
SAP Package MRM

Appl. Development: R/3 Decentralized Invoice Verification

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The package MRM (Appl. Development: R/3 Decentralized Invoice Verification) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package MRM
Short Text Appl. Development: R/3 Decentralized Invoice Verification
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package MRM contains 22 function groups.

0MR0 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
MR0C Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
MR1M Log. inv. verif.: initial screen + items
MRBR Logistics Invoice Verification: Release
MRM_BAPI Invoice Verification BAPIs
MRM1 Log.IV: One time vendor maintenance
MRMA ===> Object INCOMINGINVOICE, generated b
MRMB Batch Logistics Invoice Verification
MRMC Logistics Invoice Verification: Checks
MRMD Logistics IV: assignment + merging
MRME Logistics Invoice Verification: Save
MRMF Log. Inv. Verification: Error Handling
MRMH Log. Inv. Verification: Central Module
MRMK Log. inv. verification: service modules
MRML LOgistics IV: Lists via ALV
MRMN (Log.) Inv. Verification: output control
MRMP Logistics Invoice Verification: Update
MRMV Logistics Inv. Verific.: Aggregations
MRMX Logistics IV: Difference processing
MRT1 Log.IV: read IV tables
MRT3 Log.IV: read IV tables
OMRP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)


SAP Package MRM contains 29 transactions.

M802 Message Requirements (IV)
M811 Create Message Condition Table (IV)
M812 Change Message Condition Table (IV)
M813 Display Message Condition Table (IV)
MIR4 Call MIRO - Change Status
MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents
MIR6 Invoice Overview
MIR7 Park Invoice
MIRA Fast Invoice Entry
MIRO Enter Invoice
MIRO_WORKFLOW Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow
MIRU_WORKFLOW_FREIG Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow
MIRU_WORKFLOW_VERV Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow
MR8M Cancel Invoice Document
MR90 Messages for Invoice Documents
MRA1 Archive Invoice Documents
MRA2 Delete Archived Invoice Documents
MRA3 Display Archived Invoice Documents
MRA4 Manage Invoice Document Archive
MRBP Invoice Verification in Background
MRBR Release Blocked Invoices
MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan
MRM0 Logistics Invoice Verification
MRNB Revaluation
MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement
OLMRLIST Maintain List Variant
OLMRVERDLIST Maintain Aggregation Variant
OMR0H C MM-IV Automatic Account Assignmnts

Database Tables

SAP Package MRM contains 34 database tables.

RBCO Document Item, Incoming Invoice, Account Assignment
RBDIFFKO Invoice Verification - Conditions
RBDIFFME Batch Invoice Verification - Quantity Differences
RBDRSEG Batch IV: Invoice Document Items
RBKP Document Header: Invoice Receipt
RBKP_BLOCKED Logistics Invoice Verification: Blocked Invoices
RBKPB Invoice Document Header (Batch Invoice Verification)
RBMA Document Item: Incoming Invoice for Material
RBSELBEST Invoice Receipt, Purchasing Documents Selection
RBSELDELI Incoming Invoice: Delivery Selection
RBSELERFB Invoice Receipt, Service Entry Sheet Selection
RBSELFRBR Invoice Receipt, Bills of Lading Selection
RBSELLBLN Invoice Receipt, Bills of Lading Selection
RBSELLIFS Invoice Receipt, Delivery Notes Selection
RBSELWERK Invoice Receipt, Plants Selection
RBTX Taxes: Incoming Invoice
RBVD Invoice Document - Aggregation Data
RBVDMAT Invoice Verification - Aggregation Data, Material
RBVS Invoice Verification: Split Invoice Amount
RBWS Withholding Tax Data, Incoming Invoice
RBWT Withholding Tax Data, Incoming Invoice
RSEG Document Item: Incoming Invoice
T003R Number Ranges RE_BELEG (Logistics Invoice Verification)
T003S Document Types for Storing Documents (Log. IV)
T169H Entry Profile
T169HT Entry Profile Description, Logistics Invoice Verification
T169L Vendor-Specific Parameters for Invoice Verification
T169TC Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants
T169TCDATA Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants
T169TCTEXT To be deleted!
T169WF01 IV Workflow: Amounts for Release in Invoice Parking
T169Y Default Setting of Aggregation for Screen Variant
TCULIV Customizing: Direct Posting in Log. Invoice Verification
TMRM007A Tax Codes: Invoice Verification/Invoice Entry (FI)


SAP Package MRM contains 7 views.

