Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package J1I2 (India, Phase II) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | J1I2 |
Short Text | India, Phase II |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 6 function groups.
J1I4 | India localization II - MM<->Tax Interf |
J1I5 | table maintainance |
J1I6 | Common routines - India Localization II |
J1I7 | User Exit - CIN 2.0 |
J1IBAPI | BAPI function group for Excise invoice |
J1IZ | function group j1iz |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 52 transactions.
J1I0 | Customizing wizard |
J1I2 | Sales Tax Register |
J1I3 | Modvat utilzation in batch |
J1I5 | Register creation for RG23 and RG1 |
J1I57AE | New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE |
J1I6 | Modvat forecast |
J1I7 | Query Excise invoices |
J1I8 | TDS Challan Update |
J1I9 | Number ranges for excise invoice |
J1IA | Excise Invoice Details |
J1IB | Excise Verification And Posting |
J1IC194D | Annual Return under section 194d |
J1IC194I | Annual Return under section 194i |
J1IC194J | Annual Return under section 194J |
J1ICANCINV | Cancel Invoice |
J1ID | Rate maint & amend open po's/so's |
J1IDEPOT_VAL | Depot Balance stock duty |
J1IF | Subcontracting |
J1IG | RG23D register receipt at depot |
J1IGAR7 | Capture - GAR7 Information |
J1IH | Create Excise JV |
J1IHBK | Copy House Bank ID from Invoice |
J1IJ | Excise invoice selec. at depot sale |
J1IK | Selection of Excise Invoice - Common |
J1IL | India Localization |
J1IM | Maintain Excise Number Range |
J1IME2W | Open Orders- PO & Scheduling Agrmnt |
J1IME3M | Open Orders- Contract |
J1IO | Retrospective price amendments |
J1IP | Excise invoice print |
J1IQ | Year-End IT Depreciation Report |
J1IR | Data Download |
J1IS | Excise invoice for other movements |
J1IU | Forms capture |
J1IV | Excise post & print for others mvmts |
J1IW | Excise Invoice without PO |
S_AL0_96000099 | IMG activity: J_1IREGSET |
S_AL0_96000102 | IMG activity: J_1IEXGRPS |
S_AL0_96000103 | IMG activity: J_1IWRKCUS |
S_AL0_96000104 | IMG activity: J_1ISRGRPS |
S_AL0_96000105 | IMG activity: J_1IEXCDEF |
S_AL0_96000108 | IMG activity: J_1IMINBAL |
S_AL0_96000112 | IMG activity: J_1IREJMAS |
S_AL0_96000113 | IMG activity: J_1IMVMT |
S_AL0_96000116 | IMG activity: J_1IEXCREF |
S_AL0_96000118 | IMG activity: J_1IEXSRDET |
S_AL0_96000119 | IMG activity: J_1IJ1I9 |
S_AL0_96000120 | IMG activity: J_1IVTTXID |
S_AL0_96000121 | IMG activity: J_1IMESG |
S_AL0_96000122 | IMG activity: J_1IVFRTYP |
S_AL0_96000174 | IMG activity: J_1ITDSSEC |
S_P6D_40000264 | Report J_1I_ST3 |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 82 database tables.
