
SAP Package MDPB

Application development R/3 purchasing

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The package MDPB (Application development R/3 purchasing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package MDPB
Short Text Application development R/3 purchasing
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package MDPB contains 22 function groups.

3027 Business Object Planned Ind. Requirement
M60A Reduction of Independent Requirements
M60C Long-Term Planning
M60CU Adapter: Charac. Based Planing - Config.
M60D Planned ind. reqmts display
M60E Maintain Planned Independent Requiremts
M60F F4 Help Planned Indep. Reqmts
M60G Graphics for demand management
M60H Display history
M60I Object Dep. for Characteristics Plng
M60K Relevance for planning
M60M Defects Analysis
M60O Classification : object exists
M60P Charac. planning/stat. interpretation
M60R General Functions
M60S Period Split
M60T Long Text - Planned Independent Reqmt
M60U Update independent requirements
M60V Planning at Characteristic Group Level
M61W Function group: Forecast dialog
OMPC Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
OPP4 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)


SAP Package MDPB contains 40 transactions.

MD61 Create Planned Indep. Requirements
MD62 Change Planned Indep. Requirements
MD63 Display Planned Indep. Requirements
MD64 Create Planned Indep.Requirements
MD65 Change Standard Indep.Requirements
MD66 Display Standard Indep.Requirements
MD67 Staggered Split
MD70 Copy Total Forecast
MD71 Copy Reference Changes
MD72 Evaluation, Charac.Plnng Techniques
MD73 Display Total Indep. Requirements
MD74 Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts
MD75 Reorganization: Delete Indep.Reqmts
MD76 Reorg: Delete Indep.Reqmts History
MD79 PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer
MD81 Create Customer Indep. Requirements
MD82 Change customer indep. requirement
MD83 Display Customer Indep. Requirements
MD85 List Customer Indep. Requirements
MDP1 Create combination structure
MDP2 Change combination structure
MDP3 Display combination structure
MDP4 Maintain combinations
MDP6 Modeling
MDPH Planning Profile
MDPP Demand Management
MDPV Planning variant: Initial screen
MS64 Create Simulation Version
MS65 Requirements Situation
MS66 Copy Simulative Dependent Reqmts
OMID Maintain Number Range: Indep.Reqmts
OMIE Maintain Number Range: Reqmts Plan
OMPH Period Split
OMPI Configuration
OMPJ Reqmts Type Message Control
OMPL Direct Input
OMPM Create Example File
OMPO Maintain Requirements Classes
OMPP Internal Number Assignment
OMPS Maintain Period Split

Database Tables

SAP Package MDPB contains 24 database tables.

LPDX Planning runtime table: INDX table
M60I Object dependencies tree structure for chars planning
PBED Independent Requirements Data
PBHI Independent Requirements History
PBIC Ind. reqmts index for customer requirements (without RV)
PBID Planned independent requirements index: MRP area
PBIM Independent Requirements for Material
PBIV Ind. reqmts index for consump. of exter. non-variable parts
T399Q Default values for maintaining independent requirements
T450F Field selection maintaining independent requirements
T450P Transaction control for maintaining ind. requirements
T459A External requirements types
T459C Default values for independent requirements
T459K Control table for customer requirements
T459R Reference requirements table
T459S Period splitting
T459U Settings for Maintaining Planned Independent Requirements
T459V Version table
T459W Texts for requirements types
T459X Text table for ind. reqmts reference table
T459Y Reqmts types for sales and distribution: texts
TPHVP Header: Planning Profile
TPLVP Planning Profile
TPSVP Planning profile lines


SAP Package MDPB contains 14 views.

H_T459A Generated Help View for Check Table T459A
H_T459S Period Split
U_15168 Planned Independent Requirements
U_25709 Plnd Indep. Reqmt - Schedule Line
V_MCMVP_A Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -A
V_MCMVP_B Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -B
V_MCMVP_C Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -C
V_PHVP_1 Database View: Planning Profile
V_T399Q_4 Reqmts Type: Maintenance of Messages
V_T438M_G Period Split for Splitting Planned Quantities
V_T459C_5 Planned Independent Requirements: Internal Number Assignment
V_T459K_4 Indep. Reqmts Customizing Configuration
V_T459K_5 Maintaining reqmts classes for planned independent reqmts
V_T459R Indep. Reqmts: Version Default Values for Reference


SAP Package MDPB contains 108 structures.

