
SAP Package MD03

Appl. development R/3 MPS/determin. requirements planning

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The package MD03 (Appl. development R/3 MPS/determin. requirements planning) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package MD03
Short Text Appl. development R/3 MPS/determin. requirements planning
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package MD03 contains 34 function groups.

2004 BAPI Planned Order Processing
0PP0 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0PP3 PP MRP Customizing (Rel. 2.2)
DATD Date format
LD05 Collective availability check - order
LD06 Collective availabil. check - components
M61A General help functions materials plnning
M61ASR Performance measurement using ASR
M61C Material Requirements Planning
M61D Capacity planning in MRP/MPS
M61E Planned Order Management f.Res.Planning
M61GFW Graphic with GFW
M61K MRP List Dialog (Extended Header)
M61L Print component list for planned order
M61M Display Product Groups
M61MA Function Group for MRP Mini-Applications
M61NET Internet Functions MRP
M61O Planned Order Processing
M61P Update planned order
M61Q Component Processing Planned Order/PReq
M61T Tree Control In The MRP Workbench
M61U Update materials planning
M61X Edit MRP table
M61Y MRP calculation
M61Z BOM explosion for MRP
MD00 Logistics: Gen.FBs for Org.structures
MD01 Long-Term Planning: Various
MD02 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
MD03 Check routines for Material Master
MRP1001 MRP BAPIs for Object Material
MRP5 APO <-> R/3 Interface - Planned Orders
MRP7 Parallel Import BBL
MRPC Requirements Grouping


SAP Package MD03 contains 73 transactions.

MD02 MRP - Single-item, Multi-level -
MD07 Current Material Overview
MD08 Reorg. MRP Lists
MD09 Pegging
MD17 Collective Requirements Display
MD19 Firm Planned Orders
MD25 Create Planning Calendar
MD26 Change Planning Calendar
MD27 Display Planning Calendar
MD41 MPS - Single-item, Multi-level -
MD42 MPS - Single-item, Single-level -
MD43 MPS - Single-item, Interactive -
MD44 MPS Evaluation
MD45 MRP List Evaluation
MD46 Eval. MRP lists of MRP controller
MD47 Product Group Planning Evaluation
MD48 Cross-Plant Evaluation
MD4C Multilevel Order Report
MD50 Sales order planning
MD51 Individual project planning
MDAC Execute Action for Planned Order
MDBA BAPI planned order processing
MDBS MPS - total planning run
MDC7 Start MD07 by using report
MDDISPONENT MRP Controller Workflow
MDM1 Mail To Vendor
MDM2 Mail to Vendor
MDM3 Mail to Customer
MDM4 Mail to MRP Controller
MDM5 Workflow: Mail to MRP Controller
MDSA Display Serial Numbers
MDSP Change BOM Explosion Numbers
MDUP Maintain Project New Key Assignment
MDUS Assign New Key to WBS Elements
MS00 Long-term planning
MS01 Long-Term Planning: Total Planning
MS02 Long-term plng: single-itm, mult-lvl
MS03 Long-term plng: singl-itm, singl-lvl
MS05 Long-term planning: display MRP list
MS06 Long-term plnng: collective MRP list
MS07 Long-Term Plng: Material Overview
MS08 Reorg.MRP Lists for Long-Term Plnng
MS11 LTP: Create planned order
MS12 LTP: Change planned order
MS13 LTP: Display planned order
MS29 Calculate Sim. Initial Stock
MS31 Create planning scenario
MS32 Change planning scenario
MS33 Display planning scenario
MS44 Flexible Evaluation Long-Term Plnng
MS47 Evaluation LTP for Product Group
MS50 Make-to-order planning (LTP)
MS51 Project planning (LTP)
MSAB LTP: set up plnng file entries BATCH
MSAC LTP: delete plnng file entries BATCH
MSBT Long-term plng:plng background job
MSC7 Start MS07 from Report
MSE7 EKS Simulation: Material Selection
MSLD Print MRP List, Long-Term Planning
OM01 MRP at client level
OM0G Current settings: MRP
OM0H MRP User Settings U444B
OMIK Control of CO Integration
OPP5 List Profile Component List
OPPQ C M MRP Plant Parameters for MRP
OPVP Collective availibility checkProfile
S_ALR_87099679 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOPP1OM0K
S_P00_99000128 SAP Standard Variant

Database Tables

SAP Package MD03 contains 67 database tables.