A373 | Country/Plant/Material |
A375 | Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl2Cust/TaxCl.2Mat |
A376 | Country/Sales org./Region/PlntRegion/TaxCl4Cust/TaxCl.4Mat |
J_1I_BCKEXCSUS | Customizing table for background capture of Exc Invoice-SUS |
J_1I_WTH_SER_GTA | Table to determine withholding line for GTA |
J_1I_WTH_SER_MM | Table to determine withholding line for GTA and Imports |
J_1IADDEXC | Additional Excise rate table |
J_1IASSVAL | Assessable value table for excise calculation |
J_1IBILDET | Billing Type Determination - India |
J_1IBOSDEFAULT | Default Blling Type for Export |
J_1ICALOC | Allocation of materials to assets |
J_1ICUS_BILL_TYP | Assign Customer Category to Bill Type |
J_1IEXCACC | Excise Account Assignment table |
J_1IEXCDEF | Tax default informations |
J_1IEXCDEP | Excise information of vendor at detail level for depot |
J_1IEXCDTL | Excise invoice line item details |
J_1IEXCHDR | Excise invoice header detail |
J_1IEXCREF | Delivery document to excise invoice refrence document link |
J_1IEXESTA | Excise indicator determination for co / cust / form code |
J_1IEXGRPS | Excise Groups |
J_1IEXSRDET | Excise / Series group determination |
J_1IFRDTOT | Transaction Table for Forms Tracking-Non SAP docs. |
J_1IFRDTPO | tranasction Table for Forms Tracking for Purchase |
J_1IFRDTSO | Transaction table for Forms Tracking for Sales. |
J_1IFRMTYP | Form Types |
J_1IGAR7 | Recordings of GAR7 |
J_1IGRXREF | Goods Receipt to Excise Invoice Coss Reference |
J_1IINDCUS | Company Code Settings |
J_1IITMDTL | Item Details - for Capital goods and subcontracting |
J_1IKONV | Excise recalculated conditions |
J_1IMATEXP | Exceptional materials excise rates |
J_1IMESG | Message Control |
J_1IMINBAL | Minimum account balances |
J_1IMVMT | Movement types versus register relevance |
J_1INEWJCODE | VAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction Code |
J_1INEXCGRP | excise group for no range |
J_1IPART1 | Excise part I detials |
J_1IPART2 | Excise Part II details |
J_1IREGSET | Excise Registrations |
J_1IRG1 | Excise RG1 details |
J_1IRG23D | RG23D register for the depot |
J_1IRGSUM | RG23 Summary of receipts and issues |
J_1ISER_BSEG | Transaction table having the Invoices with Service Category |
J_1ISERACC | Service tax account assignment table |
J_1ISERCAT | Service tax category description table |
J_1ISERCATGTA | Service Category based on GTA Code (LEVEL 5) |
J_1ISERCATMM | Service category determination for GTA and imports Invoices |
J_1ISERCATMM1 | Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level1 |
J_1ISERCATMM2 | Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level2 |
J_1ISERCATMM3 | Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level3 |
J_1ISERCATMM4 | Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level4 |
J_1ISERCATMM5 | Cust table to determine the Service Category on MM - Level5 |
J_1ISERCATMMFI1 | Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level1 |
J_1ISERCATMMFI2 | Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level2 |
J_1ISERCATMMFI3 | Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level3 |
J_1ISERCATMMFI4 | Table to determine the Service Category on MM-FI - Level4 |
J_1ISERCATSD1 | Ser Category based on Customer, Material and Sales Area (L1) |
J_1ISERCATSD2 | Ser category based on Customer and Material (L2) |
J_1ISERCATSD3 | Service Category based on Material (L3) |
J_1ISERCATSD4 | Service Category determination based on Material Group (L4) |
J_1ISERCATSDFI1 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level1 |
J_1ISERCATSDFI2 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level2 |
J_1ISERCATSDFI3 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level3 |
J_1ISERCATSDFI4 | Customization table to determine the Service Category Level4 |
J_1ISERUTZ | Tracking accounting docs already utilized for service tax |
J_1ISRGRPS | Excise Document Series |
J_1ISSIRAT | ssi concessional rates |
J_1ISTAPPL | Tax applicability |
J_1ISTRATE | Sales tax set off percentages |
J_1ISUBTYP | Subtransaction type text |
J_1IT030K | India Tax account determination ( T030K + BWMOD ) |
J_1IT059A | Indicator to mention tax exemption |
J_1ITCJCMAP | Tax code and Jurisdiction code mapping |
J_1ITCJCUPDATE | Updatation table for open documents |
J_1ITDSDUE | TDS Payment due date customization |
J_1ITRAN | Transaction code |
J_1ITRNACC | Transaction code vs accounts |
J_1IVATDATE | Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislation in India |
J_1IVATINVOICE | Billing type determination for VAT |
J_1IVATREGIO | States Under VAT regime |
J_1IWRKCUS | Plant Settings |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 35 views.
