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Bei ansehen →The package PBEN (Benefits) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PBEN |
Short Text | Benefits |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PBEN contains 50 function groups.
3301 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3302 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3303 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3304 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3305 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3306 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3307 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3308 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3309 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3310 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3311 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3312 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3313 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3314 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3315 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
3316 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PU4 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PU5 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PU6 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PU7 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PU8 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PU9 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PUB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
33A1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRBEN00CREDIT | Function group for credit plans |
HRBEN00DEPBENINV | Function Group for Dep/Ben/Inv |
HRBEN00DOCUMENT | Function Group for Document Templates |
HRBEN00ENROLLMENT | Function Group for Enrollment |
HRBEN00ERRORH | Function Group for Error Processing |
HRBEN00F4HELP | Function Group for F4 Help |
HRBEN00FEATURE | Function Group for Reading Features |
HRBEN00FLEXBEN | Function Group for Flexben Functionality |
HRBEN00FORMS | Function Group for Printing Forms |
HRBEN00FSA_CLAIMS | Function group FSA claims |
HRBEN00GENERAL | Function Group for General Benefits FMs |
HRBEN00HEALTH | Function Group for Health Insurance |
HRBEN00IDOC | Function group for IDOCs |
HRBEN00INSURE | Function Group for Insurance |
HRBEN00MISCEL | Function Group for Miscellaneous Plans |
HRBEN00SAVING | Function Group for Savings Plans |
HRBEN00SERVICE | Function group for calculation of serv. |
HRBEN00SPENDA | Function Group for Spending Accounts |
HRBEN00STOCKP | Function Group for Stock Purchase Plans |
HRBEN00SUBSCREENS | Function group for subscreens |
HRBEN00TREE | Function Group for Tree Structures |
HRBEN00UTILITY | Function Group for General FMs |
HRBENUSCOBRA | Functions for COBRA Administration |
HRBENUSCOBRAFORMS | Functions for COBRA Form Printing |
HRBENUSCOBRAHEALTH | Functions for COBRA Health Plans |
HRBENUSCOBRASPENDA | Functions for COBRA Flex. Spending Accts |
SAP Package PBEN contains 67 transactions.
HRBEN0000 | Benefits Application Menu |
HRBEN0001 | Enrollment |
HRBEN0003 | Participation Monitor |
HRBEN0004 | EOI Monitor |
HRBEN0005 | Enrollment Form |
HRBEN0006 | Benefits Participation Overview |
HRBEN0009 | Benefits - Plan Overview |
HRBEN0012 | Automatic Plan Enrollment |
HRBEN0013 | Default Plan Enrollment |
HRBEN0014 | Termination of Participation |
HRBEN0015 | Confirmation Form |
HRBEN0041 | Jump from IMG into Maintenance Views |
HRBEN0042 | Configuration Consistency Check |
HRBEN0043 | Copy Benefit Area |
HRBEN0044 | Delete Benefit Area |
HRBEN0045 | Benefit Area Currency Conversion |
HRBEN0046 | Cost summary |
HRBEN0047 | Check Actual Working Hours |
HRBEN0049 | Currency Conversion Benef. Infotypes |
HRBEN0050 | Copying templates in BDS |
HRBEN0051 | Maintenance of templates in BDS |
HRBEN0052 | IDoc Data Transfer |
HRBEN0053 | Copy Benefit Plan |
HRBEN0054 | Delete Benefit Plan |
HRBEN0055 | Overview Adjustment Permissions |
HRBEN0056 | Standard Plans Overview |
HRBEN0071 | Eligible Employees |
HRBEN0072 | Participation |
HRBEN0073 | Health Plan Costs |
HRBEN0074 | Insurance Plan Costs |
HRBEN0075 | Savings Plan Contributions |
HRBEN0076 | Vesting Percentage |
HRBEN0077 | Changes in Benefits Elections |
HRBEN0078 | FSA Contributions |
HRBEN0079 | Change of Elibility Status |
HRBEN0081 | Employee Demographics |
HRBEN0083 | Change in general benefits |
HRBEN0085 | Costs/Contributions for Misc. Plans |
HRBEN0086 | Stock Purchase Plan Contributions |
HRBEN0087 | Benefit Election Analysis |
HRBEN0088 | Contribution Limit Check |
