Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package INSC (Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Customizing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | INSC |
Short Text | Application Development R/3 Plant Maintenance Customizing |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package INSC contains 27 function groups.
0408 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0C22 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I01 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0I02 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0I03 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0I04 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I05 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I06 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I07 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I09 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I0B | PM: Authorization Maintenance Tables |
0I10 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I11 | PM Object Info Customizing |
0I12 | PM Customizing |
0I13 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0I14 | SM Customizing |
0I19 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0IH0 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0IL0 | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
0IL1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0IP2 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
I012 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
IBER | PM Authorization checks |
IHLP | PM: Help view commands |
INSC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
INST | Plant Maintenance general functions |
L0I19 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package INSC contains 695 transactions.
CUS_FLEET_01 | Field Selection Fleet Fields Equipmt |
IL07 | Funct. Location List (Multi-Level) |
IW30 | Notification List (Multi-Level) |
IW40 | Display Orders (Multi-Level) |
OIAA | ABC Indicator |
OIAB | Plant Sections |
OIAC | Matchcode notifications |
OIAD | Field sel. equipment-specific fields |
OIAE | Field selection funct.loc/ref.loc |
OIAF | Field sel. equipment/functional loc. |
OIAG | Authorization Group |
OIAH | Bus. transactions with auth. profile |
OIAI | Maintenance Planner Groups |
OIAJ | Field sel. for (ref) funct. location |
OIAL | Field Selection for PM Notifications |
OIAN | Field Selection Order Header Data |
OIAO | Field Select. Ref. Obj. PM Notific. |
OIAS | Maintain Locations |
OIAT | Object Cat. Transaction Def. Value |
OIAY | Field Selection Order Header Service |
OIAZ | Field selection functional location |
OIB9 | TL list - production resource/tool |
OIBC | List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) Eqpmt Data |
OIBD | List Task Lists (M.-Level) Loc. Data |
OIBS | Maintain Status Profiles |
OIBY | List Display of Goods Movements |
OICA | User-Specif. Settings f. BOMs |
OICB | BOM Modification Parameters |
OICC | BOM Default Values |
OICD | BOM Usage |
OICE | BOM Usage Default Values |
OICF | DefltVals f. Copying Item Status |
OICG | Valid Material Types in BOM |
OICH | BOM Status |
OICI | Laboratory/Office |
OICJ | BOM Usage Priorities |
OICK | Item Categories |
OICL | BOMs with History Requirement |
OICM | Variable-Size Item Formulas |
OICMPD | Field Selection for Components PM/CS |
OICMPL | Field selection component list PM/CS |
OICN | Spare Part Indicators |
OICO | Material Provision Indicators |
OICP | Valid Material Types for BOM |
OICQ | Application-Specific Criteria |
OICS | Alternative BOM Selection |
OICT | C PM BOM Application |
OICX | BOM Item Object Types |
OICY | Application ID for PM |
OIDU | PM Download |
OIDV | Download SAP Tables into MS Access |
OIDW | Download catalog profile |
OIEA | Equipment Types |
OIEB | Equipment Status Profile |
OIEF | EquipMaster Field Selection |
OIEH | Usage History |
OIEM | Matchcode for Equipment |
OIEP | Installation at FunctLoc. |
OIES | Multilingual Texts |
OIET | Equipment Categories |
OIEV | Allocate PartnrDetProc. to EqCateg. |
OIEZ | Insert Usage Period |
OIL1 | Task List Status |
OIL2 | Standard Task List Usage |
OIL3 | Planner Group |
OIL4 | Task List Number Ranges |
OIL5 | Equipment number ranges |
OIL6 | Operation Default Value Profiles |
OIL7 | Operation Control Keys |
OIL8 | Standard Text |
OILA | Wage groups |
OILB | Qualification Type |
OILG | Standard Task List Matchcode |
OILJ | User Fields |
OILZ | BOM Usage Free Material Asssignment |
OIM1 | PM Notification Workflow Settings |
OIM2 | SM Notification Workflow Settings |
OIM3 | Order Type by NotifType |
OIM6 | Alloc. PartnDetermProc. to NotifType |
OIM7 | Response time monit. by NotifType |
OIM8 | Priorities by Priority Types |
OIM9 | Service Notif. Special Parameters |
OIMD | Object Info Parameters |
OIMK | Catalog Types |
OIMM | Operating Condition |
OIMN | Customizing setting table TQSCR |
OIMP | Priority Types |
OIMW | Effects on the Function |
OIMX | Define follow-up actions for tasks |
OIMZ | System Status |
OINI | Network ID |
OINM | Object Link Medium |
OIO1 | Priority Types |
OIO2 | Priorities by Priority Types |
OIO3 | Maintenance Activity Types |
OIO4 | Default MAT by Order Type |
OIO5 | Valid MATs by Order Type |
OIO6 | Default Control Keys |
OIO7 | Operation Control Keys |
OIO8 | Default Current Date |
OIO9 | Operation Units: Duration/Work |
OIOA | Maintenance Order Types |
OIOB | Revisions |
OIOD | Valid Order Types by PlanPlant |
OIOE | Operation No. - AutoIncrement |
OIOF | Costing Parameters |
OIOG | Maintenance Order Status Profile |
OIOI | MatAvailCheck Control |
OIOJ | Object Info Parameters f. Order Type |
OIOK | Posting Rules |
OIOL | Service Order Indicator |
OIOM | Assign PartnDetermProc. to OrdType |
OION | Order number ranges |
OIOP | Order Priority Types |
OIOPD | Field Selec. for Order Opertn Detail |
OIOPL | Field Selec. for Order Opertn Detail |
OIOR | Order Completion Confirmation |
OIOT | Scheduling Type |
OIOV | PM Order Costing Sheet |
OIPK | FunctLocation StructIndicators |
OIPL | Plant Maint./Service search help |
OIPM | Matchcode for Functional Locations |
OIPP | Change functional location category |
OIPR | RefFunctLocation Categories |
OIPT | FunctLocation Categories |