J_1I_VWTH_SER_MM | View to determine With holding line for GTA and imports |
J_1IT030K_V | India Tax Account Determination |
J_1IV_INVC | Help view for Vendor Excise invoice |
J_1IVATDATE_V | Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislation in India |
J_1IVEXGRP | Help view for Excise groups |
J_1IVEXGRPS | Excise Group Maintenance |
J_1IVFRMTY | Help view for Form type |
J_1IVFRTYP | Maintenance view for Form Types |
J_1IVREGID | Help View for the register id |
J_1IVSERCATMM | View for Service category determination-GTA and imports |
J_1IVSERCATMM1 | View on service category determination MM L1 table |
J_1IVSERCATMM2 | View on service category determination MM L2 table |
J_1IVSERCATMM3 | View on service category determination MM L3 table |
J_1IVSERCATMM4 | View on service category determination MM L4 table |
J_1IVSERCATMM5 | View on service category determination MM L5 table |
J_1IVSERCATMMFI1 | View on service category determination MMFI L1 table |
J_1IVSERCATMMFI2 | View on service category determination MMFI L2 table |
J_1IVSERCATMMFI3 | View on service category determination MMFI L3 table |
J_1IVSERCATMMFI4 | View on service category determination MMFI L4 table |
J_1IVSERCATSD1 | View on service category determination SD L1 table |
J_1IVSERCATSD2 | View on service category determination SD L2 table |
J_1IVSERCATSD3 | View on service category determination SD L3 table |
J_1IVSERCATSD4 | View on service category determination SD L4 table |
J_1IVSERCATSDFI1 | View on service category determination SDFI L1 table |
J_1IVSERCATSDFI2 | View on service category determination SDFI L2 table |
J_1IVSERCATSDFI3 | View on service category determination SDFI L3 table |
J_1IVSERCATSDFI4 | View on service category determination SDFI L4 table |
J_1IVSRGRP | Help view for serial group |
J_1IVT001 | Document types for TDS JV |
J_1IVTDSDU | Payment due date in TDS |
J_1IVTRAN | Help view for the transaction type |
J_1IVTTXID | Text maintenance |
J_1IVTTXOB | Text object maintenance |
J_1IVTXRAT | Tax rate maintenance |
J_1IVWTH_SER_MM | View to determine With holding line for GTA and imports |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 35 structures.
J_1I_GAR7_ALV_LIST | Structure to display GAR-7 Payments Section data in ALV |
J_1I_ST3_ALV_DISP | ALV structure for ST3 display |
J_1I_UTIL_ALV | alv structure for totals and amounts display |
J_1I_UTIL_TC | structure for table control of j1iin utilization screen |
J_1IACCBAL | Structure for storing account no and balance |
J_1IAUTHA | Autharisation fields for India CIN |
J_1IBAPIEXCINV | Table for ExciseInvoice GetList Bapi |
J_1IBPOTAB | BPO structure for ERS - CIN |
J_1IER1_ABSTACC | XML: Abstract Account Current |
J_1IER1_CHLNDETLS | XML: Challan Details |
J_1IER1_CHLNINVC | XML: Challan Invoice |
J_1IER1_CLEARANCE | XML: Clearance |
J_1IER1_CRDTKNUTL | XML: CENVAT Credit taken Utilized |
J_1IER1_DTYHDBRKUP | XML: Duty Head Breakups |
J_1IER1_DTYPYBL | XML: Duty Payable for Clearances |
J_1IER1_DUTYNOTIF | XML: Duty Notifications |
J_1IER1_DUTYPAID | XML: Duty Paid |
J_1IER1_HEADER | XML: Header Structure |
J_1IER1_INTGDSRECV | XML: Receipt Details of Intermediate Goods Received |