BLPK Document log header
BLPP Document log item
DBPR Material Index MRP Area for Forecast
DBVL Planning File Entry, MRP Area, Long-Term Planning
DBVM Planning File Entry, MRP Area
DVER Material Consumption for MRP Area
EMRP_RUN Blocking argument for MRP
KBVL Individual Customer Plng File Entry, MRP Area Long-Term Plng
KBVM Individual Customer Planning File Entry, MRP Area
KDPL Index customer order -> planned order
KDVL Individual Customer Planning File Entry, Long-Term Planning
KDVM Individual Customer Planning File Entry
M61GFW_USER User Settings for Graphic in MRP
MDDMAP Mapping Table for External User for MRP Evaluations
MDDMAPT Mapping Table for External User/Vendor with Default Setting
MDFD MRP firming date
MDFDDB Firming Data of MRP - MRP Area
MDHS Cluster Table BOMs Explosion (Shared Buffer)
MDKPDB Header Data for MRP Document
MDLG Customizing: MRP Area Storage Location
MDLL Customizing: MRP Area Subcontractor
MDLV Customizing MRP Area
MDLW Customizing: MRP Area Plants
MDMA MRP Area for Material
MDSM Simulative dependent requirements
MDTAB Cluster Table Initial Screen SRList/MRP List (Shared Buffer)
MDTC Aggregated MRP table items
PARUSER Key User Table for Parallel Import in MD07
PKTMP Conversion table for PKPS / please do not use
PLPB Long-term planning: Independent requirements versions
PLPT Long-term planning: Plants of planning scenario
PLPW Index of the production/delivery plant in the planned order
PLSC Planning scenarios in long-term planning
PSPL Index project -> planned order
PUMS Project number new key assignment (structure)
RQHD Header record for requirements total records in MRP
RQIT Item record for requirements total records in MRP
SNUC Changed revision levels (for creating MRP records RM61SR00)
SNUM BOM explosion number
SUMS New key assignment: BOM explosion no.->New BOM explosion no.
T438R Range of coverage profile
T439G PPplanning periods: header table
T439H PP planning periods: long texts
T439I PP planning periods: schedule lines (periods)
T439J PP planning periods: calculation rule
T440C Planning file entries for goods movements
T442B Start times for MRP background programs
T442C Control: activity reqmts transfer MRP/SOP -> CO
T449F Control of sequence of the extended header in the MRP list
T449S User Settings: Sort for Table
T449T User-Setting For Field Sequence To Display A Table
T449V User Parameters for Traffic Lights Settings in MD04/MD05
T450U User exit material selection - MRP
T457G MPS evaluation: evaluation profile
T457H MPS evaluation: hierarchy of MRP elements
T457I MPS evaluations: long texts
T457J MPS evaluation: user-specific layout
T457K MPS evaluation: user-specific schedule lines
T457L MPS evaluation: receipts/issues texts
T462A Logical Destination for Parallel Processing
T46AC Action control
T46AS Action code text
T46AT Action code description
T46PR List layout and print parameters
U444B User Settings for Flexible Transaction Calls
U444C User Settings For Flexible Transaction Calls Per MRP Element
UMD01 Default values for MRP


SAP Package MD03 contains 41 views.

H_PLSC Help View for PLanning Scenario
H_SNUM Help View of BOM Explosion Number
H_T439G Help View: PP Planning Periods (MRPPP Domains)
H_T450U User exit control key material selection - MRP
H_T457G Evaluation Profiles
H_T457L Help View: MPS Evaluation Texts
H_TCS41 Help View: Automatic Alternate BOM Selection
H_V_MARC Selection Methods Plants for Matl Search Help H_Werks_Matnr
H_WERKS View for Search Help H_WERKS
MDFA Data Base View of Production Order for MD
MDFV View of the Calendar (Production Version)
MDLA Material View of Order Item/Schedule Line
MDPB Read View of Plnnd Ind. Reqmts for MRP (see also MDPBDB)
MDPBDB View plnnd independent reqmts for MRP area in MRP (as MDPB)
MDRI Requirements total records
MDRV View of Outline Purchase Agreement
MDSB Dependent Reqmts View of Reser./Dep. Reqmts
MDUA View for Stock Transfer Purchase Requisition's Reqmts
MDUP View Between PLPW and PLAF
MDZE View of Indep. Reqmts for Allocation to Planning Marerial
PLIX Join view for planned order access to WBS element
V_DB_MDMA MRP area view for tables MDMA and MDLV
V_MDLG MRP area: Storage location
V_MDLL MRP area: Subcontractor
V_MDLW MRP area: Plant
V_MDMA Maintenance view MDMA
V_P_MDLV Help View for Table MDLV
V_PARUSER Activate Parallel Import of Stock/Requirements List
V_RQHD_A Helpview for table RQHD
V_T399D_T Order Proposals in the Past
V_T438M_U Convert Planned Orders into Orders
V_T438M_V Consumption
V_T440C Planning File Entries for Goods Movements
V_T442C Control: Transferring Activity Reqs to Cost Center Planning
V_T449F Screen Sequence for Extended Header
V_T462A Destinations for Parallel Processing
V_T46AC Action control for planned orders
V_U444B User Settings for Flexible Transaction Calls
V_U444C User Settings for Transaction Calls per MRP Element
VFAPW View from Producing Plant to Production Order


