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Bei ansehen →The package MCR (R/3 application development: Logistics Info Sys. (Reporting)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | MCR |
Short Text | R/3 application development: Logistics Info Sys. (Reporting) |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package MCR contains 5 function groups.
MCR_ARRAY | Array Processing/Output for Std Analysis |
MCR_PVIEW | LIS preview program |
MCRH | General Hierarchy |
MCS2 | Help Module for Standard Analyses |
MCSF | Set PF Status in Standard Analyses |
SAP Package MCR contains 56 transactions.
MCK1 | Create Hierarchy |
MCK2 | Change hierarchy |
MCK3 | Display hierarchy |
MCKB | TIS selection version tree |
MCKC | User-spec. TIS select. version tree |
MCKH | Selection version tree: Sales |
MCKI | Selection version tree: Purchasing |
MCKJ | Selection version tree: Stock |
MCKK | Selection version tree: Production |
MCKL | Selection version tree: Quality |
MCKM | Selection version tree: Plant Maint. |
MCKN | Selection version tree: Retail |
MCKO | Selection version tree: General |
MCKP | User-spec. selec. vers. tree: Sales |
MCKQ | User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Purchase |
MCKR | User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Stock |
MCKS | User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Product. |
MCKT | User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Quality |
MCKU | User-spec. sel. vers. tree: PM |
MCKV | User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Retail |
MCKW | User-spec. sel. vers. tree: General |
MCM0 | INVCO: Change selection version |
MCM1 | SIS: Create selection version |
MCM10 | TIS: Create selection version |
MCM11 | TIS: Change selection version |
MCM12 | TIS: Display selection version |
MCM13 | TIS: Selection Version: Schedule Job |
MCM2 | SIS: Change selection version |
MCM3 | SIS: Display selection version |
MCM4 | SIS: Selec. version: Schedule job |
MCM5 | PURCHIS: Create selection version |
MCM6 | PURCHIS: Change selection version |
MCM7 | PURCHIS: Display selection version |
MCM8 | PURCHIS: SelectVers: Schedule job |
MCM9 | INVCO: Create selection version |
MCMA | INVCO: Display selection version |
MCMB | INVCO: SelecVers: Schedule job |
MCMC | PPIS: Create selection version |
MCMD | PPIS: Change selection version |
MCME | PPIS: Display selection version |
MCMF | PPIS: SelectVers: Schedule job |
MCMG | QMIS: Create selection version |
MCMH | QMIS: Change selection version |
MCMI | QMIS: Display selection version |
MCMJ | QMIS: Selection Version:Schedule Job |
MCMK | PMIS: Create selection version |
MCML | PMIS: Change selection version |
MCMM | PMIS: Display selection verison |
MCMN | PMIS: SelectVers: Schedule job |
MCMO | Create selection version |
MCMP | Change selection version |
MCMQ | Display selection version |
MCMR | Selection Version: Create Variant |
MCMS | Selection Version: Change Variant |
MCMT | Selection Version: Display Variant |
MCMV | Selection version: Schedule job |
SAP Package MCR contains 32 database tables.
MCKZS | Key figure views in Logistics Controlling |
MCKZSF | Key figures for key figure view |
MCKZST | Texts for key figures of the key figure view |
MCRMK | LIS selection versions: Characteristics |
MCRSV | Selection versions: Header data |
MCRSV_USR | Selection version: Assigned distribution lists or users |
MCRSVT | Logistics Controlling: Texts for selection versions |
MCSA | File for saving selection versions (AUSTAB) |
MCSHIERB | Tree for general hierarchy |
MCSHIERBT | Texts for general hierarchy tree |
MCSHIERK | Header of general hierarchy |
MCSI | File for Storage of Selection Versions (INDX) |
MCSIDIR | Directory of MCSI Entries |
MCSLOGDIR | Directory of MCSLOG Entries |
TMC7 | Standard Analyses in Logistics Controlling |
TMC73 | Key Figure Information for the Standard Analyses |
TMC74 | Control Back Calculation of Stock |
TMC7K | Definition of Characteristic Chain for Standard Analyses |
TMC7T | Analysis Descriptions |
TMC8 | Predefined Key Figures per Analysis |
TMC9 | Standard Drill-Down in Standard Analyses |
TMCEX | Non-Displayable Key Figures per Standard Analysis |
TMCRT | Texts for RMCS0F00 (LIS Standard Analyses) |
TMCSA | LIS Evaluations |
TMCSB | LIS Information Structures |
TMCSC | LIS Libraries |
TMCSD | LIS Readings for Internal Number Assignment: Alphanumeric |
TMCSE | LIS Default Sets and Format Classes |
TMCSF | LIS Standard Reports/Layouts for Evaluations |
TMCSG | LIS Standard Reports/Layouts for Evaluations: Texts |
TMCST | LIS Evaluations: Texts |
TMCTX | LIS: Characteristic Texts (external data and R/2) |
SAP Package MCR contains 3 views.
MCSIV | View on MCSI for Performance Display of All SelecVersions |
V_TMCRT | View to Maintain Texts for LIS Standard Analyses |
VTRSTHVMCS | External hierarchies - LIS standard analyses |
SAP Package MCR contains 17 structures.
ARRAY_F | Structure for Float-Array operations |
MCDDOWN | Structure for Drill-Down in Standard Reporting |
MCMAILOBJ | Structure for receiving a type-dep. mail object line |
MCR_COLOR | Color assignment text - color |
MCR_GLOBAL | Structure for AUSTAB_GLOBAL (1st fields in AUS_S000 in LIS) |
MCR_WF_UNIT | Reference structure for unit field EWS workflow link |
MCRSVTREE | Tree Control for Selection Versions |
MCS03 | Structure for Key Figures Chosen in Standard Selection |
MCS04 | Structure for Table of Drill-Down Function Codes |
MCS05 | Transfer of key figure attibutes to FM LIST_ARRAY_STACK |
MCS06 | Structure for Access to MCSI (INDX of LIS) |
MCS09 | Internal Table for Function Modules MCV_BUSG_MENU |
MCS10 | Table for Call-Up of Function -BS MCV_BUSG3_MENU |
MCSHIER | I/O structure for maintaining general hierarchies |
RMCS0 | E/A fields or help fields for LIS standard analyses |
RMCS2 | I/O Table for SAPMMCS2 |
RMCSV | I/O table for managing selection versions in LIS |
SAP Package MCR contains 7 programs.
RMCSCORRECTMCSHIERB | Deletes inconsistent entries of general hierarchy |
RMCSHIER | General HIerarchy Exit Program |
RMCSHIERCORRECT | Deletes incorrect entries in general hierarchy |
RMCSMAIL | LIS Standard Analyses: Processing a Mail from SAPoffice |
RMCSMCSI | LIS Standard Analyses: Delete Selection Versions |
SAPMMCSH | Module Pool for General Hierarchy |
SAPMMCSV | Module Pool for Managing Selection Versions in LIS |
SAP Package MCR contains 1 message classes.
M5 | LIS: Standardanalysen, BCO-Belegauswertungen |
SAP Package MCR contains 1 authorization objects.
M_HIER_MCK | General Hierarchy |