HRBEN0089 | Enrollment Statistics |
HRBEN00ADJRSN | Create adjustment reasons |
HRBEN00ENSTATUS | Status of Employee Notice |
HRBEN00GENSTATUS | Status of General Notice |
HRBEN00RETIDOCIN | Retirement plan data transfer: in. |
HRBEN00RETIDOCOUT | Retirement plan data transfer out |
HRBEN00RETPAYCUM | Payroll cumulations retirement plans |
HRBEN00RETSRV | Service calculation retirement plans |
HRBEN00TERMSTATUS | Status of Termination Notice |
HRBEN00UNASTATUS | Status of Unavailability Notice |
HRBENUS02 | FSA claim |
HRBENUSCOB01 | Collect COBRA Events |
HRBENUSCOB02 | Create COBRA Letters |
HRBENUSCOB03 | COBRA Participation |
HRBENUSCOB05 | COBRA Cost Overview |
HRBENUSCOB06 | COBRA Enrollment Form |
HRBENUSCOB07 | COBRA Election Period |
HRBENUSCOB09 | COBRA Confirmation Form |
HRBENUSCOB10 | COBRA Data Transfer to Provider |
HRBENUSCOBERASSIS | COBRA Employer Premium Assistance |
HRBENUSCOBOVERDUE | COBRA overdue payments |
HRBENUSCOBREGEND | COBRA end of max. cov.cont. period |
HRBENUSFSACLM | FSA Claims Monitor |
S_PH0_48000525 | InfoSet Query: Benefits |
SAP Package PBEN contains 170 database tables.
PA0167 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans) |
PA0168 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans) |
PA0169 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan) |
PA0170 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts) |
PA0171 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information) |
PA0172 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims) |
PA0211 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries) |
PA0212 | HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan) |
PA0219 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations) |
PA0236 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans) |
PA0270 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments) |
PA0375 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.) |
PA0376 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info) |
PA0377 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans) |
PA0378 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason) |
PA0379 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans) |
PA0565 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.) |
PA0602 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation) |
PA0671 | HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct) |
T5UB1 | Benefit plan type |
T5UB2 | Benefit plan status |
T5UB3 | Benefit area |
T5UB4 | Benefit eligibility grouping |
T5UB5 | Benefit cost grouping |
T5UB6 | Benefit Standard Health Selection |
T5UB7 | Benefit standard insurance selection |
T5UB9 | Benefit second program grouping |
T5UBA | Benefit plan |
T5UBB | Benefit health option/dependent coverage assignment |
T5UBC | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UBD | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UBE | Benefit Health Plan Option |
T5UBF | Benefit dependent coverage |
T5UBG | Benefit Flexible Spending Account |
T5UBH | Benefit cost rule variant |
T5UBI | Benefit cost rule |
T5UBJ | Benefit age group for calculating imputed income |
T5UBK | Benefit Salary Group |
T5UBL | Benefit age group |
T5UBM | Benefit seniority group |
T5UBN | Benefit investment |
T5UBO | Benefit investment group |
T5UBP | Benefits investment/investment group assignment |
T5UBQ | Benefit calculation factor for imputed income |
T5UBR | Benefit vesting rule |
T5UBS | Benefit vested portion |
T5UBT | Benefit first program grouping |
T5UBU | Benefit program |
T5UBV | Benefit eligibility rule |
T5UBW | Benefit provider |
T5UBX | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UBY | Benefits Parameter Group |
T5UBZ | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UC1 | Benefit plan type texts |
T5UC2 | Benefit plan status texts |
T5UC3 | Benefit area texts |
T5UC4 | Benefit eligibility grouping texts |
T5UC5 | Benefits cost grouping texts |
T5UC9 | Benefit Second Program Grouping Texts |
T5UCA | Benefit plan texts |
T5UCC | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UCE | Benefit health plan option texts |
T5UCF | Benefit dependent coverage texts |
T5UCH | Benefit cost rule variant texts |
T5UCJ | Benefit imputed income age group texts |
T5UCK | Benefit salary group texts |
T5UCL | Benefit age group texts |
T5UCM | Benefit seniority group texts |
T5UCN | Benefit investment texts |
T5UCO | Benefit investment group texts |
T5UCR | Benefit vesting rule texts |
T5UCT | Benefit first program grouping texts |
T5UCV | Benefit eligibility rules texts |
T5UCX | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UCY | Benefit parameter group texts |
