
SAP Package MRY

Balance Sheet Valuation

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The package MRY (Balance Sheet Valuation) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package MRY
Short Text Balance Sheet Valuation
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package MRY contains 20 function groups.

CLIF ===> Object LAYER , generated d
FIFS Special Functions for FIFO Valuation
LIFO Gen. Functions for LIFO and FIFO Val.
LIFS Special Functions for LIFO and FIFO Val.
MYBSV Gen. Functions for Bal. Sheet Valuation
MYLIS Lists for Balance Sheet Valuation
MYMON Monitors for Balance Sheet Valuation
MYPOP Dialog module for bal. sheet valuation
MYTAB Easy read access: bal. sheet valuation
MYVA Edit Valuation Alernatives
MYVAL Help Module for Balance Sheet Valuation
NIW0 Lowest Value Determ. (Market Prices)
NIW1 Lowest Value Determ. (Reductions)
NIW3 Loss-Free Valuation
NIWE Lowest Value Determin. (General)
OLIF Online Module for LIFO and FIFO Valuatn
RLIF Read Modules for LIFO and FIFO Valuation
RNIW Read Modules for Lowest Value Determ.
ULIF Updates for LIFO and FIFO valuation
UNIW Updates for Balance Sheet Valuation


SAP Package MRY contains 76 transactions.

MR32 Change Material Layer (LIFO)
MR33 Display Material Layer (LIFO)
MR34 Change FIFO Data
MR35 Display FIFO Data
MR39 Display Documents (LIFO)
MRF1 Execute FIFO Valuation
MRF2 Diplay Documents (FIFO)
MRF3 FIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract
MRF4 FIFO: Select Materials
MRF5 FIFO: Delete Valuation Data
MRL1 Perform LIFO Valuation: Single Matl
MRL2 Perform LIFO Valuation: Pools
MRL3 LIFO Lowest Value Comparison
MRL4 Display LIFO Valuation: Single Matl
MRL5 Display LIFO Valuation: Pools
MRL6 Select Materials
MRL7 Display Pool Formation
MRL8 Create Base Layer
MRL9 LIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract
MRLA Check Pool Formation
MRLB Delete Layer
MRLC Transfer Third-Party Data
MRLD Transfer Valuation Prices
MRLE Change Group Structure
MRLF Create Version as Copy
MRLG Aggregate Layer
MRLH Change LIFO/FIFO Valuation Level
MRLI Generate Pools
MRLJ LIFO Data Transfer
MRLK LIFO: Adjust Units of Measure
MRLL LIFO: Reassign Material Layer
MRN0 Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices
MRN1 Deter. Lowest Value: Rge of Coverage
MRN1_TS Determine Lowest Value: Rge of Cov.
MRN2 Determ. Lowest Value: Mvmt Rate
MRN3 Loss-Free Valuation
MRN8 Lowest Value: Price Variances
MRN9 Balance Sheet Values by Account
MRY_SCMA Execute via Schedule Manager
MRY_SCMO Analyze via Schedule Manager
MRY_SLG1 Analyze Application Log
MRY0 Coll. Maint. of Phys. Inv. Prices
MRY1 Calculate Average Receipt Price
MRY2 Transfer Physical Inventory Prices
MRY3 Display Valuation Alternative
MRY4 Transfer ML Prices
OMW2 C Define LIFO Pools
OMW3 C Define LIFO Valuation Levels
OMW4 C LIFO/FIFO-Relevant Movements
OMW5 C Devaluation by range of coverage
OMW5W C Devaln by Rge of Coverage (Val.Ar)
OMW6 C Devaln by Slow/Non-Movement
OMW6W C Devaln by Slow/Non-Mvt (Val. Area)
OMW7N C Weighting Mat. Mvts (Mvt Rate)
OMW7R C Weighting: Consmpts (Rge Coverage)
OMW8 C Stock Weighting (Obsolete)
OMW8N C Stock Weighting (Mvt Rate)
OMW8R C Stock Weighting (Rge of Coverage)
OMWE C LIFO/FIFO Valuation Active?
OMWEB Maintain C Valuation Tracks
OMWH C Indicator for Materials LIFO Pools
OMWI C Movement Types: Lowest Value
OMWJ C Document Types: Lowest Value
OMWL C LIFO/FIFO Global Setting
OMWPS1 C LIFO Pools: Splitting
OMWPS2 C LIFO Pools: Merging
OMWPS3 C LIFO: Reassign Material Layer
OMWR C LIFO Layer Versions
OMWT C FIFO Valuation Levels
OMWU C Constants for DB Commit
OMWV C Movement Types: Movement Rate
OMWX C Mvt Types: Excptns, Rge of Cov.
OMWY C Reduction: Sales Prices
OMWZ C LIFO/FIFO: Company Code Parameters

Database Tables

SAP Package MRY contains 43 database tables.