SAP Package MD03 contains 224 structures.

ABSFILT Substructure Filter Selection Segments MD04
AF61E PP MRP Work fields SAPLM61E
AF61L Work Fields for Long-Term Planning (SAPMM61L)
AF61O Work fields for processing planned orders
AFILT Structure of selection filter and display
AFVER Work fields for requirements consumption
AMRPC Work fields for saplmrpc (requirements totaling)
ASSL View auf die Tabelle T458A
BADI_M61R BAdI Control Parameters - Material Overview
BADI_MDKP_EXT Header Data MRP Document (Extract for BAdI)
BADI_MT61D_EXT Material Master MRP (Extract for BAdI)
BAPI_KBKO Transfer structure: Capacity header for planned order
BAPI_MRP_CONTROL_PARAM MRP: Control Parameters for Material
BAPI_MRP_IND_LINES MRP: Single Lines of MRP Elements
BAPI_MRP_LIST_PARAM MRP: Parameters for List Display
BAPI_MRP_MAT_PARAM MRP: Material Parameters
BAPI_MRP_PLAN_PARAM MRP: Planning Parameters
BAPI_MRP_STATISTIC MRP: Planning Statistics
BAPI_MRP_STOCK_DETAIL MRP: Statistics Fields for Stocks
BAPI_PLDORD Transfer structure: Planned Order Number for BAPI
BAPI_PLDORDCAPA_E1 Transfer Structure: Planned Order Capacity Requirements(EXP)
BAPI_PLDORDCOMP_E1 Transfer Structure: Planned Order Component(Export)
BAPI_PLDORDCOMP_I1 Transfer structure: Planned Order Component(Import-create)
BAPI_PLDORDCOMP_I2 Transfer structure: Planned Order Component(Import-change)
BAPI_PLDORDCOMP_I2X Transfer structure: Planned Order Component(Import-change)
BAPIM61O Indicators to indicate changes of field values
BAPIPLAF_E1 Transfer Structure: Planned Order
BAPIPLAF_I1 Transfer Structure: Planned Order(Import-Create)
BAPIPLAF_I2 Transfer Structure: Planned Order(Import-Change)
BAPIPLAF_I2X Transfer Structure: Planned Order(Import-Change)
BAPIPLAF_I3 Transfer structure: Planned Order Selection Criteria(Import)
BEDZF Control column for grouping requirements
BERX Internal Table with all MRP Areas Belonging to a Plant Matl
BESTFILT Substructure Sel. Stocks For Filter
BEZUR Help structure stock/receipt range of coverage
CA61M Output structure for assembly orders
CFILT Control Parameters Selection Rule MD04
CHARX Batches for Availability Check
CHLG Batches: storage location table
CM61A Control column for general availability check
CM61D Communication structure for material flag
CM61DP Temporary planning file entries, scope of planning
CM61E Read receipts for assembly orders
CM61F Interface table for function codes
CM61K Availability header - sales order item
CM61O Common work area for planned order functions
CM61S Processing planned orders: scheduling parameters (input)
CM61T Processing planned orders: scheduling return value (output)
CMRPC Common structure for requirements totaling
CR61T MD: Collective display structure
CRPEU Communication Bar for Setting Up MDPSX/MDEZX/MDSUX
DANPU Buffer for column display in MD04, Md05 and so on
DBVLEXT Planning file entries: Enhanced structure for ALV grid
DBVMEXT Planning file entries: Enhanced structure for ALV grid
DETFILT Substructure Display Filter Details
DETSFILT Details For Selection Rule
DISPO_ANZEIG_PUFFER Buffer for column display in MD04, Md05 and so on
DPOP Forecast Parameters for MRP Area
EINSTIEGLISTE Initial screen parameters for MD04 etc.
EKNDPLA Blocking table for make-to-order production
EMATLPL Help structure as blocking object for long-term planning
EPROPLA Help Table for blocking object 'EPROPLA'
GRAPHIC_MD Graphic Values for MRP List
IMDXMAP Include-Structure for MDXMAP - Ext. Vendor
IOEL Assignment Of (Dependent) Requirements To Receipt Elements
IRQHD Total requirements header record
IRQIT Data division requirements totaling
IVER2 Structure for consumption table 2
KAST Index: sales order - bill of material
KBVLEXT Planning file entries MTO: Enhanced structure for ALV grid