T5UD3 | Benefit area currency |
T5UDB | COBRA beneficiary |
T5UDC | COBRA maximum coverage period |
T5UDD | COBRA administrative data |
T5UDE | COBRA events / personnel action assignment |
T5UDF | COBRA early termination reason |
T5UDL | Benefit receipt type |
T5UDM | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UDN | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UDO | Benefit credit grouping |
T5UDP | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UDR | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UDS | Benefit termination rule |
T5UDT | Benefit termination grouping |
T5UDU | Benefit Termination Rule Variant |
T5UDV | Benefit Eligibility Rule Variant |
T5UEF | COBRA early termination reason |
T5UEL | Benefit payment receipt type texts |
T5UEM | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T5UEO | Benefit credit grouping texts |
T5UET | Benefits Termination Type Texts |
T5UEU | Benefit termination rule variant texts |
T5UZF | COBRA Coverage Unavailability reasons |
T5UZFT | COBRA Coverage Unavailability Reasons |
T74AA | COBRA-qualified dependent/plan type assignment |
T74AB | COBRA dependent of qualified beneficiary |
T74F1 | Benefit adjustment grouping |
T74F2 | Benefits insurance coverage grouping |
T74F3 | Benefit employer contribution grouping |
T74F4 | Benefit employee contribution grouping |
T74FA | Benefit insurance plan |
T74FB | Benefits Coverage Rule Variant |
T74FC | Benefits Insurance Coverage Rule |
T74FD | Benefit Savings Plan |
T74FE | Benefit employer contribution rule variant |
T74FF | Benefit employer contribution rule |
T74FG | Benefit employee contribution rule variant |
T74FH | Benefit employee contribution rule |
T74FI | Benefit credit plan |
T74FJ | Benefit credit rule variant |
T74FK | Benefit credit rule |
T74FL | Benefit miscellaneous plan |
T74FM | Benefit Standard Savings Selection |
T74FN | Benefit Standard Spending Account Selection |
T74FO | Benefit standard credit selection |
T74FP | Benefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection |
T74FQ | Benefit standard stock purchase selection |
T74FR | Benefit evidence of insurability |
T74FS | Benefit evidence of insurability option assignment |
T74FT | Benefit evidence of insurability option jump assignment |
T74FU | Benefit combined coverage limit |
T74FV | Benefit combined coverage limit expression |
T74FW | Benefit combined contribution limit |
T74FX | Benefit combined contribution limit expression |
T74FY | Benefit prerequisite plan |
T74FZ | Benefit corequisite plan |
T74G1 | Benefit adjustment grouping text |
T74G2 | Benefit insurance coverage grouping texts |
T74G3 | Benefit employer contribution grouping texts |
T74G4 | Benefit employee contribution grouping texts |
T74GA | Benefit insurance plan texts |
T74GB | Benefit insurance coverage rule variant texts |
T74GE | Benefit employer contribution rule variant texts |
T74GG | Benefit employee contribution rule variant texts |
T74GJ | Benefit credit rule variant texts |
T74GL | Benefit miscellaneous plan texts |
T74GU | Benefit combined coverage limit text |
T74GW | Benefit combined contribution limit text |
T74HA | Benefit adjustment reason |
T74HB | Benefit adjustment authorization |
T74HC | Benefit adjustment reason/workflow event assignment |
T74HD | Benefit stock purchase plan |
T74HE | Benefit payment model assignment |
T74HF | Benefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility |
T74HG | Benefit Family Member Grouping |
T74HH | To be deleted - no longer used! |
T74HI | Benefit reasons for off-cycle payroll assignment |
T74HJ | Benefit zip code group |
T74HK | Benefit zip code group assignment |
T74HL | Benefit forms |
T74HM | Benefit Compensation Model |
T74HN | Benefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model |
T74HO | Benefit Equivalent Length of Service |
T74HP | Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) |
T74HQ | Benefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet |
T74HR | Benefits Number of Dependents per Subtype |
T74HS | Benefit Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule Variant |
T74HT | Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Eligibility Rule |
T74HU | COBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified Beneficiaries |
T74IA | Benefit adjustment reason text |
T74IG | Benefits - Family Member Grouping Text |
T74IJ | Benefit zip code group text |
T74IM | Benefit Compensation Model Text |
T74IP | Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Text |
T74IS | Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary Rule Variant Text |
SAP Package PBEN contains 212 views.
