
SAP Package MD05

Development Class KANBAN

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The package MD05 (Development Class KANBAN) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package MD05
Short Text Development Class KANBAN
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package MD05 contains 12 function groups.

0PK1 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
MPKA General Function Module Kanban
MPKB Container Maintenance for Kanban
MPKC Functions for Kanban Calculation
MPKD Print Kanban
MPKE Functions for Collecting Plant Data
MPKI Interface KANBAN Processing
MPKP Check Routines KANBAN
MPKR Kanban Control Cycle
MPKS Kanban Changes Deleting Replenishment
MPKV BAPIS for Kanban Control Cycle (BUS1172)
MPKZ Reset Data from Function Groups


SAP Package MD05 contains 54 transactions.

CI25 Upload Request in KK5
LPK1 Create Control Cycle for WM
LPK2 Change Control Cycle for WM
LPK3 Display Control Cycle for WM
OM00 Customizing KANBAN
OM10 PP Maintain Supply Area (Kanban)
OM11 Control Key, In-House Production
OM12 Control Key, External Procurement
OM13 Control Profile: Stock Transfer
OM15 Maintain Status Short Text - Kanban
OM19 Kanban Calculation Profile
OM20 Adjust Control Cycle
OM21 Work Times Kanban Calculation
OM22 Field Selection Control Cycle Data
OM23 Display of Kanbans
OM24 Quick Info for Kanbans
OM25 Alternative Error Handling KANBAN
PK00 Kanban
PK01 Create Control Cycle
PK02 Change Control Cycle
PK02NR Change Control Cycle
PK03 Display Control Cycle
PK03NR Display Control Cycle
PK05 PP Maintain Supply Area (Kanban)
PK06 PP Maintain Supply Area (Kanban)
PK07 Kanban Calculation
PK08 Check Kanban Calculation Result
PK11 Plant Overview: Kanban
PK12 Kanban Board: Supply Source View
PK12N Kanban Board: Supply Source View
PK13 Kanban Board: Demand Source View
PK13N Kanban Board: Demand Source View
PK17 Collective Kanban Print
PK18 Evaluation Control Cycle/Kanban
PK21 Change Kanban Container Status
PK22 Kanban Quantity Signal
PK23 Manual Kanban Creation
PK24 Enter Customer KANBAN Call
PK31 Container Correction
PK41 Backflush KANBAN Orders
PK50 Display Errors: Kanban
PK51 Error Processing PDC Kanban
PK52 Kanban Calculation Error Log
PK99 Function Access via Transaction
PKBC Chnge Container Status With Bar Code
PKRF21 Kanban Signal with Radio Frequency
PKRF22 Quantity Signal with Radio Frequency
PKRF23 Event-Driven KANBAN Radio Frequency
PKRFBC Kanban Barcode without Actual Qty
S_ALR_87099728 Field Selection Control Cycle Data
S_ALR_87099731 Alternative Error Handling KANBAN
S_ALR_87099732 Field Selection Control Cycle Data
S_ALR_87099733 Display of Kanbans
S_ALR_87099735 Quick Info for Kanbans

Database Tables

SAP Package MD05 contains 33 database tables.

PKCH Batches and Quantities in KANBAN
PKEC Error Log for Kanban Calculation
PKEK Error Log for Kanban (Event-Driven KANBAN)
PKEN Dummy Table for Creating a Block.Object for Sec.Key Tab.PKHD
PKER Error Log of the Kanban Containers
PKHD Control Cycle
PKPR Change Proposals from Kanban Calculation
PKPS Control Cycle Item / Kanban
PKSD Control Cycle Item/Additional Data for Kanban With Delivery
PKSL Detailed Selection of the Dependent Requirements
PKUSR User Settings for Kanban Transactions
PVBE Supply area
PVKT Supply Area Short Text
T450N Transaction Control MRP With Object
TKTGLC KANBAN Board Global Settings
TKTGLU KANBAN Board Global Settings
TKTQIC KANBAN Board: Quick Info for KANBAN Customizing
TKTQIU Kanban Board: Quick Info for Kanbans User-Specific
TKTRDC KANBAN Board Control Cycle Data Customizing
TKTRDU Kanban Board Control Cycle Data User-Specific
TPK01 Key for Controlling the Control Cycle, In-House Production
TPK02 Key for Controlling Control Cycle: External Replenishment
TPK03 Key for Controlling Control Cycle, Stock Transfer
TPK1T Control Cycle Profile for In-House Production - Text
TPK2T Control Cycle Profile (External Procurement) - Text
TPK3T Control Cycle Profile (Stock Transfer) - Text
TPKAK Actions in KANBAN Processing
TPKBP Kanban calculation profile
TPKBU Adjusting a Control Cycle in Kanban Calculation
TPKER Alternative Error Handling in the Kanban Process
TPKPT Kanban Authorization Text
TPKSF Kanban Status Sequences
TPKTX Kanban Container Status Short Text


SAP Package MD05 contains 22 views.