AM60M PP Demand Management XXL Interface Global Var. SAPMM60M
AM60X Work fields for SAPMM60X
APET Independent requirements schedule lines, split
B60BL Independent reqmts block data batch-input
B60C1 Direct Input für Merkmalswerte in d. Programmplanung ab 4.70
B60CH Direct input for characteristic values in demand management
B60ET Independent reqmts schedule line data for batch-input
BAPISCHARR Communication fields: indep. reqmts characteristic values
BAPISITEMD Communication fields: indep. reqmts item data table
BAPISITEMO Communication fields: indep. reqmts item output
BAPISITEMR Communication fields: indep. reqmts item data table
BAPISITMEO Communication fields: indep. reqmts detailed data
BAPISPARAM Control Parameters for Planned Independent Requirements
BAPISRQMSG Internal structure for collecting messages (indep reqmts)
BAPISSHDIN Communication fields: indep. reqmts schedule lines input
BAPISSHDOU Communication fields: indep. reqmts schedule lines output
BEDARF_109 Structure for TableControl Requirement in Screen 109
CHAR_VAL Structure for characteristics and values + their descriptns
CM60A Structure for planned independent requirements display
CM60H Structure for F4 Help
CM60M Interface to function module. Set up allocation objects
CM60R Common work area for planned indep. requirements functions
CM60X Interface structure for allocating independent reqmts
CSLNID Structure of internal row number
HM60X Help fields SAPMM60X
IPBKD Assign planned independent reqmts / customer reqmts
KDPB Allocation Index Independent Requirements to Sales Order
KDPBO Open allocations from customer reqmt/reservation/dep.reqmt
KDPBS Open allocations from customer reqmt/reservation/dep.reqmt
KSML_SEL KSML w/ additional characteristic data for object selection
LNPOS Structure for variant table lines
M60I_ENQ Lock object dependencies tree structure for chars planning
MATZU Interface to consumption of planning / (C-segment)
MDALV_HISTORY Structure for Displaying the ALV Grid History
MDALV_LISTREQUIREMENTS Structure for Output of Usage Probability (Header Table)
MDALV_LISTREQUIREMENTS2 Structure for Output of Usage Probability (Item Table)
MDALV_MD73_KDPB Structure for ALV: Allocation of Ind. Req. to Sales Order
MDALV_MD73_PBET Table for Splitting Data for Independent Requirements
MDALV_MD73_PBHI Structure for ALV: History MD73
MDALV_MD73_PBKD Structure for ALV: Allocation of Sales Order to Ind. Req.
MDALV_MD73_PBPT Structure for ALV: Item Data MD73 Ind. Requirement View
MDALV_MD73_PBPT_ZUVKZ Structure for ALV: Item Data MD73 Customer View
MDALV_REORG_DATES Structure for ALV for Reorganization: Key Dates
MDALV_REORG_PBED Structure for ALV for Reorganization: Schedule Lines
MDALV_REORG_PBIM Structure for ALV for Reorganization: Item
MDALV_RM60LPDX Structure for ALV for Report RM6LPDX
MDALV_RM60RPER_PBED Structure for ALV for Report RM60RPER
MDVPV Table supplement to table MDVP for planning material data
MVPL Structure for characteristics and values
MVPL1 Structure for Required Characteristics
OPBET Output schedule lines
PBAB Interface table: reducing independent requirements
PBABA Table supplement for Table PBAB
PBABI PREFIX for structure PBAB
PBABX Interface requirements reduction with additional data
PBAT Interface to reducing requirements during goods mvmts
PBCH Direct input for characteristic values in demand management
PBEDOUT Output Structure Details Planned Independent Requirements
PBET Table for splitting data for ind. reequirements
PBETVB Reference structure for XPBET
PBEW Indep. reqmts value table structure - see WPBET for FM
PBFREE Table with released quantities for INTTAB PBVABI
PBGS Totals line: independent requirements
PBIMOUT Output Structure Items Planned Independent Requirements
PBKD Allocation index: customer reqmts to ind. requirements
PBKDS Totals record allocation index: customer reqmts to ind.reqmt
PBKDT Work table: maintaining header data of ind. requirements
PBKF Configuration of independent requirements
PBKO Independent requirements key for configured ind.reqmts dates
PBKOR Correction table for planned ind. reqmts changes
PBLF Indep. reqmts data table for long-term planning
PBMSG Internal structure for collecting messages (indep reqmts)
PBPT Table of ind. requirements item data
PBPTVB Reference structure for XPBPT
PBPZ Additional fields for PBET structure
PBTDT Work table: maintaining independent requirements
PBVAB Work table for reducing planned requirements
PBZO Table for independent requirements allocation objects
PBZU Ind. reqmts control table for allocating customer reqmts
PGET Table for graphic of indep. reqmts schedule lines
RBET Table for reference reqmts splitting data
RBPT Table for reference reqmts item data
RM60B Input Fields: Characteristic Groups
RM60C Display structure: usage probabilities - charac. planning
RM60CNAM Name of statistics columns
RM60CUVT Structure for planning table contents
RM60DRL Create Relevance for Planning directly
RM60E In/output fields for SAPMM60E
RM60G In/output fields for graphic function module
RM60L In/output fields for SAPMM60X
RM60LOG Structure LOG for characteristics planning
RM60LOGKEY Key for runtime object LPDX log
RM60M PP Demand Mgmnt ----- XXl Interface -- I/O fields SAPMM60M
RM60P Structure: Planning Using Characteristics Groups
RM60PHVP Relevance for Planning header
RM60PLVP Relevance for Planning data
RM60PROF Planning profile structure
RM60PSVP Relevance for Planning lines
RM60R In/output fields for reorg. demand management (RM60R...)
RM60REL Structure: Relevance for Planning
RM60STRING Output characteristic values combinatn
RM60U Data transfer table for planned independent requirements
RM60V In/output fields reference
RM60X In/Output Fields for SAPMM60X
SPBID Locking structure for table PBID
TPHVP_B Internal buffer of table TPHVP
VAL_APPL1 Matrix Processing: X Values for APPL1: Planning
WPBET Table for independent requirements values


