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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package MRM (Appl. Development: R/3 Decentralized Invoice Verification) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | MRM |
Short Text | Appl. Development: R/3 Decentralized Invoice Verification |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package MRM contains 22 function groups.
0MR0 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
MR0C | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
MR1M | Log. inv. verif.: initial screen + items |
MRBR | Logistics Invoice Verification: Release |
MRM_BAPI | Invoice Verification BAPIs |
MRM1 | Log.IV: One time vendor maintenance |
MRMA | ===> Object INCOMINGINVOICE, generated b |
MRMB | Batch Logistics Invoice Verification |
MRMC | Logistics Invoice Verification: Checks |
MRMD | Logistics IV: assignment + merging |
MRME | Logistics Invoice Verification: Save |
MRMF | Log. Inv. Verification: Error Handling |
MRMH | Log. Inv. Verification: Central Module |
MRMK | Log. inv. verification: service modules |
MRML | LOgistics IV: Lists via ALV |
MRMN | (Log.) Inv. Verification: output control |
MRMP | Logistics Invoice Verification: Update |
MRMV | Logistics Inv. Verific.: Aggregations |
MRMX | Logistics IV: Difference processing |
MRT1 | Log.IV: read IV tables |
MRT3 | Log.IV: read IV tables |
OMRP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package MRM contains 29 transactions.
M802 | Message Requirements (IV) |
M811 | Create Message Condition Table (IV) |
M812 | Change Message Condition Table (IV) |
M813 | Display Message Condition Table (IV) |
MIR4 | Call MIRO - Change Status |
MIR5 | Display List of Invoice Documents |
MIR6 | Invoice Overview |
MIR7 | Park Invoice |
MIRA | Fast Invoice Entry |
MIRO | Enter Invoice |
MIRO_WORKFLOW | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MIRU_WORKFLOW_FREIG | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MIRU_WORKFLOW_VERV | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MR8M | Cancel Invoice Document |
MR90 | Messages for Invoice Documents |
MRA1 | Archive Invoice Documents |
MRA2 | Delete Archived Invoice Documents |
MRA3 | Display Archived Invoice Documents |
MRA4 | Manage Invoice Document Archive |
MRBP | Invoice Verification in Background |
MRBR | Release Blocked Invoices |
MRIS | Settle Invoicing Plan |
MRM0 | Logistics Invoice Verification |
MRNB | Revaluation |
MRRL | Evaluated Receipt Settlement |
OLMRLIST | Maintain List Variant |
OLMRVERDLIST | Maintain Aggregation Variant |
OMR0H | C MM-IV Automatic Account Assignmnts |
SAP Package MRM contains 34 database tables.
RBCO | Document Item, Incoming Invoice, Account Assignment |
RBDIFFKO | Invoice Verification - Conditions |
RBDIFFME | Batch Invoice Verification - Quantity Differences |
RBDRSEG | Batch IV: Invoice Document Items |
RBKP | Document Header: Invoice Receipt |
RBKP_BLOCKED | Logistics Invoice Verification: Blocked Invoices |
RBKPB | Invoice Document Header (Batch Invoice Verification) |
RBMA | Document Item: Incoming Invoice for Material |
RBSELBEST | Invoice Receipt, Purchasing Documents Selection |
RBSELDELI | Incoming Invoice: Delivery Selection |
RBSELERFB | Invoice Receipt, Service Entry Sheet Selection |
RBSELFRBR | Invoice Receipt, Bills of Lading Selection |
RBSELLBLN | Invoice Receipt, Bills of Lading Selection |
RBSELLIFS | Invoice Receipt, Delivery Notes Selection |
RBSELWERK | Invoice Receipt, Plants Selection |
RBTX | Taxes: Incoming Invoice |
RBVD | Invoice Document - Aggregation Data |
RBVDMAT | Invoice Verification - Aggregation Data, Material |
RBVS | Invoice Verification: Split Invoice Amount |
RBWS | Withholding Tax Data, Incoming Invoice |
RBWT | Withholding Tax Data, Incoming Invoice |
RSEG | Document Item: Incoming Invoice |
T003R | Number Ranges RE_BELEG (Logistics Invoice Verification) |
T003S | Document Types for Storing Documents (Log. IV) |
T169H | Entry Profile |
T169HT | Entry Profile Description, Logistics Invoice Verification |
T169L | Vendor-Specific Parameters for Invoice Verification |
T169TC | Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants |
T169TCDATA | Logistics Invoice Verification: Item List Variants |
T169TCTEXT | To be deleted! |
T169WF01 | IV Workflow: Amounts for Release in Invoice Parking |
T169Y | Default Setting of Aggregation for Screen Variant |
TCULIV | Customizing: Direct Posting in Log. Invoice Verification |
TMRM007A | Tax Codes: Invoice Verification/Invoice Entry (FI) |
SAP Package MRM contains 7 views.
