
SAP Package PB17

HR master data: Venezuela

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The package PB17 (HR master data: Venezuela) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCVE.

Technical Information

Package PB17
Short Text HR master data: Venezuela
Parent Package HRCVE

Function Groups

SAP Package PB17 contains 15 function groups.

EHV1 ESS Addresses Venezuela
EHV3 ESS Bank data Venezuela
EHV5 ESS Personnel data Venezuela
EHV6 ESS Family/Related Info Venezuela
HRPADVEMABS Maintenance of absence tables
HRPADVEMCOM Maintenance of company tables
HRPADVEMLPH Table maintenace for RPVH
HRPADVEMPSH Maintenance of profit share tables
HRPADVEMREP Report table maintenance
HRPADVEMSEV Maintenance of welfare payment tables
HRPADVEMSIN Maintenance of social insurance tables
HRPADVEMTAX Maintenance of income tax tables
HRPADVEMTRN Ext. system data transfer table maint.
HRPADVEMVAC Maintenance of absence tables


SAP Package PB17 contains 1 transactions.

S_PH9_13000020 Recalculation annual interest by e

Database Tables

SAP Package PB17 contains 41 database tables.

PA0399 HRMS-VE: Table for Income Tax Infotype (IT0399)
PA0400 HRMS-VE: Table for SSO Infotype (IT0400)
PA0401 HRMS-VE: Table for Benefits Infotype (IT401)
PA0482 HRMS-VE: Additional Data from Family/N. of Kin Inftp(IT0021)
PA0645 Termination of contract: General data
T7VE01 Additional Company Data
T7VE02 Additional Data on Company (Time-dependent)
T7VE03 SUDEBAN financial codes
T7VE04 Company financial operators
T7VE0P Additional Information on Personnel Area/Subarea
T7VE10 Assignment of date class to absence quota
T7VE90 Rules for calculating compensation
T7VE95 Severance pay code
T7VE96 Compensation key: T7VE95 texts
T7VE97 Calculation rules for compensation code
T7VE98 Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation
T7VE99 Employee grouping for compensation calculation: Text
T7VEA1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Vacations
T7VEA2 Transfer of external payroll results: Absence
T7VEAB Absence Type Attributes
T7VEDI Reserved SAP
T7VEDP Dates for calculation of profit share adjustment
T7VEEC Marital Status in Venezuela
T7VEEV Venezuelan events
T7VEI1 Transfer of External Payroll results: Interest
T7VEI2 Transfer of external payroll results: INC contribution
T7VEIN Interest rates
T7VEL1 Transfer of external payroll results: RPVH contributions
T7VEP1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Profit Share
T7VEPA Risk in Personnel Area/Subarea
T7VEPN Notice or seniority days
T7VEPS Percentages for Calculating Profit Share
T7VEQP Absence quota attributes
T7VES1 Percentages of SSO Contribution and Deduction
T7VES2 IVSS Classification of Occupations
T7VES3 Function code relationship (Company/IVSS)
T7VES4 Transfer of External Payroll Results: SSO/RPE
T7VES5 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Seniority
T7VEST Description of Risks
T7VET1 Transfer of External Payroll Results: Income Tax
T7VETX Taxable income


SAP Package PB17 contains 11 views.

H_PVE_FUCOD Help View for the Data Element PVE_FUCOD
H_T7VES1 Range of values for risk code and description
V_T7VE01 Additional company information
V_T7VE02_A Additional time-dependent company information
V_T7VE02_B Company information for profit share payment
V_T7VE02_C Company information for severance payment
V_T7VE0P Additional information on personnel area/subarea
V_T7VE10 Assignment of date class to absence quota
V_T7VEAB Absence category attributes
V_T7VEQP Absence quota attributes
V_T7VES3 Function code relationship (Company/IVSS)


SAP Package PB17 contains 43 structures.

P0399 HRMS_VE: Master Record for Income Tax Infotype (IT0399)
P0399_AF Additional Fields Abap Query on Income Tax Infotype (IT0399)
P0400 HRMS-VE: Master Record for SSO Infotype (IT0400)
P0400_AF Additional Fields Abap Query for SSO Infotype (IT0400)
P0401 HRMS-VE: Master Rec. for Severance Payments Infotype(IT0401)
P0401_AF Additional ABAP Query fields f.Severance Pymnts IT (IT0401)
P0482 HRMS-VE: Add. data from IT Family/Related Person (IT0021)
P0482_AF Additional ABAP Query Fields for Family/Next of Kin (IT0021)
P0645 Termination of contract: General data
PAYVE_NATIONAL HR-PAY-VE: Payroll results national section
PAYVE_RESULT HR-PAY-VE: Definition of payroll results
PC2LB HRMS-VE: Wage Management for Valuation of Vacations
PC2LC HRMS-VE: Results from Housing Scheme
PC2LE HRMS-VE: Record of Absences that Reduce Length of Service
PC2QJ HRMS-VE: Income Tax Percentages
PC2QK HRMS-VE: Information on Income Tax
PC2QL HRMS-VE: Information on Statutory Social Insurance
PC2QM HRMS-VE: Information on Length of Service
PC2QN HRMS-VE: Annual Balance of Profit Share Payments
PC2QO HRMS-VE: INCE Payment Results
PC2QP HRMS-VE: Cumulated Social Insurance Results
PC2QR HRMS-VE: Information on Length of Service Payment
PC2QS HRMS-VE: Annual Interest Results
PEHV1 Personnel Record Infotype 0006 (Addresses) US
PEHV6 Master personnel record infotype 0021 (Family members)
PS0399 HRMS-VE: Structure for Income Tax Infotype (IT0399)
PS0400 HRMS-VE: SSO Infotype Structure (IT0400)
PS0401 HRMS-VE: Structure of Severance Payments Infotype (IT0401)
PS0482 HRMS-VE: Add. data from IT Family/Related Person (IT0021)
PS0645 Work relationship termination, Venezuela
PVE_COINDS Structure of coind payments for termination
PVEEC Employee sorting by occupation
PVEI2 Company data
PVEME Field string for feature VEMOV (actions)
PVEMV Structure of transactions TemSe files for FAOV (VE)
PVENM Payroll TemSe file structure for FAOV (VE)
PVEPH File Details for LPH Report
PVESD File Details for the Social Insurance Report
PVESH File Header for Social Insurance Report
Q0399 HRMS-VE: Additional Fields in Income Tax Infotype (IT0399)
Q0400 HRMS-VE: Additional fields in SSO infotype (IT0400)
Q0401 HRMS-VE: Additional Fields in Sever. Pay. Infotype (IT0401)
Q0645 Screen fields of infotype 0645


SAP Package PB17 contains 5 programs.

MP039900 HRMS-VE: Module Pool for Infotipo 0399 (ISLR)
MP040000 HRMS-VE: Module Pool for Infotype 0400 (Social Insurance)
MP040100 HRMS-VE: Module Pool for Infotype 0401 (Severance Payments)
MP048200 HRMS-VE: Module Pool for Infotype 0482 (Additional Fields of IT0021)
MP064500 Infotype 0645. Work relationship termination, Venezuela

Search Helps

SAP Package PB17 contains 3 search helps.

H_T7VES2 Value range for code and description of occupational cat.
SH_PVE_FUCOD Help for IVSS function code search
SH_T7VES1 Help for risk type search

Message Classes

SAP Package PB17 contains 1 message classes.

HRPADVE HRMS-VE: Librería de Mensajes de la Nómina Venezolana