OIPU | Alternative Indicator Syst. Settings |
OIPV | Functional Location Labeling Systems |
OIR0 | Task lists (multi-lvl)- Test eqpmt |
OIR1 | FieldSel. PartnType Customer |
OIR2 | FieldSel. PartnType Vendor |
OIR3 | FieldSel. PartnType Personnel No. |
OIR4 | FieldSel. PartnType Contact Person |
OIR5 | FieldSel. PartnType OrganiznUnit |
OIR6 | FieldSel. PartnType Position |
OIR7 | FieldSel. PartnType User |
OIR8 | Field Selection for General Address |
OIRA | Field selectn serial no. RefurbOrder |
OIRB | PM Object Contracts |
OIRC | Multi-Level EquipList - Permit |
OIRE | Field Sel. Serial No. Product. Order |
OIRE0 | Field Sel. Serial No. Handling Unit |
OIRE1 | Field Selection Serial No. Inventory |
OIRF | Measuring Point List |
OIRG | Multi-Level Order List - Permit |
OIRH | Order List (M.-Lev.) - Iss. Permits |
OIRI | Location List (Multi-Level) - Permit |
OIRL | Measurement Document List |
OIRM | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Goods Movement |
OIRN | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Delivery |
OIRO | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Inspection Lot |
OIRP | FieldSelect. Ser.No. Sales Order |
OIRQ | FieldSelect. Ser.No. PM Order |
OIRR | Field Sel. Serial No PM Notification |
OIRS | Multi-level Order List: Sub-Orders |
OIRT | List Task Lists (M.-Level) - Header |
OIRU | List Task Lists (M.-Lev) - Operation |
OIRV | List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) - Sub-Optn |
OIRW | List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) - Relships |
OIRX | List Task Lists (M.-Lv) - Components |
OIRZ | List Task Lists (M.-Lv) - Maint.Pkg. |
OIS2 | Maintain serial number profile |
OIS5 | Archive Serial Number History |
OIUK | Order list (multi-lev.) - goods mvmt |
OIUL | Order list (multi-lev.)-relationship |
OIUN | Order list (multi-lev.) costs/rev. |
OIUO | Func.loc.list (multi-lev)-meas.point |
OIUOR | R.P. List (Multilev.)- Ref. Meas.Pt |
OIUP | Func.loc.list (multi-lev)-meas.doc. |
OIUQ | Equi.list(multi-lev)-measuring point |
OIUR | Equi.list(multi-lev)-measuring doc. |
OIVA | Maintenance Plan Default Order Type |
OIVN | Maintenance Plan No. Ranges |
OIW1 | Activities list display |
OIW3 | List of Order Confirmations |
OIW5 | Maintenance dates list display |
OIW6 | FunctLocation list - PM |
OIW7 | Reference location list |
OIW8 | Material List |
OIWE | Equipment Structure Display |
OIWM | Component Structural Display |
OIWP | Functional Location Structure |
OIWQ | Installed Base Structural Display |
OIWR | Reference Location Structure |
OIWU | PM Operation List |
OIWW | Maintenance plan list |
OIWY | Maintenance item list |
OIX1 | Allocn PlanPlant to MaintPlant |
OIX2 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - FunctLoc. |
OIX2R | R.P. List (Multilevel) - Ref. Locat |
OIX3 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - EquipUsage |
OIX4 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Equipment |
OIX5 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Partners |
OIX6 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Notifictn |
OIX7 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Order |
OIX8 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Class |
OIX8R | R.P. List (Multilevel): Class |
OIX9 | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Chrctrstic |
OIX9R | R.P. List (Multilev)- Characteristic |
OIXA | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Document |
OIXAR | R.P. List (Multilevel) - Document |
OIXB | Multi-Lev.FunctLocList - Object Link |
OIXC | Multi-Lev.EquipList - Equipment |
OIXD | Multi-Lev.EquipList - EquipUsage |
OIXE | Multi-Level EqList - FunctLocation |
OIXF | Multi-Lev.EquipList - Partners |
OIXG | Multi-Lev.EquipList - Notification |
OIXH | Multi-Lev.EquipList - Order |
OIXI | Multi-Lev.EquipList - Class |
OIXJ | Multi-level EqList - Characteristic |
OIXK | Multi-level EqList - Document |
OIXL | Multi-level EqList - Object Link |
OIXM | Multi-Level NotifList - Notification |
OIXN | Notif. List (M.-Lev.) - Funct. Loc. |
OIXO | Notif. List (Multi-Lev.) - Equipment |
OIXP | Multi-Level NotifList - Partners |
OIXQ | Notif. List (Multi-Level) - Item |
OIXR | Multi-Level NotifList - Activity |
OIXS | Multi-Level NotifList - Class |
OIXT | Notif. List (Multi-Lev.) - Charact. |
OIXU | Notif. List (Multi-Level) - Task |
OIXV | Multi-Level NotifList - Order |
OIXW | Multi-Level Order List - Order |
OIXX | Multi-Level Order List - FunctLoc. |
OIXY | Multi-Level Order List - Equipment |
OIXZ | Multi-Level Order List - Notif. |
OIY1 | C PM Transport Table Settings |
OIY2 | C PM TableSettngs MaintPlanning 2.1A |
OIY3 | C PM PrelimTabSettngs PM Notifs 2.1A |
OIY4 | C PM PrelimTabSettngs PM Orders 2.1A |
OIY5 | C PM TableSettngs ObjectNtwrkng 2.1A |
OIY6 | PM PrelimTabSettngs Master Data 2.1A |
OIY9 | Scheduling Overview |
OIYC | Equipment list |
OIYG | Confirmations list for PM operations |
OIYH | Serial number list |
OIYJ | Object Links - Objects (EQ) |
OIYL | Detail Info (Order Operation) |
OIYM | Details (Order Header) |
OIYP | Multi-Level Order List - Partners |
OIYQ | Multi-Level Order List - Operation |
OIYR | Multi-Level Order List - Component |
OIYS | Multi-Level Order List - CompConf. |
OIYT | Multi-Level Order List - PRTs |
OIYV | Notifictn list (multi-level) - cause |
OIZ0 | Specify Distribution Key |
OIZ1 | WrkCtrCategory. by ApplicType |
OIZ2 | Default Value Keys |
OIZ3 | PersResp. f. Work Center |
OIZ4 | Location |
OIZ5 | Operation Control Keys |
OIZ6 | Standard Text |
OIZ7 | Work Center Matchcode |
OIZ8 | Qualification Type |
OIZ9 | HR Interface Parameters |
OIZA | Maintain Work Center Categories |
OIZB | Wage groups |
OIZD | Maintain Task List Usage |
OIZE | TaskListUsage by TL Type |
OIZF | Capacity Category |
OIZG | Work Center Planner |
OIZH | Factory Calendar |
OIZI | Work Center Shift Program |
OIZJ | Work Center Shift Definition |
OIZK | PerfEfficRate Keys |
OIZL | Formula Parameters |
OIZM | Formula Definition |
OIZN | Field Sel. for Confirmation PM Order |
OIZO | Capacity Default Values |
OIZR | PerfEfficRate Validity Area |
OIZS | Maintain Transport Times Matrix |
OIZU | Work Centers Screen Sequence |
OIZV | Work Center Default Values |
