
SAP Package KPP

Cost Accounting, planning processor

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The package KPP (Cost Accounting, planning processor) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package KPP
Short Text Cost Accounting, planning processor
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package KPP contains 11 function groups.

0KP1 CO Planning: Maintain Tables
KPP0 CO Planning Processor, Front End Indep.
KPP1 CO Planning: Screen Layout
KPP2 CO Planning Processor: Front End SAPDYNP
KPP3 CO Planning Processor: External Frontend
KPP4 CO Plan.Processor: cross-area functions
KPP5 CO planning processor: Toolbox
KPP6 CO planning: configuration functions
KPP7 CO Planning: Upload
KPP8 Generic excel functions
KPPX CO Planning Processor: Exit Reference


SAP Package KPP contains 25 transactions.

KP06 Change CElem/Activity Input Planning
KP07 Display Planning CElem/Act. Input
KP34 CO Maintain Planner Profile
KP34BP Maintain CO Planner Profiles
KP34ER Maintain CO Planner Profiles
KP34PC Maintain CO Planner Profiles
KP35 Display CO Planner Profile
KP36 Change Secondary Cost Plan Data
KP37 Display Secondary Costs Plan Data
KP46 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP47 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data
KP56 Change Revenue Plan Data
KP57 Display Revenue Plan Data
KP65 Create Cost Planning Layout
KP66 Change Cost Planning Layout
KP67 Display Cost Planning Layout
KP75 Create Activity Type Planning Layout
KP76 Change Activity Type Planning Layout
KP77 Display Activ. Type Planning Layout
KP85 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP86 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
KP87 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
KPB6 Change Activity Type Plan Data
KPB7 Display Activity Type Plan Data
OK16 Planner Profiles: Maint. Auth.Group

Database Tables

SAP Package KPP contains 30 database tables.

KPP0R CO planning: directory of generated reports
KPP0V CO planning: Assignment layout <-> validation
KPP1CHKF KPP: File name of last check-out
KPP1CHKO KPP: Check-out data for a physical information object
KPP1CONT1 KPP: Document contents table (import/export)
KPP1LOIO KPP: Instances for Logical Information Objects
KPP1LOIOT KPP: Descriptions of logical information objects
KPP1LOPR KPP: Attribute values of logical information objects
KPP1LORE KPP: Outgoing relationships of logical info objects
KPP1LORI KPP: Incoming relationships of physical info objects
KPP1PHF KPP: Files for logical info objects
KPP1PHHR KPP: Outgoing hyperlinks of physical objects
KPP1PHIO KPP Instances for Physical Information Objects
KPP1PHNM KPP: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
KPP1PHPR KPP: Attributes of physical info objects
KPP1PHRE KPP: Outgoing relationships of physical info objects
KPP1PHRI KPP: Incoming relationships of physical info objects
KPP1RE KPP: Relationship Instances
KPP1REPR KPP: Relationship attributes
KPP2D CO planning: directory of generated dumps
KPP2K CO Planning Processor: Context of user configurations
KPPT CO planning: planning area entity table
KPPTT CO Planning: Text table for entity table. planning areas
TKA50 CO planner profile: entity table
TKA51 CO Planner Profile: Basic Configurations
TKA52 CO planner profile: profile items
TKA53 CO planner profile: entry screen for pre-parameterization
TKA54 CO Planner Profile: Planning Layout Default Settings
TKA55 CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns
TKT50 CO planner profiles: Texts


SAP Package KPP contains 19 views.

V_KPP0V Assigning layout <-> validation
V_KPPT CO Planning: Maintain Planning Areas
V_TKA50 CO Planner Profile
V_TKA51 CO Planner Profile: Planning Areas
V_TKA51_BP CO Planner Profile: Planning Areas for Business Planning
V_TKA52 CO Planner Profile: Profile Items
V_TKA52_BP CO Planner Profile: Profile Items for Business Planning
V_TKA54 CO Planner Profile: Planning Layout Default Settings
V_TKA54_BP CO Planner Profile: Default Parameters
V_TKA55 CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns
VV_TKA54_BP Default Parameters for Business Planning
VV_TKA54_ER Default Parameters for Profitability Analysis
VV_TKA54_OM Default Parameters for CO-OM
VV_TKA54_PC Default Parameters for Profit Center Accounting
VV_TKA55 CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns
VV_TKA55_BP CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns (EC-BP)
VV_TKA55_ER CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns (CO-PA)
VV_TKA55_OM CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns (CO-OM)
VV_TKA55_PC CO Planner Profile: Settings for Lead Columns (EC-PCA)


SAP Package KPP contains 43 structures.

