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Bei ansehen →The package KALC (Cost Accounting allocations RK-S) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | KALC |
Short Text | Cost Accounting allocations RK-S |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package KALC contains 22 function groups.
0ALX | Extended table maintenance for T811X |
K4AL | CO PF4 on Allocation Cycle |
KAL1 | Cycle Maintenance and Overview |
KALT | Enhanced Cycle Display |
KGA1 | Allocations: Cost component structure |
KGA2 | Allocation Procedure |
KGA3 | Allocations: Generation Based on T811T |
KGA4 | PF4 Allocation Lists Processor |
KGAC | CUA User Interface Allocations |
KGAD | Allocations: Managing dependent docs |
KGAE | Function modules for execution |
KGAL | Allocation Processor Maintenance |
KGALEXTR | Allocations: Extracts for Results Lists |
KGALRFC | RFC Function Module to Create a Cycle |
KGALTIME | Allocations: Runtime Analysis Tool |
KGAM | Cycle Maintenance: Useful Modules |
KGAT | Allocation Processor Texts |
KGAU | Allocations Processor Update |
KGEX | Initializations when Executing Cycles |
KWA1 | Find cost centers in cycle and segment |
KWA2 | Find processes in cycle and segments |
SAP Package KALC contains 118 transactions.
KCHA | CCA Allocation: Data Field Descript. |
KCIB | CCA: Field Use, Process Assessment |
KCIF | CCA: Field Use, JV Assessment |
KCIG | CCA: Field Use, JV Distribution |
KCIL | CCA: Field Use, Ind. Acty Alloc. |
KCIP | CCA: Field Use, Periodic Reposting |
KCIU | CCA: Field Use, Assessment |
KCJB | CCA: Data Control, Proc. Assessment |
KCJF | CCA: Data Control, JV Assessment |
KCJG | CCA: Data Control, JV Distribution |
KCJL | CCA: Data Control, Ind. Acty Alloc. |
KCJP | CCA: Data Control, Period. Reposting |
KCJU | CCA: Data Control, Assessment |
KCJV | CCA: Data Control, Distribution |
KCMA | CCA Allocation: Field Group Texts |
KEWUSL | Where-Used List for Cycles (PA) |
KIS6 | Segment Adjustment: Overview |
KIS6N | Segment Adjustment: Overview |
KISR | Execute Actual Segment Adjustment |
KPSR | Execute Plan Segment Reversal |
KSC1 | Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC1N | Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC2 | Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC2N | Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC3 | Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC3N | Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC4 | Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC4N | Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC5 | Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSC6 | Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KSC6N | Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview |
KSC7 | Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC7N | Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC8 | Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC8N | Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSC9 | Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan |
KSC9N | Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan |
KSCA | Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSCAN | Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan |
KSCB | Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc. |
KSCC | Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview |
KSCCN | Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview |
KSCK | Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments |
KSCP | Find Processes in Cycles / Segments |
KSCYC3 | Display Cycle/Segment Objects |
KSES | CO: Alloc. Structure for Assessment |
KSEX | Allocations: Extracts |
KSOV | Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA,ABC) |
KSRT | Allocations: Runtime Analysis |
KSU1 | Create Actual Assessment |
KSU1N | Create Actual Assessment |
KSU2 | Change Actual Assessment |
KSU2N | Change Actual Assessment |
KSU3 | Display Actual Assessment |
KSU3N | Display Actual Assessment |
KSU4 | Delete Actual Assessment |
KSU4N | Delete Actual Assessment |
KSU5 | Execute Actual Assessment |
KSU6 | Actual Assessment: Overview |
KSU6N | Actual Assessment: Overview |
KSU7 | Create Plan Assessment |
KSU7N | Create Plan Assessment |
KSU8 | Change Plan Assessment |
KSU8N | Change Plan Assessment |
KSU9 | Display Plan Assessment |
KSU9N | Display Plan Assessment |
KSUA | Delete Plan Assessment |
KSUAN | Delete Plan Assessment |
KSUB | Execute Plan Assessment |
KSUC | Plan Assessment: Overview |
KSUCN | Plan Assessment: Overview |
KSV1 | Create Actual Distribution |
KSV1N | Create Actual Distribution |
KSV2 | Change Actual Distribution |
KSV2N | Change Actual Distribution |
KSV3 | Display Actual Distribution |
KSV3N | Display Actual Distribution |
KSV4 | Delete Actual Distribution |
KSV4N | Delete Actual Distribution |
KSV5 | Execute Actual Distribution |
KSV6 | Actual Distribution: Overview |
KSV6N | Actual Distribution: Overview |
KSV7 | Create Plan Distribution |
KSV7N | Create Plan Distribution |
KSV8 | Change Plan Distribution |
KSV8N | Change Plan Distribution |
KSV9 | Display Plan Distribution |
KSV9N | Display Plan Distribution |
KSVA | Delete Plan Distribution |
KSVAN | Delete Plan Distribution |
KSVB | Execute Plan Distribution |
KSVC | Plan Distribution: Overview |
KSVCN | Plan Distribution: Overview |
KSW1 | Create Periodic Reposting |
KSW1N | Create Periodic Reposting |
KSW2 | Change Periodic Reposting |
KSW2N | Change Periodic Reposting |
KSW3 | Display Periodic Reposting |
KSW3N | Display Periodic Reposting |
KSW4 | Delete Periodic Reposting |
KSW4N | Delete Periodic Reposting |
KSW5 | Execute Actual Periodic Reposting |
KSW6 | Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSW6N | Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSW7 | Create Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW7N | Create Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW8 | Change Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW8N | Change Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW9 | Display Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSW9N | Display Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWA | Delete Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWAN | Delete Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWB | Execute Plan Periodic Reposting |
KSWC | Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSWCN | Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview |
KSWUSL | Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA |
PSW5 | Per.Repostgs in Actual for Projects |
PSWB | Execute Per.Reposting Plan Projects |
SAP Package KALC contains 31 database tables.