SAP Package MDPB contains 32 programs.

RM60_COMBINATION_EXCEPTION Report for determining no hits in characteristics combinations
RM60_INOB_PBKO Correction Report for table INOB at Characteristics Planning >=4.5A
RM60_TEXT_REORG Reorganization of incorrect text codes in PBIM / PBED
RM60CH00 Copying Simulative Dependent Requirements
RM60COMB Output usage probability
RM60COPY Copy Reference Changes
RM60ECML Planning profile: Display of Change Numbers Used
RM60FORC Copy Total Forecast
RM60IN00 Copying Plnd Indep. Reqmt Data Using the Direct Input Method
RM60IN01 Copying Planned Independent Reqmt Data Using the Direct Input Method
RM60INEX Save planned indep. reqmts in seq. file
RM60INVR Reorganization: Number range interval
RM60LPDX Runtime object reorganization
RM60RCHR Correction program for configuration object number
RM60ROLL Staggered Period Split
RM60RPER Test program for reorganizing incorrect PERXX entries by month
RM60RR10 Reorganize Indep. Reqmts - Delete old Reqmts Records
RM60RR20 Reorganizing Indep.Reqmts - Adjusting Requirements (PlndIndReq)
RM60RR30 Indep. requirements reorganization - Delete old requirements records
RM60RR40 Reorg. Indep. Reqmts - Delete History and Independent Requirements
RM60RR60 RM60RR60 Reorganization: Planning Material Index (Table PBVPV)
RM60SIMU Copy Version
RM60XPRA_BEW Conversion report for Characteristics Plng (transac. data) Rel. 4.5A
RM60XPRA_BEW_DELETE Reorganization of data created by RM60XPRA_BEW
RM60XPRA_STAMM Conversion report for Characteristics Plng (master data) Release 4.5A
RM60XPRA_STAMM_DELETE Reorganization of data generated by the RM60XPRA_STAMM
RMMMBPBI Creates a Seq. File for the Batch Input Independent Requirements
SAPMM60E Module pool
SAPMM60M PP Demand Management - EXCEL - Interface
SAPMM60T TEST Program for Reducing Requirements
SAPMM60X Module Pool
TPHVP_PLNTP Sets planning type PLNtp to 'X' in the table TPHVP.

Search Helps

SAP Package MDPB contains 7 search helps.

H_T459A Generated Help View for Check Table T459A
H_T459S Period splitting
HAPROG Help view of reference table
MCMVP_A Find by Description
MCMVP_B Find by Name
MCMVP_C Find by Group
MCMVP_G Planning tables

Message Classes

SAP Package MDPB contains 2 message classes.

6P Messages zur Primaerbedarfspflege ( Arbeitsgebiet60 )
6U Messages zur Primärbedarfs-Verbuchung ( SAPLM60U )

Authorization Objects

SAP Package MDPB contains 2 authorization objects.

C_PPBD Authorizations for Planned Independent Requirements
C_PPBD_REO Demand Management Reorg. - Activities