Wenn der Standard nicht ausreicht: Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, IDocs selbstständig zu programmieren und zu erweitern. Die Autorin beschreibt Customizing-Techniken, die Erweiterung der Standardbausteine und komplette Eigenentwicklungen. Ob Rückmeldungen von Statuswerten, E-Mail-Workflows oder Serialisierung – für alle Aufgaben finden Sie Anleitungen und Tipps aus der Programmierpraxis. Neu in dieser Auflage: Überwachung und Fehlerbehandlung mit dem SAP Application Interface Framework.
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package MCB (R/3 application development: Inventory Controlling) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | MCB |
Short Text | R/3 application development: Inventory Controlling |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package MCB contains 12 function groups.
MC0C | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
MCB0 | Standard reporting Log. Contr. |
MCB1 | Update Inventory Controlling Statistics |
MCB1BW | BTE: Enhance MCMSEG |
MCB2 | Indiv.Records for INVCO/LIS |
MCB3 | INVCO: Document Evaluations |
MCBB | Document Evaluations for Inventory Contr |
MCBI | Cycle Counting - Indicators |
MCBR | Revaluation/Invoice Verification INVCO |
MCG1 | Update mat.master via Logistics Controll |
MCGR | Graphics: Logistics Information System |
PROX | Function modules in the forecast |
SAP Package MCB contains 71 transactions.
MC.1 | INVCO: Plant Anal. Selection: Stock |
MC.2 | INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection, Rec/Iss |
MC.3 | INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection,Turnover |
MC.4 | INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection,Coverage |
MC.5 | INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection, Stock |
MC.6 | INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection: Rec/Iss |
MC.7 | INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection,Turnover |
MC.8 | INVCO: SLoc Anal.Selection, Coverage |
MC.9 | INVCO: Material Anal.Selection,Stock |
MC.A | INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection, Rec/Iss |
MC.B | INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection, Turnover |
MC.C | INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection, Coverage |
MC.D | INVCO: MRP Cntrllr.Anal.Sel. Stock |
MC.E | INVCO: MRP Cntrllr Anal.Sel. Rec/Iss |
MC.F | INVCO: MRP Cntlr Anal.Sel. Turnover |
MC.G | INVCO: MRP Cntlr.Anal.Sel. Coverage |
MC.H | INVCO: Business Area Anal.Sel. Stock |
MC.I | INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss |
MC.J | INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Turnover |
MC.K | INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Coverage |
MC.L | INVCO: Mat.Group Analysis Sel. Stock |
MC.M | INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss |
MC.N | INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Turnover |
MC.O | INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Coverage |
MC.P | INVCO: Division Analysis Sel. Stock |
MC.Q | INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss |
MC.R | INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Turnover |
MC.S | INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Coverage |
MC.T | INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Selection Stock |
MC.U | INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Rec/Issues |
MC.V | INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Turnover |
MC.W | INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Coverage |