HRBEN00DTTYP | Benefit View for Date Types with Actual Work Hours |
U_17170 | Benefit Plan |
U_17175 | Benefit Area |
U_17176 | Benefits plan type |
U_17177 | Employee grouping - benefits program 1 |
U_17178 | Benefits Program |
U_17179 | Benefits eligibility provision variant |
U_17180 | Dependent coverage |
U_17181 | Benefits plan - health plan option |
U_17182 | Health plan option - dependent coverage - assignment |
U_17184 | Employee - benefits - health plan |
U_17185 | Employee - benefits - insurance |
U_17186 | Employee - benefits - savings plan |
U_17187 | Employee - benefits - credit plan |
U_17188 | Employee - benefits - flexible spending account |
U_17189 | Benefits plan status |
U_17190 | Benefits Parameter Group |
U_17192 | Benefits provision parameters - age group |
U_17193 | Benefits provision parameters - seniority group |
U_17194 | Benefits provision parameters - wage group |
U_17195 | Employee Grouping - Benefits Eligibility Provision |
U_17196 | Benefits eligibility provision |
U_17197 | Benefits cost provision variant |
U_17198 | Benefits cost provision |
U_17199 | Benefits plan - insurance option |
U_27101 | EE Grouping - Benefits - Employer Contribution Provision |
U_27102 | EE Grouping - Benefits - Employee Contribution Provision |
U_27103 | EE grouping - benefits - insurance option provision |
U_27104 | Employee grouping - benefits event type |
U_27107 | Employee - benefits - miscellaneous |
U_27108 | Benefits Plan Option - Miscellaneous |
U_27109 | Employer's Benefits Contribution Provision Variant |
U_27110 | Benefits - employee contribution provision variant |
U_27111 | Benefits Insurance Option Provision Variant |
U_27112 | Employee's benefits contribution provision |
U_27113 | Benefits - insurance option provision |
U_27114 | Employee - benefits - miscellaneous - beneficiary |
U_27115 | Employee - benefits - miscellaneous - item |
U_27161 | Standard benefits selection item - savings |
U_27162 | Standard Benefits Selection Item - Credit |
U_27163 | Standard benefits selection item - flexible spending |
U_27164 | Standard benefits selection item - miscellaneous |
U_27169 | Employee - benefits - savings plan - beneficiary |
U_27170 | Employee grouping - benefits cost provision |
U_27171 | Standard benefits selection item - insurance |
U_27172 | Standard benefits selection item - health plan |
U_27174 | Employee Grouping - Benefits Program 2 |
U_27175 | Employee grouping - benefits credit provision |
U_27176 | Benefits plan - flexible spending |
U_27177 | Benefits Plan - Credit |
U_27178 | Investment |
U_27179 | Investment group |
U_27180 | Investment group - investment - assignment |
U_27182 | Benefits credit provision variant |
U_27183 | Benefits credit provision |
U_27184 | Employer's Benefits Contribution Provision |
U_27185 | Employer's Benefits Contribution Scale |
U_27187 | Employee grouping - benefits termination provision |
U_27188 | Benefits termination provision variant |
U_27189 | Benefits termination provision |
U_27190 | Benefits vesting provision |
U_27191 | Benefits vesting portion |
U_27192 | Employee - benefits - savings plan item |
U_27196 | Prerequired benefits plan |
U_27197 | Employee - general benefits information |
U_27198 | Employee - benefits - health plan dependent |
U_27199 | Employee - benefits - insurance - beneficiary |
U_27267 | Benefits Program Item |
V_17173 | Benefits Plan - Savings |
V_5UB1_ESS | Benefit Employee Self-Service Information on Plan Type |
V_5UB3_1 | Benefit Area Administrative Parameter |
V_5UB3_COB | Benefit area COBRA processing parameter |
V_5UB3_ESS | Benefit Area Parameters for ESS Scenarios |
V_5UBA_1 | Benefit Credit Plan General Data |
V_5UBA_A | Benefit Health Plan General Data |
