
SAP Package KALC

Cost Accounting allocations RK-S

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The package KALC (Cost Accounting allocations RK-S) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package KALC
Short Text Cost Accounting allocations RK-S
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package KALC contains 22 function groups.

0ALX Extended table maintenance for T811X
K4AL CO PF4 on Allocation Cycle
KAL1 Cycle Maintenance and Overview
KALT Enhanced Cycle Display
KGA1 Allocations: Cost component structure
KGA2 Allocation Procedure
KGA3 Allocations: Generation Based on T811T
KGA4 PF4 Allocation Lists Processor
KGAC CUA User Interface Allocations
KGAD Allocations: Managing dependent docs
KGAE Function modules for execution
KGAL Allocation Processor Maintenance
KGALEXTR Allocations: Extracts for Results Lists
KGALRFC RFC Function Module to Create a Cycle
KGALTIME Allocations: Runtime Analysis Tool
KGAM Cycle Maintenance: Useful Modules
KGAT Allocation Processor Texts
KGAU Allocations Processor Update
KGEX Initializations when Executing Cycles
KWA1 Find cost centers in cycle and segment
KWA2 Find processes in cycle and segments


SAP Package KALC contains 118 transactions.

KCHA CCA Allocation: Data Field Descript.
KCIB CCA: Field Use, Process Assessment
KCIF CCA: Field Use, JV Assessment
KCIG CCA: Field Use, JV Distribution
KCIL CCA: Field Use, Ind. Acty Alloc.
KCIP CCA: Field Use, Periodic Reposting
KCIU CCA: Field Use, Assessment
KCJB CCA: Data Control, Proc. Assessment
KCJF CCA: Data Control, JV Assessment
KCJG CCA: Data Control, JV Distribution
KCJL CCA: Data Control, Ind. Acty Alloc.
KCJP CCA: Data Control, Period. Reposting
KCJU CCA: Data Control, Assessment
KCJV CCA: Data Control, Distribution
KCMA CCA Allocation: Field Group Texts
KEWUSL Where-Used List for Cycles (PA)
KIS6 Segment Adjustment: Overview
KIS6N Segment Adjustment: Overview
KISR Execute Actual Segment Adjustment
KPSR Execute Plan Segment Reversal
KSC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC1N Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC2N Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC3N Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC4N Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC5 Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSC6 Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC6N Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview
KSC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC7N Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC8N Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSC9N Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan
KSCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSCAN Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan
KSCB Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.
KSCC Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCCN Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview
KSCK Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments
KSCP Find Processes in Cycles / Segments
KSCYC3 Display Cycle/Segment Objects
KSES CO: Alloc. Structure for Assessment
KSEX Allocations: Extracts
KSOV Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA,ABC)
KSRT Allocations: Runtime Analysis
KSU1 Create Actual Assessment
KSU1N Create Actual Assessment
KSU2 Change Actual Assessment
KSU2N Change Actual Assessment
KSU3 Display Actual Assessment
KSU3N Display Actual Assessment
KSU4 Delete Actual Assessment
KSU4N Delete Actual Assessment
KSU5 Execute Actual Assessment
KSU6 Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU6N Actual Assessment: Overview
KSU7 Create Plan Assessment
KSU7N Create Plan Assessment
KSU8 Change Plan Assessment
KSU8N Change Plan Assessment
KSU9 Display Plan Assessment
KSU9N Display Plan Assessment
KSUA Delete Plan Assessment
KSUAN Delete Plan Assessment
KSUB Execute Plan Assessment
KSUC Plan Assessment: Overview
KSUCN Plan Assessment: Overview
KSV1 Create Actual Distribution
KSV1N Create Actual Distribution
KSV2 Change Actual Distribution
KSV2N Change Actual Distribution
KSV3 Display Actual Distribution
KSV3N Display Actual Distribution
KSV4 Delete Actual Distribution
KSV4N Delete Actual Distribution
KSV5 Execute Actual Distribution
KSV6 Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV6N Actual Distribution: Overview
KSV7 Create Plan Distribution
KSV7N Create Plan Distribution
KSV8 Change Plan Distribution
KSV8N Change Plan Distribution
KSV9 Display Plan Distribution
KSV9N Display Plan Distribution
KSVA Delete Plan Distribution
KSVAN Delete Plan Distribution
KSVB Execute Plan Distribution
KSVC Plan Distribution: Overview
KSVCN Plan Distribution: Overview
KSW1 Create Periodic Reposting
KSW1N Create Periodic Reposting
KSW2 Change Periodic Reposting
KSW2N Change Periodic Reposting
KSW3 Display Periodic Reposting
KSW3N Display Periodic Reposting
KSW4 Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW4N Delete Periodic Reposting
KSW5 Execute Actual Periodic Reposting
KSW6 Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW6N Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSW7 Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW7N Create Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8 Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW8N Change Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9 Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KSW9N Display Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWA Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWAN Delete Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWB Execute Plan Periodic Reposting
KSWC Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWCN Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview
KSWUSL Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA
PSW5 Per.Repostgs in Actual for Projects
PSWB Execute Per.Reposting Plan Projects