MYABK Bal. Sheet Valuation: Table of Database Commits Carried Out
MYCOM Bal. Sheet Valuation: Table of Database Commits Carried Out
MYMFT FIFO Results Table
MYML LIFO Material Layer (Annual)
MYML1 LIFO: Transaction-Related Material Layer
MYML1Q LIFO: Transaction-Related Material Layer (Quantity)
MYML1V LIFO: Transaction-Related Material Layer (Values)
MYMLM LIFO Material Layer (Monthly)
MYMP LIFO Period Stocks, Individual Material
MYMP1 Receipt Data LFIO/FIFO Valuation
MYMP1R Storage for Invoice Differences (LIFO/FIFO)
MYPL LIFO Pool Layer (Annual)
MYPLM LIFO Pool Layer (Monthly)
MYPS1 Rules for Pool Splitting Method for LIFO Valuation
MYPS2 Rules for Pool Splitting Method for LIFO Valuation
MYPS3 Rule Type for Reassignment of Material Layers
MYSEG_EXTRACT Goods movements
MYSTA Balance Sheet Valuation: Procedure Statistics Table
T001Y Valuation Levels for LIFO Inventory Valuation
TAPOL Automatic Allocation of Materials to LIFO Pools
TCKMLPR_EB Customizing for Bal. Sheet Valuation: Define Valuation Areas
TCKMLPR_EBT Customizing Bal. Sheet Valuation Procedures (Descriptions)
TMY01 Procedure Model for Balance Sheet Valuation (LIFO/FIFO)
TMY02 Balance Sheet Valuation Method (LIFO/FIFO)
TMY03 Valuation Levels for FIFO Material Valuation
TMY04 Company Code Parameters for LIFO/FIFO Valuation
TMY05 Directory for Versions for LIFO Valuation
TMY06 Balance Sheet Valuation: Constants for DB Commit
TNIW3 Lowest Value: Document Types
TNIW4 Lowest Value: Movement Types
TNIW5 Lowest Value: Deval. by Rge of Coverage
TNIW5N Lowest Value: Devaluation by Range of Coverage (w. Version)
TNIW5W Lowest Value: Devaluatn by Range of Cov. for Each Val. Area
TNIW6 Lowest Value: Deval. for Reasons of Slow/Non-Movement
TNIW6N Lowest Value: Devaluation by Slow/Non-Movement (w. Version)
TNIW6W Lowest Value: Devaluation for Slow/Non-movement by Val.Area
TNIW7 Weighting Factors for Consumption Values (Deter.Lowest Val.)
TNIW8 Weighting of Stock Quantities (Deter.Low.Val.)
TNIW8H Weighting of Stock Quantities per Period (Lowest Value)
TNIW9 Reduction of Sales Prices (Lowest Value)
TPOOL Master Record, LIFO Pools
TSPOL Text Descriptions for LIFO Pools
TSVER Text Descriptions for LIFO Layer Versions


SAP Package MRY contains 31 views.

H_T001Y Help View for Table T001Y
H_TPOOL Help View for Table TPOOL
V_001Y LIFO Valuation Areas
V_156S FIFO/LIFO Movement Types
V_APOL Automatic Assignment of Materials to LIFO Pools
V_MY01 Balance Sheet Valuation Sample (LIFO/FIFO)
V_MY03 FIFO Valuation Areas
V_MY04 LIFO/FIFO Valuation: Company Code Parameters
V_MY05 Layer Version
V_MY06 Balance Sheet Valuation: Constants for DB Commit
V_MYPS1 Allocation Criteria for Pool Splitting (Material -> Pool)
V_MYPS2 Allocation Critiera for Pool Merging (Old Pool -> New Pool)
V_MYPS3 Rule Type for Reassignment of Material Layers
V_NIW3 Document Types
V_NIW4 Movement Types
V_NIW4_NG Lowest Value: Movement Types for Non-Movement
V_NIW4_RW Lowest Value: Mvt Types for Exception Rules, Rng of Coverage
V_NIW5 Lowest Value: Devaluation by Range of Coverage
V_NIW5W Lowest Value: Devaluatn by Range of Cov. for Each Val. Area
V_NIW6 Lowest Value: Deval. by Slow/Non-Movement
V_NIW6W Lowest Value: Devaluation by Slow/Non-movement (Valn Area)
V_NIW7N Weighting Factors for Material Movements (Movement Rate)
V_NIW7R Weighting Factors for Consumption Values (Range of Coverage)
V_NIW8 Weighting of Stock Quantities
V_NIW8N Weighting of Stock Quantities (Movement Rate)
V_NIW8R Weighting of Stock Quantities (Range of Coverage)
V_NIW9 Reduction of Sales Prices (Lowest Value)
V_TCKMLPR_EB Valuation Alternatives


SAP Package MRY contains 100 structures.

