
SAP Package IMRM

Application Development R/3 Maintenance Task List Management

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The package IMRM (Application Development R/3 Maintenance Task List Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package IMRM
Short Text Application Development R/3 Maintenance Task List Management
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package IMRM contains 17 function groups.

CI00 Assembly Allocation PM Task Lists
CI01 Classification Processing Supplement
CI02 Processing of Line Items f.Costing
CI03 Maintenance Plans: Read Task List Data
CI04 PM: Free Material Component Allocation
CI05 Obsolete
CI06 Routines for PM Task List Prog.Control
CI20 BADI Call-Ups
CIBM Maint.pack.assignment:
CIBT PLWP document table processing
CICU Task Lists: Graphical User Interface
CIDB Plans: INST database accesses
CIDI Maintenance package assignment dialogs
CIDM Assign Maintenance Package Dialog Tab.M
CIMF Field Select.Control for MaintPackAssgmt
CIVB Update Maintenance Package Assignments
IRRT Read tables for PBO purposes task list


SAP Package IMRM contains 25 transactions.

IA01 Create Equipment Task List
IA02 Change Equipment Task List
IA03 Display Equipment Task List
IA05 Create general task list
IA06 Change General Maintenance Task List
IA07 Display General Task List
IA08 Change PM Task Lists
IA09 Display Task Lists
IA10 Display Task Lists (Multilevel)
IA11 Create FunctLoc Task List
IA12 Change FunctLoc Task List
IA13 Display FunctLoc Task List
IA15 Task List Original Change Docs
IA16 Cost Maintenance Task Lists
IA17 Print Maintenance Task Lists
IA18 Display Task Lists by Class Search
IA19 Change Task Lists by Class Search
IA21 Evaluate Task List Change Documents
IF00 Production Resources/Tools
OIL0 Number Ranges: FunctLoc.Task Lists
OILC Object Overviews Gen.Task Lists
OILD Object Overview Equip.Task List
OILE Object Overviews FunctLoc Task Lists
OIWO List of PM task lists

Database Tables

SAP Package IMRM contains 3 database tables.

EAPL Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment
PLWP Allocation of maintenance packages to task list operations
TAPL Allocation of task lists to functional locations


SAP Package IMRM contains 4 views.

M_PLKSI Generated view for matchcode ID PLKS
V_T399J_V Default value BOM usage for free material allocation
V_T430_PM Control Keys for Operations
V_TAPL_IFLOS Assignment of plans to functional locations (using IFLOS)


SAP Package IMRM contains 30 structures.

CIHEADINF Additional fields PLKO for PM
CIPMSINF Additional info.fields for maint.plan alloc. in online table
DIEAPL Maintenance Task List or General Maintenance Task List
DIGAPL FL/Equip.task list
DIPLFH Production resources/tools for operations
DIPLFL Task list sequence
DIPLMZ Material components per operation
DIPLPOS PM Sub-operations
DITAPL Funct.location task list
EAPLB Doc.table structure of equip.task list gp counter allocatn
OPS_RMIAPL50_ALV Structure for the output of RMIAPL50
PLM_RMIAPL50_ALV Structure for the output of RMIAPL50
PLMZPM Work Field Structure PM Material Component Allocation
PLWPB Doc.Table Structure Maint.Package Allocations for Operation
PLWPD Task List/Maint.Package Allocation I/O Structure
PLWPPM Work Fields Maint.Package Allocation
PTAPL Change document structure f.loc.task list
RC27E PM Object Master View Task List
RCE01 I/O Fields Material Component Allocation PM
RIE01 Work Fields Task List Package Allocation
RIEBT Control Fields For Maint.Package Allocation
RIEWP Work Fields Maint.Package Allocation
RIHPLAB PM: Displ.structure relationships in task list for reporting
RIHPLFH PM: Display structure PRT in task list for reporting
RIHPLKO Display Structure PM Task Lists
RIHPLMZ PM: Display structure materials in task list for reporting
RIHPLPO PM: Display structure task list operations
RIHPLWP PM: Display structure prev.maintenance packages in task list
TAPLB Document table structure funct.loc.alt.allocation


SAP Package IMRM contains 13 programs.

RCPX0002 XPRA f. Correctn of Std Task List Usage & Processg Type in T430,T430T
RI_DEL_ORPHANED_BOM_ITEMS Deletion of orphaned standard BOM items
RI_PLMZ01 Correction program for table PLMZ (New component processing)
RIAPLT01 Tool for Maintaining T399J Item Category for Items Kept in Stock
RIPLKO10 Display Task Lists
RIPLKO20 List of task lists (multi-level)
RIPLPO01 Correction Report: Activity Type and Unit of the Default Value
RIPLWP01 Correction Program for Table PLWP
RMIAPL10 Edit PM Task Lists from Class Selection Result
RMIAPL20 Task list costing
RMIAPL30 Task List Printing List
RMIAPL40 Display task list change documents
RMIAPL50 Display Task List Change Documents

Search Helps

SAP Package IMRM contains 7 search helps.

PLKSI General maintenance task list
PLNE Equipment task lists matchcode object programmed lists
PLNEA Equipment task lists by task list
PLNEB Equipment by equipment list
PLNT Task lists for FunctLocation matchcode object programmed
PLNTA Functional location task list by task list
PLNTB Functional locations by functional location list

Message Classes

SAP Package IMRM contains 1 message classes.

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