T811C | Allocations: Cycles |
T811D | Allocations: Document Numbers |
T811DA | Allocations: Dependent Document Numbers |
T811DH | Allocations: Header Fields |
T811DS | Allocations: Document Numbers for Segment Reverse/Rebook |
T811E | Allocations: Save Results List and Names |
T811ED | Allocations: Extract Generation Data |
T811ED2 | Allocations: All Internal Tables and Structures |
T811F | Allocations: Element Table |
T811FLAGS | Allocations: Global Control Flags |
T811G | Field Groups for Allocation Cycle |
T811H | Allocations Data Field Descriptions |
T811I | Allocation Information for key field |
T811IA | Allocations: Customizing |
T811J | Allocations: Information for Field Groups |
T811K | Allocations: Key Fields |
T811KL | Allocations: Determines When CElem/Acty Type Obj. Selected |
T811L | Assessments/Distributions: Long Text |
T811M | Allocations: Text for Field Groups |
T811MESS | Allocations: Message Control |
T811P | Cycle Run Group |
T811PC | Results of Checks of Assignments for Cycle Run Groups |
T811PT | Cycle Processing Group: Texts |
T811R | Allocation table for receiver assignments |
T811S | Allocations: Segments |
T811T | Allocations: Table Information |
T811VRS | Specification of Version Change for Cycles |
T811X | Allocations: Fixed Selection Values |
T811Z | Allocations: Data for Runtime Analysis |
T811ZC | Cycles for Runtime Analysis |
T811ZT | Cycles for Runtime Analysis |
SAP Package KALC contains 1 views.
V_T811_C_L | View of Cycles and Texts |
SAP Package KALC contains 67 structures.
ALLC_SGTXT | Allocation: Access structure COEP/COEJ-SGTXT |
KALC_COMB_BUILD | Transfer Structure for Allocations Combination Builder |
KALC_F1 | Contains all F1 relevant fields for list output |
KALC_JVREC | Allocation: JointVenture Receiver-Substitution fields |
KALC_JVSND | Allocation: Substitution Joint-Venture Sender Fields |
KALC_JVXTR | Allocation: Extra Substitution Fields |
KALC_MRULE_STRUCTURE | Allocation: MRULE Transfer Structure Subscreen, Cycle Maint. |
KALC_REF_DATE_STRUCTURE | Allocation: Reference Date Subscreen 'Execute Cycle' |
KALC_S_SND | Allocation: sender substitution fields |
KALC_SUBSCREEN_INPUT | Allocation/Reverse-Rebook: Subscreen Input Fields |
KALC_TREEMODLI | Tree Control Structure in List Structure Session |
KALC_VALRC | Allocations: Receiver Fields for Sender/Receiver Validation |
KALC_VALSD | Allocations: Sender Fields for Sender/Receiver Validation |
KGAL_F4_CYCLE | Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting) |
KGAL_F4_CYCLE_GL | Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting) |
KGAL_F4_CYCLE_RKE | Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting) |
KGAL_F4_CYCLE_RKS | Cycle Display as F4 (Cost Center Accounting) |
KGAL_RESULT | Allocations: Structure for Return of Where Used List |
KGAL_ST | Structure for allocations output list |
KGALC | Record layout for allocation cycle |
KGALF | Field description for combination fields (T811F) |
KGALK | Record layout for allocation key fields |
KGALL | Record layout for field list display |
KGALP | Period table for allocation update |
KGALR | Field description for combination fields (T811R) |
KGALRFC_T811C | Transfer Structure to Fill T811C |
KGALRFC_T811F | Fixed Values for RFC Cycles |
KGALRFC_T811K | Objects for RFC Cycles |
KGALRFC_T811S | RFC for Cycles, Segment Definitions |
KGALS | Record layout for alloc. segments |
KGAUC | Internal structure for allocation cycle |
KWA1 | Structure for dynpro fields for trans cde KSCK, funcGrp KWA1 |
KWA2 | Structure for dynpro fields for func.grp KWA2 TransCde KSCP |
LINEIT_FLD | Allocation: Transfer Structure RK_AL_LINE_ITEMS_CHECK. |
