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Bei ansehen →The package PBCC (HR master data: Company Car) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PBCC |
Short Text | HR master data: Company Car |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PBCC contains 5 function groups.
0P1C | Car tables |
0P2C | Car exl. tables |
0P3C | Car maintence views |
HRCARCCSEARCH | Search helps for company car |
RP1C | Infotype 442 general function modules |
SAP Package PBCC contains 19 database tables.
PA0442 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0442 |
T51C1 | Car factory definition table |
T51C2 | Car factory text table |
T51C3 | Car model definition table |
T51C4 | Car model text table |
T51C5 | Country specific attributes |
T51C8 | Car maintenance rule |
T51C9 | Car maintenance rule texttable |
T51CA | Obsolete !!! Replaced by T51CB in April 2002 |
T51CB | Wagetypes for payrollfunction P0442 |
T51CC | Company car unavailability reason |
T51CD | Company car unavailability reason - text table |
T51CE | Pollution Categories for Company Cars |
T51CET | Descriptions for the Pollution Categories |
T51CF | Leasing Categories for Company Cars |
T51CFT | Descriptions for the Leasing Categories |
T51CG | Leasing Companies for Company Cars |
T51CGT | Descriptions for the Leasing Companies |
T5SC3 | Swedish specific car attributes |
SAP Package PBCC contains 10 views.
V_T51C3 | Car model definition table |
V_T51C5 | Common car attributes |
V_T51C8 | Car maintenance rule |
V_T51CB | Wagetypes for payrollfunction p0442 |
V_T51CC | Car unavailability reason |
V_T51CE | Pollution Category |
V_T51CF | Leasing Category |
V_T51CG | Leasing Company |
V_T536C_C | Addresses via Address Management |
V_T5SC3 | Swedish specific car attributes |
SAP Package PBCC contains 7 structures.
CAR_INFO | Infoline for company car IT0442 |
P0442 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0442 |
PMECA | Limited P0001-Structure for T549B + Payroll area |
PS0442 | Company car |
Q0442 | Displayfields from VC_t51c1 |
STRUC_CAR_INFO | Datastructure to fill VC_T51C1 from popup |
STRUC51C1 | Datastructure for GB Car popup |
SAP Package PBCC contains 1 programs.
MP044200 | Module Pool for Infotype P0442 - Company car |
SAP Package PBCC contains 6 search helps.
H_PAD_T51CB_SUBTY | Search help for subtypes from T591a |
H_T51CE | Pollution Category |
H_T51CF | Leasing Category |
H_T51CG | Leasing Company |
HR_SE_CAR_UNAVAIL_REASONS | Unavailability reasons |
SAP Package PBCC contains 1 message classes.
HRCARXX | Message class for international company car |