
SAP Package PB26

HR master data: Thailand

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The package PB26 (HR master data: Thailand) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCTH.

Technical Information

Package PB26
Short Text HR master data: Thailand
Parent Package HRCTH

Function Groups

SAP Package PB26 contains 13 function groups.

3TH0 Fucntion Group for SS and PF Thailand
3THP erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
3THS erweiterte Tabellenpflege (generiert)
EHT1 ESS - Address (Thailand)
EHT14 HR ESS - Personal IDs (THAILAND)
EHT18 HR ESS - Alternative Names Asia
EHT2 HR ESS - Tax - Thailand
EHT3 ESS - Bank details Thailand
EHT5 ESS Personal Data - Thailand
EHT6 Enterprise HR ESS Family/Related Info TH
PADR_TH Address - Thailand
PFAM_TH Business Object FamilyTH
PTAX_TH BAPI'S for Tax Thailand


SAP Package PB26 contains 1 transactions.

PZ51 ESS: Tax Thailand

Database Tables

SAP Package PB26 contains 27 database tables.

PA0180 Alternative Address Data (Thailand)
PA0187 Additional family data
PA0364 Infotype Tax TH
PA0365 Social Security TH
PA0366 Provident Fund THAILAND
T7TH03 Employee Group/Subgrouping for PF THAILAND
T7TH0P PA/PSA Grouping for Social Security and Tax
T7THBR Company Branch Codes
T7THCT Personal Area/Subarea groupings for SS Branches Text Table
T7THMC Social Security Modifier table for Branches
T7THMP Providend Fund Modifier Table for Personal Area/Subarea
T7THMS Social Security Modifier table for Branches
T7THMT Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier Text for PF THAILAND
T7THMX Personal Area/Subarea for Tax Calculation Method
T7THPC Provident Fund Company Rates TH
T7THPM Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier for PF TH
T7THPT Modifier Text Table for PA/PSA for Provident Fund
T7THSB Social Security Branches
T7THSC Social Security Company Rates TH
T7THSP Name Prefix/ Form of Address Codes
T7THSR Social Security Contribution Rates Statutory and Company TH
T7THSS Social Security Statutory Rates TH
T7THST Personal Area/Subarea groupings for SS Branches Text Table
T7THTE Termination Tax Rates TH
T7THTM Tax Calculation Method - TH
T7THTR Tax Rates TH
T7THTT Personal Area/Subarea Grping for Tax Calc Method Text Table


SAP Package PB26 contains 20 views.

V_T7TH03 Provident Fund EG/ESG Grouping for PF THAILAND
V_T7TH0P PA/Subarea Groupings for SS PF and Tax (Complete View)-TH
V_T7TH0P_A PA/Subarea Groupings for Tax Calc Method - Thailand
V_T7TH0P_B PA/Subarea Grouping for Social Security Rates - Thailand
V_T7TH0P_C PA/Subarea Grouping for Provident Fund - Thailand
V_T7TH0P_D PA/Subarea Groupings for SS Branches - Thailand
V_T7THBR Company Branch Codes
V_T7THMC Social Security Modifier table for Company
V_T7THMP Personal Area/Sub area groupings for Provident Fund
V_T7THMS Personal Area/Sub Area groupings for SS Branches
V_T7THMX Personal Area/Sub Area grouping for Tax Calc. Method
V_T7THPC Provident Fund Company Rates THAILAND
V_T7THPM Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier THAILAND
V_T7THSB Social Security Branches
V_T7THSP Form of Address/ Prefix Codes
V_T7THSR Social Security Contribution - Company Rates
V_T7THSS Social Security Statutory Rates THAILAND
V_T7THTE Termination tax rates - TH
V_T7THTM Tax Calculation Method
V_T7THTR Tax Rates - TH


SAP Package PB26 contains 16 structures.

BAPIP0006TH HR Master Record Infotype 0006 (Addresses) Thailand
BAPIP0021TH HR Master Record: Infotype 0021 (Family/Rel.Person) TH
BAPIP0364 HR Master Record: Infotype 0364 (Tax Thailand)
P0180 Alternative Address Data (Thailand)
P0187 Additional Family Data TH
P0364 Tax Data TH
P0365 Social Security TH
P0366 Provident Fund THAILAND
PS0180 Alternative Address Information (Thailand)
PS0187 Additional family Data (Thailand)
PS0364 Infotype Tax TH
PS0365 Social Security TH
PS0366 Provident Fund THAILAND
Q0187 Screen Fields: Additional Family data TH
Q0364 Infotype Tax TH
Q0366 Screen fields: Infotype 0366 (Provident Fund) THAILAND


SAP Package PB26 contains 4 programs.

MP036500 Social Security THAILAND
MP036600 Provident Fund THAILAND
MPV18700 Module Pool: Infotype 0021 Family

Message Classes

SAP Package PB26 contains 1 message classes.

3P HR. Messages for Thailand