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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package J1ICIN40A (CIN40A developments) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | J1ICIN40A |
Short Text | CIN40A developments |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 9 function groups.
J1I_MASTER | Master data for CIN |
J1I_MATERIAL_MASTER | Subscreens for the material master |
J1I_TAX_CALCULATE | Functions for condition based tax calc. |
J1IBND | BOND Master Maintenance |
J1IEX | CIN40A: Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IEXGM | Excisable Goods Movement- India |
J1IMG01 | Material extension - Chapter id |
J1IMG02 | Functions for MODVAT determination table |
J1IMG03 | Functions for Assessable value |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 43 transactions.
J1IA101 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA102 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA103 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA104 | Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure |
J1IA301 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IA302 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IA303 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IA304 | Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure |
J1IANX18 | Pro Forma of Running Bond Account |
J1IANX19 | Export of Excisable Goods |
J1IARE_AGE | Aging Analysis for ARE Documents |
J1IBN01 | Create Excise Bond |
J1IBN02 | Change Excise Bond |
J1IBN03 | Display Excise Bond |
J1IBN04 | Cancel Excise Bond |
J1IBN05 | Close Excise Bond |
J1IBONSUM | Bond Summary Report |
J1IDEPOTSTOCK1 | Depot stock with balances |
J1IEX | Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IEX_BO | Outgoing Excise Invoices for Exports |
J1IEX_C | Capture Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IEX_P | Post Incoming Excise Invoices |
J1IEX_SFAC | Incoming Exc Inv Field Selection |
J1IGA | Additional Excise Entry at Depot |
J1IGAD | Additional Excise at Depot Display |
J1IIEXCP | Sales Excise Invoice Exceptions |
J1IIN | Outgoing Excise Invoice |
J1ILIC01 | License : Capture |
J1ILIC02 | License : Change |
J1ILIC03 | License : Display |
J1ILIC04 | License : Cancel |
J1ILIC05 | License : Close |
J1ILICSUM | Deemed Export License Summary |
J1INAR | Annual Returns |
J1INCC | Print Customer WH Tax Certificates |
J1INCHLC | Challan Number Updation - Customers |
J1INMIS | Withholding Tax Information System |
J1IUN | Forms tracking |
S_AL0_96000109 | IMG activity: J_1IEX_SFAC |
S_AL0_96000110 | IMG activity: J_1IEX_CUST_ACT |
S_AL0_96000111 | IMG activity: J_1IEX_CUST_REF |
S_AL0_96000172 | IMG activity: J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK |
S_AL0_96000173 | IMG activity: J_1IEWT_MIGRATE |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 16 database tables.
J_1IADDRES | Excise Related Address Management |
J_1IADDRESS | Excise Related Address Management |
J_1IARE_ATTRB | Excise Bonding: Attributes |
J_1IBOND | Excise Bonding: Bonds/UT-/Running Bond master |
J_1ICONDTAX | Tax Codes for Excise Duties Using Condition Technique |
J_1IDCLSDET | Document class Determination - India |
J_1IEWT_MAPEXMPT | Table for Vendor type/exemption indicators in Annual Returns |
J_1IEX_CUST_ACT | Define Processing Modes Per Transaction |
J_1IEX_CUST_FLDS | J1IEX: Incoming Invoices field selections |
J_1IEX_CUST_REF | Define Reference Documents Per Transaction |
J_1IEXCDEFN | Default Condition Types |
J_1IEXMPTCODE | VAT Exempted Tax code |
J_1ILICDTL | Excise Bonding: License detail |
J_1ILICHDR | Excise Bonding: License Header |
J_1ILICTYPE | Excise Bonding: License type master |
J_1ITAXDEP | Depreciation computation as per Income Tax (India) |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 9 views.
J_1I_EWT_RETURN | Annual returns - Documemnt View |
J_1IEWT_MAPEXM | Assign Exemption Reasons to Withholding Tax Codes |
J_1IEWT_SURC | Maintain Surcharge Calculation Methods |
J_1IEWT_VENTYP | Assign Types of Company to Withholding Tax Codes |
J_1IEWTJV | Document Types for Journal Vouchers |
J_1IMOCUSTEWT | Maintain PAN no for Customers -EWT India |
J_1IV2ARE_ATTRB | Make Settings for ARE-1 Procedure |
J_1IVARE_ATTRB | Make Settings for ARE-3 Procedure |
V_J1IEWTMAPEXMPT | Maintenance view for exemption mapping - EWT (India) |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 8 structures.
