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Bei ansehen →The package PB20 (HR master data: Norway) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCNO.
Package | PB20 |
Short Text | HR master data: Norway |
Parent Package | HRCNO |
SAP Package PB20 contains 7 function groups.
0PV1 | Norwegian table maintenance views I |
0PV2 | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
0PV3 | erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert) |
0PV4 | Norwegian table maintenance II |
EHNO1 | Employee Self-Service Address (NO) |
HR_NO_MASTER_DATA | Norwegian related master data functions |
HRPADNO_ADD_FIELDS | Masterdata additional fields access (NO) |
SAP Package PB20 contains 4 transactions.
PC00_M20_LINF | Employee master data overview |
PC00_M20_RPCTAXV0 | Norwegian tax table overview |
PC00_M20_UYRK | Upload of yrkeskoder |
SAP Package PB20 contains 30 database tables.
PA0173 | Tax card information |
PA0419 | HR Master record: Manual tax reporting information - Norway |
T5V01 | Table of postal codes (postal code/city) |
T5V03 | Employee group/subgrouping for employment contracts (NO) |
T5V13 | SSB Positions code assignment |
T5V1C | Period Work Schedules Codes |
T5V2A | Municipality Numbers |
T5V2B | Union table |
T5V2C | Norwegian <trygdekontor> |
T5V2D | Norwegian tax table numbers |
T5V2E | Norwegian Organizational Attributes |
T5V2F | Norwegian organizational attributes - text |
T5V2M | Entity table for the legal org. no. (juridisk nummer) |
T5V3A | Vacation allowance calculation |
T5V4A | Check table for infotype 0057 |
T5V4B | Control table for garnishments and union dues |
T5V5A | Occupation code |
T5V5B | Assignment of job to occupation code |
T5V5M | Messages sent electronically to AA-registeret |
T5V6A | Business sectors |
T5V6B | Business sector ('Bransje') - Text |
T5V6C | SSB Positional Codes |
T5V6D | SSB Position Code Description |
T5V7B | Messages sent to employees/emplyoers register |
T5V7C | Warnings for self-declared illnesses - Norway |
T5V7D | Dynamic event recording earliest master data changes |
T5VS0 | Contract types for annual tax statements |
T5VS1 | Contract types for annual tax statements - texts |
T5VS6 | Fields for tax codes |
T5VS7 | Assignment of additional wagetypes to tax code columns |
SAP Package PB20 contains 25 views.
H_T5V01 | Help view for city register |
H_T5V2A | Help view for table of municip. # |
H_T5V2C | Help view for <trygdekontotabell> |
V_5VSA_H | Help view for cumulation category assignment of wagetypes |
V_T5V01 | City register |
V_T5V03 | Employee Groups/Employee Subgroups for contracts (NO) |
V_T5V13 | Assignment of postitional codes to job codes |
V_T5V1C | Period Work Schedules Codes, for statistics |
V_T5V2A | Table of mun. no. |
V_T5V2B | Union table |
V_T5V2C | Table of <trygdek.> |
V_T5V2D | Tax table no. |
V_T5V2E | Norwegian organizational attributes |
V_T5V3A | Vacation allowance calculation |
V_T5V4A | Control table for IT 0057 |
V_T5V4B | Control table for Norwegian garnishments and union dues |
V_T5V5A | Norwegian occupation codes |
V_T5V5B | Assignment of job to occupation code |
V_T5V6A | Business sectors ('bransjer') |
V_T5V6C | SSB Position Codes |
V_T5VS0 | Contract types for annual tax statements |
V_T5VS6 | Columns definition for tax codes |
V_T5VS7 | Assignment of additional wagetypes to tax code columns |
V_T5VSA | Tax code category for wage types |
V_T5VT0 | Reporting status for annual tax statements |
SAP Package PB20 contains 43 structures.
