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Bei ansehen →The package P20P_PA (Norway - Public Sector, Master Data & PA) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCNO.
Package | P20P_PA |
Short Text | Norway - Public Sector, Master Data & PA |
Parent Package | HRCNO |
SAP Package P20P_PA contains 2 function groups.
HRPBSNO | Norway Public Sector |
HRPBSNO1 | Norway Public Sector |
SAP Package P20P_PA contains 5 transactions.
PC00_M20_PBS_510 | Similar entries in T510 |
PC00_M20_PBS_INTE | Transfer jobcode relations from 0509 |
PC00_M20_PBS_SST | Main SST Report |
PC00_M20_PBS_STL | Change in Job linked to a position |
PC00_M20_PBS_UNI | Pay difference due to Trade Unions |
SAP Package P20P_PA contains 18 database tables.
HRP1653 | DB Table for Infotype 1653 |
T5VPPS_510 | Table to update T510 for yrly changes-Norway Public Sector |
T5VPPS_AP_LGART | Wage types for the Additional positions (Norway PS) |
T5VPPS_APRSN | Additional position reason for Norway PS |
T5VPPS_APRSNT | Additional position reason for Norway PS - Text |
T5VPPS_CAT | Eligibilty Category for Norway Public Sector |
T5VPPS_CATT | Eligibilty Category for Norway Public Sector- Text |
T5VPPS_ELEMENT | Element Category for Norway Public Sector |
T5VPPS_ELEMENTT | Element Category for Norway Public Sector - Text |
T5VPPS_ELG_CAT | Eligibility Category with Values for Norway Public Sector |
T5VPPS_ETK | Etatkode |
T5VPPS_ETK_TJK | Organization number - Etatskode |
T5VPPS_IBUKY | Various types of organizations |
T5VPPS_PSRALV | Norway Public Sector: IT 0509 records in ALV of RPIPSP00 |
T5VPPS_TJK | Tjenestested kode |
T5VPPS1A | Process ID's for Norway Public Sector |
T5VPPS1B | Process ID and codes for Norway Public Sector |
T5VPPS1BT | Process ID and codes for Norway Public Sector |
SAP Package P20P_PA contains 11 views.
V_T5VPPS_510 | Maintain yearly changes in T510 (Norway Public Sector) |
V_T5VPPS_AP_LGAR | Wage types for the Additional positions (Norway PS) |
V_T5VPPS_APRSN | Additional position reason for Norway PS |
V_T5VPPS_CAT | Eligibilty Category for Norway Public Sector |
V_T5VPPS_ELEMENT | Element Category for Norway Public Sector |
V_T5VPPS_ELG_CAT | Eligibility Category with Values for Norway Public Sector |
V_T5VPPS_ETK | Etatskode |
V_T5VPPS_ETK_TJK | Maintenance for Etatskode and Tjenestestedskode |
V_T5VPPS_TJK | Tjenestestedskode |
V_T5VPPS1A | Process ID's for Norway Public Sector |
V_T5VPPS1B | Process ID and codes for Norway Public Sector |
SAP Package P20P_PA contains 7 structures.
HRI1653 | Infotype 1653: Retirement age |
HRPBSNO_PSRCL_LOG_ALV1 | Additional Display fields for Report RPIPSR00 - Norway PS. |
P1653 | Infotype 1653: Retirement Age |
P1653_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P20P_LGART_AP | Stores the wage type charactertics for additional positions |
P20P_SST | SST report : Record structure |
PMEV1 | Structure for feature APRSN (Norway PS) |
SAP Package P20P_PA contains 10 programs.
MP165300 | PD Infotype 1653 |
MP1653BI | MP1653BI |
RHINTEVP | Transfer jobcode relationships from IT 0509 |
RPI510VP | Update entries in Table T510 (Norway Public Sector) |
RPISTLVP | Pay Scale Reclassification due to change in job code |
RPITIGVP | Pay scale reclassification |
RPITRFVP | Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input |
RPITUMVP | Pay Scale Reclassification acc. to Age or Pay Scale Membership Period |
RPIUNIVP | Reversing hike in pay for non-accepting unions |
RPWDAPVP | Dynamic Actions to Populate from Addl. Positions to Recurring Payments |
SAP Package P20P_PA contains 1 message classes.
HRPBSNO | Message class for Norway Public Sector |