V_5UBA_B | Benefit Insurance Plan General Data |
V_5UBA_C | Benefit Savings Plan General Data |
V_5UBA_COB | To be deleted - no longer used! |
V_5UBA_COB_A | Benefits COBRA Parameter of Health Plans |
V_5UBA_COB_D | Benefits COBRA Parameter of Flexible Spending Accounts |
V_5UBA_D | Benefit Flexible Spending Account General Data |
V_5UBA_DB | Benefits Assignment of Dep./Ben. Eligibility Variant |
V_5UBA_E | Benefit Miscellaneous Plan General Data |
V_5UBA_ESS | Benefit Employee Self-Service Information on Plan |
V_5UBA_F | Benefit Stock Purchase Plan General Data |
V_5UBA_WT | Benefit Plan Wage Types |
V_5UBH_A | Benefit Cost Variant Health Plan |
V_5UBH_B | Benefit Cost Variant Insurance Plan |
V_5UBH_E | Benefit Cost Variant Miscellaneous Plan |
V_5UBI_A | Benefit Cost Rule Health Plan |
V_5UBI_B | Benefit Cost Rule Insurance Plan |
V_5UBI_E | Benefit Cost Rule Miscellaneous Plan |
V_5UBN_ESS | Benefit Employee Self-Service Information on Investment |
V_74FB_B | Benefit Coverage Variant Insurance Plan |
V_74FB_E | Benefit Coverage Variant Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74FC_B | Benefit Coverage Rule Insurance Plan |
V_74FC_E | Benefit Coverage Rule Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74FE_C | Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Savings Plan |
V_74FE_D | Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Flex. Spending Account |
V_74FE_E | Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Miscellaneous Plans |
V_74FE_F | Benefit Employer Contribution Variant Stock Purchase Plan |
V_74FF_C | Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Savings Plan |
V_74FF_D | Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Flex. Spending Account |
V_74FF_E | Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74FF_F | Benefit Employer Contribution Rule Stock Purchase Plan |
V_74FG_C | Benefit Employee Contribution Variant Savings Plan |
V_74FG_E | Benefit Employee Contribution Variant Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74FG_F | Benefit Employee Contribution Variant Stock Purchase Plan |
V_74FH_C | Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Savings Plan |
V_74FH_E | Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74FH_F | Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Stock Purchase Plan |
V_74FJ_1 | Benefit Credit Variant for Credit Plan |
V_74FJ_E | Benefit Credit Variant for Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74FK_1 | Benefit Credit Rule for Credit Plan |
V_74FK_E | Benefit Credit Rule for Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74FR_A | Benefit Evidence of Insurability Health Plan |
V_74FR_B | Benefit Evidence of Insurability Insurance plan |
V_74HB_1 | Benefit Adjustment Permissions Credit Plan |
V_74HB_A | Benefit Adjustment Permissions Health Plan |
V_74HB_B | Benefit Adjustment Permissions Insurance Plan |
V_74HB_C | Benefit Adjustment Permissions Savings Plan |
V_74HB_D | Benefit Adjustment Permissions Flexible Spending Account |
V_74HB_E | Benefit Adjustment Permissions Miscellaneous Plan |
V_74HB_F | Benefit Adjustment Permissions Stock Purchase Plan |
V_74HL_1 | Benefit Forms for Benefit Administration |
V_74HL_COB | Benefit Forms for COBRA Administration |
V_74HS_B | Benefits Beneficiary Eligibility Rule Variant |
V_74HS_D | Benefits Dependent Eligibility Rule Variant |
V_74HT_B | Benefits Beneficiary Eligibility Rule |
V_74HT_D | Benefits Dependent Eligibility Rule |
V_T5UB1 | Benefit Plan Type |
V_T5UB2 | Benefit Plan Status |
V_T5UB3 | Benefit Area |
V_T5UB4 | Benefits Eligibility Grouping |
V_T5UB5 | Benefit Cost Grouping |
V_T5UB6 | Benefit Standard Health Selection |
V_T5UB7 | Benefit Standard Insurance Selection |