RBKP_V | Incoming Invoice, Header Data |
V_001G_R | Sender Texts for Invoice Verification Forms |
V_169P_LOGO | Display Start Logo |
V_CULIV | Activate Direct Posting to G/L Accts and Material Accts |
V_T003R | Number Ranges for Log. Invoice Verification Transactions |
V_T169R | MR Document Archiving - Document Life |
V_TCURM_MRM_ENQ | Customizing Material Block for Invoice Verification |
SAP Package MRM contains 157 structures.
ACCVS | Vendor Line Item Splitting Information for FI/CO-Interface |
ACMM_GL_COMP | G/L Accounts Dialog Components Interface FI-MM |
ACMM_VENDOR_COMP | Vendor Dialog Component Interface FI-MM |
ALL_SERVICES | All Services for Purchase Order Items or Entry Sheets |
ARBKP | Work Structure for Releasing Invoices Automatically |
ARSEG | Work Structure for Releasing Invoices |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ACCOUNT | Transfer Structure for Invoice Acct Assignment Data (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ADDRESSDATA | Transfer Structure: Address Data Incoming Invoice (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_GL_ACCOUNT | Transfer Struct.: G/L Acct Posting Incoming Invoice (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_HEADER | Transfer Structure for Invoice Header Data (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_ITEM | Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_MATERIAL | Transfer Struct.: Material Posting Incoming Invoice (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_TAX | Transfer Structure for Tax Data (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_VENDORSPLIT | Transfer Structure: Vendor Split Incoming Invoice (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_CREATE_WITHTAX | Transfer Structure: Withholding Tax Data (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ACCOUNT | Transfer Structure for Invoice Acct Assignment Data (Create) |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ADDRESSDATA | Transfer Structure Address Data Incoming Invoice (Details) |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_GL_ACCOUNT | G/L Account Posting: Incoming Invoice (GetDetail) |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_HEADER | Transfer Structure for Invoice Header Data (GetDetail) |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ITEM | Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (GetDetail) |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_MATERIAL | Transfer Struct.: Material Posting Incoming Inv. (GetDetail |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_TAX | Transfer Structure for Tax Data (GetDetail) |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_VENDORSPLIT | Transfer Structure: Vendor Split Incoming Invoice (GetDetail |
BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_WITHTAX | Transfer Structure: Withholding Tax Data (GetDetail) |
BAPI_INCINV_DOC_DATE_RA | Ranges for Document Date of Incoming Invoice (GetList) |
BAPI_INCINV_ENTRY_DATE_RA | Ranges for Entry Date of Incoming Invoice (GetList) |
BAPI_INCINV_FLD | Transfer Structure for Individual Invoice Fields |
BAPI_INCINV_GETLIST_HEADER | Transfer Structure for Invoice Header Data (GetList) |
BAPI_INCINV_IV_STATUS_RA | Ranges for Incoming Invoice Status (GetList) |
BAPI_INCINV_PERSON_EXT_RA | Ranges for External Users Who Enter Invoices (GetList) |
BAPI_INCINV_PSTNG_DATE_RA | Ranges for Invoice Posting Date (GetList) |
