Wenn der Standard nicht ausreicht: Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, IDocs selbstständig zu programmieren und zu erweitern. Die Autorin beschreibt Customizing-Techniken, die Erweiterung der Standardbausteine und komplette Eigenentwicklungen. Ob Rückmeldungen von Statuswerten, E-Mail-Workflows oder Serialisierung – für alle Aufgaben finden Sie Anleitungen und Tipps aus der Programmierpraxis. Neu in dieser Auflage: Überwachung und Fehlerbehandlung mit dem SAP Application Interface Framework.
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package MDPB (Application development R/3 purchasing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | MDPB |
Short Text | Application development R/3 purchasing |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package MDPB contains 22 function groups.
3027 | Business Object Planned Ind. Requirement |
M60A | Reduction of Independent Requirements |
M60C | Long-Term Planning |
M60CU | Adapter: Charac. Based Planing - Config. |
M60D | Planned ind. reqmts display |
M60E | Maintain Planned Independent Requiremts |
M60F | F4 Help Planned Indep. Reqmts |
M60G | Graphics for demand management |
M60H | Display history |
M60I | Object Dep. for Characteristics Plng |
M60K | Relevance for planning |
M60M | Defects Analysis |
M60O | Classification : object exists |
M60P | Charac. planning/stat. interpretation |
M60R | General Functions |
M60S | Period Split |
M60T | Long Text - Planned Independent Reqmt |
M60U | Update independent requirements |
M60V | Planning at Characteristic Group Level |
M61W | Function group: Forecast dialog |
OMPC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
OPP4 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package MDPB contains 40 transactions.
MD61 | Create Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD62 | Change Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD63 | Display Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD64 | Create Planned Indep.Requirements |
MD65 | Change Standard Indep.Requirements |
MD66 | Display Standard Indep.Requirements |
MD67 | Staggered Split |
MD70 | Copy Total Forecast |
MD71 | Copy Reference Changes |
MD72 | Evaluation, Charac.Plnng Techniques |
MD73 | Display Total Indep. Requirements |
MD74 | Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts |
MD75 | Reorganization: Delete Indep.Reqmts |
MD76 | Reorg: Delete Indep.Reqmts History |
MD79 | PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer |
MD81 | Create Customer Indep. Requirements |
MD82 | Change customer indep. requirement |
MD83 | Display Customer Indep. Requirements |
MD85 | List Customer Indep. Requirements |
MDP1 | Create combination structure |
MDP2 | Change combination structure |
MDP3 | Display combination structure |
MDP4 | Maintain combinations |
MDP6 | Modeling |
MDPH | Planning Profile |
MDPP | Demand Management |
MDPV | Planning variant: Initial screen |
MS64 | Create Simulation Version |
MS65 | Requirements Situation |
MS66 | Copy Simulative Dependent Reqmts |
OMID | Maintain Number Range: Indep.Reqmts |
OMIE | Maintain Number Range: Reqmts Plan |
OMPH | Period Split |
OMPI | Configuration |
OMPJ | Reqmts Type Message Control |
OMPL | Direct Input |
OMPM | Create Example File |
OMPO | Maintain Requirements Classes |
OMPP | Internal Number Assignment |
OMPS | Maintain Period Split |
SAP Package MDPB contains 24 database tables.
LPDX | Planning runtime table: INDX table |
M60I | Object dependencies tree structure for chars planning |
PBED | Independent Requirements Data |
PBHI | Independent Requirements History |
PBIC | Ind. reqmts index for customer requirements (without RV) |
PBID | Planned independent requirements index: MRP area |
PBIM | Independent Requirements for Material |
PBIV | Ind. reqmts index for consump. of exter. non-variable parts |
T399Q | Default values for maintaining independent requirements |
T450F | Field selection maintaining independent requirements |
T450P | Transaction control for maintaining ind. requirements |
T459A | External requirements types |
T459C | Default values for independent requirements |
T459K | Control table for customer requirements |
T459R | Reference requirements table |
T459S | Period splitting |
T459U | Settings for Maintaining Planned Independent Requirements |
T459V | Version table |
T459W | Texts for requirements types |
T459X | Text table for ind. reqmts reference table |
T459Y | Reqmts types for sales and distribution: texts |
TPHVP | Header: Planning Profile |
TPLVP | Planning Profile |
TPSVP | Planning profile lines |
SAP Package MDPB contains 14 views.
H_T459A | Generated Help View for Check Table T459A |
H_T459S | Period Split |
U_15168 | Planned Independent Requirements |
U_25709 | Plnd Indep. Reqmt - Schedule Line |
V_MCMVP_A | Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -A |
V_MCMVP_B | Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -B |
V_MCMVP_C | Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -C |
V_PHVP_1 | Database View: Planning Profile |
V_T399Q_4 | Reqmts Type: Maintenance of Messages |
V_T438M_G | Period Split for Splitting Planned Quantities |
V_T459C_5 | Planned Independent Requirements: Internal Number Assignment |
V_T459K_4 | Indep. Reqmts Customizing Configuration |
V_T459K_5 | Maintaining reqmts classes for planned independent reqmts |
V_T459R | Indep. Reqmts: Version Default Values for Reference |
SAP Package MDPB contains 108 structures.