KUPUF Customer buffer for customer column display in MD04
LAND1_RANG Range table for country 1 of vendor
LIFNR_RANG Range table for vendor - general use
LOCFILT Substructure - Additional Selections Location
M61D_CRHD Capacity planning in MRP /MPS - list of work centers
M61D_KAKO Capacity planning in MRP/MPS - capacity categories
M61D_RESO Capacity planning in MRP/MPS - relation of wk center/capa.
MASEL Help fields for line selection in MRP list display, CO06
MASUC Search in Overview
MATKL_RANG Range table for goods group - general use
MATNR_RANG Range table for material number - general use
MDACCTO Transfer structure for action codes to be executed
MDAG Comparison of MRP list with stock/requirements list
MDALV_MARCDTL Output Structure: Header Infos for Report RMMDABLP
MDALV_MARCSUM Output Structure for Report RMMDABLP
MDALV_POMSG Output Structure: ALV for Report RMCVPLRQ
MDALV_RMMDERRO_MDKP_TERM Structure for Displaying Termination Messages from MRP Lists
MDALV_STBOM ALV: BOM Status in Shared Buffer
MDAM Structure for Exception Messages in Alert Monitor
MDAMP Structure for Traffic Light Settings in MD04
MDAS Structure for Exception Statistics - MRP
MDASRAGG ASR: Aggregated Data Records
MDAUS Structure for selecting exception lines
MDBADI_RESB Structure for BAdI when importing RESB
MDBEZ MD: Display texts
MDBI Additional info for direct procurement
MDBV Intermim Table for requirements consumption
MDCD Planned order data that can be changed via action
MDCL Transf. struct. for printing the component list in plnd ord.
MDCPUTIME CPU time for the planning run for a material
MDCURSOR Structure for cursor position in MRP lists
MDDB Additional data for direct procurement
MDDEL MRP element indicator: search string
MDEI Index to mdezx
MDEL MPS evaluation: receipts/issues not aggregate
MDEY Individual Lines of MRP Elements with Quantity Columns
MDEZFSIZE Field lengths in table control for MRP lists
MDFDI Include MRP firming dates
MDFQ View of Production Version and Quota Arrangement
MDFW Result of the missing parts check at goods receipt
MDGFW_CONTROL_STR MRP graphic: Control structure
MDHD Supplier Portal: Header Data Structure for Materials
MDHEADER Header Information for External List Display MD05
MDHI MPS evaluation: join T457H and T457T
MDHY Evaluation MPS: reference DELKZ --> line evaluation
MDIE Index table of MDEZX
MDITEM Structure for Item Lines MRP Lists Output
MDIX Index table of internal tables for the availability check
MDKDA List search, DDIC structure, customer segments
MDKF Key Structure for Reading MRP List
MDKG Structure for Graphic Values in the MRP List
MDKM Header Data Extract MRP Doc. for Ranges of Coverage Mini-App
MDKP_DATA Data Part for MRP List Header (MDKP, MDKPDB)
MDLB Header data for subcontracting components
MDLFPP Transf.struct., order value calculation type LTP-info record
MDLGO DDIC - help structure search by batches
MDLGORT Structure for F4 help on stor. location in plnd order header
MDMAT_USER_EXIT Material Data for User Exit MD04/MF50
MDME MPS evaluation: matrix element key data
MDMM Planning file entry for single-item, multi-level planning
MDMW Auxiliary structure for MRP area
MDMY Structure For Saving Settings In The Planning Memory
MDOE Structure for MRP list exception messages
MDPA_APO Order header for BOM explosion (APO)
MDPERF CPU times for the planning run for material
MDPL Planned order posting
MDPLANRESULT Structure Planning Status of Materials
MDPME Input structure for processing components
MDPRO List search, DDIC structure for project segments
MDPT Path to Order (Pegged Requirement)
MDRA View of order reservation for backorder handling
MDRB View of sales requirements
MDRQC Long-term planning: interface to activating indep.reqmts