BAPI_INCINV_REF_DOC_RA | Ranges for Incoming Invoice Reference Document (GetList) |
BAPI_INCINV_SAVE_HEADER_BACKGR | Transfer Structure for New Header Data Incoming Inv. (Save) |
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_BILL_LADING | Transfer Structure for Bills of Lading Incoming Inv. (Save) |
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_DELIVERY | Transfer Structure f. Delivery Notes Incoming Invoice (Save) |
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_PLANT | Transfer Structure for Plants Incoming Invoice (Save) |
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_PO | Transfer Structure for Purchasing Docs. Incoming Inv. (Save) |
BAPI_INCINV_SELECT_SERVICE | Transfer Structure f. Srv.Entr.Sheet Incoming Invoice (Save) |
BAPI_INCINV_VENDOR_RA | Ranges for Invoice Creditors (GetList) |
COBL_MRM | Account Assignment Fields for Invoice Verification |
COBL_MRM_D | Account Assignment Fields, Logistics IV, Online |
CONALV | Fields for ALV List for Consignment Settlement RMVKON00 |
DRBKP | Logistics Invoice Verification: Document Header Check |
DRSEG | Invoice Item (Dialog Processing) |
DRSEG_CR | Currency Information for Invoice Item (Online Processing) |
DRSEG_SM | Structured Material Invoice Item (Dialog Processing) |
EBELNTAB | Structure for Reading EKKO and EKPO for Tree - ENJOY |
EK08ERSWE | Goods Receipts for ERS Method |
EK08MWDAT | (Tax) Amount for Tax Code |
EK08RB | Purchase Order History for Invoice Verification |
EK08RBB | Additional Data DRSEG for Batch Invoice Verification |
EK08RBZ | Additional Data EK08RB for Batch Invoice Verification |
EKBES_N | Help Structure for Tree in IV |
EKBNK_N | Help Structure for Tree in IV |
ENTRY_SHEETS | Structure for Collecting Entry Sheets |
ERSALV | Fields for ALV Lists for ERS with Log. Invoice Verification |
IRBKPB | Invoice Document Header for Invoice Verification Processing |
IRBKPF | Logistics Invoice Verification, Invoice Documents |
MRM_AMCK | Input Interface MR_AMOUNT_CHECK |
MRM_CHANGE | Help Structure for Change Documents in SAPLMR1M |
MRM_INCINV_COMP_CODE_RA | Ranges for Company Code of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_INCINV_DOC_NO_RA | Ranges for Document Number of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_INCINV_FISCAL_YEAR_RA | Ranges for Fiscal Year of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_INCINV_GROSS_AMOUNT_RA | Ranges for Gross amount in doc. currency of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_INCINV_GURRENCY_RA | Ranges for currency of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_INCINV_INVOICING_PARTY_RA | Ranges for Invoicing Paryt of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_INCINV_PAYEE_RA | Ranges for Payee/Payer Party of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_INCINV_REFDOC_NO_RA | Ranges for Reference Document Number of Incoming Invoice |
MRM_TAX_1 | MM Interface - Taxes: Header Level |
MRM_TAX_2 | MM Interface - Taxes: Item Level |
MRMPO | Logistics Invoice Verification: Data for Item Screen |
MRMRBCO | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
MRMRBMA | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
MRMRBTX | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
MRMRBVS | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
MRMRBWS | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
