. Fields |
RIHMEL | Output Structure for Measurement Reading Entry List Output |
RIINHB_OUT | Output Structure for RIINHB10 |
RIMPH1 | Output Structure for Report RIMPHIER |
RIMPH2 | Output Structure for Report RIMPHIST: ITEM Lines |
RIMPT1 | Output Structure for Report RIMPHIST: HEADER Lines |
RIMR_RADIO_CNT | Radio Buttons for Variants of Counter Reading Display |
RIMR0 | Function Group IMR0 I/O Fields (MeasPoints and MeasDocs) |
RIMR01 | API Structure for Inserting a Measurement Document |
RIMR0C | Transfer Structure for Measuring Point Objects |
RIMR7 | IA Fields of Function Group IMR7 (MeasReading Entry List) |
SAP Package IMRC contains 19 programs.
RIARCMR1 | PM: Archiving of Measurement Documents: Split Interval Documents |
RIARCMRA | PM: Archiving MeasDocuments: Write Archive |
RIARCMRD | PM: Archiving MeasDocuments: Delete Documents |
RIARCMRI | Display Measurement Documents From Archive |
RIARCMRP | PM: Archiving MeasDocuments: Set Deletion Flag |
RIARCMRS | Display MeasDocs From Archive (Model Report) |
RIIMPT20 | Display Measuring Point |
RIIMPT25 | Display Reference Measuring Point |
RIIMR020 | Display Measurement Documents |
RIMELPM1 | Display Measurement Reading Entry List |
RIMPHIER | Measurement Reading Transfer: Structural Display |
RIMPHIST | Display Measurement Reading Transfer (History) |
RIMPTR00 | Transfer of Measurement and Counter Readings: Proposals |
RIMRCICK | Check of Counter Readings for Interval Measurement Document |
RIMRCINT | Conversion of Counter Reading Transfer to Interval Documents |
RIMRCLUP | Take Up Measurement Reading Transfers from Table IMTR |
RIMRCUPD | Check whether update of counter reading transfer is required |
RIXPRA08 | XPRA for filling table IMPH. This table is new in 4.6A. |
SAP Package IMRC contains 17 search helps.
H_T370O | Help View: ObjCategories Allowed for MeasPoints & Documents |
IMEL | Search Help for Table IMEL |
IMPM | Collective Search Help for Measuring Point |
IMPM_R | Collective Search Help for Reference Measurement Point |
IMPMA | For Functional Location |
IMPMA_R | For Reference Location |
IMPMB | For Equipment |
IMPMO | For Any Object |
IMPMP | Measurement Position |
IMPMP_R | Measurement Item for Reference Measurement Point |
IMPMQ | Measuring Point List |
IMPMQ_R | Reference Measurement Point List |
IMPMR | Characteristic |
IMPMR_R | Characteristic for Reference Measurement Point |
IMPMU | Classification |
IMRM | Collective Search Help for Measurement Document |
IMRMQ | Measurement Document List |
SAP Package IMRC contains 1 message classes.
IR | PM: IMRC - Measurement Readings & Counters |