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Bei ansehen →The package KKEK (Cost Accounting: Unit Costing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | KKEK |
Short Text | Cost Accounting: Unit Costing |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package KKEK contains 27 function groups.
K70U | RK Unit Costing Update (old) |
KKDI | Unit Costing Dialogue |
KKE1 | Read Base Planning Obj and Unit Cost Est |
KKE2 | Technical Administration of Unit Costing |
KKE3 | Control Call for Unit Costing 3.0 |
KKE4 | Unit Costing Modules f. Possible Entries |
KKE5 | CO-PC: Archiving Unit Costing |
KKE6 | Revaluation of unit cost estimates |
KKE7 | Valuation of Base Planning Objects |
KKEA | Determine Costing Variant and Reference |
KKEB | Unit Costing/Base Object Service Modules |
KKEC | Customer Functions for Unit Costing |
KKED | Graphic/List Viewer Unit Costing |
KKEE | Base Planning Object Structure Explosion |
KKEF | FMs to Delete and Copy Unit Cost Est |
KKEK_BPO_DIALOG | Base Planning Object Master Data |
KKEK_EXECUTION | E@syExecution |
KKEKOO | Object-Oriented Types - Unit Costing |
KKEP | Popups in Unit Costing |
KKEPTC | Popups with Table Control in Unit Costg. |
KKEPTC1 | Unit Costing: Table Control Dist. Popups |
KKER | Reset/Reorganization Unit Costing |
KKEU | Update Unit Cost Est./Base Planning Obj. |
KKEV | Where-Used List of Base Planning Objects |
KKEXT | External Data Interface (Old) |
KKGL | General Service Modules |
KKUM | Conversion Modules Unit Costing |
SAP Package KKEK contains 9 transactions.
KKE1 | Add Base Planning Object |
KKE2 | Change Base Planning Object |
KKE3 | Display Base Planning Object |
KKE4 | List Base Planning Objects |
KKE5 | Delete Test Data for Base Object |
KKE6 | Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj |
KKE8 | Archive Base Planning Objects |
KKEB | Revaluate Base Planning Objects |
KKMN | Product costing application area |
SAP Package KKEK contains 13 database tables.
CKBS | Base Planning Object - Unit Costing |
CKBT | Texts for CKBS |
CKKS | Header: Unit Costing (Control + Totals) |
CKKT | Texts for CKKS |
CKPP | Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item |
CKPS | Unit Costing Items |
CKPT | Texts for CKPS |
TK180 | Default Values per Transaction (Screen Sequence Control) |
TKKEA | Unit Costing Types |
TKKEP | Unit Costing Price Elements |
WSCONTENT | Workspace Content (Unit Costing) |
WSFOLDERS | Workspace Folders - Unit Costing |
WSUSER | User-Dependent Workspaces |
SAP Package KKEK contains 1 views.
H_TKKEA | Help View for Costing Types |
SAP Package KKEK contains 63 structures.
CKF_BZOBJ_HEADER_FIELDS | KKDI Screen Fields that Flag the Reference Object |
CKF_DY55X | Workspace-Related Screen Structure (Unit Costing) |
CKSPA | Costing: Total Costs - All Periods |
CXL_FAT | Field Attributes Table (R/3 and Excel Communication) |
CXL_IT | Items Table (R/3 and Excel Communication) |
CXL_ITA | Field Attributes Table (R/3 and Excel Communication) |
K70D0 | Export Data for Unit Cost Estimate to Reference Objects |
KBS1_ALV_FIELDS | Base Object Costing Fields for Overview List |
KBS1_ALV_SELECTION_FIELDS | Selection Base Object Cost Estimates (Selection from List) |
KKEA1 | Control Data from Customizing for Unit Costing |
RK70_KKEA | Screen Fields for Function Group KKEA |
RK70_OBJ | Control Table: Replace Object Number |
RK70A | Entry fields for popups SAPMK70B |
RK70B | Screen Fields SAPMK70B |
RK70C | Screen Field Display SAPMK70B |
RK70D | Screen Fields SAPMK70D |
RK70E | List Status of Screen Fields |
RK70EQ | Structure Bar for Update/Ref. Fields for Function Modules |
RK70F | Adiminstration Structure for Processing Unit Cost Estimates |