MDRU View of reservation
MDRW Average requirement for the range of coverage calculation
MDS_PARALLEL_READ_RESULT Control Structure - Parallel Rading of Stock/Reqs List
MDSCT Scheduling planned orders: production dates/times
MDSELKRIT Selection Criteria for Material Overview
MDSELKRITD Selection Criteria for Material Overview
MDSHOW Sequence Of Fields For Display
MDSO Current sales orders to be changed
MDSORT Sort fields
MDSTATS Performance statistic of MRP
MDSTATS_DB MRP database statistics for a material
MDSTATUSTYP BADI structure for Status Table of Materials
MDSTCK MPS evaluation: individual stocks
MDSUFSIZE Column width for table control period totals MD04
MDSY Total lines for MRP elements with quantity columns
MDTA MPS evaluation: time-axis
MDTI MPS evaluation: time intervals
MDUSEXT Title of User Exit Columns
MDVA Availability structure for several items
MDVB Table for planning requirements
MDVU View of sales requirements
MDWORK Structure materials processed by parallel planning
MDXMAP Transfer Structure for Selection Settings External User
MDZB Allocation requirements table
MDZU Pegging: receipts table
MDZUSEL Substructure Additional Selections for Material Overview
MDZUSTA Access statistics BOM buffering
MESSA Message field list - availability check
MOAF Communication structure for assembly order
MPBA View of purchase requisitions (MPS)
MPFA View of order (MPS)
MPLP MPS view of delivery schedules
MPPA View of planned order (MPS)
MTREEPRGITM Tree Control Item For Report saptrev*
PAST Index Project - BOM
PGHI Product group hierarchy
PGSTA Stocks of product group members
PLAF_PLNUM Keys of planned orders (parameter of FuGr M61E)
PLANT Sequence table for MRP units - scope of planning
PLKV View of planned order header data
PLST Status table for planned order processing
PLTV Fields relevant for scheduling
PLWRK_RANG Range Table for Plant Number - For General Use
PRAUS Save output set-up for dialog box parameters in MD04
RC61X In/output fields for MRP list comparison
RF61D In/output fields for capacity planning in MPS/MRP (SAPLM61D)
RF61O In/output fields for processing planned orders
RFILT Output Structure Selection Rule and Display Filter MD04
RM61C I/O fields for SAPMM61C (Customizing MRP)
RM61H Firming planned orders: input/output fields
RM61I PP planning periods: input/output fields
RM61K In/output fields SAPLDATD (calendar display,...)
RM61L In/output fields for long-term planning
RM61M MPS evaluation: input/output fields
RM61N MPS evaluation: input/output fields table maintenance
RM61S Input/output fields: serial number maintenance
RM61U Input/output fields for SAPMM61U
RSNR Reservation numbers
RTREESEL Structure for Selected Elements for Order Tree
SBSU Set-up for requirements total records
SCOMPOBJX Structure for Output Table with Possible Comparison Values
SDIBE_MASSFIELDS MRP Area Selection Fields for Mass Data Maintenance
SKEY Structure: BOMs-Key Buffering etc.
SM61X Destination statistics for parallel planning run
SMDMA Structure for Selection Screen MRP Area
SPAXX Display option control for multi-function columns
STPR BOM Parameter Database Import
STRUMPF Core order/project BOM
SZUSFILT Substructure: Additional Selections Selection Mode
TIMEFILT Substructure Time Filtering - Display Horizon
TIMEFILT_ER Substructure Time Filtering - Display Horizon
UAFILT Substructure Selection MRP Elements with the Display Filter
USFILT Substructure Selection Of MRP Element Groups MD04 Filter
USTPAM Include - Additional BOM Parameters Material BOM
USTPAR Include: BOM Parameters for all types of BOMS
VERDYNA Consumption values data in extended MRP header
VERT Distribution for MRP elements
WERKS_TAB Plants - Table of IDs (can be used generally)