HV_PKHD Help View for Control Cycles
M_PVB1B Generated View for Matchcode ID PVB1-B
M_PVB1L Generated View for Matchcode ID PVB1-L
M_PVB1M Generated View for Matchcode ID PVB1-M
M_PVB1V Generated View for Matchcode ID PVB1-V
M_PVB1W Generated View for Matchcode ID PVB1 -W
PKPV Insert View, Container Item
PKPV1 View of Kanban Item for Planned Orders
PKPV2 View of Kanban Item for Production Orders
PKPV3 View of Kanban Item for Purchase Orders
PKPV4 View of Kanban Item for Reservations
PKPV5 View of Kanban Item for Transport Requirements
PKPV7 View for Kanban Item for JIT Call
V_PKSS PKPS Selection with PKHD and PVBE
V_PVBE Supply Area
V_TKTGLC Display of Kanbans
V_TKTQIC Quick Info for Kanbans
V_TKTRDC Field Selection KANBAN Board
V_TPK01 Control Key, In-House Production
V_TPK02 Control Key, External Replenishment
V_TPK03 Control Key, Stock Transfer
V_TPKBP Kanban Calculation Profile


SAP Package MD05 contains 60 structures.

AFPKB General Help Fields for SAPLMPKB
AFPKR Work Fields for SAPLMPKR
AMPKR Help Fields for SAPMMPKR Control Cycle Definition
BADI_PVBE Supply Area Transfer Structure (Business Add-In)
BADI_PVKT Supply Area Short Text Transfer Structure (Business Add-In)
BAPI1075_3 Result of a Kanban Status Change
BAPI1075_ACTUAL_QTY Actual Quantity of a Kanban
BAPI1075_GENERAL General Fields for Business Object Kanban
BAPI1075_LIST Kanban (Keys and Secondary Keys Only)
BAPI1075_PHYSTIME Time of an Entry in the Kanban Process
BAPI1075_PKBST_RANGE Range Structure for Kanban Status
BAPI1075_PKKEY_RANGE Range of Kanban ID
BAPI1075_PKPOS_RANGE Range of Kanban Number
BAPI1075_SAEDT_RANGE Range for Date Status Change
BAPI1075_SAEUZ_RANGE Range for Time Status Change
BAPI1172_DELVRYTIME Delivery Time for Event-Driven KANBAN
BAPI1172_EKORG_RANGE Range for Purchasing Organization
BAPI1172_LIFNR_RANGE Range for Vendor
BAPI1172_LIST Control Cycle (Primary and Secondary Key)
BAPI1172_PKNUM_RANGE Range for Kanban Control Cycle Number
BAPI1172_PKUMW_RANGE Range for Supplying Plant
BAPI1172_PRVBE_RANGE Range for Kanban Control Cycle Number
BAPI1172_QUVER_RANGE Range for Source Person Responsible
BAPI1172_REQUESTED_QTY Requested Quantity for Event-Driven KANBAN
BAPI1172_RGVER_RANGE Range for Kanban Control Cycle Number
BAPI1172_UMLGO_RANGE Range for Supplying Storage Location
BAPI1172_WITHDR_QTY Withdrawal Quantity for KANBAN Quantity Signal
BTCH Batches for Availability Check
CPKME Kanban Data for Printing Orders, Purchasing
CUST_PKHD Customer Fields in Kanban Control Cycle (PKHD)
E1PKK01 Kanban Call Header
E1PKP01 Kanban Call Item
KARTE Kanban Data Structure
MCKANB Kanban Communication Structure
PKALVERHD Display error log of kanban containers by ALV
PKALVERPS Display error log of kanban containers by ALV
PKCOM Communication Structure, Kanban
PKCON Communication Structure from BDE Systems to SAP for Kanban
PKERG Complete Structure for Error Tables
PKHD_ALV Header structure for ALV kanban / control cycle evaluation
PKHD_ALV_ASW Header structure for ALV kanban / control cycle evaluation
PKHD5 Downl.Str. from SAP to BDE Systems for Kanban Control Cycle
PKKBZ Control Cycle Additional Data Kanban Board
PKKUM Structure of Container Data
PKPRNHD Print From Control Cycles
PKPRNPS Print from Kanbans
PKPS_ALV Item structure for ALV kanban / control cycle evaluation
PKPS_ALV_ASW Item structure for ALV kanban / control cycle evaluation
PKPS5 Download Struc. from SAP to BDE System for Kanban Container
PKSB Dependent Requirements for Kanban Calculation
PKST5 Downl.Struc.Frm SAP to BDE Sys. for Kanban Container Status
PKWB Structure of Update for Table PKPS
R0PK1 I/O fields for Kanban Customizing
RFPKB In/Output Fields for SAPLMPKB
RMPKB In/Output Fields for SAPMMPKB
RMPKBVE Structure for Bar Code Initial Entry
RMPKC Online Fields for Kanban Calculation (SAPMMPKC)
RMPKR In/Output Fields for SAPMMPKR
SBDAY Dependent Requirements in the Kanban Calculation
TPK00 General Fields in KANBAN Replenishment Strategies


SAP Package MD05 contains 8 programs.

PPPRKANB_PDF Kanban Report
SAPCDUP5 Generate upload request on subsystem
SAPMMPKB Kanban Board
SAPMMPKC Create Change Proposal for KANBAN Control Cycles
SAPMMPKD Print and evaluation report for kanbans / control cycles
SAPMMPKF Kanban Processing: Error Display
SAPMMPKR Control Cycle Definition
SAPMMPKRF Radio frequency for kanban process

Search Helps

SAP Package MD05 contains 7 search helps.

HV_PKHD Help View for Control Cycles
PVB1 Search by Supply Areas
PVB1B Supply Area by Description
PVB1L Supply Area by Storage Location
PVB1M Supply Area by Material Used
PVB1V Supply Area by Responsible Person
PVB1W Plant Supply Areas

Message Classes

SAP Package MD05 contains 1 message classes.

PK Produktion - Kanban

Authorization Objects

SAP Package MD05 contains 1 authorization objects.