RK70F4EXP | Communication Structure Excel: TAble of F4 Values |
RK70F4IMP | Communication Structure Excel: F4 Request |
RK70K | Transfer Parameter for Unit Costing - OLD Interface |
RK70K_TAB | Structure for Address Tranfer to Posting Module |
RK70L | Screen Fields SAPMK70D (Table control/Detail screen) |
RK70L_ZK | Screen Fields for Function Module K_KEK_COST_ELEMENTS_GET |
RK70P | Screen fields (Popup) SAPMK70D |
RK70P_B | Fields Allowed for the Item Category Base Planning Object |
RK70P_E | Fields Allowed for the Item Category Internal Activity |
RK70P_F | Allowed fields item category external activity |
RK70P_G | Fields Allowed for the Item Category Overhead |
RK70P_I | Screen Fields SAPMK70D (Table control/Detail screen) |
RK70P_M | Allowed Fields for the Item Category Material |
RK70P_N | Allowed fields item category activity |
RK70P_O | Fields allowed for item category operation |
RK70P_P | Allowed fields item category process (manual) |
RK70P_S | Allowed Fields for the Item Category Totals/Statistical Line |
RK70P_T | Allowed Fields for the Item Category Text |
RK70P_V | Allowed Fields for the Item Category Variable Item |
RK70P1 | Popup: Total of fields displayed |
RK70P2 | Transfer information of ingoing cost estimate |
RK70P2IMP | Transfer information of ingoing cost estimate |
RK70P3 | Entry popup cost element in unit cost estimate |
RK70S | Control Parameters for Calling Up Unit Costing |
RK70SOUT | Control Parameters for Calling Up Unit Costing - Export |
RK70V | Period Distribution: Entry and Output Fields on Screens |
RK70V_DV | Transfer Struct. for Funct. Mod. Percent./Value-Based Alloc. |
RK70X | Tempoary save and display line for RK70K |
RK70XLCURR | Communication Structure Excel: Costing Currency |
RK70XLHEAD | Communication Structure Excel: Costing Header |
RK70XLITEM | Communication Structure Excel: Costing Item |
RK70XLMESS | Communication Structure Excel: Messages |
RK70XLNACT | Communication Structure Excel: Inactive Function |
RK70XLUNIT | Communication Structure Excel: Units of Measure |
UNITCOSTING_OUT1 | Export Data for Unit Cost Estimate to Reference Objects |
UNITCOSTING_OUT2 | Export Data Anchor for Unit Cost Estimates to Ref. Objects |
UNITCOSTING_OUT3 | Export Data for Unit Cost Estimate: Raw Material Cost Est |
WORKSPACE_ENQUE | Lock Arguments for Worklists |
WSFLATSTR | Lines Determining Workspace as Flat Structure |
WSKNOTINFO | Node Information (Workspace Unit Costing) |
SAP Package KKEK contains 18 programs.
RKCKISX1 | Create Index for CKIS: Where-Used List of Material Cost Estimates |
RKKEBTL1 | List Base Planning Objects |
RKKEDEL1 | Delete Base Planning Objects |
RKKEK0BI | Revaluate Base Planning Object |
RKKEKARD | Delete Archive: CO-PC Base Planning Objects |
RKKEKARR | Read Archive: CO-PC Base Planning Objects |
RKKEKARW | Write Archive: CO-PC Base Planning Objects |
RKKEKBTG | Conversion Program for Creating Base Planning Object Groups |
RKKEKEXP | Where-Used List of Base Planning Objects |
RKKEKL01 | List of Unit Cost Estimates for Base Planning Objects |
RKKEKLPS | Overview Unit Cost Estimates for Project / WBS Elements |
RKKEKLVE | Comparison of Unit Cost Estimates |
RKKEKMLE | Multilevel Explosion of Base Planning Object |
RKKESHOW | Unit Cost Estimate: Display Files |
SAPMK70B | Master Data Module Pool for Base Planning Object |
SAPMK70D | Module Pool for Unit Costing Dialog Module |
SAP Package KKEK contains 4 search helps.
H_TKKEA | Help view for costing types |
KKEB | Finding a Base Planning Object |
KKEBBTGRP | Search for base object group |
KKEBN | Find base planning object via name |
SAP Package KKEK contains 1 message classes.
KK |
SAP Package KKEK contains 1 authorization objects.
K_CKBS | CO-PC: Base Planning Objects |