J_1IER1_INTRUNTRNF | XML: Clearance Detail for Interunit Transfer |
J_1IER1_OTHRPYMNTMISCL | XML: Other Payments Miscellenous |
J_1IER1_OTHRPYMNTS | XML: Other Payments |
J_1IER1_SELFMEMO | XML: Self-Assessment Memorandum |
J_1IEXCCOM | Excise Components communication structure |
J_1IEXCINV | Structure for the User Exit Unit Conversion |
J_1IEXCPOP | Pop up for Excise JV |
J_1IEXCSTR | Structure for Excise verification |
J_1IINKOMG | KOMG Extension for India |
J_1IINKOMP | KOMP extension for India |
J_1IKOMPCV | India Localization extension for billing |
J_1INKOMG | Pricing condition fields for India |
J_1IRECMAP | Consolidating Classic & EWT table fields for Annual Returns |
J_1IREG | Fields for popup |
J_1ITAXVAR | Variable for tax value carry over in TAX calculation |
J_1IVBKD | Sales forms extension |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 54 programs.
J_1I_BDC_CANC_INV | BDC Program for Excise invoice cancellation |
J_1I_CANCEL_INVOICE | BDC program for cancellation of excise invoice |
J_1I_ST3 | Report J_1I_ST3 |
J_1I57AE | Proforma Register under Rule 9 (5) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 |
J_1I57F1 | 57F4 EXPECTED |
J_1ICAPG | Capital Goods Tranfer Of Credit |
J_1ICHLN | TDS Challan Update: Classic |
J_1IDNLD | Download Register Data |
J_1IER1 | Report J_1IER1 |
J_1IEXCH | Help For Internally Generated Documents |
J_1IEXCP | Print program for invoices |
J_1IEXQR | Excise Invoice Query |
J_1IF26A | Annual returns for 194a |
J_1IF26D | Annual Return for Section 194D |
J_1IF26I | Annual Return for Section 194I |
J_1IF26J | Annual Return for Section 194J |
J_1IHBKD | Copy Housebank ID from Invoice to TDS-Document |
J_1IICHK | Check Balances Before Utilisation For a Range of Billing Documents |
J_1IJCHK | RG23D Batch Selection |
J_1IMENU | Invoke the India version menu |
J_1IMODF | Cenvat Forecast |
J_1IPRNE | Printout of Excise Invoices |
J_1IREGSN | Update of Registers RG 1 and RG 23 (Part I) |
J_1IRTRO | Retrospective price update on Sales and Purchase orders |
J_1IRUTZ | Fortnight Utilization of CENVAT |
J_1IRUTZN | Monthly Utilization |
J_1ITRANSITION_INTERFACE | Transition Interface for VAT-2003 |
J_1IUPDATE_CO | BDC for Contracts |
J_1IUPDATE_CUSMAST | BDC for Vendor Masters |
J_1IUPDATE_PO | BDC for Purchase order's |
J_1IUPDATE_SA | BDC for Schedule Agreements |
J_1IUPDATE_SO | BDC for Sales order |
J_1IUPDATE_VENMMAST | For Vendor Master's |
SAPMJ1IA | Excise Invoice Details |
SAPMJ1IB | Excise Invoice Details |
SAPMJ1ID | excise rate maintenance & amending open po's & so's for rate change |
SAPMJ1IF | Subcontracting |
SAPMJ1IG | Depot goods receipt |
SAPMJ1IH | Main program of Excise JV transaction |
SAPMJ1II | Sale from factory |
SAPMJ1IJ | Excise selection at depot sale |
SAPMJ1IK | Excise Invoice selection - common routine |
SAPMJ1IL | text object common routine |
SAPMJ1IM | Window to display balances |
SAPMJ1IS | Excise invoice for transaction type OTHR |
SAPMJ1IU | Forms Tracking |
SAPMJ1IV | Excise invoice for others |
SAPMJ1IW | Excise Invoice Details |
SAPMJ1IX | Excise Invoice Details |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 17 search helps.