NODEKEYS | Every Entry Receives a Node Key |
REING | Record layout for list of possible entries |
RK811D | Internal structure for RKGALPOS report |
RKABSCH | Allocations: Cost Component Structure |
RKAL_KOSTL | Allocations: Ranges Structure for Parameter Transfer |
RKAL_LSTAR | Allocations: Ranges Structure for Parameter Transfer |
RKAL_OBJNR | Allocations: Ranges Structure for Parameter Transfer |
RKAL1 | Screen Fields- SAPMKAL1 |
RKERSCH | Allocations: PA Transfer Structure |
RKGA1 | Work area for SAPMKGA1 |
RKGA2 | Screen fields SAPMKGA2 |
RKGA2EXT | Transfer of Variable Extracts Allocations (max. 80) |
RKGA2H | Cycle Header Info for Executions |
RKGA2H_C | Contains parameters to be written in T811DH |
RKGA2U | Transfer fields for allocations sequence |
RKGA2U_SET | Allocations: Run Transfer Fields, Settings |
RKGA2U2 | Allocations: Run Transfer Fields (Part 3) |
RKGA2VAR | Allocations: Variable Run Transfer Fields (Part 2) |
RKGA2WF | Allocations: Transfer Workflow Data |
RKGABPL | Allocations: Structure for Breakpoint List |
RKGAD | Allocations: Information for Data Fields |
RKGAG | Internal table field group allocations |
T811CB | Allocation: Transfer Structure for Background Processing |
T811CINT | Enter Interval for Allocation Cycles |
T811CT | View for T811c and Text |
T811S_CD | Allocations: Change Document Structure for T811S, Segments |
T811S_REVREB | Segment Adjustment: Results Lists at Segment Level |
T811S_SEL | Reverse/Rebook: T811S-NAME Select Option |
TEMP_STRUC | Test only |
TRATABS | CCA Transport: Allocation Tables |
VT811C | Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VT811S_CD | Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package KALC contains 95 programs.
KGALRUNEXTR | Allocations: Start Extract Processing |
KGALWAIT | Check for locks on assessment, distribution... |
KGALWAIT_PROCGROUP | Checks for Locks of Assessment, Distribution...with Flow Groups |
KGALWUSL | Search for Any Object(s) in CCSS Cycles |
RK_AL_CHECK_RKS | Separate Check of Cycle of Cost Accounting (also Batch) |
RK_AL_CHECK_RKS_EASY | Check Cylce (4.0 Version) |
RK811ANZ | Display Cycle Overview |
RK811DEL | Delete Cycles Entered From All Tables |
RK811EUR | Euro Translation of Fixed Amounts for Cycles |
RK811EUR_LOOP | Euro Translation of Fixed Amounts for Cycles |
RK811EUR_TARIF | Euro Conversion of Fixed Prices in Cycles |
RK811HLP | Allocations: Analysis Report for Error Search |
RK811SDT | Change Start Date of Cycles in CO-OM-CCA |
RK811UPD | Create TRANSACTION Basic Sets for Allocation Processor |
RK811XST | Create TRANSACTION Basic Sets for Allocation Processor |
RK811XUP | Create TRANSACTION Basic Sets for Allocation Processor |
RKAL_CHANGE_LATYP | Changes the activity type to 3 and changes all postings |
RKAL811J | Correction Report for Act. Assess. Based on Plan and Vice Versa |
RKALACTV | Report for Activation of Objects in Allocations (Only CCA) |
RKALALLT | Allocations: All Cycle Tables at a Glance |
RKALBPR1 | Conversion Report, Allocation Type M to L (Indirect Acty Allocation) |
RKALCODE | Allocations: Display of Number of Relevant Cycles |
RKALCPGO | Check Cycle Run Groups for CO-OM Allocations - Org. Structures |
RKALCSET | Allocation: Set Conversion, Release 4.0 |
RKALDBKL | Controls the KL Selection in the Database Selection Allocations |
RKALDBKL_STD | Allocations: Create Standard Settings for Cost Elems/Acty Type Selectn |
RKALFASTSEQCHECK | Activate/Deactivate 'Fast Segment Check' Mode (CO Assessment/Distrib.) |
RKALFGRU | Where-Used List: Field Groups in T811J, T811H, T811M, T811X |
RKALIMMO | Activate/Deactivate Real Estate Objects as Receivers |