OIZX | Define distribution function |
OIZY | Specify Distribution Functions |
OIZZ | Specify Distribution Strategy |
OLI0 | C Plant Maintenance Master Data |
OLIA | C Maintenance Processing |
OLIP | C Plant Maintenance Planning |
S_ALR_87000016 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIYJ |
S_ALR_87000017 | IMG Activity: OLII_V_PMCOCKF |
S_ALR_87000019 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OITA |
S_ALR_87000021 | IMG Activity: OLII_TPMCKF |
S_ALR_87000022 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OITB |
S_ALR_87000024 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0IN20 |
S_ALR_87000027 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL7 |
S_ALR_87000028 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOION |
S_ALR_87000029 | IMG Activity: OLIIOIAK |
S_ALR_87000030 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OINI |
S_ALR_87000034 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOILB |
S_ALR_87000035 | IMG Activity: OLIIOIAW |
S_ALR_87000037 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OINM |
S_ALR_87000038 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOD |
S_ALR_87000041 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOILJ |
S_ALR_87000042 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T399X_QP |
S_ALR_87000043 | IMG Activity: OLI0V_T370N |
S_ALR_87000046 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_IV |
S_ALR_87000047 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIWO |
S_ALR_87000048 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIRC |
S_ALR_87000051 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIWU |
S_ALR_87000052 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIUR |
S_ALR_87000053 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIBD |
S_ALR_87000056 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIWL |
S_ALR_87000057 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIUQ |
S_ALR_87000060 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIBC |
S_ALR_87000061 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOA |
S_ALR_87000062 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXL |
S_ALR_87000064 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIRT |
S_ALR_87000065 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIOL |
S_ALR_87000067 | IMG Activity: OLI0_V_T399U |
S_ALR_87000068 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIRU |
S_ALR_87000070 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_RSORD |
S_ALR_87000072 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIML |
S_ALR_87000074 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL1 |
S_ALR_87000075 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOS |
S_ALR_87000078 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIAT |
S_ALR_87000079 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL2 |
S_ALR_87000080 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TPMIM |
S_ALR_87000083 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL3 |
S_ALR_87000084 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIAG |
S_ALR_87000085 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_IMZS |
S_ALR_87000088 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIAA |
S_ALR_87000089 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL4 |
S_ALR_87000090 | IMG Activity: OLIAV_TPMP_A |
S_ALR_87000093 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIAI |
S_ALR_87000094 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL5 |
S_ALR_87000095 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIVA |
S_ALR_87000097 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIAB |
S_ALR_87000099 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL0 |
S_ALR_87000100 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_NOTDAT |
S_ALR_87000101 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIEA |
S_ALR_87000103 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIL6 |
S_ALR_87000105 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_PZ |
S_ALR_87000106 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIWD |
S_ALR_87000107 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPYWY1 |
S_ALR_87000110 | IMG Activity: OLIAV_TPEXT_PM |
S_ALR_87000111 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIUC |
S_ALR_87000112 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOP731 |
S_ALR_87000113 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350E |
S_ALR_87000116 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIW1 |
S_ALR_87000117 | IMG Activity: OLIAV_TCN41_PM |
S_ALR_87000119 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOP801 |
S_ALR_87000121 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIWQ |
S_ALR_87000122 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_HE |
S_ALR_87000123 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOP471 |
S_ALR_87000125 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIWE |
S_ALR_87000127 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_BEZZT |
S_ALR_87000128 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOP741 |
S_ALR_87000130 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIES |
S_ALR_87000131 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFEMNUOLIAOIWI |
S_ALR_87000133 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOP721 |
S_ALR_87000135 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIAD |
S_ALR_87000136 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIW1 |
S_ALR_87000137 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZL1 |
S_ALR_87000138 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIEV |
S_ALR_87000140 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYZ |
S_ALR_87000142 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZM1 |
S_ALR_87000143 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIEB |
S_ALR_87000144 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYW |
S_ALR_87000147 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIWK |
S_ALR_87000148 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIUB |
S_ALR_87000151 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIRB |
S_ALR_87000152 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIAL |
S_ALR_87000153 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXK |
S_ALR_87000156 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIRV |
S_ALR_87000157 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDB |
S_ALR_87000158 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXJ |
S_ALR_87000160 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIRW |
S_ALR_87000162 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDC |
S_ALR_87000163 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXI |
S_ALR_87000164 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIRX |
S_ALR_87000165 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIZL2 |
S_ALR_87000167 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXH |
S_ALR_87000169 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIRY |
S_ALR_87000170 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDD |
S_ALR_87000172 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXG |
S_ALR_87000174 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIRZ |
S_ALR_87000175 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDE |
S_ALR_87000177 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXF |
S_ALR_87000178 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIR0 |
S_ALR_87000180 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIUI |
S_ALR_87000182 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXE |
S_ALR_87000183 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIS3 |
S_ALR_87000184 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXS |
S_ALR_87000187 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXD |
S_ALR_87000188 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIS4 |
S_ALR_87000189 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXT |
S_ALR_87000190 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIW0 |
S_ALR_87000193 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXC |
S_ALR_87000194 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIYL |
S_ALR_87000197 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICM |
S_ALR_87000198 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXU |
S_ALR_87000199 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIYM |
S_ALR_87000202 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICP |
S_ALR_87000203 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXV |
S_ALR_87000204 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIY9 |
S_ALR_87000206 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICX |
S_ALR_87000208 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIYV |
S_ALR_87000209 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIWY |
S_ALR_87000210 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICK |
S_ALR_87000213 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXR |
S_ALR_87000214 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIWW |
S_ALR_87000215 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICL |
S_ALR_87000216 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXM |
S_ALR_87000219 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OIW5 |
S_ALR_87000220 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXN |
S_ALR_87000221 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICI |
S_ALR_87000224 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXO |
S_ALR_87000225 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPIP21 |
S_ALR_87000226 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICG |
S_ALR_87000229 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXP |
S_ALR_87000230 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIBA |
S_ALR_87000231 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICF |
S_ALR_87000234 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIAB1 |
S_ALR_87000235 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXQ |
S_ALR_87000236 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICE |
S_ALR_87000239 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIAI1 |
S_ALR_87000240 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIAN |
S_ALR_87000241 | IMG Activity: OLI0_CMOD |
S_ALR_87000244 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIAA1 |
S_ALR_87000245 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDI |
S_ALR_87000246 | IMG Activity: OLI0_IBIP |
S_ALR_87000248 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO1 |
S_ALR_87000249 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIVS |
S_ALR_87000251 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICA |
S_ALR_87000253 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO2 |
S_ALR_87000254 | IMG Activity: OLIP_V_T399W_I |
S_ALR_87000255 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICS |
S_ALR_87000258 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPIP20 |
S_ALR_87000259 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOP |
S_ALR_87000260 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICT |
S_ALR_87000263 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZA |
S_ALR_87000264 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICQ |
S_ALR_87000265 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIMM |
S_ALR_87000268 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZ3 |
S_ALR_87000269 | IMG Activity: SIMG_OLIA_V_TBMOT |
S_ALR_87000270 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICJ |
S_ALR_87000271 | IMG Activity: OLIP_V_PVBE |
S_ALR_87000274 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIKS |
S_ALR_87000275 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICO |
S_ALR_87000276 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZV |
S_ALR_87000279 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICN |
S_ALR_87000280 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIAP |
S_ALR_87000281 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZD |
S_ALR_87000284 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRO |
S_ALR_87000285 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T418V |
S_ALR_87000286 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZU |
S_ALR_87000289 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRN |
S_ALR_87000290 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TCOKO |
S_ALR_87000292 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZ5 |
