
SAP Package KKHI

Group Maintenance

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The package KKHI (Group Maintenance) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package KKHI
Short Text Group Maintenance
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package KKHI contains 3 function groups.

COZ4 Service Modules
KKH1 General Module Sets in CO
KKHI Group Maintenance


SAP Package KKHI contains 29 transactions.

FM_SETS_FICTR1 Create Funds Center
FM_SETS_FICTR2 Change Funds Center Group
FM_SETS_FICTR3 Display Funds Center Group
FM_SETS_FIPEX1 Create Commitment Item Group
FM_SETS_FIPEX2 Change Commitment Item Group
FM_SETS_FIPEX3 Display Commitment Item Group
FM_SETS_FUNCTION1 Create Functional Area Group
FM_SETS_FUNCTION2 Change Functional Area Group
FM_SETS_FUNCTION3 Display Functional Area Group
FM_SETS_FUND1 Create Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUND2 Change Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUND3 Display Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG1 Create Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG2 Change Fund Group
FM_SETS_FUNDPRG3 Display Fund Group
GM_SETS_GRANT1 Create Grant Group
GM_SETS_GRANT2 Change Grant Group
GM_SETS_GRANT3 Display Grant Group
GM_SETS_SPCLASS1 Create Grant Group
GM_SETS_SPCLASS2 Change Grant Group
GM_SETS_SPCLASS3 Display Grant Group
GM_SETS_SPPROG1 Create Grant Group
GM_SETS_SPPROG2 Change Grant Group
GM_SETS_SPPROG3 Display Grant Group
KEOP1 Print Standard Hierarchy
KEOP2 Print Enterprise Organization
KJH1 Create WBS Element Groups
KJH2 Change WBS Element Groups
OK18 Maintain Authorization Groups


SAP Package KKHI contains 17 structures.

GRPALE Interface structure: Group maintenance (ALE change pointer)
GRPDYNP Screen-/help fields for group maintenance
GRPENQ Group maintenance: Locked SETIDs
GRPEXCL Group maintenance: Functions to be excluded
GRPFLDINFO Interface structure: Group maintenance (field information)
GRPFORMULA Interface Structure: Group Maintenance (Formula)
GRPHINFO Interface structure: Group maintenance (info for hierarchy)
GRPHP1 Group maintenance: Structure for Set/Get parameter HP1
GRPHP2 Group maintenance: Structure for Set/Get parameter HP2
GRPHP3 Group maintenance: Structure for Set/Get parameter HP3
GRPHP4 Group Maintenance: Structure for Set/Get Parameter HP4
GRPMDLINE Interface structure: Group maintenance (master data info)
GRPOBJECTS Interface structure: Group maintenance (hierarchy nodes)
GRPRWDYNP Interface structure: Group maintenance (report info)
GRPSETLI Groups/Sets
GRPVAL Set Values with Group
GRPVALUES Interface structure: Group maintenance (values)


SAP Package KKHI contains 5 programs.

CO_ASSIGN_AUTH_GROUP Assignment of Set Authorization Group to CO Groups
K_REMOVE_DOUBLES_FROM_STD_HIER Multiple Groups in Standard Hierarchies
RKHIER04 Create Group Using Template from Other CO Area/Chart of Accounts
RKSCUS09 Maintain Authorization Groups to an Authorization Object
RKSTDHIE Standard Hierarchy

Search Helps

SAP Package KKHI contains 1 search helps.

PRCTH Profit Center via Standard Hierarchy

Message Classes

SAP Package KKHI contains 1 message classes.

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