
SAP Package P10PA

HR master data: Development Personnel Actions

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The package P10PA (HR master data: Development Personnel Actions) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCUS.

Technical Information

Package P10PA
Short Text HR master data: Development Personnel Actions
Parent Package HRCUS

Function Groups

SAP Package P10PA contains 15 function groups.

0PUPBSP10PA01 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_CDOC_IT1660 CHDO HR_IT1660 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HR_CDOC_IT1661 CHDO HR_IT1661 => Gen. by RSSCD000
HRNOA01 Nature of Actions
HRNOA02 Extended table maintenance
HRNOA03 NoA Configuration
HRNOARMK NoA Remarks Functions
HRPBSUS_NOADOC Nature of Actions Documentation
HRPBSUS_PDFIELDS Retrieve PD Fields for PA Applications
HRPBSUS_VET Extended Table Maintenance
HRPDVUSDTYSN Duty Station Search Help Function Group
HRPDVUSDYNSCRNCTRL PD Infotype screen control
HRRIF01 RIF Processing
HRUPBS02_QUERY HR Public Sector US Fed Query AF


SAP Package P10PA contains 16 transactions.

HRPBSUSACTION Nature of Actions
HRPBSUSACTIONCONFIG Nature of Action Configuration (4.7)
HRPBSUSERRCONFIG Crediting Plan Configuration for ERR
PIU1 View program example 1
PIU2 View program example 2
PIU3 View program example 3
S_AL0_96000597 IMG Activity: OHPSUSRIF003
S_AL0_96000845 IMG Activity: OHPSUSNOA002
S_KI4_55000615 IMG activity: OHPSUSNOA004
S_L6D_84000055 Random Drug Testing
S_L6D_84000056 Organizational Component Translation
S_L6D_84000057 Electronic Rating and Rankings - Tes
S_L6D_84000058 Generates CPDF Status and Dynamic Fi
S_L6D_84000059 Reduction in Force Registers
S_PL0_09000465 IMG Activity: OHPSUSNOA006
S_PL0_09000485 IMG Activity: OHPSUSRIF001

Database Tables

SAP Package P10PA contains 40 database tables.

HRP1660 DB Table for Infotype 1660
HRP1661 DB Table for Infotype 1661
HRPBSUSRIFBON RIF Bonus Years for Federal Performance Appraisals
PA0656 HR Master Record: Infotype 0656
T5UPBS01ACTION Personnel Action Definition
T5UPBS01ACTIONT Text table for tree fields
T5UPBS01APPL Application definition
T5UPBS01APPLT Application Definition Text
T5UPBS01FAVORITE Nature of Actions Favorites Tree
T5UPBS01FAVTXT NoA Tree Favorites Text
T5UPBS01FIELDS Personnel actions infotype fields
T5UPBS01TREE Personnel Actions Tree
T5UPBS01VALIDAT Link to validation tables
T5UPBSAPPTYPE Application Type Definitions
T5UPBSCMPLV US Federal Competitive Levels
T5UPBSCMPLVT US Federal Competitive Level Texts
T5UPBSCOMPAR US Federal Competitive Areas
T5UPBSCOMPART US Federal Competitive Area Texts
T5UPBSDSCITY US Duty Station Cities
T5UPBSDSCITYT US Federal Duty Station City Texts
T5UPBSDSCOUNTY US Federal Duty Station Counties
T5UPBSDSCOUNTYT US Federal Duty Station County Texts
T5UPBSDSSTATE US Federal Duty Station States
T5UPBSDSSTATET US Federal Duty Station State Texts
T5UPBSNOAAUTH Nature of Actions Legal Authority Codes
T5UPBSNOAAUTHT Nature of Actions Legal Authority Codes Text
T5UPBSNOACODE Nature of Actions Codes
T5UPBSNOACODET Nature of Actions Codes
T5UPBSNOARMK Nature of Actions Remarks Codes
T5UPBSNOARMKR NoA Code Remarks Table
T5UPBSNOARMKS Nature of Actions Remarks Codes
T5UPBSOCCAT US Federal Occupational Categories
T5UPBSOCCATT US Federal Occupational Category Texts
T5UPBSOCCSE US Federal Occupations (Series)
T5UPBSOCCSET US Federal Occupation (Series) Texts
T5UPBSRIFBON RIF Bonus Years for Federal Performance Appraisals
T5UPBSSECCL US Federal Position Security Clearance
T5UPBSSECCLT US Federal Position Security Clearance Texts
T5UVT_PS Veteran Status-US Public Sector
T5UVTT_PS Veteran Status Texts


SAP Package P10PA contains 17 views.