S_ALR_87000294 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRM |
S_ALR_87000296 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZ8 |
S_ALR_87000297 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TCOKT_PM |
S_ALR_87000299 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIYH |
S_ALR_87000301 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OP5A |
S_ALR_87000302 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO8 |
S_ALR_87000304 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIS1 |
S_ALR_87000306 | IMG Activity: OLIP_OP7B |
S_ALR_87000307 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIOM |
S_ALR_87000310 | IMG Activity: OLI0_V_T377G |
S_ALR_87000312 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDG |
S_ALR_87000313 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIPOIZ2 |
S_ALR_87000317 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIS2 |
S_ALR_87000319 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOT |
S_ALR_87000321 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIW8 |
S_ALR_87000323 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOC |
S_ALR_87000327 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIWM |
S_ALR_87000328 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOB |
S_ALR_87000331 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICD |
S_ALR_87000333 | IMG Activity: OLIAVOP21 |
S_ALR_87000336 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICC |
S_ALR_87000338 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO9 |
S_ALR_87000341 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICH |
S_ALR_87000344 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OICB |
S_ALR_87000349 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIRE |
S_ALR_87000353 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIRA |
S_ALR_87000356 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRR |
S_ALR_87000359 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRQ |
S_ALR_87000363 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRP |
S_ALR_87000367 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OISP |
S_ALR_87000374 | IMG Activity: OLI0_AD20 |
S_ALR_87000378 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR8 |
S_ALR_87000381 | IMG Activity: OLI0T370P |
S_ALR_87000385 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR7 |
S_ALR_87000389 | IMG Activity: OLI0IK09 |
S_ALR_87000393 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIST |
S_ALR_87000398 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIAJ |
S_ALR_87000400 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIPT |
S_ALR_87000404 | IMG Activity: OLI0REFPLATZOIWR |
S_ALR_87000408 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIPR |
S_ALR_87000413 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIPV_IFLOALT |
S_ALR_87000415 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIPU_ITOBCUST |
S_ALR_87000419 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIPK |
S_ALR_87000423 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR6 |
S_ALR_87000427 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRF |
S_ALR_87000432 | IMG Activity: OLI0GM04 |
S_ALR_87000436 | IMG Activity: OLI0GM03 |
S_ALR_87000441 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIRL |
S_ALR_87000444 | IMG Activity: OLI0BG00 |
S_ALR_87000447 | IMG Activity: OLI0GM02 |
S_ALR_87000451 | IMG Activity: OLI0GM01 |
S_ALR_87000455 | IMG Activity: OLI0IK19 |
S_ALR_87000459 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR5 |
S_ALR_87000463 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR4 |
S_ALR_87000467 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR3 |
S_ALR_87000470 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR2 |
S_ALR_87000474 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIR1 |
S_ALR_87000478 | IMG Activity: OLI0_V_TPAER_PM |
S_ALR_87000483 | IMG Activity: OLI0PARTNERSCHEMA |
S_ALR_87000487 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIRI |
S_ALR_87000490 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIUP |
S_ALR_87000492 | IMG Activity: OLI0_OIUO |
S_ALR_87000498 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXB |
S_ALR_87000503 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIXA |
S_ALR_87000507 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX9 |
S_ALR_87000510 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX8 |
S_ALR_87000520 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX7 |
S_ALR_87000525 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIEP |
S_ALR_87000529 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIEZ |
S_ALR_87000534 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIEH |
S_ALR_87000539 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIEN |
S_ALR_87000542 | IMG Activity: OLI0V_T370T_A |
S_ALR_87000544 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIET |
S_ALR_87000546 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIBA |
S_ALR_87000548 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIBS |
S_ALR_87000550 | IMG Activity: OLI0REFPLATZOIWP |
S_ALR_87000552 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIAW |
S_ALR_87000554 | IMG Activity: OLI0OIAE |
S_ALR_87000556 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIUF |
S_ALR_87000557 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIW6 |
S_ALR_87000559 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIW7 |
S_ALR_87000561 | IMG Activity: OLI0_BS52 |
S_ALR_87000563 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX4 |
S_ALR_87000565 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX5 |
S_ALR_87000567 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX3 |
S_ALR_87000569 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX6 |
S_ALR_87000572 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLI0OIX2 |
S_ALR_87000574 | IMG Activity: OLI0_RISERNR9 |
S_ALR_87000687 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOG |
S_ALR_87000692 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDH |
S_ALR_87000695 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIMD1 |
S_ALR_87000699 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIOV |
S_ALR_87000703 | IMG Activity: OLIAOKKK |
S_ALR_87000706 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_CK05 |
S_ALR_87000709 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOF |
S_ALR_87000713 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO4 |
S_ALR_87000717 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO7 |
S_ALR_87000722 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO6 |
S_ALR_87000725 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIOJ |
S_ALR_87000728 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO3 |
S_ALR_87000732 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIO5 |
S_ALR_87000736 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOE |
S_ALR_87000739 | IMG Activity: OLIAOPJL |
S_ALR_87000743 | IMG Activity: OLIAV_441V |
S_ALR_87000747 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOI |
S_ALR_87000751 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350_PAGE |
S_ALR_87000755 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDJ |
S_ALR_87000758 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_160_M_PM |
S_ALR_87000761 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OOCU_WORKFLOW |
S_ALR_87000764 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOP722 |
S_ALR_87000767 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T399X_MB |
S_ALR_87000770 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIBY |
S_ALR_87000772 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_T350W_K |
S_ALR_87000774 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIK1 |
S_ALR_87000777 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIK2 |
S_ALR_87000780 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OICV_IMGDUMMY |
S_ALR_87000783 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIZM2 |
S_ALR_87000786 | IMG Activity: OLIA_ODP1 |
S_ALR_87000788 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIOR |
S_ALR_87000792 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOKO71 |
S_ALR_87000795 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOKO61 |
S_ALR_87000798 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAKEI11 |
S_ALR_87000800 | IMG Activity: OLIA_KEP9 |
S_ALR_87000803 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAKO8N1 |
S_ALR_87000805 | IMG Activity: OLIA_ODP2 |
S_ALR_87000808 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIRH |
S_ALR_87000811 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAVOP2 |
S_ALR_87000814 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIM6 |
S_ALR_87000817 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIM9 |
S_ALR_87000821 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIRG |
S_ALR_87000822 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIUK |
S_ALR_87000827 | IMG Activity: OLIA_ODP3 |
S_ALR_87000830 | IMG Activity: OLIA_ODP4 |
S_ALR_87000832 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIUN |
S_ALR_87000835 | IMG Activity: OLIAOKI0 |
S_ALR_87000838 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIUL |
S_ALR_87000841 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TRUG |
S_ALR_87000844 | IMG Activity: OLIA_CI31 |
S_ALR_87000847 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIZN |
S_ALR_87000850 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIAB2 |
S_ALR_87000853 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIAI2 |
S_ALR_87000856 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIAA2 |
S_ALR_87000859 | IMG Activity: OLIAOLPRBDE |
S_ALR_87000863 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIW3 |
S_ALR_87000867 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYG |
S_ALR_87000869 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIBA |
S_ALR_87000873 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIBS |
S_ALR_87000876 | IMG Activity: OLIA_BS52 |
S_ALR_87000879 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OPLI |
S_ALR_87000882 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OID6 |
S_ALR_87000885 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OPKC |
S_ALR_87000888 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDU |
S_ALR_87000891 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDV |
S_ALR_87000892 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIACO44 |
S_ALR_87000897 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOID5 |
S_ALR_87000898 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOID1 |
S_ALR_87000902 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOID2 |
S_ALR_87000905 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOID3 |
S_ALR_87000907 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OPKB |
S_ALR_87000910 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOID4 |
S_ALR_87000913 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIMD |
S_ALR_87000916 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIML |
S_ALR_87000918 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXZ |
S_ALR_87000921 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIME |
S_ALR_87000923 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIMF |
S_ALR_87000926 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYP |
S_ALR_87000929 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAQS41 |
S_ALR_87000932 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAQS49 |
S_ALR_87000935 | IMG Activity: OLIAOQN6 |
S_ALR_87000937 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOQN5 |
S_ALR_87000940 | IMG Activity: OLIA_OIMX |
S_ALR_87000943 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIM7 |
S_ALR_87000946 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIRS |
S_ALR_87000949 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIMZ |
S_ALR_87000951 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIMW |
S_ALR_87000954 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXW |
S_ALR_87000989 | IMG Activity: OLIAOQN2 |
S_ALR_87000992 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXY |
S_ALR_87000995 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TQ85 |
S_ALR_87001000 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TQ07 |
S_ALR_87001003 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIXX |
S_ALR_87001006 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIBS |
S_ALR_87001010 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIMK |
S_ALR_87001121 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR7 |
S_ALR_87001125 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR8 |
S_ALR_87001127 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYT |
S_ALR_87001129 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYS |
S_ALR_87001131 | IMG Activity: OLIAOQN0 |
S_ALR_87001133 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR6 |
S_ALR_87001135 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR1 |
S_ALR_87001137 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR2 |
S_ALR_87001139 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR3 |
S_ALR_87001141 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR4 |
S_ALR_87001142 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIR5 |
S_ALR_87001144 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TQSCR |
S_ALR_87001146 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYR |
S_ALR_87001148 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIMP |
S_ALR_87001150 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIM8 |
S_ALR_87001152 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOQN3 |
S_ALR_87001154 | IMG Activity: OLIAOIYQ |
S_ALR_87001156 | IMG Activity: OLIAOQNA |
S_ALR_87001158 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIM3 |
S_ALR_87001160 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAIW20 |
S_ALR_87001161 | IMG Activity: OLIAOQN7 |
S_ALR_87001163 | IMG Activity: OLIA_V_TQ80_PAGE |
S_ALR_87001164 | IMG Activity: OLIA_RIAUFM00 |
S_ALR_87001165 | IMG Activity: OLIAUEFAKTURA |
S_ALR_87001166 | IMG Activity: OLIA_INDX_FAKTURA |
S_ALR_87001219 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAK |
S_ALR_87001223 | IMG Activity: CIC_EWFC0 |
S_ALR_87001226 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMACTPROF |
S_ALR_87001229 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMSCRPROF |
S_ALR_87001232 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCSEARCH |
S_ALR_87001235 | IMG Activity: CIC_BDC_CICAG |
S_ALR_87001237 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAF |
S_ALR_87001240 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAH |
S_ALR_87001243 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAI |
S_ALR_87001246 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAJ |
S_ALR_87001248 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCCONT |
S_ALR_87001251 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAL |
S_ALR_87001254 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CICPROFMAST |
S_ALR_87001257 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMAC |
S_ALR_87001260 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMADKEY |
S_ALR_87001262 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCTIBKEY |
S_ALR_87001264 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCBQUES |
S_ALR_87001266 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCBQCLUST |
S_ALR_87001268 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCLBC |
S_ALR_87001270 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CICPROF |
S_ALR_87001272 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CICCCONF_CUST |
S_ALR_87001273 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCTIPROF |
S_ALR_87001277 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CICTOOLBAR |
S_ALR_87001279 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CICFHCASSN |
S_ALR_87001281 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCCPROF |
S_ALR_87001283 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCTIQUEUEA |
S_ALR_87001285 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CCMCTIADMIN |
S_ALR_87001287 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAE |
S_ALR_87001289 | IMG Activity: CIC_CICAD |
S_ALR_87001291 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CICCCONF |
S_ALR_87001293 | IMG Activity: CIC_V_CICFSCASSN |
S_ALR_87001595 | IMG Activity: OLIA_ODP2 |
S_ALR_87001603 | IMG Activity: OLIA_ODP3 |
S_ALR_87001605 | IMG Activity: OLIA_ODP4 |
S_ALR_87008813 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDF |
S_ALR_87008814 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOLIAOIDA |
SAP Package INSC contains 21 database tables.
T354A | Define business operation for authorization check |
T354B | Business transactions for authorization check |
T354S | Set parameter for calling master data transactions |
T354T | Transaction branching by dynpro field |
T370B | Technical object authorization group |
T370B_T | Language-dependent texts for authorization group |
T370C | ABC indicator for technical objects |
T370C_T | Language-dependent texts for ABC indicator |
T370K | Type of technical object |
T370K_T | Language-Dependent Texts for Object Type |
T370L | Default value type for start transactions (two-character) |
T370M | Category default value for start transactions |
T399U | Control: General PM/SM settings |
T399W_T | Maintenance plan category descriptions |
TCMES | Settings for External Scheduling of Order |
TSCHEDULEPARAM1 | Scheduling Parameter 1 |
TSCHEDULEPARAM1T | External Scheduling Texts for Parameter 1 |
TSCHEDULEPARAM2 | Scheduling Parameter 2 |
TSCHEDULEPARAM2T | External Scheduling Texts for Parameter 2 |
TSCHEDULEPARAM3 | Scheduling Parameter 3 |
TSCHEDULEPARAM3T | External Scheduling Texts for Parameter 3 |
SAP Package INSC contains 98 views.
H_T024I | Maintenance planning group |
H_T356 | Priorities |
H_T357 | Plant section help view |
H_T370B | Help view for technical object authorization group |
H_T370C | ABC indicator |
H_T370F | Functional location category |
H_T370K | Equipment type |
H_T370N | Network Categories |
H_T370R | Reference functional location category |
H_T370S | Functional Location Structure Indicators |
H_T370T | EquipCategories |
H_T399I | Planning plant help view |
V_156Q_SNBWG | Maintenance of Movement Type Group for Serial Numbers |
V_160M_PM | PM/SM message control |
V_ARC_PM_OBJLIST | Manage Archiving of History of Serial Numbers |
V_PMMRCKF | Assign QUAN Fields to UNIT Fields |
V_PMMRCKFA | PMIS Measurement Document Update: Assignments and Units |
V_PMMRCKFB | PMIS Consumption Key Figures: Functions and Arguments |