RBKP_V Incoming Invoice, Header Data
V_001G_R Sender Texts for Invoice Verification Forms
V_169P_LOGO Display Start Logo
V_CULIV Activate Direct Posting to G/L Accts and Material Accts
V_T003R Number Ranges for Log. Invoice Verification Transactions
V_T169R MR Document Archiving - Document Life
V_TCURM_MRM_ENQ Customizing Material Block for Invoice Verification


SAP Package MRM contains 157 structures.

ACCVS Vendor Line Item Splitting Information for FI/CO-Interface
ACMM_GL_COMP G/L Accounts Dialog Components Interface FI-MM
ACMM_VENDOR_COMP Vendor Dialog Component Interface FI-MM
ALL_SERVICES All Services for Purchase Order Items or Entry Sheets
ARBKP Work Structure for Releasing Invoices Automatically
ARSEG Work Structure for Releasing Invoices
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ACCOUNT Transfer Structure for Invoice Acct Assignment Data (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ADDRESSDATA Transfer Structure: Address Data Incoming Invoice (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_GL_ACCOUNT Transfer Struct.: G/L Acct Posting Incoming Invoice (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_HEADER Transfer Structure for Invoice Header Data (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ITEM Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_MATERIAL Transfer Struct.: Material Posting Incoming Invoice (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_TAX Transfer Structure for Tax Data (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_VENDORSPLIT Transfer Structure: Vendor Split Incoming Invoice (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_WITHTAX Transfer Structure: Withholding Tax Data (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ACCOUNT Transfer Structure for Invoice Acct Assignment Data (Create)
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ADDRESSDATA Transfer Structure Address Data Incoming Invoice (Details)
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_GL_ACCOUNT G/L Account Posting: Incoming Invoice (GetDetail)
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_HEADER Transfer Structure for Invoice Header Data (GetDetail)
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ITEM Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (GetDetail)
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_MATERIAL Transfer Struct.: Material Posting Incoming Inv. (GetDetail
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_TAX Transfer Structure for Tax Data (GetDetail)
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_VENDORSPLIT Transfer Structure: Vendor Split Incoming Invoice (GetDetail
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_WITHTAX Transfer Structure: Withholding Tax Data (GetDetail)
BAPI_INCINV_DOC_DATE_RA Ranges for Document Date of Incoming Invoice (GetList)
BAPI_INCINV_ENTRY_DATE_RA Ranges for Entry Date of Incoming Invoice (GetList)
BAPI_INCINV_FLD Transfer Structure for Individual Invoice Fields
BAPI_INCINV_GETLIST_HEADER Transfer Structure for Invoice Header Data (GetList)
BAPI_INCINV_IV_STATUS_RA Ranges for Incoming Invoice Status (GetList)
BAPI_INCINV_PERSON_EXT_RA Ranges for External Users Who Enter Invoices (GetList)
BAPI_INCINV_PSTNG_DATE_RA Ranges for Invoice Posting Date (GetList)
BAPI_INCINV_REF_DOC_RA Ranges for Incoming Invoice Reference Document (GetList)
BAPI_INCINV_SAVE_HEADER_BACKGR Transfer Structure for New Header Data Incoming Inv. (Save)
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_BILL_LADING Transfer Structure for Bills of Lading Incoming Inv. (Save)
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_DELIVERY Transfer Structure f. Delivery Notes Incoming Invoice (Save)
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_PLANT Transfer Structure for Plants Incoming Invoice (Save)
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_PO Transfer Structure for Purchasing Docs. Incoming Inv. (Save)
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_SERVICE Transfer Structure f. Srv.Entr.Sheet Incoming Invoice (Save)
BAPI_INCINV_VENDOR_RA Ranges for Invoice Creditors (GetList)
COBL_MRM Account Assignment Fields for Invoice Verification
COBL_MRM_D Account Assignment Fields, Logistics IV, Online
CONALV Fields for ALV List for Consignment Settlement RMVKON00
DRBKP Logistics Invoice Verification: Document Header Check
DRSEG Invoice Item (Dialog Processing)
DRSEG_CR Currency Information for Invoice Item (Online Processing)
DRSEG_SM Structured Material Invoice Item (Dialog Processing)
EBELNTAB Structure for Reading EKKO and EKPO for Tree - ENJOY
EK08ERSWE Goods Receipts for ERS Method
EK08MWDAT (Tax) Amount for Tax Code
EK08RB Purchase Order History for Invoice Verification
EK08RBB Additional Data DRSEG for Batch Invoice Verification
EK08RBZ Additional Data EK08RB for Batch Invoice Verification
EKBES_N Help Structure for Tree in IV
EKBNK_N Help Structure for Tree in IV
ENTRY_SHEETS Structure for Collecting Entry Sheets
ERSALV Fields for ALV Lists for ERS with Log. Invoice Verification
IRBKPB Invoice Document Header for Invoice Verification Processing
IRBKPF Logistics Invoice Verification, Invoice Documents
MRM_CHANGE Help Structure for Change Documents in SAPLMR1M
MRM_INCINV_COMP_CODE_RA Ranges for Company Code of Incoming Invoice
