
SAP Package P20P_PA

Norway - Public Sector, Master Data & PA

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The package P20P_PA (Norway - Public Sector, Master Data & PA) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCNO.

Technical Information

Package P20P_PA
Short Text Norway - Public Sector, Master Data & PA
Parent Package HRCNO

Function Groups

SAP Package P20P_PA contains 2 function groups.

HRPBSNO Norway Public Sector
HRPBSNO1 Norway Public Sector


SAP Package P20P_PA contains 5 transactions.

PC00_M20_PBS_510 Similar entries in T510
PC00_M20_PBS_INTE Transfer jobcode relations from 0509
PC00_M20_PBS_SST Main SST Report
PC00_M20_PBS_STL Change in Job linked to a position
PC00_M20_PBS_UNI Pay difference due to Trade Unions

Database Tables

SAP Package P20P_PA contains 18 database tables.

HRP1653 DB Table for Infotype 1653
T5VPPS_510 Table to update T510 for yrly changes-Norway Public Sector
T5VPPS_AP_LGART Wage types for the Additional positions (Norway PS)
T5VPPS_APRSN Additional position reason for Norway PS
T5VPPS_APRSNT Additional position reason for Norway PS - Text
T5VPPS_CAT Eligibilty Category for Norway Public Sector
T5VPPS_CATT Eligibilty Category for Norway Public Sector- Text
T5VPPS_ELEMENT Element Category for Norway Public Sector
T5VPPS_ELEMENTT Element Category for Norway Public Sector - Text
T5VPPS_ELG_CAT Eligibility Category with Values for Norway Public Sector
T5VPPS_ETK Etatkode
T5VPPS_ETK_TJK Organization number - Etatskode
T5VPPS_IBUKY Various types of organizations
T5VPPS_PSRALV Norway Public Sector: IT 0509 records in ALV of RPIPSP00
T5VPPS_TJK Tjenestested kode
T5VPPS1A Process ID's for Norway Public Sector
T5VPPS1B Process ID and codes for Norway Public Sector
T5VPPS1BT Process ID and codes for Norway Public Sector


SAP Package P20P_PA contains 11 views.

V_T5VPPS_510 Maintain yearly changes in T510 (Norway Public Sector)
V_T5VPPS_AP_LGAR Wage types for the Additional positions (Norway PS)
V_T5VPPS_APRSN Additional position reason for Norway PS
V_T5VPPS_CAT Eligibilty Category for Norway Public Sector
V_T5VPPS_ELEMENT Element Category for Norway Public Sector
V_T5VPPS_ELG_CAT Eligibility Category with Values for Norway Public Sector
V_T5VPPS_ETK Etatskode
V_T5VPPS_ETK_TJK Maintenance for Etatskode and Tjenestestedskode
V_T5VPPS_TJK Tjenestestedskode
V_T5VPPS1A Process ID's for Norway Public Sector
V_T5VPPS1B Process ID and codes for Norway Public Sector


SAP Package P20P_PA contains 7 structures.

HRI1653 Infotype 1653: Retirement age
HRPBSNO_PSRCL_LOG_ALV1 Additional Display fields for Report RPIPSR00 - Norway PS.
P1653 Infotype 1653: Retirement Age
P1653_AF Additional Query Fields
P20P_LGART_AP Stores the wage type charactertics for additional positions
P20P_SST SST report : Record structure
PMEV1 Structure for feature APRSN (Norway PS)


SAP Package P20P_PA contains 10 programs.

MP165300 PD Infotype 1653
MP1653BI MP1653BI
RHINTEVP Transfer jobcode relationships from IT 0509
RPI510VP Update entries in Table T510 (Norway Public Sector)
RPISTLVP Pay Scale Reclassification due to change in job code
RPITIGVP Pay scale reclassification
RPITRFVP Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input
RPITUMVP Pay Scale Reclassification acc. to Age or Pay Scale Membership Period
RPIUNIVP Reversing hike in pay for non-accepting unions
RPWDAPVP Dynamic Actions to Populate from Addl. Positions to Recurring Payments

Message Classes

SAP Package P20P_PA contains 1 message classes.

HRPBSNO Message class for Norway Public Sector