KPP0_YS_NAME CO Planning Processor: Names of Internal Tables
KPP0_YS_NAMETAB CO Planning Processor: Row Type for Nametab
KPP0A CO planning processor: Structure char. table, fixed fields
KPP0B CO planning processor: Screen fields initial screen
KPP0C CP PlanProcessor: Table structure for generated coding
KPP0D Co Planning processor: dimension table structure
KPP0DA CO Planning Processor: Dimension Table, Field Dependencies
KPP0DD CO PlanProcessor: Dimension table appendix - dictionary info
KPP0DF CO Planning Processor: Dimension Table, Field Information
KPP0DS CO Planning Processor: Dimension field structure for sets
KPP0F CO Planning Processor: user functions
KPP0FN CO Planning Processor: Structure for Nametab Field Info
KPP0I CO Planning processor: Structiure of table for inactive func
KPP0L CO planning processor: Logical screen front-end unrelated pt
KPP0M CO PlanProcesor: Structure of table for master data validtns
KPP0S CO planning processor: interface parameters
KPP0SF CO planning procesor: interface parameter form routines
KPP0SM CO Planning: Interface Table for Processor, Messages
KPP0SV CO Planning Processor: Appl-specific distribution keys
KPP0U CO planning processor: structure of user attribute table
KPP0UD1 CO planning processor: ID dimensions for data 1 attributes
KPP0Z CO PlanProcessor: interface table time info
KPP0ZG CO PlanProcessor. Interface table fiscal years
KPP1B CO planning: reference fields for screen fields
KPP1L CO planning processor: logical screen interface table
KPP1L_KEY CO planning processor: key of logical screen KPP1L
KPP1LA CO planning processor: logical screen characteristic table
KPP1LC CO planning: interface logical screen column info
KPP1LDEP Dependencies: Attributes for Value Columns
KPP1LF CO planning processor: logical screen formula table
KPP1LG CO planning processor: logical screen structure
KPP1LR CO planning: interface logical screen row infos
KPP1LRC Co planning: Data section for row/column interface
KPP1LVA CO planning processor: text variable table for log. screen
KPP1LVM CO planning processor: user-defined dimensions
KPP1LVT CO planning processor: text variable table for log.screen
KPP2_YS_VALH CO Planning Processor: Values Table for ALV Grid in Header
KPP3_DIR Directory of forms for decentralized data entry
KPP3L CO planning processor: logical screen interface table
KPP5S Key figure control table
KPP6S CO planner profile: input/output fields
LEADCDISP CO Planning Processor: Lead Column Display
RKPP6 Dynpro fields for function group KPP6


SAP Package KPP contains 18 programs.

KPP_FLEX_UPL Flexible upload
KPP0GTXT CO Planning Processor: Numbered Texts for Generated Report
KPP0REKL CO Planning: Delete Program Catalog
KPP0REX0 Reset Program Catalog for CO Planning
KPP1UT01 CO Planning Processor: Help-ABAP Fill Screen Structure
KPP2DYKL CO-PA Planning: Delete Screen Catalog
KPP2GSCH CO Planning Processor: Template for Screen Generation
KPP2UT01 CO Planning: Program to Generate KPP1I001 (Screen Fields)
KPP2UT03 Planning Processor: Repair Program TC as Entry Table
KPP7UT01 CO Planning: Check in master template
KPP7UT02 CO Planning: Conversion Program for Code Changes
KPP7UT03 CO Planning: Delete Template
KPP7UT05 CO Planning: Write Transport Order for Excel Templates
RKC_FLEX_UPL Flexible upload
RKCDPREO Reorganize file descriptions
RKP_FLEX_UPL_PROT Log for flexible upload in planning processor

Search Helps

SAP Package KPP contains 2 search helps.

H_TKA50 Planner Profile Helpview for 1 Char. for 'SUBCLASS' Field
KPP6_PLANNER_PROFILE Planner Profiles by Subclass with Items

Message Classes

SAP Package KPP contains 2 message classes.

DUE Datenladen von Gridstruktur ins EIS und Planungsprozessor
K9 CO-Planungsprozessor

Authorization Objects

SAP Package KPP contains 1 authorization objects.

K_TKA50 CO: Planner Profiles