MRM_INCINV_DOC_NO_RA Ranges for Document Number of Incoming Invoice
MRM_INCINV_FISCAL_YEAR_RA Ranges for Fiscal Year of Incoming Invoice
MRM_INCINV_GROSS_AMOUNT_RA Ranges for Gross amount in doc. currency of Incoming Invoice
MRM_INCINV_GURRENCY_RA Ranges for currency of Incoming Invoice
MRM_INCINV_INVOICING_PARTY_RA Ranges for Invoicing Paryt of Incoming Invoice
MRM_INCINV_PAYEE_RA Ranges for Payee/Payer Party of Incoming Invoice
MRM_INCINV_REFDOC_NO_RA Ranges for Reference Document Number of Incoming Invoice
MRM_TAX_1 MM Interface - Taxes: Header Level
MRM_TAX_2 MM Interface - Taxes: Item Level
MRMPO Logistics Invoice Verification: Data for Item Screen
MRMRBCO Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
MRMRBMA Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
MRMRBTX Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
MRMRBVS Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
MRMRBWS Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
MRMRSEG Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
MXML_INCINV_CREATE_ITEM Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (Create)
MXML_INCINV_CREATE_TAX Transfer Structure for Tax Data (Create)
MXML_INCINV_DETAIL_ITEM Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (GetDetail)
MXML_INCINV_DETAIL_TAX Transfer Structure for Tax Data XML (GetDetail)
MXML_INCINV_DETAIL_VENDORDATA Invoicing Party Address Data: Formatted
ONE_NODE Help Structure for Tree
POHDR_DSPL PO header items display for Invoice Verification
PRINT_MRM Print Parameters + Help Fields for Printing Invoice Docs
PUMSEP Input Tax, Park Documents: Line Info at Document Level
RAP_DATA Data Struct. for Revaluation (Retro Active Pricing) Log. IV
RAP_PARA Auxiliary Structure for Parameter Fields for Revaluation
RBCHARACT_INSTANCE Assignment of a Value to a Characteristic
RBCHARACT_INSTANCE_DISP Display Values for Characteristic and Characteristic Value
RBDIFFKO_D Invoice Verification - Conditions - Data Part
RBDIFFKO_K Invoice Verification - Conditions - Key Fields
RBDIFFME_D Batch IV - Quantity Differences (Data Part)
RBDIFFME_K Batch IV - Quantity Differences (Key Data)
RBDIFFWELS Batch IV: Differences in GR Qty and Del. Note Qty
RBDRSEG_DT Batch IV: Invoice Document Items - Data Part
RBINVPRNT Invoice Documents for Output
RBKOMV Invoice Document Items - Conditions
RBKP_1TIME Document Header: One time accounting data
RBKP_BG Logistics Invoice Verification (Background Processing)
RBKP_DIS Display Incoming Invoice Header Data
RBKP_FI Document Header Incoming Invoice - FI Fields
RBKP_KEY Document Header Incoming Invoice - Key Fields
RBKP_ORGA Document Header Incoming Invoice- Organizational Data
RBKP_RESULT Document Header Incoming Invoice: IV Results Fields
RBKP_TARGET Document Header Incoming Invoice: Fields for Target Amount
RBKP_ZUORD Document Header Incoming Invoice: Allocation Criteria
RBKPB_DATA Invoice Document Header - Additional Date for Batch IV
RBKPB_OLD Invoice Document Header Batch - DO NOT USE FIELDS
RBPOSID Document Header Item: Identifying Fields
RBPROT Logistics Invoice Verification: Log Levels
RBRMBABG00 Help Structure for RMBABG00
RBSORBSTAT Batch IV: Select Options for Invoice Status
RBSOREPART Batch IV: Select Options for Invoice Verification Type
RBTX_DATA Taxes, Incoming Invoice - Data Fields
RBTX_KEY Taxes, Incoming Invoice - Key Fields
RBTX_TARGET Taxes, Incoming Invoice - Taxes for Target Amount
RBTX_TEMP Logistics Invoice Verification - Temporary Tax Information
RBVD_KEY IV: Aggregation, Key Fields in RBVD
RCURR Logistics Invoice Verification: Currencies
RIRK Logistics Invoice Verification: Invoice Reduction Info
RM08M_SURFACE I/O Fields for SAPLMR1M Enjoy
RM08MRBR Selection Fields for Invoice Release (Logistics IV)
RM08N I/O Fields SAPMM08N
RM08REP0 Collection of Input Fields from Various Reports
RM08RL80_DEL_HDR Display Delivery Notes in F4 Help (ALV)
RM08RL80_DEL_POS Display Delivery Notes in F4 Help (ALV)
RM08RL82_PO_HDR Display Purchase Orders in F4 Help (ALV)
RM08RL82_PO_POS Display Purchase Orders in F4 Help (ALV)
RM08RL86_LIEF_HDR Display Deliveries in F4 Help (ALV)
RM08RL86_LIEF_POS Display Deliveries in F4 Help (ALV)
RM08V Input/Output Fields for Aggregation (IV)
RMPROTDATA Data for Batch IV Log
RSEG_BLOCKEDPRICES Blocked Invoice Document Items with PO Information
RSEG_BUZEI Blocked Invoice Document Items as Single-Column List
RSEG_EBELN PO Numbers of Blocked Items as Single-Column List
RSKOF Logistics Invoice Verification: Cash Discount Data
SGNBU GNBU Interface
SUMMEN Help Table for Totals from PO History
TREE Structure for Reading EKKO and EKPO for Tree - ENJOY
TREE_HIST Structure of the PO History Read for Tree - ENJOY
TREE_INDEX Indexes for Tree Structure
TREE_ITEM_IV Tree Control Item in Invoice Verification - ENJOY
TREE_VISU Structure for Generating Tree Nodes and Items - ENJOY
TREEV_VISU Structure for Creating the Worklist Tree - ENJOY
WRXMOD Transfer Structure to User Exit for GR/IR Account Determ.
XBLNR_NODE Help Table for Tree
XMSEL_BEST Invoice Receipt, Purchasing Documents Selection
XMSEL_FRBR Invoice Receipt, Allocation Bill of Lading
XMSEL_LIFS Invoice Receipt, Selection Delivery Note/Bill of Lading
XMSEL_WERK Invoice Receipt, Selection Delivery Note/Bill of Lading