AM60M | PP Demand Management XXL Interface Global Var. SAPMM60M |
AM60X | Work fields for SAPMM60X |
APET | Independent requirements schedule lines, split |
B60BL | Independent reqmts block data batch-input |
B60C1 | Direct Input für Merkmalswerte in d. Programmplanung ab 4.70 |
B60CH | Direct input for characteristic values in demand management |
B60ET | Independent reqmts schedule line data for batch-input |
BAPISCHARR | Communication fields: indep. reqmts characteristic values |
BAPISITEMD | Communication fields: indep. reqmts item data table |
BAPISITEMO | Communication fields: indep. reqmts item output |
BAPISITEMR | Communication fields: indep. reqmts item data table |
BAPISITMEO | Communication fields: indep. reqmts detailed data |
BAPISPARAM | Control Parameters for Planned Independent Requirements |
BAPISRQMSG | Internal structure for collecting messages (indep reqmts) |
BAPISSHDIN | Communication fields: indep. reqmts schedule lines input |
BAPISSHDOU | Communication fields: indep. reqmts schedule lines output |
BEDARF_109 | Structure for TableControl Requirement in Screen 109 |
CHAR_VAL | Structure for characteristics and values + their descriptns |
CM60A | Structure for planned independent requirements display |
CM60H | Structure for F4 Help |
CM60M | Interface to function module. Set up allocation objects |
CM60R | Common work area for planned indep. requirements functions |
CM60X | Interface structure for allocating independent reqmts |
CSLNID | Structure of internal row number |
HM60X | Help fields SAPMM60X |
IPBKD | Assign planned independent reqmts / customer reqmts |
KDPB | Allocation Index Independent Requirements to Sales Order |
KDPBO | Open allocations from customer reqmt/reservation/dep.reqmt |
KDPBS | Open allocations from customer reqmt/reservation/dep.reqmt |
KSML_SEL | KSML w/ additional characteristic data for object selection |
LNPOS | Structure for variant table lines |
M60I_ENQ | Lock object dependencies tree structure for chars planning |
MATZU | Interface to consumption of planning /mat.data (C-segment) |
MDALV_HISTORY | Structure for Displaying the ALV Grid History |
MDALV_LISTREQUIREMENTS | Structure for Output of Usage Probability (Header Table) |
MDALV_LISTREQUIREMENTS2 | Structure for Output of Usage Probability (Item Table) |
MDALV_MD73_KDPB | Structure for ALV: Allocation of Ind. Req. to Sales Order |
MDALV_MD73_PBET | Table for Splitting Data for Independent Requirements |
MDALV_MD73_PBHI | Structure for ALV: History MD73 |
MDALV_MD73_PBKD | Structure for ALV: Allocation of Sales Order to Ind. Req. |
MDALV_MD73_PBPT | Structure for ALV: Item Data MD73 Ind. Requirement View |
MDALV_MD73_PBPT_ZUVKZ | Structure for ALV: Item Data MD73 Customer View |
MDALV_REORG_DATES | Structure for ALV for Reorganization: Key Dates |
MDALV_REORG_PBED | Structure for ALV for Reorganization: Schedule Lines |
MDALV_REORG_PBIM | Structure for ALV for Reorganization: Item |
MDALV_RM60LPDX | Structure for ALV for Report RM6LPDX |
MDALV_RM60RPER_PBED | Structure for ALV for Report RM60RPER |
MDVPV | Table supplement to table MDVP for planning material data |
MVPL | Structure for characteristics and values |
MVPL1 | Structure for Required Characteristics |
OPBET | Output schedule lines |
PBAB | Interface table: reducing independent requirements |
PBABA | Table supplement for Table PBAB |
PBABI | PREFIX for structure PBAB |
PBABX | Interface requirements reduction with additional data |
PBAT | Interface to reducing requirements during goods mvmts |
PBCH | Direct input for characteristic values in demand management |
PBEDOUT | Output Structure Details Planned Independent Requirements |
PBET | Table for splitting data for ind. reequirements |
PBETVB | Reference structure for XPBET |
PBEW | Indep. reqmts value table structure - see WPBET for FM |
PBFREE | Table with released quantities for INTTAB PBVABI |
PBGS | Totals line: independent requirements |
PBIMOUT | Output Structure Items Planned Independent Requirements |
PBKD | Allocation index: customer reqmts to ind. requirements |
PBKDS | Totals record allocation index: customer reqmts to ind.reqmt |
PBKDT | Work table: maintaining header data of ind. requirements |
PBKF | Configuration of independent requirements |
PBKO | Independent requirements key for configured ind.reqmts dates |
PBKOR | Correction table for planned ind. reqmts changes |
PBLF | Indep. reqmts data table for long-term planning |
PBMSG | Internal structure for collecting messages (indep reqmts) |