J_1I_GAR7 | Gar7 Search Help for Internal Challan |
J_1IEX_MIGO_EXNUM | select excise invoice in migo popup |
J_1IEX_MIGO_EXNUM_ALL | Search help for excise invoice |
J_1IEXCISE_HEADER | Search help for TR6 Challan |
J_1IEXCISE_INV_COLLECTIVE | Search help for Excise Invoice for Header and Detail |
J_1IEXCISE_INVOICE | Search help for excise invoice |
J_1IEXCISE_INVOICE_J1II | Search help for excise invoice |
J_1IEXCISE_INVOICE_PRINT | Search help for excise invoice |
J_1IEXCISE_YEAR | Search help for excise year |
J_1IOTHR | Excise invoice for other movements |
J_1ISERCAT_DESC | Search help on Service category description |
J_1ISUBTYP | Search help for subtransaction type text |
J_1IVFRMTY | Help View For The Form Type |
J_1IVREGID | Help view for the register ID |
J_1IVSRGRP | Help view for serial group |
J_1IVSTAPL | Help view for tax applicability |
J_1IVTRAN | Help view for the transaction type |
SAP Package J1I2 contains 37 authorization objects.
J_1I_IMG | Authorization object for IMG |
J_1I57F_4 | Authorization object for 57F4 posting transaction |
J_1IA_POSO | Authorization object for Amend PO's SO's transaction |
J_1IARE_ME | Authorization object for area menu transaction |
J_1IASSET | Authorization for new Assets |
J_1ICAP_GD | Authorization object for capital goods transaction |
J_1ICAPGD1 | Authorization for capital goods assets/ consumables |
J_1ICWIZ | Health Check |
J_1IDEP_S1 | Enhanced Authorization object for depot sale transaction |
J_1IDEP_SL | Authorization object for depot sale transaction |
J_1IDNLD | Authorization object for Download |
J_1IEWPOCR | Excise invoice without PO create |
J_1IEWPOVP | Authorization object for Excise without PO - Verify |
J_1IEX_PST | Autorization object for posting Other Excise invoice |
J_1IEXC_CR | Authorization object for Excise Invoice Create |
J_1IEXC_IV | Authorization object for excise invoice posting transaction |
J_1IEXC_JV | Authorization object for Excise JV transaction |
J_1IEXC_OT | Authorization object for Other Excise Invoice Create |
J_1IEXC_RT | Authorization object for maintain excise rate transaction |
J_1IEXCJV1 | Excise Invoice |
J_1IEXPRN | Authorization object for printing excise invoice |
J_1IFAC_SL | Authorization object for Factory sales transaction |
J_1IFRM_TR | Authorisation object for Forms tracking transaction |
J_1IFRTPYM | Authorization object for Fortnightly payment transaction |
J_1IPLA_FC | Authorization object for PLA forecast |
J_1IPRC_CH | Authorization object for Basic price changes transaction |
J_1IREGEXT | Authorization object for excise registers extraction |
J_1IREGPRN | Authorization for Register Printing |
J_1IREGS | Authorization object for RG23 issues and RG1 |
J_1IRG23D | Authorisation object for Depo Transactions |
J_1ISRVTX | Authorization for Service tax |
J_1ITAX_DS | Authorization object for tax deduction at source transaction |
J_1ITDS | Authorization object for TDS transaction J1IN |
J_1ITDSCHL | Authorization for TDS Challan |
J_1IURG23D | Authorisation object for receipts to depot |
J_1IUTZL | Autorization object for Fortnightly payment |
J_1IUTZLTN | Authorization object for Fortnightly payment |