SAP Package MRM contains 26 programs.

MM70AMRA Output Messages in Logistics Invoice Verification
RM08RA00 Deletion of Unnecessary RBKPB-/RBDIFFKO-/RBDIFFME Entries
RM08RA10 Deletion of Unnecessary RKWA Entries
RM08RA20 Deletion of Unnecessary Messages
RM08RA30 Deletion of Unnecessary Change Documents
RM08RAAU Analysis of Invoice Document Archive
RM08RADE Archive Material Documents for Inv. Ver. - Delete Program
RM08RARC Archiving of Documents for Invoice Verification
RM08RBKPBLOCKED Structure of RBKP_BLOCKED from blocked MR1M documents
RM08RELEASE Release Blocked Invoices
RM08RL80 Possible Entries for Delivery Note
RM08RL82 Possible Entries for Purchasing Document
RM08RL84 Possible Entries for Plants
RM08RL86 Input Options for Outbound Delivery
RMBABG00 Logistics Invoice Verification - Background Check
RMBABG01 Invoice Overview - Statistics
RMMR1MCD Display Change Documents
RMMR1MDI Display List of Invoice Documents
RMMR1MIS Invoicing Plan Settlement with Logistics Invoice Verification
RMMR1MRB Revaluation with Log. Invoice Verification
RMMR1MRS Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) with Logistics Invoice Verification
RMXPRA01 XPRA for Copying IS Retail Table RBDIFFME to the Standard System
RMXPRA02 XPRA for Copying IS-Retail Table RBKPB to the Standard System
SAPMM08N Invoice Overview
SAPMM08N_MR1B Invoice Overview
SAPMMRHW Module Pool SAPMMRHW (Invoice Posting/Verification)

Search Helps

SAP Package MRM contains 5 search helps.

MEBZF Delivery Costs for Bill of Lading
MRM_HELP_RBKP Collective Search Help: Incoming Invoice
MRM_HELP_RBKP_GROSSAMOUNT Invoices for Gross Amount
MRM_HELP_RBKP_INCOMINGDATE Invoices for Date of Receipt
MRM_HELP_RBKP_REFERENCE Invoices for the Reference Data

Message Classes

SAP Package MRM contains 1 message classes.

MRNB Nachrichten für die Neubewertung (Retro Active Pricing)

Authorization Objects

SAP Package MRM contains 3 authorization objects.

M_RECH_AKZ Invoices: Accept Invoice Verification Differences Manually
M_RECH_EKG Invoice Release: Purchasing Group
M_RECH_WRK Invoices: Plant