
SAP Package KAP4

Line item reports for projects

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The package KAP4 (Line item reports for projects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package KAP4
Short Text Line item reports for projects
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package KAP4 contains 3 function groups.

PS05 Project Line Item Reports
PS10 Routines for report/report interface
PS13 PS Cash Interface for RW Doc.: Display


SAP Package KAP4 contains 14 transactions.

CJ74 Project Actual Cost Line Items
CJ76 Project Commitment Line Items
CJ7M Project Plan Cost Line Items
CJI1 Project Budget Line Items
CJI2 Budget Line Items: Document Chain
CJI3 Project Actual Cost Line Items
CJI4 Project Plan Cost Line Items
CJI5 Project Commitment Line Items
CJI8 Project Budget Line Items
CJI9 Project Struct.Pld Costs Line Items
CJIA Project Actual and Commt Paymt LIs
CJIB Project Plan Payment Line Items
CJIF Projects: Profitability Analysis LI
CJT2 Project Actual Payment Line Items


SAP Package KAP4 contains 13 structures.

KAEP_COBK_FI Item field list for financial line item report doc.header
KAEP_COBK_FI_AC Item field list for fin.actual line item report doc. header
KAEP_COFP_PLN_X Item field list for plan financial line item report
KAEP_COFP_X Item field list for the actual finance line item report
KAEP_FNAC Field List for Actual Financial Line Items
KAEP_FNPL Field List for Planned Financial Line Items
KAEP_HBDG Line Items: Permitted Header Fields for Budget and Structure
KAEP_HBDGPD Line Items: Permitted Header Fields for Project Budgets
KAEP_HFNAC Line Items: Permitted Header Fields for Payments
KAEP_HFNACPD Line Items: Permitted Header Fields for Project Payments
KAEP_HRSAN Line Items: Permitted Text Fields for Profitability Analysis
KAEP_HRSANPD Line Items: Permitted Header Fields for Projects, Prof.Anlys
PLM_ALV_234 Output Structure for ALV: Budget Updates Document Chain


SAP Package KAP4 contains 10 programs.

RCNEP002 Budget Updates: Document Chain
RKPEP000 Project line items
RKPEP003 Display Project Actual Cost Line Items
RKPEP004 Display Project Planned Cost Line Items
RKPEP005 Display Project Commitment Line Items
RKPEP008 Display Project Budget Line Items
RKPEP009 Display Project Hierarchy Cost Planning Line Items
RKPEP010 Display Project Actual Payment Line Items
RKPEP011 Display Project Planned Payment Line Items
RKPEP015 Display Project Results Analysis Line Items

Message Classes

SAP Package KAP4 contains 1 message classes.

KAP4 Nachrichten: Projekt-Einzelpostenberichte