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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package KPEP (Schedule Manager) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.
Package | KPEP |
Short Text | Schedule Manager |
Parent Package | ABA |
SAP Package KPEP contains 31 function groups.
KPEPAPPL | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
MOCONVERT | Generic Conversion |
MODATE | Conversion Exit for Date |
MOF1 | Schedule Manager Monitor, FMs for List |
MOF2 | Fill Monitor Tables |
MOF3 | Reading Module for SchedMan Monitor |
MOF4 | Tool Module for the SchedMan Monitor |
MOF5 | Access to the Monitor |
MOF6 | Customer Report Installation in Monitor |
MOF7 | Function Module for SMAN Data Archiving |
MOTIME | Conversion Exit For The Time of Day |
PEPC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
PEPC2 | Assignment of Parameters to Fcodes |
PEPC3 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCMA | Schedule Manager |
SCMA_CALLT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCMA_CUST | Schedule Manager: Customizing |
SCMA_DYNP | Schedule Manager: Screens |
SCMA_OFFICE_INTEGRATION | Schedule Manager: Office Integration |
SCMA_PROG | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCMA_SCHEDULE_TASKPLAN | Schedule Manager: Scheduling Task Lists |
SCMA_SEARCH_HELP | Schedule Manager: Search Help for Tasks |
SCMA_SERVICES | Schedule Manager: General Services |
SCMA_TASKS | SchedMan: Jobs and Flow Definitions |
SCMA_TEXT | Long Texts for the Schedule Manager |
SCMA_UPD_LOG | Log for asynchronous updates |
SCMACUS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCWF | Schedule Manager: Tools |
SM_TVARVA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SM_TVARVT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SMAP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package KPEP contains 8 transactions.
PEPMEN | Task Level Menu for the PEP |
SCMA | Schedule Manager: Scheduler |
SCMA_PROG_CUST | SCMA: Registrat. of Cust. Programs |
SCMACUS | Maintain Task Lists |
SCMAPROG_CUST | Schedule Manager: Register Programs |
SCMATP | SchedMan: Task List Maintenance |
SCMATRANS_CUST | SchedMan: Register Transactions |
SCMO | Schedule Manager: Monitor |
SAP Package KPEP contains 36 database tables.
PEPAPPL | Schedule Manager: Applications |
PEPAPPLT | Schedule Manager: Application Name |
SCMA_CALL_TRANS | Schedule Manager: Transactions to Call Up For Task |
SCMA_CALL_TRANSB | Schedule Manager: Transactions to Call Up For Task |
SCMAAPPLLOGPROF | Function Module with Profiles Including Context Structure |
SCMAOFFICE | Schedule Manager: Office Integration |
SCMAPROG_CUST | Schedule Manager: Customer Registered Programs |
SCMAPROGRAMS | Schedule Manager: Index of Registered SAP Programs |
SCMASEQUENCES | Schedule Manager: Index of Flow Definitions |
SCMATRANSACT | Schedule Manager: Registered SAP Transactions |
SCMATRANSACT_CUS | Schedule Manager: Customer Registered Transactions |
SCMATREE | Table: Tree Structure and Entries for Task List |
SCMATREED | Table for Entries that are Dependent on Time and Date |
SCMATREET | Schedule Manager: Texts in the ALV Tree |
SCMAUPDLOG | Update Log for Schedule Manager |
SMAPPL | Schedule Manager: Data for the Application |
SMBATCH | Batch Information for an Entry in the Monitor |
SMCUSTOMER | Specific User-Defined Data in the Monitor |
SMDC | Description of the Tasks in the Schedule Manager |
SMDT | Date-Dependent Entries in the Schedule Manager |
SMEXT | Information on Results Lists That Have Been Saved |
SMMAIN | Main Information for an Entry in the Monitor |
SMMESSAGE | Messages Saved for Monitor |
SMPARAM | Schedule Manager Monitor: Processing Parameters |
SMRL | Information on Saved Basic Lists |
SMRTA | Runtime Analysis of Scheduler Jobs |
SMSCMAID | Changing the Key for Scheduler ID <-> Monitor ID |
SMSELKRIT | Schedule Manager Monitor: Selection Criteria |
SMSPOOL | Batch Information for an Entry in the Monitor |
SMST | Node Structure and Task Name in the Schedule Manager |
SMSTATUS | Status Information of an Entry in the Monitor |
SMSTATUS_HIST | Status Information of an Entry in the Monitor |
SMTEXTDET | Logic for Determination of Text in the Monitor |
SMWF | Information on Workflow Worklists |
TSCMA | Schedule Manager: Task List Index |
TSCMAT | Schedule Manager: Task List Names |
SAP Package KPEP contains 5 views.