MC40 | INVCO: ABC Analysis of Usage Values |
MC41 | INVCO: ABC Analysis of Reqmt Values |
MC42 | INVCO: Range of Coverage by Usg.Val. |
MC43 | INVCO: Range Of Coverage By Reqmts |
MC44 | INVCO:Analysis of Inventory Turnover |
MC45 | INVCO: Analysis of Usage Values |
MC46 | INVCO: Analysis of Slow-Moving Items |
MC47 | INVCO: Analysis of Reqmt Values |
MC48 | INVCO: Anal. of Current Stock Values |
MC49 | INVCO: Mean Stock Values |
MC50 | INVCO: Analysis of Dead Stock |
MCA7 | INVCO: Execute Evaluation |
MCB% | INVCO: Set up stats. for parm. anal. |
MCB& | INVCO: Set up statis. for stck/reqt |
MCB) | INVCO: Long-Term Stock Selection |
MCB1 | Inventory Controlling |
MCB2 | INVCO: Create Evaluation Structure |
MCB3 | INVCO: Change Evaluation Structure |
MCB4 | INVCO: Display Evaluation Structure |
MCB5 | INVCO: Create Evaluation |
MCB6 | INVCO: Change Evaluation |
MCB7 | INVCO: Display Evaluation |
MCBA | INVCO: Plant Analysis Selection |
MCBC | INVCO: Stor. Loc. Analysis Selection |
MCBE | INVCO: Material Analysis Selection |
MCBG | INVCO: MRP Cntrlr Analysis Selection |
MCBI | INVCO: Business Area Anal. Selection |
MCBK | INVCO: MatGrp Analysis Selection |
MCBM | INVCO: Division Analysis Selection |
MCBO | INVCO: Mat.Type Analysis Selection |
MCBR | INVCO: Batch Analysis Selection |
MCBV | INVCO: Parameter Analysis Selection |
MCBZ | INVCO: Stck/Reqt Analysis Selection |
MCC1 | Inventory Controlling |
MCC2 | Inventory Information System |
MCC3 | Set Up INVCO Info Structs. from Docs |
MCC4 | Set Up INVCO Info Structs.from Stock |
MCL1 | WMS: Stck Placemt.+Remov. Selection |
MCL5 | WMS: Flow of Quantities Selection |
SAP Package MCB contains 16 database tables.
MAPR | Material Index for Forecast |
PRON | Postprocessing of forecast errors and exception messages |
PROP | Forecast parameters |
S031E | S031 - Structure Information |
S094 | Stock/Requirements Analysis |
S195 | Material movements: storage location |
S195E | S195 - Structural Information |
S196 | Goods movement: Plant |
S196E | S196 - Structural Information |
S197 | Periodic storage location stock |
S197E | S197 - Structural Information |
S198 | Periodic plant stock |
S198E | S198 - Structural Information |
T440L | Correction Factors: Forecast |
TMBCO | Table for Counter Readings of R2-R3 Link |
TMCA | Evaluating movement types for LIS update |
SAP Package MCB contains 2 views.
MCON | Material Master View for Inventory Controlling (INVCO) |
T001W_BIW | Plant Descriptions |
SAP Package MCB contains 81 structures.
ABC_STAT | ABC Statistics According to ABC Analysis |
ANALYSE | Specifies Analysis in Logistics Controlling |
BCO_TEXTE | Table to read texts for key figure analysis |
BCO_WERTE | Inventory Controlling: Dataset for key figures |
BEART | Type of Stock for Detailed Info in INVCO |
E1ICIT1 | Inv. Controlling IDoc Material Document Item Segment (2) |
E1ICIT2 | Inv. Controlling IDoc Material Document Item Segment (3) |
E1ICIT3 | Inv. Controlling IDoc Material Document Item Segment (4) |
E1ICIT4 | Inv. Controlling IDoc Material Document Item Segment (5) |
E1ICSL1 | Inv. Controlling IDoc: Warehouse Stock Segment (1) |
E1ICSL2 | Inv. Controlling IDoc: Warehouse Stock Segment (2) |
INART | Type of Detailed Info from INVCO |
KENNZAHL | Specifies Key Figure for Logistics Controlling Analysis |
KEY_S033 | Key for Reading Individual S033 Records |
LCDATA | Transfer Table: Char. Value of Analyses in Log. Controlling |
LMCB0 | I/O table, F-group MCB0 Logisticis Controlling |
LMCB2 | I/O Table for Detailed Info: INVCO/LIS |