J_1IEXCDETAIL | Item details for er1 report |
J_1IEXCONTEXT | J1IEX: Context Info for Application Log |
J_1IEXCPAID | Duty paid details for ER1 |
J_1IEXDYNPRO | Incoming Excise Invoice: CIN40A Screen inputs first Line |
J_1IEXHEAD | Incoming Excise Invoice: CIN40A : Header Data |
J_1IEXITEM | Incoming Excise Invoice: CIN40A : Item Details |
J_1IEXITEM_TV | Incoming Excise Invoice: CIN40A : Item Details |
J_1ITAXCOND_DEF | Structure to map condition types to AP Excise condtions |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 29 programs.
J_1I_ARE | For Printing AREs |
J_1I_ARE1_AGEING_ANALYSIS | Excise Bonding: Ageing analysis for ARE1 documents |
J_1I_BOND_SUMMARY | Bond Summary Report |
J_1I_CHALLAN_UPDATE_CUST | Create Remittance Challan for Customers |
J_1I_EWT_MIS | Withholding Tax Information System |
J_1I_EXPORT_REPORT | Statement Regarding Export of Excisable Goods |
J_1I_LICENSE_SUMMARY | Deemed Export License Summary |
J_1I_RUNNING_BOND | Pro Forma of Running Bond Account |
J_1IDEPOT_VAL | Depot Stock Valuation for Excise |
J_1IDEPOTSTOCK1 | Display of Depot Stock |
J_1IEWT_26A | Annual returns for 194a |
J_1IEWT_26C | Annual Return For Section 194C |
J_1IEWT_26D | Annual Return for Section 194D |
J_1IEWT_26H | Annual returns for 194H |
J_1IEWT_26I | Annual Return for Section 194I |
J_1IEWT_26J | Annual Return for Section 194J |
J_1IEWT_ANN_RET | Annual Returns |
J_1IEWT_CERT_CUST | Print Withholding Tax Certificates for Customers |
J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK | Health Check for Migration to EWT |
J_1IEWT_MIGRATE | Data Migration Tool from Classic to Extended withholding tax |
J_1IEXCP_BILLS | List of Excise invoices for which Billing is cancelled |
J_1IITDEP | Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report (India) |
J_1IPRNTARE | Print program for ARE |
SAPMJ1IGA | Depot goods receipt |
SAPMJ1IIN | Sale from factory |
SAPMJ1ILIC | Module pool for Licenses |
SAPMJ1IUN | Forms Tracking |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 12 search helps.
J_1IARE1 | Excise Bonding: ARE-1 Documents |
J_1IARE3 | Excise Bonding: ARE-3 Documents |
J_1IBOND | Excise Bonding: Bonds. |
J_1IEX_ADDRESS | Excise Bonding: Address Number |
J_1IEX_BOND | Excise Bonding: For Internal bond number |
J_1IEX_DOCNO | Search help for excise invoice |
J_1IEX_EXNUM | Search help for excise invoice |
J_1IEX_REJCODE | for rejection code |
J_1IEXSTRTYP | Search help for Sub Transaction Type |
J_1ILIC | Excise Bonding: Licenses |
J_1ISTRTYP | Search help for Sub Transaction Type |
J_1ISTRTYPF4 | Search help for sub transaction type |
SAP Package J1ICIN40A contains 15 authorization objects.
J_1I57AE | Authorization object for 57AE report |
J_1IAADEP | Authorizaton object for Income Tax depreciation - India |
J_1IAR | Authorizaton object for classic - Annual Returns |
J_1ICLACER | Authorizaton object for classic - Certificate |
J_1ICLATDS | Authorizaton object for classic - TDS Post |
J_1IEWT_AR | Authorisation Object for Annual Returns - Ext. With. Tax |
J_1IEWTBCH | Authorizaton object for EWT - Bank Challan |
J_1IEWTMIS | Authorisation for MIS Report |
J_1IFAC_S1 | Enhanced Factory sales authorization |
J_1IFACSL1 | Authorization for ARE1 |
J_1IFACT1 | Authorization for ARE3 Transactions |
J_1IGRPT1 | Auth. for PART1 at GR |
J_1IIEXCP | Exceptions for sales Excise invoices |
J_1IINEX | Incoming Excise Invoice |
J_1IREGSN | Auth. for J1I5 (new program - J_1IREGSN) |