SCMA_CALL_TRANSV | Schedule Manager: View for SCMA_CALL_TRANS and ...B |
SM_APPL | Schedule Manager Applications |
V_SCMAPROGRAMS | Registration of Customer Schedule Manager Programs |
VSMANVARA | Assignment of Application to SchedMan-TVARV Variables |
VSMANVART | Texts for Schedule Manager TVARV Variables |
SAP Package KPEP contains 75 structures.
CALENDAR_TYPE | Table Type For the Schedule Manager |
CALTAB | Calendar Sheet Table |
CALTAB1 | Calendar Sheet Table |
DATE_AND_COLOR | Date and Color |
HSCMA_PROGRAM | SchedMan: Structure for Search Help for Flow Definitions |
HSCMA_SEQUENCE | SchedMan: Structure for Search Help for Flow Definitions |
HSCMA_TRANSACTION | Schedule Manager: Structure for Search Help Transactions |
MAPPING_LINE | Schedule Manager: Row in the Mapping Table |
MONI_IF_APPL | Interface Monitor: Application Table |
MONI_IF_SELFIELDS | Interface Monitor: Selection Criteria |
ROW_COLUMN_DATE_COL | Schedule Manager: Relationship Between Row, Column and Date |
SCHEDMAN_ADD_FIELDS | Additional Fields for the Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_ADD_KEY | Additional (Pseudo) Key Fields for the Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_BATCH | Information on Batch Jobs in the Schedule Manager Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_CUSTOMER | Specific User-Defined Data in the Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_DELETE | Schedule Manager: Deletion Function |
SCHEDMAN_DELETE_WF | Deletion of the instances of a work flow task |
SCHEDMAN_DETAIL | Detail Fields for Display in the Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_DETAIL_MONI | Detail Information on an Entry in the Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_DETAIL_USER | Detail Information on an Entry in the Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_EXT | Unstructured Data for Starting Extracts |
SCHEDMAN_FLAGS | Flags for More Data in the Schedule Manager Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_KEY | Key Fields in the Table for the Schedule Manager Monitor |
SCHEDMAN_MESSAGE | Information on Error Lists that were Saved |
SCHEDMAN_OUTPUT | Output Structure of Monitor Entries that were Found |
SCHEDMAN_RESULT | Information on the Saved Results Lists |
SCHEDMAN_SCMAID | Scheduler ID and Scheduler Text |
SCHEDMAN_SELECT | Fields that can be selected using direct access to screen |
SCHEDMAN_SELFIELDS | Selection Criteria for a Job: Overall Structure |
SCHEDMAN_SELKRIT | Selection Criteria for a Job: Overall Structure |
SCHEDMAN_SELKRIT_DATA | Selection Criteria for a Job: Data Part |
SCHEDMAN_SELKRIT_KEY | Selection Criteria of a Job: Key Fields |
SCHEDMAN_SPOOL | Spool Orders for the Application |
SCHEDMAN_STACK | Callup Hierarchy of the Schedule Manager |
SCHEDMAN_STATUS | Information on the Change to the Processing Status |
SCHEDMAN_STATUS_CHANGE | Display all Fields for a Status as an Icon |
SCHEDMAN_WF | Information on Workflow Worklists |
SCHELIST | Schedule Manager: Structure for Scheduler / Day View |
SCMA_ALV_TREE | Structure for ALV Tree |
SCMA_ALV_TREE2 | Schedule Manager: Display Structure for ALV-TREE |
SCMA_BEGIN_OF_DAY | Schedule Manager: Start of the Day in the Day View |
SCMA_CALENDAR_CHOICE | Help Fields for Selecting the Calendar |
SCMA_EVENT | Schedule Manager: Event Confirmation to Workflow |