Database Tables

SAP Package KALC contains 31 database tables.

T811C Allocations: Cycles
T811D Allocations: Document Numbers
T811DA Allocations: Dependent Document Numbers
T811DH Allocations: Header Fields
T811DS Allocations: Document Numbers for Segment Reverse/Rebook
T811E Allocations: Save Results List and Names
T811ED Allocations: Extract Generation Data
T811ED2 Allocations: All Internal Tables and Structures
T811F Allocations: Element Table
T811FLAGS Allocations: Global Control Flags
T811G Field Groups for Allocation Cycle
T811H Allocations Data Field Descriptions
T811I Allocation Information for key field
T811IA Allocations: Customizing
T811J Allocations: Information for Field Groups
T811K Allocations: Key Fields
T811KL Allocations: Determines When CElem/Acty Type Obj. Selected
T811L Assessments/Distributions: Long Text
T811M Allocations: Text for Field Groups
T811MESS Allocations: Message Control
T811P Cycle Run Group
T811PC Results of Checks of Assignments for Cycle Run Groups
T811PT Cycle Processing Group: Texts
T811R Allocation table for receiver assignments
T811S Allocations: Segments
T811T Allocations: Table Information
T811VRS Specification of Version Change for Cycles
T811X Allocations: Fixed Selection Values
T811Z Allocations: Data for Runtime Analysis
T811ZC Cycles for Runtime Analysis
T811ZT Cycles for Runtime Analysis


SAP Package KALC contains 1 views.

V_T811_C_L View of Cycles and Texts


SAP Package KALC contains 67 structures.

