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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package P00PS_DEC (Public Sector Distribution of Employer's Costs) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | P00PS_DEC |
Short Text | Public Sector Distribution of Employer's Costs |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package P00PS_DEC contains 5 function groups.
0PXPBS_DEC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRPAY00DEC1 | XDEC: Customising Processing |
HRPAY00DEC2 | XDEC: COSTS Table Processing |
HRPAY00DEC3 | XDEC: Cost Distribution Processing |
HRPAY00DEC4 | XDEC: Message Log |
SAP Package P00PS_DEC contains 3 database tables.
T7PBSDEC_COSTS | XDEC: Cost Distribution Definition |
T7PBSDEC_WTGRP | XDEC: Wage Type Group Definition |
T7PBSDEC_WTGRPT | XDEC: Wage Type Group Definition Description |
SAP Package P00PS_DEC contains 2 views.
V_T7PBSDEC_COSTS | XDEC: Cost Distribution Definition |
V_T7PBSDEC_WTGRP | XDEC: Wage Type Group Definition |
SAP Package P00PS_DEC contains 18 structures.
P00P_DEC_DATED_WTGRP | XDEC: Wage Types in a Wage Type Grouping (Date Dependent) |
P00P_DEC_DATED_WTYPES | XDEC: Wage Types from T512W (Date Dependent) |
P00P_DEC_ETYPES | XDEC: Entry Types |
P00P_DEC_INT | XDEC: PC2X0 Part 1 (International Fields) |
P00P_DEC_INT_OC | XDEC: PC2X0 Part 3 (International Off-cycle Fields) |
P00P_DEC_LGART | XDEC: Wage Types |
P00P_DEC_PS | XDEC: PC2X0 Part 2 (Public Sector fields (i.e. GB ME)) |
P00P_DEC_WTGRP | XDEC: Wage Types in a Wage Type Grouping (Date Independent) |
P00P_DEC_WTYPES | XDEC: Wage Types from T512W (Date Independent) |
P00P_PC25X | XDEC: PC25X Part 1 (Release 4.6B to 5.0) |
P00P_PC25X_NEW | XDEC: PC25X Part 2 (New fields from Release 6.0 onwards) |
P00P_PC25X_OLD | XDEC: PC25X Part 1 (Release 4.6B to 5.0) |
P00P_PSREF | Assignment Values for HR Objects |
P00PS_OLD_COSTS | Distribution of Employer's Cost (Payroll Function XDEC) |
PC2X0 | Distribution of Employer's Cost (Payroll Function XDEC) |
Q7PBSDEC_COSTS | Screen fields for view V_T7PBSDEC_COSTS |
RPXDECREP00PBS | Parameters for XDEC reporting |
SAP Package P00PS_DEC contains 3 programs.
RPUDEC00PBS_FILL_COSTS | XDEC Conversion Program |
RPUSTRCL_COSTS | COSTS Structure Boundary Conversion |
SAP Package P00PS_DEC contains 1 message classes.
HRPAY00DEC | XDEC: Messages |