SCMA_JOB | Schedule Manager: Job |
SCMA_KEY_INFO | Schedule Manager: Key Information and Internal Information |
SCMA_NOTES | Schedule Manager: Notes |
SCMA_OFFICE_DOCUMENT_ID_LINE | Schedule Manager: Office Documents |
SCMA_PROGRAMS | Schedule Manager: Transfer Structure for Programs |
SCMA_SAPSCRIPT_ID | Schedule Manager: ID of a SAPscript Document |
SCMA_SCREENFIELDS | Entry Fields in the Screen for the Schedule Manager |
SCMA_SEQUENCES | Schedule Manager: Flow Definition |
SCMA_TASK_SELECT | Schedule Manager: Entry Fields for New Nodes (Scheduler) |
SCMA_TASKLIST | Schedule Manager: Task List |
SCMA_TASKLIST_TASKS | Tasks in Task Plan |
SCMA_TASKLIST_TEXT | Schedule Manager: Texts for Task Plan |
SCMA_TASKS | Schedule Manager: Tasks With Attributes |
SCMA_TP_HISTORY | Structure for Instantiated Tasklists |
SCMA_TP_SCHED | Structure for Display of Schedules |
SCMA_TRANSACT | Schedule Manager: Transfer of Transactions |
SCMA_WF_TASKS | Schedule Manager: Report and Variant |
SCMA_WITEM | Transfer of a Workflow ID |
SCMADAYS | Scheduling Days |
SCMADYNP | Screen structure for PEP |
SCMAFLAG | Internal Structure for Updating in Schedule Manager |
SCMAPER | Screen Fields Periodic Scheduling |
SCMATREES | Schedule Manager: Internal Structure for Tree |
SMCTMENU | Context Menu for the Schedule Manager Monitor |
SMDTI | Include for the SMDT Table |
SMLTRTA | Schedule Manager Monitor: Run Times |
SMMESSTYP | Message Display in the Schedule Manager Monitor |
SMOUTPUT | Output Structure of the Monitor |
SMPOSCOL | Contains all Fields for Defining Variable Columns |
SMSELKRIT_OUT | Output Structure for the Selection Criteria |
SMSTI | Include for the SMST Table |
SMWFSEL | SMAN Monitor: Selected Worklist Steps in a Workflow |
SAP Package KPEP contains 17 programs.
CUSTOMER_REPORT | Test for customer reports in the monitor |
KPEP_ARCHIVE_WF_DATA | Reset data written by scheduler |
KPEP_SHOW_SCMA_APPLICATIONS | Display all Registered Tasks in the Schedule Manager |
RKRUNMONI | Use the Transaction to Start the Schedule Manager Monitor |
SAPSCMAMAIL | Schedule Manager: Sending Mails |
SCMA_CHECK_SCMATREE | Analysis of Inconsistencies in Table SCMATREE (SAP Note 562904) |
SCMA_JOBNAME_SEL | Schedule Manager: Selection Using Multiple Job Names |
SCMA_REPAIR_SCMATREE | Correction of Inconsistencies in SCMATREE (SAP Note 562904) |
SCMA_TASKLIST | Schedule Manager Monitor for a Task list and Date Interval |
SCMABOX | Schedule Manager: Generic Cover for Starting Any Reports |
SCMACLOSE | SchedMan: Close SchedMan as Last Step of a Job Chain |
SCMAINIT | SchedMan: Initialize SchedMan as First Step of a Job Chain |
SCMAMAIL | Schedule Manager: Send Information Mail |
SMAN_ARCHIVE_MONI_DATA | Archive Data From Schedule Manager Monitor |
SAP Package KPEP contains 4 search helps.
H_SCMA_APPLICATION | Schedule Manager: Search Help for Applications |
H_SCMATASKS_PROGRAM | Schedule Manager: Search Help for Programs |
H_SCMATASKS_SEQUENCE | Schedule Manager: Search Help for Flows |
H_SCMATASKS_TRANSACTION | Schedule Manager: Search Help for Transactions |
SAP Package KPEP contains 2 message classes.
KPEP | & & & & |
PEP | Schedule Manager: Nachrichten |
SAP Package KPEP contains 2 authorization objects.
B_SMAN_SEQ | Schedule Manager: Flow Definitions |
B_SMAN_WPL | Schedule Manager: Authorizations for Task Lists |