P0173 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0173 (Skattekortopplysninger) |
P0419 | HR Master record: Manual tax reporting information - Norway |
P20_AACFI | AA Register Statuskontroll file structure - Norway. |
P20_AAMFI | AA Register structure for Løpende meldingsgang - Norway |
P20_AAMST | AA-Register message structure |
P20_AAREG | Result structure for AA-Registeret - relevant master data |
P20_ATCMP | Company details |
P20_ATEEI | Additional employee's payroll information |
P20_ATEER | Annual tax statements - Employer information |
P20_ATEES | Annual tax statements - Employee information |
P20_ATLTV | Verification structure for L/T codes and wagetypes |
P20_ATRT4 | Annual tax statements - Record type 4 |
P20_ATRT5 | Annual tax statements - Record type 5 |
P20_ATRT6 | Annual tax statements - Record type 6 |
P20_ATSTS | TemSe Structure for Annual Tax Statements |
P20_ATSUM | Annual tax statements - Sum record (record type 8) |
P20_GAR_OUT | Output structure for Norwegian garnishment report |
P20_LNDEAC | Deposit account structure - Loan Notification |
P20_LNEER | Loan and savings notifications - Employer information |
P20_LNEES | Loan and savings notification - Employee information |
P20_LNSUM | Loan and savings information - Sum record |
P20_RANGEREC | Line of a selection range |
P20_SSB_BEPOST | Bedriftspost for SSB reporting |
P20_SSB_BESLPOST | Bedriftssluttpost for SSB reporting |
P20_SSB_FYLLPOST | Fyllpost for SSB reporting |
P20_SSB_LONPOST | Lønnspost for SSB-reporting |
P20_SSB_LTPOST | Lønnstakerpost for SSB-reporting |
P20_SSB_OPPOST | Oppgavegiverpost for SSB-reporting |
P20_SSB_SLUTTPOST | Sluttpost for SSB reporting |
P20_TERMIN | Record structure for file created by Terminrapporten (ERC) |
P20_TREEITEM | Tree-entry for tree control |
P20_TREENODE | Structure for Norwegian usage of simple tree control |
PMEAV | Average Reimbursement basis |
PS0173 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0173 (Tax card information) |
PS0419 | HR Master record: Manual tax reporting information - Norway |
Q0173 | Screenfields for tax card information - Norway |
Q0419 | Screenfields for additional tax statement information |
RPLAAMV0 | Program control fields for electronic version of AA-Register |
RPLAARV0 | Program control fields for employees/emplyoers register |
RPLCOMV0 | Common fields for online documentation, Norway |
RPLINSV0 | Structure of online doc. of selection-screen fields |
RPLLONV0 | Structure for selection fields in RPLLONV0 |
RPSSSBV0 | Structure for online doc. of selection fields |
SAP Package PB20 contains 12 programs.
MP017300 | Entering and maintenance of tax card information |
MP041900 | Manual tax reporting information for Norwegian annual tax reporting |
RPDABSV0 | Absence documentation and consistency check (Norway) |
RPLINFV0 | Infotype Overview for Employee |
RPLSDIV0 | Self-declared illness warnings - Norway |
RPU46BV0 | HR: XPRA for removing IT0174 entries from T582A and T582L |
RPU54AV0 | Transfer of table entries from T5V4A to T5V4B |
RPUIT6V0 | Convert communications-fields in Infotype 0006 |
RPUIT8V0 | Changes to partial absences in Norwegian Payroll |
RPULEAV0 | Batch-processing of holiday absences - lock/unlock |
RPUTRYV0 | Load Norwegian social security office data into T5V2C from file |
RPUYRKV0 | Yrkeskoder import |
SAP Package PB20 contains 12 search helps.
H_T5V01 | F4-Help for Norwegian postal codes |
H_T5V2A | Help view for table of municipal codes |
H_T5V2C | PF4-Help for T5V2C |
H_T5V2D | Search help for tax card table |
H_T5V2I | Help View for Reporting organization number |
H_T5V2L | Help View for Bedrifts number |
H_T5V2M | Help View for Juridisk number |
H_T5V5A | Searchhelp for occupation codes |
H_T5VS4 | Tax code definition |
H_T5VS8 | Wagetype assignment to tax codes |
H_T5VSA | Wagetypes for annual tax reporting with cumulation category |
H_T5VT0 | Search help for reporting status of annual tax statements |
SAP Package PB20 contains 1 message classes.
51 | HR: Messages for Norway |
SAP Package PB20 contains 1 authorization objects.
P_NO_ALTIN | Norway : Authorization check for sending data to Altinn |