MATBEW | Material movements of valuated stock |
MCBCOKZ | INVCO: Key Figure Reference Fields for Updating |
MCBCOR | R/2 Receiving Structure: INVCO |
MCBCOS | R/2 Sending Structure: INVCO |
MCBDISMM | INVCO: Structure for MRP Type Selection |
MCBDISPO | INVCO: Structure for MRP Controller |
MCBEKGRP | INVCO: Structure for Purchasing Group Selection |
MCBELEG | Auxiliary Structure for Document Evaluations |
MCBEST | Stock Fields and Material Master Information |
MCBESTADD | Additional Fields: Stock Fields and Material Master Info |
MCBESTADD1 | Stock Fields in Inventory Controlling |
MCBESTADD2 | Characteristics for Updating in Inventory Controlling |
MCBESTADDWWS | Extension of MCBEST for inventory processing of MG materials |
MCBESTUSR | User Structure: Stock Fields and Material Master Information |
MCBKENN | Additional Key Figures in Inventory Controlling |
MCBKUSR | INVCO: Customers Own Fields for Field Catalogs/Updating |
MCBMAABC | INVCO: Structure for ABC Indicator Selection |
MCBMATKL | INVCO: Structure for Material Group Selection |
MCBMJAHR | Range Table for Year of Material Document |
MCBMTART | INVCO: Structure for Selection of Material Type |
MCBRBWK | Ranges Structure for Valuation Areas |
MCBREKO | INVCO: Range Structure for PUORG Selection |
MCBRLAG | INVCO: Ranges-structure for storage location selection |
MCBRMAT | INVCO: Range Structure for Material Number Selection |
MCBRVKO | INVCO: Ranges Structure for SalesOrg Selection |
MCBRWRK | INVCO: Ranges Structure for SalesOrg Selection |
MCBWRKINFO | Transfer Structure: Plant Info |
MCBXEBEW | Transfer Structure of Valuated Sales Order Stock |
MCBXMARC | Transfer Structure: Plant Stock |
MCBXMARD | Transfer Structure: Storage Location Stock |
MCBXMBEW | Transfer Structure: Material Valuation |
MCBXMCHB | Transfer Structure: Batch Stocks |
MCBXMKOL | Transfer Structure: Consignment Stocks for Supplier |
MCBXMSKA | Transfer Structure: Sales Order Stock |
MCBXMSKU | Transfer Structure: Customer Special Stock |
MCBXMSLB | Transfer Structure: Supplier Special Stock |
MCBXMSPR | Transfer Structure: Project Stocks |
MCBXQBEW | Transfer Structure of Valuated Project Stock |
MCCHAR | Batch Stocks |
MCCHARADD | Additional Fields for Batch Stocks MCCHAR |
MCCHARUSR | User Structure for Batch Stocks MCCHAR |
MCDISPO | Future Material Movements and Stocks |
MCMSEG | Document Segment: Material |
MCMSEGADD | Additional Fields: Document Segment for Material |
MCMSEGADD1 | Stock Categories in Inventory Controlling |
MCMSEGADD2 | Material Document Fields (MCPF, MSEG) |
MCMSEGADD3 | Key Figures for Material Movements |
MCMSEGADD4 | Fields for Controlling Updating in INVCO |
MCMSEGADD5 | Accounting Document Fields (BKPF, BSEG) |
MCMSEGUSR | User Structure: Document Segment for Material |
MCU1 | Internal table for ABC indicator update |
MCU2 | Inttab for Cycle Counting Update - Indicator |
MCUMSCHLAG | LIS Key Figures for Inventory Turnover |
PMELD | Internal structure for forecast messages |
PROPF | Forecast parameters |
RMCB0 | I/O tab. inventory control |
RMCBI | I/O Tab. for ABC Analys. in Cyc. Cntng |
RMCGR | I/O tab. graphical display for LIS |
SEL_BUDAT | Select Ranges for Posting Date (MM and FI) |
SEL_GJAHR | Select Ranges for the Fiscal Year in Table BKPF |
SEL_MBLNR | Select Ranges for Document Number in Table MKPF |
SEL_MJAHR | Select Ranges for Document Year in Table MKPF |
T440ZREF | Internal structure as T440Z |
VBWP | Workarea for function module: reorder level and safety stock |
SAP Package MCB contains 64 programs.