V_T001W_I | Allocation of PlanPlants to MaintPlants |
V_T003O_I | Maintenance Order Types |
V_T003O_IS | Status Profile f. MaintOrders |
V_T024I | Maintenance planner groups |
V_T350 | MaintActivType Default f. Order Types |
V_T350_IW | Object Info for Order Type |
V_T350_PAR | Assignment of Partner Determination Procedure to Order |
V_T350_PRI | Priority type per order type |
V_T350_PZ | Default project |
V_T350_SM | Service order indicator |
V_T350E | Access sequence addresses for address proposal purch. data |
V_T350I | Valid Maintenance Activity Types for Each Order Type |
V_T350W | Valid Order Types by Planning Plant |
V_T350W_K | Settlement Parameters for Maintenance Orders |
V_T350W_S | Control Key Default |
V_T351 | Maintenance Strategies |
V_T351P | Maintenance Packages |
V_T352B | Catalog Profile |
V_T352B_S | Catalog Profile |
V_T352R | Maintenance revisions |
V_T353I | Maintenance activity types |
V_T354A | Allocation of Prog. and Function Code to Business Trans. |
V_T354B | Maintenance View for Table T354B |
V_T356 | Priorities for Each Priority Type |
V_T356A | Priority Types |
V_T357 | Plant Sections |
V_T357A | Effects on Operating Function |
V_T357M | Operating Condition |
V_T357Z | System Condition |
V_T365_A | Notification Type Default for Transactions |
V_T365_S | Transaction Start Values for MaintNotifications |
V_T370_T | Category Default for Technical Object for Transaction Start |
V_T370B | Technical Object Authorization Group |
V_T370C | ABC Indicator for Technical Objects |
V_T370F | Functional Location Category |
V_T370K | Types of Technical Objects |
V_T370L | Technical object default category on transaction start |
V_T370M | Technical Object Default Category on Transaction Start |
V_T370R | Status of Reference Functional Location |
V_T370T | EquipCategories |
V_T370T_D | Fixed Screen Sequence |
V_T370T_M | Multilingual Text Maintenance |
V_T370T_P | Installation at FunctLoc. Dependent on EquipCategory |
V_T370T_S | Status Profile for Equipment |
V_T370T_SER_ENQ | Lock for Internal Assignment of Serial Numbers |
V_T370T_V | PartDetermProf./Functions for EQSE/EQUI/EQUZ Stock Removal |
V_T370T_Z | Usage History for Each Equipment Category |
V_T370Z | History-Related Fields |
V_T377G | Serialization Attributes for Movement Types |
V_T377P | Serial Number Profiles |
V_T399I | Planning Plants |
V_T399I_E | Operation units for duration/work |
V_T399I_T | Current Date Default for Basic Dates in Maintenance Order |
V_T399J_A | BOM application |
V_T399J_M | Special Function for Maintenance Planning |
V_T399J_P | Priority Type for Orders |
V_T399U | PM/SM central settings |
V_T399X_K | Calculation Parameters for MaintOrders |
V_T399X_MB | Goods movements documentation for order |
V_T399X_S | Increment for Automatic Operation Number |
V_T418V | Item category default values for component assignment |
V_T791Z | General Warranty Counter |
V_TCA41_I | Maintenance Task List Profile Data |
V_TCMFUL | Set Profile for Screen Layout of Confirmations |
V_TCOKT_PM | Account assignment categories for PM/SM order |
V_TCORU_P | Confirmation Parameters |
V_TCX01_I | Scheduling Parameters |
V_TPEXT_A | Profile maint. f. PM Ext. Processing |
V_TPEXT_PM | Default Value Profile for PM External Operation Data |
V_TPMP_A | Screen Ref. Object, General Profiles, Task List Presettings |
V_TQ80_A | Order Type by Notification Type |
V_TQ80_B | MaintCatalog by Notification Type |
V_TQ80_ESC | Response time monitoring for notification type |
V_TQ80_PAGE | Maintenance of standard texts for the notification types |
V_TQ80_PAR | Partner Determination Procedure for Notification Type |
V_TQ8T_FB | Error Classification |
V_TQ8T_K | Catalogs by NotifCategory |
V_TQ8T_L | Error Classification |
V_TQ8T_P | Priority Types by NotifCategory |
V_TQ8T_S | Status Profile f. Notifications |
SAP Package INSC contains 8 structures.
IOEA01 | IO Table for Customizing |
IOEA02 | IO Table for Customizing - Table T001W |
IOEA03 | I/O table for customizing notifications |
IOEA05 | Internal table for function group 0I05 |
IOEA06 | Internal table for function module READ_IWERKE |
IOEA07 | Internal table for function group 0i07 |
RIHCATALOG | Catalog profile |
RIHCODE | Code catalog |
SAP Package INSC contains 15 programs.
RIACCCAT | Download of Catalog Profiles after MS Access |
RIACCESS | Structure Download for MSAccess |
RIO399XK | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIO399XS | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIOCA41I | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIOCODES | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIOCUS00 | Customizing Reporting PM/QM/SM (Single-Level Lists) FieldSel.+Sel.Scrn |
RIOFSE00 | Customizing Field Selection Report - PM |
RIOT399J | US Test |
RIOTCORU | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIOTCX01 | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIOTQ80A | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIOTQ80B | Field Selection at Document Level |
RIOTQ8TS | Field Selection at Document Level |
SAP Package INSC contains 16 search helps.
H_T024I | Maintenance planning group |
H_T356 | Priorities |
H_T357 | Plant section help view |
H_T370B | Help view for technical object authorization group |
H_T370C | ABC indicator |
H_T370F | Functional location category |
H_T370K | Equipment type |
H_T370N | Network categories |
H_T370R | Reference functional location category |
H_T370S | Functional Location Structure Indicators |
H_T370T | Equipment categories |
H_T399I | Planning plant help view |
MSGTYP_PM | Search help for PM message categories |
SAP Package INSC contains 14 authorization objects.
I_AUART | PM: Order Type |
I_BEGRP | PM: Authorization Group |
I_BETRVORG | PM: Business Operation |
I_INGRP | PM: Maintenance Planner Group |
I_IWERK | PM: Maintenance Planning Plant |
I_KOSTL | PM: Cost Centers |
I_QMEL | PM/QM: Notification Types |
I_ROUT | PM: Task List |
I_ROUT1 | PM: Task Lists by PM Planning Plant, Work Scheduler, Status |
I_SOGEN | PM: Permit |
I_SWERK | PM: Maintenance Plant |
I_TCODE | PM: Transaction Code |
I_VORG_MEL | PM/QM: Business Operation for Notifications |
I_VORG_ORD | PM: Business Operation for Orders |