SAP Package MD03 contains 64 programs.

MDBAPI01 Planned order BAPI testing transaction program
RCNBF0CL Processing Plnd Orders: User-Defined Req. Records for Component List
RM61ASR10 ASR - Application Statistics Explorer
RM61ASR20 ASR - Most Expensive Materials
RM61SR00 Background Program: Creating MRP Record for Changing BOM Explosion No.
RMCE0605 Long-Term Planning - Vendor Analysis
RMCE0700 Long-Term Planning - Material Group Analysis
RMCE0705 Long-Term Planning - Material Group Analysis
RMCE0800 Long-Term Planning - Material Analysis
RMCE0805 Long-Term Planning - Material Analysis
RMDBVM00 Conversion of planning file entries MDVM/MDVL into DBVM/DBVL
RMDBVM10 Reset planning file entries DBVM/DBVL to MDVM/MDVL
RMDLDR01 Print MRP List: Long-Term Planning
RMDMAIL1 Send Mail to Vendor
RMDMAIL3 Send e-mail to customer from sales order
RMDMAIL4 Send e-mail to MRP controller
RMDMAIL5 Workflow: mail to MRP controller
RMDMRPLIST Planning data display
RMDPFE00 Display planning file entries
RMDPFE01 Long-term planning: Display planning file entries
RMDPFK00 Display individual customer planning file entires
RMDPFK01 Display individual customer planning file entires
RMDTCALV Print list - variable
RMMD07DB MD07 - Example of user-specific entry
RMMD07EX MD07 - Example of user-specific entry
RMMDABLP Average Stocks for Long-Term Planning
RMMDAS10 Exception statistics for MRP
RMMDBOM1 Display / Selective deletion of BOMs in shared buffer
RMMDEKS1 Set Up Purchasing Info Data from Long-Term Planning
RMMDERRO Display all termination messages from the MRP list
RMMDFD00 Delete firming data in LTP
RMMDKDPL Create index sales order -> planned order
RMMDKP01 Delete MRP Lists
RMMDKP02 Delete MRP Lists (long-term planning)
RMMDMDMA Material overview for MRP area
RMMDMONI Technical Statistics of the Planning Run
RMMDPERF Technical statistics for the planning run - material hit list
RMMDRW10 Materials sorted by days' supply - ascending
RMMDRW20 Materials sorted by first receipt days' supply - ascending
RMMDRW30 Materials sorted by second receipt days' supply - ascending
RMMDRW40 Materials sorted by days' supply - ascending
RMMDRW50 Materials sorted by first receipt days' supply - ascending
RMMDRW60 Materials sorted by second receipt days' supply - ascending
RMMDSN01 Deletion of BOM explosion numbers (WITHOUT where-used list)
RMMDVL20 Long-term planning: Create planning file entries for scenario
RMMDVM20 Preliminary Set Up of Planning File Entries:
RMMDVMPW Creation of planning file entries for production in alternative plant
RMMPS000 Batch Main Program for MPS
RMMRP010 Background Program for Planning Run, Long-Term Planning
RMPLAF00 Delete simulative planned orders
RMPLSC00 Delete dependent data on scenario
RMS01200 Delete data in purchasing information system
RMS09400 Delete data in Inventory Controlling
RMSTCK00 Delete middle opening balance (stocks) in LTP
SAPMM61C Customizing for MRP
SAPMM61I Planning Calendar
SAPMM61L Long-Term Planning: Planning Scenario
SAPMM61M MPS Evaluation
SAPMM61O Display Source Requirements
SAPMM61S Maintaining BOM Explosion Numbers
SAPMM61U New Key Assignment for Projects
SAPT457G Customizing transaction for MPS evaluation

Search Helps

SAP Package MD03 contains 16 search helps.

H_BERID Search help for field: MRP area BERID
H_BERID_MATSTAMM Search Help for BERID Field (in Material Master)
H_LTPLS Search help for field LTP-Lot size LTPLS
H_MDDMAP Search Help for MDDMAP
H_MDLV Search help for table MDLG
H_PLSC Help View for PLanning Scenario
H_SNUM Help View of BOM Explosion Number
H_T439G Help View: PP Planning Periods (MRPPP Domains)
H_T450U User exit control key material selection - MRP
H_T457G Evaluation Profiles
H_T457L Help View: MPS Evaluation Texts
H_TCS41 Help View: Automatic Alternate BOM Selection
H_WERKS Search Help for Plant Field WERKS
H_WERKS_MATNR All Plants For Material
HS_T024D_APPEND Append structure for collective search help HS_T024D
V_RQHD_A Helpview for table RQHD

Message Classes

SAP Package MD03 contains 3 message classes.

MF MPS-Planung und Auswertung
RM61ASR10 M61ASR Meldungen
RM61ASR20 RM61ASR20 Meldungen

Authorization Objects

SAP Package MD03 contains 3 authorization objects.

C_BFLS_N REM: Posting Reporting Point Backflush Later
M_LFPL_ORG Organizational Levels of Long-Term Planning
M_MIPA_ORG Updating Backorders