RMCB0100 | Plant Analysis |
RMCB0105 | Plant Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0200 | Storage Location Analysis |
RMCB0205 | Storage Location Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0300 | Material Analysis |
RMCB0305 | Material Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0390 | INVCO: Standard Reporting |
RMCB0395 | INVCO: Standard Reporting - New Selection |
RMCB0400 | MRP Controller Analysis |
RMCB0405 | MRP Controller Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0500 | Business Area Analysis |
RMCB0505 | Business Area Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0600 | Material Group Analysis |
RMCB0605 | Material Group Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0700 | Division Analysis |
RMCB0705 | Division Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0800 | Material Type Analysis |
RMCB0805 | Material Type Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB0900 | Batch Analysis |
RMCB0905 | Batch Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB1000 | Parameter Analysis |
RMCB1005 | Parameter Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB1100 | Stock/requirements analysis |
RMCB1105 | Stock/Requirements Analysis: Data Selection Report |
RMCB1200 | Stock/requirements analysis as long-term planning |
RMCB1205 | Long-Term Planning: Data Selection Report |
RMCB2000 | Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS |
RMCB2100 | Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS |
RMCB9000 | Analysis Report for Early Warning System in WMS |
RMCB9100 | Analysis Report for Early Warning System in WMS |
RMCBAB20 | Usage-Based ABC Analysis |
RMCBAB25 | Requirement-Based ABC Analysis |
RMCBBE30 | Key Figure: Requirements Value |
RMCBBS30 | Key Figure: Dead Stock |
RMCBBW30 | Key Figure: Stock Value |
RMCBBW40 | Key Figure: Average Stock Value |
RMCBCUST | Create Table Entries in LIS |
RMCBDATE | Date Field Creation in Information Structure S032 |
RMCBDISP | Inventory Controlling: Stock/Requirements Analysis |
RMCBDOUT | Data Transmission: INVCO |
RMCBLH30 | Key Figure: Slow-Moving Items |
RMCBMBEW | Check Stocks in Inventory Controlling |
RMCBMMAT | Statistical Setup: Info Structures fr. Material Movements per Material |
RMCBNE32 | Update for S032 |
RMCBNE94 | Update on S094 |
RMCBNERP | Statistical Setup of Info Strucs from Invoice Verification/Revaluation |
RMCBNEUA | New Setup for Info Structures from Material Movements |
RMCBNEUB | Statistical Setup of Info Structures from Stocks |
RMCBNEWD | Setup of Statistical Data BCO |
RMCBPARA | Background Report for Parameters Controlling |
RMCBRW30 | Key Figure: Range of Coverage Based on Usage Values |
RMCBRW40 | Key Figure: Range of Coverage Based on Requirement Values |
RMCBS031 | Setup of S031 from S033 |
RMCBS033 | Correction Program for Statistical Setup |
RMCBS039 | Provide S039 With Actual Data for Planned/Actual Comparison |
RMCBS197 | Periodic warehouse stock for the Business Information Warehouse |
RMCBS198 | Periodic plant stock for the Business Information Warehouse |
RMCBT156 | Checks tabke T156 for BCO |
RMCBUH30 | Key Figure: Inventory Turnover |
RMCBVW30 | Key Figure: Usage Value |
RMCBXP01 | XPRA for Update TMC2F of S032 |
RMCBXP02 | XPRA for Update TMC2F for S031 + S033, F0013_UPDATE, Event Revaluation |
RMCYMUB5 | Standard Analysis of Info Structure &: Display Selection Version |
RMCYMUBC | Standard analysis for info structure & |
SAP Package MCB contains 1 search helps.
PRPR | Forecast profile PROP |
SAP Package MCB contains 1 message classes.
LC | Logistik-Controlling |
SAP Package MCB contains 3 authorization objects.
M_BCO_EKOR | INVCO Document Evaluations: Purchasing Organization |
M_BCO_VKOR | INVCO Document Evaluations: Sales Organization |
M_BCO_WERK | INVCO Document Evaluations: Plant |