RKALITER | Allocation: Iteration Analysis |
RKALLOOK | Allocations: Search for Objects in All Cycles |
RKALMCYC | Allocations: Create Cycle from More Than One Subcycles |
RKALPARA | Activate/Deactivate the Execution Parameters for Cycles |
RKALPSAC | Allocations: Activate Orders in Cycles (Public Sector Version) |
RKALPSCR | Allocations: Generate Customizing for Public Sector / New G/L |
RKALSHOWOBJS | Display objects of specified segment |
RKALSMOV | Allocations: Move Segment from One Cycle to Another |
RKALSTA1 | Allocations: Read Cost Center (True+Stat) and Post Stat. Key Figure |
RKALSTA2 | Allocations: Read Profit Center and Post Stat. Key Figures on Cost Ctr |
RKALSTA3 | Allocations: Read Cost Center/Acty Type (True+Stat) and Post Stat KF. |
RKALT811D | Inserts rows in T811D |
RKALT811D_SEL | Insert Rows in T811D. Input Selection Options |
RKALTOOL | Allocations: Toolbox |
RKALVERSION_CLEAR | Reset versions |
RKALVIEW | Where-Used List: Cycle in T811 Tables |
RKALWAIT | Check on Locks for Assessment, Distribution .... (also in CO-PA) |
RKASHOCY | Search for Object in Cycles and Segments |
RKCORR96 | Allocations: Analysis T811D and COBK |
RKCORR98_EASY | Correction Report Allocations: Adjust T811D to COBK |
RKCORR99 | Check COBK Against T811D |
RKCORR99_EASY | Check COBK Against T811D |
RKCORR99_EASY_MORE | Check COBK Against T811D |
RKCORRCORR99 | Corrected entries from RKCORR99... |
RKCYCLES | Display Cycle Overview |
RKCYCREP | Compromised Cycle Print |
RKDOCOUM | Check cycles for double use of CO object and assessment cost element |
RKEWUSL | Use of Objects in Profitability Analysis Cycles |
RKGALCO1 | Allocations: Report for Batch Start CO-CCA (old) |
RKGALCOR | Allocations: Report for Batch Start (CO-CCA) |
RKGALCOS | Allocations: Report for Batch Start of CO-OM Reverse and Rebook |
RKGALCPC5 | Actual Activity Allocation: Processes |
RKGALCPCB | Activity-Based Costing: Plan Activity Allocation |
RKGALCPP5 | Activity Assessment: Processes |
RKGALCPPB | Activity-Based Costing: Plan Assessment |
RKGALCPV5 | Actual Distribution: Processes |
RKGALCPVB | Activity-Based Costing: Plan Distribution |
RKGALGJF5 | Cost Center Accounting: Actual Assessment |
RKGALGJG5 | Cost Center Accounting: Actual Assessment |
RKGALKSC5 | CO-OM-CCA: Actual Activity Allocation |
RKGALKSCB | Cost Center Accounting: Plan Activity Allocation |
RKGALKSU5 | CO-OM-CCA: Actual Assessment |
RKGALKSUB | Cost Center Accounting: Plan Assessment |
RKGALKSV5 | CO-OM-CCA: Actual Distribution |
RKGALKSVB | Cost Center Accounting: Plan Distribution |
RKGALKSW5 | CO-OM-CCA: Actual Periodic Reposting |
RKGALKSWB | Cost Center Accounting: Plan Periodic Reposting |
RKGALPSW5 | Periodic Repostings in Actual for Projects |
RKGALPSWB | Plan Periodic Reposting for Projects |
RKGALRTA | Allocations: Start Runtime Analysis |
RKPILV02 | Activity type 3, undetermined credit line is zero, but is incorrect |
RKSOV | Cycle Overview (Cost Center Accounting, Activity-Based Costing) |
RKTPRICE | Check whether basic version exists |
RKXSTVAL | Allocation: Activate validation |
SAPFCOAL | Allocations: Reversal Program CO-CCA |
SAPFKGA2 | Allocations: Generation Program Sequence |
SAPMKAL1 | Allocations: Maintenance Program CO-OM-CCA, FI-SL, CO-PA |
SAPMKDEL | Delete Multiple Cycles at the Same Time |
SAPMKGA1 | Allocations: Overview of Cycles Processed |
SAPMKGA2 | Allocations: Data Flow Module Pool |
SAPMKGAL | Allocations |
SAP Package KALC contains 1 search helps.
KALC_CYCLE_F4 | Allocations: Search Helps for Cycles |
SAP Package KALC contains 2 message classes.
GA | Allocations |
GA2 | Allocations Teil II |