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Bei ansehen →The package MD06 (Development Material Requirements Planning) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | MD06 |
Short Text | Development Material Requirements Planning |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package MD06 contains 18 function groups.
MD_MG02 | Matl Maint. Functions: Dialog/Background |
MD_MG10 | Field Checks: MRP Data with MRP Area |
MD_MG16 | Field Checks: Forecast Parameters/Values |
MD_MGD1 | MRP Area: MRP Screen |
MD_MGFK | FK Checks for Data Transfer Matl Master |
MD_MGMD | Matl Master Maintenance Without Dialog |
MD_MGML | Read Material (with MRP Area) |
MD_MGMU | Update Functions Material (MRP Area) |
MD_MGMV | Update Material Master Data in Database |
MD_MGPA | Group Together Status-Ind. Field Checks |
MD_REO | Reorganization of MDMA Records |
MD06 | MRP Area: Material Requirements Planning |
MD08 | MRP Area: Material Requirements Planning |
MD10 | ===> Object MRP_AREA , generated |
MGVRDISPOSITIONSBEREICH | Update Preparation for Matl Consumption |
SAP Package MD06 contains 2 database tables.
DBPROF | Forecast Error with MRP Areas |
DBPRON | Reproc. of Forecast Errors and Excpn Messages with MRP Area |
SAP Package MD06 contains 1 views.
V_P_MDLV_DIBE | Help View for Table MDLV |
SAP Package MD06 contains 20 structures.
BERID_RANGE | Range for MRP Areas |
DBPRF | Material Index for Batch Forecast with MRP Area |
DBPRO | View in Material Master (Forecast) with MRP Area |
DGESV_DB | Structure of Total Consumption for Change Documents |
DPOP_UEB | DPOP Extended by Include MUEB_REST |
DUNGV_DB | Structure: Unplanned Consumption for Change Documents |
MDMA_UEB | MDMA Extended by Include MUEB_REST and BERTY |
MDSM_BERID | MDSM Extended by MRP Area |
MRPA_WA | Work Area Material Master Management with MRP Area |
PRE27 | Auxiliary Structure for Mass Access Material with MRP Area |
RM03M_DB | Help Fields for Material Master Data Maintenance |
RM61D | Screen Table Forecast with MRP Area |
SBERID | Structure for Creation Screen of MRP Area |
SDVER | Structure for Consumption Values (DVER + Control Flags) |
SVERBTAB_F_DB | Consumption Values with Administration Info (Full Key) |
VMDMA | Structure for Change Document: Generated By RSSCD000 |
VPROP | Structure for Change Document: Generated By RSSCD000 |
WSOL_DEL_DB | Structure with Materials for Reorganization |
XDGESV_DB | Structure for Change Document: Generated By RSSCD000 |
XDUNGV_DB | Structure for Change Document: Generated By RSSCD000 |
SAP Package MD06 contains 3 programs.
MRP_AREA_BCTI | Creation of MRP areas by batch input |
RMMDDIBE | Mass processing of MRP areas (create/change/delete) |
RMMDDIBE02 | Mass Processing of MRP Areas (Background Processing) |
SAP Package MD06 contains 1 search helps.
H_ORTZG | Search Help for Receiving Storage Location of an MRP Area |
SAP Package MD06 contains 1 message classes.
MD06 | Dispobereich |