MRMRSEG | Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
MXML_INCINV_CREATE_ITEM | Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (Create) |
MXML_INCINV_CREATE_TAX | Transfer Structure for Tax Data (Create) |
MXML_INCINV_DETAIL_ITEM | Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (GetDetail) |
MXML_INCINV_DETAIL_TAX | Transfer Structure for Tax Data XML (GetDetail) |
MXML_INCINV_DETAIL_VENDORDATA | Invoicing Party Address Data: Formatted |
ONE_NODE | Help Structure for Tree |
POHDR_DSPL | PO header items display for Invoice Verification |
PRINT_MRM | Print Parameters + Help Fields for Printing Invoice Docs |
PUMSEP | Input Tax, Park Documents: Line Info at Document Level |
RAP_DATA | Data Struct. for Revaluation (Retro Active Pricing) Log. IV |
RAP_PARA | Auxiliary Structure for Parameter Fields for Revaluation |
RBCHARACT_INSTANCE | Assignment of a Value to a Characteristic |
RBCHARACT_INSTANCE_DISP | Display Values for Characteristic and Characteristic Value |
RBDIFFKO_D | Invoice Verification - Conditions - Data Part |
RBDIFFKO_K | Invoice Verification - Conditions - Key Fields |
RBDIFFME_D | Batch IV - Quantity Differences (Data Part) |
RBDIFFME_K | Batch IV - Quantity Differences (Key Data) |
RBDIFFWELS | Batch IV: Differences in GR Qty and Del. Note Qty |
RBDRSEG_DT | Batch IV: Invoice Document Items - Data Part |
RBINVPRNT | Invoice Documents for Output |
RBKOMV | Invoice Document Items - Conditions |
RBKP_1TIME | Document Header: One time accounting data |
RBKP_AWOBJ | Structure RBKP Key |
RBKP_BG | Logistics Invoice Verification (Background Processing) |
RBKP_DIS | Display Incoming Invoice Header Data |
RBKP_FI | Document Header Incoming Invoice - FI Fields |
RBKP_KEY | Document Header Incoming Invoice - Key Fields |
RBKP_ORGA | Document Header Incoming Invoice- Organizational Data |
RBKP_RESULT | Document Header Incoming Invoice: IV Results Fields |
RBKP_TARGET | Document Header Incoming Invoice: Fields for Target Amount |
RBKP_ZUORD | Document Header Incoming Invoice: Allocation Criteria |
RBKPB_DATA | Invoice Document Header - Additional Date for Batch IV |
RBKPB_OLD | Invoice Document Header Batch - DO NOT USE FIELDS |
RBPOSID | Document Header Item: Identifying Fields |
RBPROT | Logistics Invoice Verification: Log Levels |
RBRMBABG00 | Help Structure for RMBABG00 |
RBSORBSTAT | Batch IV: Select Options for Invoice Status |
RBSOREPART | Batch IV: Select Options for Invoice Verification Type |
RBTX_DATA | Taxes, Incoming Invoice - Data Fields |
RBTX_KEY | Taxes, Incoming Invoice - Key Fields |
RBTX_TARGET | Taxes, Incoming Invoice - Taxes for Target Amount |
RBTX_TEMP | Logistics Invoice Verification - Temporary Tax Information |
RBVD_KEY | IV: Aggregation, Key Fields in RBVD |
RBVDMAT_KY | Keys for Table RBVDMAT |
RCURR | Logistics Invoice Verification: Currencies |
RIRK | Logistics Invoice Verification: Invoice Reduction Info |
RM08M | I/O Fields SAPLMR1M |
RM08M_SURFACE | I/O Fields for SAPLMR1M Enjoy |
RM08MRBR | Selection Fields for Invoice Release (Logistics IV) |
RM08N | I/O Fields SAPMM08N |
RM08REP0 | Collection of Input Fields from Various Reports |
RM08RL80_DEL_HDR | Display Delivery Notes in F4 Help (ALV) |
RM08RL80_DEL_POS | Display Delivery Notes in F4 Help (ALV) |
RM08RL82_PO_HDR | Display Purchase Orders in F4 Help (ALV) |
RM08RL82_PO_POS | Display Purchase Orders in F4 Help (ALV) |
RM08RL86_LIEF_HDR | Display Deliveries in F4 Help (ALV) |