BWKEYS_WERKS Assignment of Company Code/Valuation Area/Plant
CMYMFT Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
CMYML Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
CMYMLM Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
CMYMP Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
CMYMP1 Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
CMYMS Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
CMYPL Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
CMYPLM Structure for Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
FCALV_S_RMLIFO02_LIST1 Structure for List 1 of RMLIFO02
FCALV_S_RMLIFO02_LIST2 Structure for List 2 of RMLIFO02
FCALV_S_RMLIFO02_LIST3 Structure for List 3 of RMLIFO02_ALV
FCALV_S_RMLIFO06_LIST List Structure for LIFO Lowest Value Comparison
FCALV_S_RMLIFO20 ALV Display Structure for Report RMLIFO20
FCALV_S_RMLIFO21_ALV Structure for Report RMLIFO21_ALV ALV Conversion
FCALV_S_RMLIFO22_LIST1 Structure for ALV Output Table I
FCALV_S_RMLIFO22_LIST2 Structure for ALV Output Table II
FCALV_S_RMLIFO28 Structure for RMLIFO28
FCALV_S_RMLIFO32 Structure for the Main List of RMLIFO32
FCALV_S_RMLIFO32_LIST Structure for List Movement (RMLIFO32)
FCALV_S_RMLIFO34 Structure for Report RMLIFO34
FCALV_S_RMLIFO38_ALV Structure for Conversion of Report RMLIFO38 to ALV List Form
FCALV_S_RMLIFO40_ALV Structure for Report RMLIFO40_ALV
FCALV_S_RMLIFO41_LIST Structure for the Object RMLIF041_ALV
FCALV_S_RMNIWE00_03_LIST Determine Lowest Value: Market Prices
FCALV_S_RMNIWE10_01_ALV Structure for Report RMNIWE10_01 Used for ALV Conversion
FCALV_S_RMNIWE20_01_ALV Structure for Report RMNIWE20_01_ALV Created for ALV Convers
FCALV_S_SELKRIT Structure for the Selection Screen
FCALV_S_STATISTICS Structure for Statistics
MYPAR Control Parameters LIFO/FIFO Valuation
MYSTA_KEY Key Fields of Table mysta
RM08Y Input/Output Fields for Balance Sheet Valuation
SLAYER_CHANGE Structure for Displaying LIFO Layer Changes: Single Material
SLAYER_SHOW Structure for Displaying LIFO Layer Changes: Single Material
SLIFO Transfer Structure for LIFO Update from Inventory Management
SLIFO_DIF Transfer Structure for LIFO Update (Values Only)
SLIFOINDEX Structure for Index LIFO Valuation
SMBEW_PIP Structure for Transferring the MBEW Phys. Inventory Prices
SMLAY Structure for Transferring Layer Data from Non-SAP Systems
SMY02T LIFO/FIFO Methods with Long Text
SMYLIST_ATTR Attributes for Generating a List
SMYLIST_N8 Structure for Displaying Price Variances
SMYLIST_Y0 Structure for Editing the MBEW Physical Inventory Prices
SMYLIST_Y1 Structure for Displaying Average Receipt Prices
SMYLIST_Y2 Structure for Displaying the Phys. Inven. Prices Transferred
SMYLIST_Y4 Structure for Displaying the Transferred AVR Prices
SMYMAT_FIX Fixed Part of Display Structure for Individ. LIFO Valuation
SMYMETHODS LIFO/FIFO Method with Attributes & Long Text
SMYPOOL_FIX Fixed Part of Display Structure for Pool LIFO Valuation
SMYPRICEACT Communication Structure for Price Activity
SMYVERS_TIE Structure for Linking Layer Versions (Pool Splitting)
SNIWE Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination
SNIWE0 Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination
SNIWE0_PRICE Analysis of Market Prices for Lowest Value Determination
SNIWE1 Transfer Struct. for Lowest Val. Determ. (Range of Coverage)
SNIWE2 Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination
SNIWE3 Determination of Lowest Value: Loss-Free Valuation
SNIWE8 Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination
SNIWE9 Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination
SNIWEABW Structure for Devaluation Information - Lowest Value
SNIWEACC Structure for Displaying Balance Sheet Values per Account
SNIWEBEW Structure for Devaluations due to Range of Cov./Non-Movement
SNIWEBI Structure of Mat. Price Change from Balance Sheet Valuation
SNIWEBKL Structure for Displaying Balance Sheet Values per Account
SNIWEERR Structure for Error Table (Balance Sheet Valuation)
SNIWEF Internal Structure for LIFO Valuation
SNIWEF1 Transfer Structure Parameter for FIFO Valuation
SNIWEFY Lowest Value: Fiscal Year ID Data
SNIWEL Transfer Structure for Lowest Value Determination
SNIWEL3 Transfer Structure for Lowest Val. Comparison LIFO (General)
SNIWEL6 Transfer Structure for Lowest Val. Comparison LIFO (Special)
SNIWEL9 Transfer Structure for Lowest Val. Comparison LIFO (Special)
SNIWELS Lowest Value Determ. Structure: List Display Parameters
SNIWEMAT Material Master Data at Balance Sheet Valuation Level
SNIWEMBL Material Document View (Balance Sheet Valuation)
SNIWEMP Structure for Lowest Value Determination by Market Prices
SNIWEMTI Material Master Data at Bal. Sheet Valuation Level (Input)
SNIWEN3 Loss-Free Valuation: Sales Prices
SNIWESPL Communication Structure for Valuation Types/Stock Accounts
SNIWESTK Weighted Stocks
SNIWEX General Results Data: Lowest Value Determination