V_T591A_NOA Nature of Action Codes
V_T5UPBS01ACTION View forthe Maintenance of the Table T5UPBS01ACTION
V_T5UPBS01APPL View for Maintaining the Application Field.
V_T5UPBS01FIELDS View for CPDF Fields Configuration
V_T5UPBSCMPLV Competitve Level
V_T5UPBSCOMPAR Competitive Area
V_T5UPBSDSCITY Duty Station City
V_T5UPBSDSCOUNTY Duty Station County
V_T5UPBSDSSTATE Duty Station State or Country
V_T5UPBSNOAAUTH Nature of Action Legal Authority
V_T5UPBSNOARMK Nature of Action Remarks
V_T5UPBSNOARMKR Remarks Text and Fields Definitions
V_T5UPBSOCCAT Occupational Category
V_T5UPBSOCCSE Occupational Series
V_T5UPBSSECCL Security Clearance
V_T5UVT_PS Veteran Status-US Public Sector


SAP Package P10PA contains 20 structures.

HRI1660 Fields for US Federal Position Attributes
HRI1661 Fields for US Federal Job Classification
HRPAFIELDS HR Personnel Actions Internal Structur
HRPBSUSITEM Item structure for Tree Display
HRPBSUSRIFITEM Item structure for RIF tree display
HRPBSUSTREEUITEM Structure for HR tree item update
NOAREMARK NoA Remark Table Structure
NOAREMARKTEXT Text for NoA remarks
P0656 HR Master Record for Infotype 0656
P0656_AF Additional Query Fields
P10F1 Decision fields for feature 10RIF
P10SC Structure for PD infotype screen control feature
P1660 Infotype 1660: US Fed Pos Attributes
P1660_AF Additional Query Fields
P1661 Infotype 1661: US Federal Job Attributes
P1661_AF Additional Query Fields
PS0656 Nature of Actions
Q1660 Screen Fields: Infotype 1660 (US Federal Position Attribute)
RHLRIFU0PBS Parameter for US PBS reporting


SAP Package P10PA contains 18 programs.

MP065600 Nature of Action Infotype
MP166000 PD Infotype 1660
MP166100 PD Infotype 1661
RHLDRGU0PBS Random Drug Testing
RHLRIFU0PBS Reduction in Force Registers
RHUFEDU0PBSCPDF Organizational Component Translations Report
RPAPU0ERRCONFIG ERR Crediting Plan Configuration
RPUCFGU0 Core report for defining field sequence in CPDF file
RPUCFGU1 Report to define field sequence in dynamic CPDF file
RPUCFGU2 Report to define field sequence for status CPDF file
RPUCFGU3 Report to configure fields of status CPDF file
RPUCFGU4 Report to configure fields for CPDF dynamic file
RPUEXAU1 Customer Subscreen Example 1
RPUEXAU2 Customer Subscreen Example 2
RPUEXAU3 Customer Subscreen Example 3
RPUNOAU1 Nature of Action Configuration (4.7)
RPUNOAU2 External report for Nature of Action Validations
SAPMPBS0ACTIONS Nature of Actions Main Module pool

Search Helps

SAP Package P10PA contains 4 search helps.

H_DTYSN Duty Station
HRPBSUS_NOAAUTH Search Help for Nature of Actions Legal Authority
HRPBSUS_NOARMK Search Help for Nature of Actions

Message Classes

SAP Package P10PA contains 1 message classes.

HRPBSUSFED Message Class For Public Sector Fed (USA)