RM08RL86_LIEF_POS | Display Deliveries in F4 Help (ALV) |
RM08V | Input/Output Fields for Aggregation (IV) |
RMPROTDATA | Data for Batch IV Log |
RSEG_BLOCKEDPRICES | Blocked Invoice Document Items with PO Information |
RSEG_BUZEI | Blocked Invoice Document Items as Single-Column List |
RSEG_EBELN | PO Numbers of Blocked Items as Single-Column List |
RSKOF | Logistics Invoice Verification: Cash Discount Data |
SGNBU | GNBU Interface |
SUMMEN | Help Table for Totals from PO History |
TREE | Structure for Reading EKKO and EKPO for Tree - ENJOY |
TREE_HIST | Structure of the PO History Read for Tree - ENJOY |
TREE_INDEX | Indexes for Tree Structure |
TREE_ITEM_IV | Tree Control Item in Invoice Verification - ENJOY |
TREE_VISU | Structure for Generating Tree Nodes and Items - ENJOY |
TREEV_VISU | Structure for Creating the Worklist Tree - ENJOY |
WRXMOD | Transfer Structure to User Exit for GR/IR Account Determ. |
XBLNR_NODE | Help Table for Tree |
XMSEL_BEST | Invoice Receipt, Purchasing Documents Selection |
XMSEL_FRBR | Invoice Receipt, Allocation Bill of Lading |
XMSEL_LIFS | Invoice Receipt, Selection Delivery Note/Bill of Lading |
XMSEL_WERK | Invoice Receipt, Selection Delivery Note/Bill of Lading |
SAP Package MRM contains 26 programs.
MM70AMRA | Output Messages in Logistics Invoice Verification |
RM08RA00 | Deletion of Unnecessary RBKPB-/RBDIFFKO-/RBDIFFME Entries |
RM08RA10 | Deletion of Unnecessary RKWA Entries |
RM08RA20 | Deletion of Unnecessary Messages |
RM08RA30 | Deletion of Unnecessary Change Documents |
RM08RAAU | Analysis of Invoice Document Archive |
RM08RADE | Archive Material Documents for Inv. Ver. - Delete Program |
RM08RARC | Archiving of Documents for Invoice Verification |
RM08RBKPBLOCKED | Structure of RBKP_BLOCKED from blocked MR1M documents |
RM08RELEASE | Release Blocked Invoices |
RM08RL80 | Possible Entries for Delivery Note |
RM08RL82 | Possible Entries for Purchasing Document |
RM08RL84 | Possible Entries for Plants |
RM08RL86 | Input Options for Outbound Delivery |
RMBABG00 | Logistics Invoice Verification - Background Check |
RMBABG01 | Invoice Overview - Statistics |
RMMR1MCD | Display Change Documents |
RMMR1MDI | Display List of Invoice Documents |
RMMR1MIS | Invoicing Plan Settlement with Logistics Invoice Verification |
RMMR1MRB | Revaluation with Log. Invoice Verification |
RMMR1MRS | Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) with Logistics Invoice Verification |
RMXPRA01 | XPRA for Copying IS Retail Table RBDIFFME to the Standard System |
RMXPRA02 | XPRA for Copying IS-Retail Table RBKPB to the Standard System |
SAPMM08N | Invoice Overview |
SAPMM08N_MR1B | Invoice Overview |
SAPMMRHW | Module Pool SAPMMRHW (Invoice Posting/Verification) |
SAP Package MRM contains 5 search helps.
MEBZF | Delivery Costs for Bill of Lading |
MRM_HELP_RBKP | Collective Search Help: Incoming Invoice |
MRM_HELP_RBKP_GROSSAMOUNT | Invoices for Gross Amount |
MRM_HELP_RBKP_INCOMINGDATE | Invoices for Date of Receipt |
MRM_HELP_RBKP_REFERENCE | Invoices for the Reference Data |
SAP Package MRM contains 1 message classes.
MRNB | Nachrichten für die Neubewertung (Retro Active Pricing) |
SAP Package MRM contains 3 authorization objects.
M_RECH_AKZ | Invoices: Accept Invoice Verification Differences Manually |
M_RECH_EKG | Invoice Release: Purchasing Group |
M_RECH_WRK | Invoices: Plant |