ALLC_SGTXT Allocation: Access structure COEP/COEJ-SGTXT
KALC_COMB_BUILD Transfer Structure for Allocations Combination Builder
KALC_F1 Contains all F1 relevant fields for list output
KALC_JVREC Allocation: JointVenture Receiver-Substitution fields
KALC_JVSND Allocation: Substitution Joint-Venture Sender Fields
KALC_JVXTR Allocation: Extra Substitution Fields
KALC_MRULE_STRUCTURE Allocation: MRULE Transfer Structure Subscreen, Cycle Maint.
KALC_REF_DATE_STRUCTURE Allocation: Reference Date Subscreen 'Execute Cycle'
KALC_S_SND Allocation: sender substitution fields
KALC_SUBSCREEN_INPUT Allocation/Reverse-Rebook: Subscreen Input Fields
KALC_TREEMODLI Tree Control Structure in List Structure Session
KALC_VALRC Allocations: Receiver Fields for Sender/Receiver Validation
KALC_VALSD Allocations: Sender Fields for Sender/Receiver Validation
KGAL_F4_CYCLE Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting)
KGAL_F4_CYCLE_GL Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting)
KGAL_F4_CYCLE_RKE Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting)
KGAL_F4_CYCLE_RKS Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting)
KGAL_RESULT Allocations: Structure for Return of Where Used List
KGAL_ST Structure for allocations output list
KGALC Record layout for allocation cycle
KGALF Field description for combination fields (T811F)
KGALK Record layout for allocation key fields
KGALL Record layout for field list display
KGALP Period table for allocation update
KGALR Field description for combination fields (T811R)
KGALRFC_T811C Transfer Structure to Fill T811C
KGALRFC_T811F Fixed Values for RFC Cycles
KGALRFC_T811K Objects for RFC Cycles
KGALRFC_T811S RFC for Cycles, Segment Definitions
KGALS Record layout for alloc. segments
KGAUC Internal structure for allocation cycle
KWA1 Structure for dynpro fields for trans cde KSCK, funcGrp KWA1
KWA2 Structure for dynpro fields for func.grp KWA2 TransCde KSCP
LINEIT_FLD Allocation: Transfer Structure RK_AL_LINE_ITEMS_CHECK.
NODEKEYS Every Entry Receives a Node Key
REING Record layout for list of possible entries
RK811D Internal structure for RKGALPOS report
RKABSCH Allocations: Cost Component Structure
RKAL_KOSTL Allocations: Ranges Structure for Parameter Transfer
RKAL_LSTAR Allocations: Ranges Structure for Parameter Transfer
RKAL_OBJNR Allocations: Ranges Structure for Parameter Transfer
RKAL1 Screen Fields- SAPMKAL1
RKERSCH Allocations: PA Transfer Structure
RKGA1 Work area for SAPMKGA1
RKGA2 Screen fields SAPMKGA2
RKGA2EXT Transfer of Variable Extracts Allocations (max. 80)
RKGA2H Cycle Header Info for Executions
RKGA2H_C Contains parameters to be written in T811DH
RKGA2U Transfer fields for allocations sequence
RKGA2U_SET Allocations: Run Transfer Fields, Settings
RKGA2U2 Allocations: Run Transfer Fields (Part 3)
RKGA2VAR Allocations: Variable Run Transfer Fields (Part 2)
RKGA2WF Allocations: Transfer Workflow Data
RKGABPL Allocations: Structure for Breakpoint List
RKGAD Allocations: Information for Data Fields
RKGAG Internal table field group allocations
T811CB Allocation: Transfer Structure for Background Processing
T811CINT Enter Interval for Allocation Cycles
T811CT View for T811c and Text
T811S_CD Allocations: Change Document Structure for T811S, Segments
T811S_REVREB Segment Adjustment: Results Lists at Segment Level
T811S_SEL Reverse/Rebook: T811S-NAME Select Option
TEMP_STRUC Test only
TRATABS CCA Transport: Allocation Tables
VT811C Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000
VT811S_CD Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000


SAP Package KALC contains 95 programs.