PBPT | Table of ind. requirements item data |
PBPTVB | Reference structure for XPBPT |
PBPZ | Additional fields for PBET structure |
PBTDT | Work table: maintaining independent requirements |
PBVAB | Work table for reducing planned requirements |
PBZO | Table for independent requirements allocation objects |
PBZU | Ind. reqmts control table for allocating customer reqmts |
PGET | Table for graphic of indep. reqmts schedule lines |
RBET | Table for reference reqmts splitting data |
RBPT | Table for reference reqmts item data |
RM60B | Input Fields: Characteristic Groups |
RM60C | Display structure: usage probabilities - charac. planning |
RM60CNAM | Name of statistics columns |
RM60CUVT | Structure for planning table contents |
RM60DRL | Create Relevance for Planning directly |
RM60E | In/output fields for SAPMM60E |
RM60G | In/output fields for graphic function module |
RM60L | In/output fields for SAPMM60X |
RM60LOG | Structure LOG for characteristics planning |
RM60LOGKEY | Key for runtime object LPDX log |
RM60M | PP Demand Mgmnt ----- XXl Interface -- I/O fields SAPMM60M |
RM60P | Structure: Planning Using Characteristics Groups |
RM60PHVP | Relevance for Planning header |
RM60PLVP | Relevance for Planning data |
RM60PROF | Planning profile structure |
RM60PSVP | Relevance for Planning lines |
RM60R | In/output fields for reorg. demand management (RM60R...) |
RM60REL | Structure: Relevance for Planning |
RM60STRING | Output characteristic values combinatn |
RM60U | Data transfer table for planned independent requirements |
RM60V | In/output fields reference |
RM60X | In/Output Fields for SAPMM60X |
SPBID | Locking structure for table PBID |
TPHVP_B | Internal buffer of table TPHVP |
VAL_APPL1 | Matrix Processing: X Values for APPL1: Planning |
WPBET | Table for independent requirements values |
SAP Package MDPB contains 32 programs.
RM60_COMBINATION_EXCEPTION | Report for determining no hits in characteristics combinations |
RM60_INOB_PBKO | Correction Report for table INOB at Characteristics Planning >=4.5A |
RM60_TEXT_REORG | Reorganization of incorrect text codes in PBIM / PBED |
RM60CH00 | Copying Simulative Dependent Requirements |
RM60COMB | Output usage probability |
RM60COPY | Copy Reference Changes |
RM60ECML | Planning profile: Display of Change Numbers Used |
RM60FORC | Copy Total Forecast |
RM60IN00 | Copying Plnd Indep. Reqmt Data Using the Direct Input Method |
RM60IN01 | Copying Planned Independent Reqmt Data Using the Direct Input Method |
RM60INEX | Save planned indep. reqmts in seq. file |
RM60INVR | Reorganization: Number range interval |
RM60LPDX | Runtime object reorganization |
RM60RCHR | Correction program for configuration object number |
RM60ROLL | Staggered Period Split |
RM60RPER | Test program for reorganizing incorrect PERXX entries by month |
RM60RR10 | Reorganize Indep. Reqmts - Delete old Reqmts Records |
RM60RR20 | Reorganizing Indep.Reqmts - Adjusting Requirements (PlndIndReq) |
RM60RR30 | Indep. requirements reorganization - Delete old requirements records |
RM60RR40 | Reorg. Indep. Reqmts - Delete History and Independent Requirements |
RM60RR60 | RM60RR60 Reorganization: Planning Material Index (Table PBVPV) |
RM60SIMU | Copy Version |
RM60XPRA_BEW | Conversion report for Characteristics Plng (transac. data) Rel. 4.5A |
RM60XPRA_BEW_DELETE | Reorganization of data created by RM60XPRA_BEW |
RM60XPRA_STAMM | Conversion report for Characteristics Plng (master data) Release 4.5A |
RM60XPRA_STAMM_DELETE | Reorganization of data generated by the RM60XPRA_STAMM |
RMMMBPBI | Creates a Seq. File for the Batch Input Independent Requirements |
SAPMM60E | Module pool |
SAPMM60M | PP Demand Management - EXCEL - Interface |
SAPMM60T | TEST Program for Reducing Requirements |
SAPMM60X | Module Pool |
TPHVP_PLNTP | Sets planning type PLNtp to 'X' in the table TPHVP. |
SAP Package MDPB contains 7 search helps.
H_T459A | Generated Help View for Check Table T459A |
H_T459S | Period splitting |
HAPROG | Help view of reference table |
MCMVP_A | Find by Description |
MCMVP_B | Find by Name |
MCMVP_C | Find by Group |
MCMVP_G | Planning tables |
SAP Package MDPB contains 2 message classes.
6P | Messages zur Primaerbedarfspflege ( Arbeitsgebiet60 ) |
6U | Messages zur Primärbedarfs-Verbuchung ( SAPLM60U ) |
SAP Package MDPB contains 2 authorization objects.
C_PPBD | Authorizations for Planned Independent Requirements |
C_PPBD_REO | Demand Management Reorg. - Activities |