SAP Package MRY contains 51 programs.

MRY_ARP_CALCULATE Calculate Average Receipt Price
MRY_AVR_RESULT_TRANSFER Transfer ML Prices in Valuation Alternatives/Inventory Prices
MRY_MYABK_DELETE Deletion of Entries from Table MYABK
MRY_PIP_MULTICHANGE Collective Maintenance of Inventory Prices from the Material Master
MRY_PIP_REDEFINE Transfer Physical Inventory Prices to Valuation Alternatives
MRY_VALUATION_ALTERNATIVE_SHOW Display Valuation Alternatives
RMFIFO00 Execute FIFO Valuation
RMFIFO20 FIFO Valuation: Flag Materials
RMFIFO32 FIFO Valuation: Create Document Extract
RMFIFO39 Display Change Documents
RMFIFO50 Delete FIFO Valuation Data
RMLIFO00 LIFO Valuation for Individual Materials
RMLIFO02 LIFO Valuation for Pools
RMLIFO06 LIFO Valuation: Lowest Value Comparison
RMLIFO10 LIFO Valuation: Display of Individual Materials
RMLIFO12 LIFO Valuation: Display Pools
RMLIFO20 Flag Materials and Form Groups
RMLIFO20_M Select LIFO-Relevant Materials
RMLIFO20_P Allocate Pool Numbers
RMLIFO21 Check Pools
RMLIFO22 LIFO Valuation: Display Pool Formation
RMLIFO28 LIFO Valuation: Adjust Units of Measure/Price Units
RMLIFO30 LIFO Valuation: Create Base Layer
RMLIFO32 Compile LIFO/FIFO Receipt Data from Document Extract
RMLIFO33 Data Transfer for LIFO Valuation
RMLIFO34 Transfer External Data for LIFO/FIFO Valuation
RMLIFO36 Adopt 'Lowest Value' Prices
RMLIFO38 LIFO Valuation: Create Layer Version as Copy
RMLIFO39 Display Change Documents
RMLIFO40 LIFO Valuation: Splitting/Merging Methods for Quantity Pools
RMLIFO41 LIFO Valuation: Transfer Layer from Material to Material
RMLIFO42 LIFO Valuation: Aggregate Old Layers
RMLIFO44 Change LIFO/FIFO Valuation Level
RMLIFO50 Delete LIFO Valuation Data
RMMY4001 X-PRA for Tables TCURM and TMY03 (Balance Sheet Valuation)
RMNIWE00 Determine Lowest Value: Market Prices
RMNIWE00_03 Determine Lowest Value: Market Prices
RMNIWE10 Determine Lowest Value: Range of Coverage
RMNIWE10_01 Determine Lowest Value: Range of Coverage
RMNIWE10_TS Lowest Value Determ. Range of Coverage - Initial Screen w/ Tab Strips
RMNIWE20 Determine Lowest Value: Movement Rate
RMNIWE20_01 Determine Lowest Value: Movement Rate
RMNIWE30 Determination of Lowest Value: Loss-Free Valuation
RMNIWE30_01 Determination of Lowest Value: Loss-Free Valuation
RMNIWE80 Determine Lowest Value: Market Price Variances
RMNIWE80_01 Determine Lowest Value: Market Price Variances
RMNIWE90 Balance Sheet Values by Account
RMNIWE90_01 Balance Sheet Values by Account
SAPMM08Y Module Pool for Transactions MR32, MR33, MR34, and MR35

Search Helps

SAP Package MRY contains 4 search helps.

H_T001Y Help View for Table T001Y
H_TMY02 Search Help for LIFO/FIFO Method
H_TMY05 Search Help for Layer Version
H_TPOOL Help View for Table TPOOL

Message Classes

SAP Package MRY contains 1 message classes.

MY Nachrichten zur Bilanzbewertung (NIWE, LIFO, FIFO)

Authorization Objects

SAP Package MRY contains 2 authorization objects.

M_LIFO_MLY Authorization for LIFO Valuation
M_NIWE_BIL Authorization for Lowest Value Determination