KGALRUNEXTR Allocations: Start Extract Processing
KGALWAIT Check for locks on assessment, distribution...
KGALWAIT_PROCGROUP Checks for Locks of Assessment, Distribution...with Flow Groups
KGALWUSL Search for Any Object(s) in CCSS Cycles
RK_AL_CHECK_RKS Separate Check of Cycle of Cost Accounting (also Batch)
RK_AL_CHECK_RKS_EASY Check Cylce (4.0 Version)
RK811ANZ Display Cycle Overview
RK811DEL Delete Cycles Entered From All Tables
RK811EUR Euro Translation of Fixed Amounts for Cycles
RK811EUR_LOOP Euro Translation of Fixed Amounts for Cycles
RK811EUR_TARIF Euro Conversion of Fixed Prices in Cycles
RK811HLP Allocations: Analysis Report for Error Search
RK811SDT Change Start Date of Cycles in CO-OM-CCA
RK811UPD Create TRANSACTION Basic Sets for Allocation Processor
RK811XST Create TRANSACTION Basic Sets for Allocation Processor
RK811XUP Create TRANSACTION Basic Sets for Allocation Processor
RKAL_CHANGE_LATYP Changes the activity type to 3 and changes all postings
RKAL811J Correction Report for Act. Assess. Based on Plan and Vice Versa
RKALACTV Report for Activation of Objects in Allocations (Only CCA)
RKALALLT Allocations: All Cycle Tables at a Glance
RKALBPR1 Conversion Report, Allocation Type M to L (Indirect Acty Allocation)
RKALCODE Allocations: Display of Number of Relevant Cycles
RKALCPGO Check Cycle Run Groups for CO-OM Allocations - Org. Structures
RKALCSET Allocation: Set Conversion, Release 4.0
RKALDBKL Controls the KL Selection in the Database Selection Allocations
RKALDBKL_STD Allocations: Create Standard Settings for Cost Elems/Acty Type Selectn
RKALFASTSEQCHECK Activate/Deactivate 'Fast Segment Check' Mode (CO Assessment/Distrib.)
RKALFGRU Where-Used List: Field Groups in T811J, T811H, T811M, T811X
RKALIMMO Activate/Deactivate Real Estate Objects as Receivers
RKALITER Allocation: Iteration Analysis
RKALLOOK Allocations: Search for Objects in All Cycles
RKALMCYC Allocations: Create Cycle from More Than One Subcycles
RKALPARA Activate/Deactivate the Execution Parameters for Cycles
RKALPSAC Allocations: Activate Orders in Cycles (Public Sector Version)
RKALPSCR Allocations: Generate Customizing for Public Sector / New G/L
RKALSHOWOBJS Display objects of specified segment
RKALSMOV Allocations: Move Segment from One Cycle to Another
RKALSTA1 Allocations: Read Cost Center (True+Stat) and Post Stat. Key Figure
RKALSTA2 Allocations: Read Profit Center and Post Stat. Key Figures on Cost Ctr
RKALSTA3 Allocations: Read Cost Center/Acty Type (True+Stat) and Post Stat KF.
RKALT811D Inserts rows in T811D
RKALT811D_SEL Insert Rows in T811D. Input Selection Options
RKALTOOL Allocations: Toolbox
RKALVIEW Where-Used List: Cycle in T811 Tables
RKALWAIT Check on Locks for Assessment, Distribution .... (also in CO-PA)
RKASHOCY Search for Object in Cycles and Segments
RKCORR96 Allocations: Analysis T811D and COBK
RKCORR98_EASY Correction Report Allocations: Adjust T811D to COBK
RKCORR99 Check COBK Against T811D
RKCORR99_EASY Check COBK Against T811D
RKCORRCORR99 Corrected entries from RKCORR99...
RKCYCLES Display Cycle Overview
RKCYCREP Compromised Cycle Print
RKDOCOUM Check cycles for double use of CO object and assessment cost element
RKEWUSL Use of Objects in Profitability Analysis Cycles
RKGALCO1 Allocations: Report for Batch Start CO-CCA (old)
RKGALCOR Allocations: Report for Batch Start (CO-CCA)
RKGALCOS Allocations: Report for Batch Start of CO-OM Reverse and Rebook
RKGALCPC5 Actual Activity Allocation: Processes
RKGALCPCB Activity-Based Costing: Plan Activity Allocation
RKGALCPP5 Activity Assessment: Processes
RKGALCPPB Activity-Based Costing: Plan Assessment
RKGALCPV5 Actual Distribution: Processes
RKGALCPVB Activity-Based Costing: Plan Distribution
RKGALGJF5 Cost Center Accounting: Actual Assessment
RKGALGJG5 Cost Center Accounting: Actual Assessment
RKGALKSC5 CO-OM-CCA: Actual Activity Allocation
RKGALKSCB Cost Center Accounting: Plan Activity Allocation
RKGALKSU5 CO-OM-CCA: Actual Assessment
RKGALKSUB Cost Center Accounting: Plan Assessment
RKGALKSV5 CO-OM-CCA: Actual Distribution
RKGALKSVB Cost Center Accounting: Plan Distribution
RKGALKSW5 CO-OM-CCA: Actual Periodic Reposting
RKGALKSWB Cost Center Accounting: Plan Periodic Reposting
RKGALPSW5 Periodic Repostings in Actual for Projects
RKGALPSWB Plan Periodic Reposting for Projects
RKGALRTA Allocations: Start Runtime Analysis
RKPILV02 Activity type 3, undetermined credit line is zero, but is incorrect
RKSOV Cycle Overview (Cost Center Accounting, Activity-Based Costing)
RKTPRICE Check whether basic version exists
RKXSTVAL Allocation: Activate validation
SAPFCOAL Allocations: Reversal Program CO-CCA
SAPFKGA2 Allocations: Generation Program Sequence
SAPMKAL1 Allocations: Maintenance Program CO-OM-CCA, FI-SL, CO-PA
SAPMKDEL Delete Multiple Cycles at the Same Time
SAPMKGA1 Allocations: Overview of Cycles Processed
SAPMKGA2 Allocations: Data Flow Module Pool
SAPMKGAL Allocations

Search Helps

SAP Package KALC contains 1 search helps.

KALC_CYCLE_F4 Allocations: Search Helps for Cycles

Message Classes

SAP Package KALC contains 2 message classes.

GA Allocations
GA2 Allocations Teil II