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Bei ansehen →The package MDPC (Customizing R/3 independent requirements management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | MDPC |
Short Text | Customizing R/3 independent requirements management |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package MDPC contains 1 function groups.
0MPB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package MDPC contains 38 transactions.
OMP0 | Customizing: Demand Mngmt (Menu) |
OMP1 | Customizing: Requirements Types |
OMP2 | Customizing: Versions |
OMP3 | Customizing: Vers. per Reqmts Class |
OMP4 | Customizing: Indep. Reqmts History |
OMP5 | Customizing: Refer.Type (Dep.Reqmts) |
OMP6 | Customizing: Consuming Indep. Reqmts |
OMP8 | Customizing: Reorganizing Indep.Req. |
OMP9 | Customizing: Fixing Indep. Reqmts |
OMPA | Customizing: Version per Ref. Type |
OMPC | Customizing:PlgInd/Cons.Indep.Reqmts |
OMPD | Customizing:Indep.Reqmts Init.Screen |
OMPE | Takeover Structure |
S_ALR_87005505 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP9 |
S_ALR_87005508 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPG |
S_ALR_87005511 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPA |
S_ALR_87005514 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPS |
S_ALR_87005517 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPH |
S_ALR_87005519 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OSPA |
S_ALR_87005522 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPB2 |
S_ALR_87005526 | IMG Activity: OMP0_DATTRANS_SXDA |
S_ALR_87005528 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMI6 |
S_ALR_87005531 | IMG Activity: OMP0_OMPP |
S_ALR_87005534 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPD |
S_ALR_87005537 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP6 |
S_ALR_87005541 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP4 |
S_ALR_87005545 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP8 |
S_ALR_87005549 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPJ |
S_ALR_87005553 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMPC |
S_ALR_87005556 | IMG Activity: OMP0_OMPO |
S_ALR_87005560 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP1 |
S_ALR_87005561 | IMG Activity: OMP0_OMIE |
S_ALR_87005564 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMID |
S_ALR_87005567 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OMP2 |
S_ALR_87005568 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPPU |
S_ALR_87005570 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPPT |
S_ALR_87005575 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0OPPS |
S_ALR_87005577 | IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOMP0ORGRE |
SAP Package MDPC contains 13 views.
H_T459V | Versions |
V_T399Q_1 | Indep.Reqmts: Def.Values for Splitting Values |
V_T399Q_2 | Indep.Reqmts: Def.Val. for Reorganizing Interval |
V_T399Q_3 | Indep. reqmts: Default Values for Fixing |
V_T438M_Q | External Procurement per MRP Group |
V_T450P_1 | Transaction Default Values Demand Management Customizing |
V_T459A | Requirements Types |
V_T459C_1 | Indep.Reqmts: Default Values for Versions |
V_T459C_2 | Indep. Reqmts: Default Values for History |
V_T459C_3 | Indep.Reqmts: Default Val.for Reference Type |
V_T459C_4 | Indep.Reqmts: Default Values for Consumption |
V_T459K_3 | Indep. Reqmts: Customizing Consumption |
V_T459V | Indep. Reqmts: Versions |
SAP Package MDPC contains 1 programs.
SAPMOPPQ | Sub-screen for Customizing External Procurement in MRP |
SAP Package MDPC contains 1 search helps.
H_T459V | Versions |