V_T5UB9 | Benefit Second Program Grouping |
V_T5UBB | Benefit Health Plan |
V_T5UBE | Benefit Health Plan Option |
V_T5UBF | Benefit Dependent Coverage |
V_T5UBG | Benefit Flexible Spending Account |
V_T5UBJ | Benefit Age Group for Calculating Imputed Income |
V_T5UBK | Benefit Salary Group |
V_T5UBL | Benefit Age Group |
V_T5UBM | Benefit Seniority Group |
V_T5UBN | Benefit Investment |
V_T5UBO | Benefit Investment Group |
V_T5UBP | Benefit Investment/Investment Group Assignment |
V_T5UBQ | Benefit Calculation Factor for Imputed Income |
V_T5UBR | Benefit Vesting Rule |
V_T5UBS | Benefit Vested Portion |
V_T5UBT | Benefit First Program Grouping |
V_T5UBU | Benefit Program |
V_T5UBV | Benefit Eligibility Rule |
V_T5UBW | Benefit Provider |
V_T5UBY | Benefits Parameter Group |
V_T5UD3 | Benefit Currency |
V_T5UDB | COBRA Beneficiary |
V_T5UDC | COBRA Maximum Coverage Period |
V_T5UDD | COBRA Administrative Data |
V_T5UDE | COBRA Events / Personnel Action Assignment |
V_T5UDF | COBRA Early Termination Reason |
V_T5UDL | Benefit Payment Receipt Type |
V_T5UDO | Benefit Credit Grouping |
V_T5UDR | To be deleted - no longer used! |
V_T5UDS | Benefit Termination Rule |
V_T5UDT | Benefit termination grouping |
V_T5UDU | Benefit Termination Rule Variant |
V_T5UDV | Benefit Eligibility Rule Variant |
V_T5UZF | COBRA Coverage Unavailability reasons |
V_T74AA | COBRA-Qualified Dependent/Plan Type Assignment |
V_T74AB | COBRA Dependent of Qualified Beneficiary |
V_T74F1 | Benefit Adjustment Grouping |
V_T74F2 | Benefit Insurance Coverage Grouping |
V_T74F3 | Benefit Employer Contribution Grouping |
V_T74F4 | Benefit Employee Contribution Grouping |
V_T74FA | Benefit Insurance Plan |
V_T74FD | Benefit Savings Plan |
V_T74FI | Benefit Credit Plan |
V_T74FL | Benefit Miscellaneous Plan |
V_T74FM | Benefit Standard Savings Selection |
V_T74FN | Benefit Standard Spending Account Selection |
V_T74FO | Benefit Standard Credit Selection |
V_T74FP | Benefit Standard Miscellaneous Selection |
V_T74FQ | Benefit Standard Stock Purchase Selection |
V_T74FS | Benefit Evidence of Insurability Option Assignment |
V_T74FT | Benefit Evidence of Insurability: Option Jump Assignment |
V_T74FU | Benefit Combined Coverage Limit |
V_T74FV | Benefit Combined Coverage Limit Expression |
V_T74FW | Benefit Combined Contribution Limit |
V_T74FX | Benefit Combined Contribution Limit Expression |
V_T74FY | Benefit Prerequisite Plan |
V_T74FZ | Benefit Corequisite Plan |
V_T74HA | Benefit Adjustment Reason |
V_T74HC | Benefit Adjustment Reason/Workflow Event Assignment |
V_T74HD | Benefit Stock Purchase Plan |
V_T74HE | Benefit Payment Model Assignment |
V_T74HF | Benefit Date Types for Dynamic Eligibility |
V_T74HG | Benefit Dependent/Beneficiary Group |
V_T74HH | To be deleted - no longer used! |
V_T74HI | Benefit Reasons for Off-Cycle Payroll Assignment |
V_T74HJ | Benefit Zip Code Group |
V_T74HK | Benefit Zip Code Group Assignment |
V_T74HL | Benefit Forms |
V_T74HM | Benefit Compensation Model |
V_T74HN | Benefits Assignment of Wage Types to Compensation Model |
V_T74HO | Benefit Equivalent Length of Service |
V_T74HP | Benefits Uniform Resource Locator (URL) |
V_T74HQ | Benefit Information on Doctor Search via Internet |
V_T74HR | Benefits Number of Dependents per Subtype |
V_T74HU | COBRA Subtypes of Additional Qualified Beneficiaries |
SAP Package PBEN contains 235 structures.
E1BEN01 | Header data |
E1BEN02 | Insured Person |
E1BEN03 | Insured Person - Administrative Data |
E1BEN04 | Insured Person - Personal Data |
E1BEN05 | Insured Person - Address Data |
E1BEN06 | Insured Person - Medical Data |
E1BEN07 | Health Plans |
E1BEN08 | Insured - Organizational Data |
E1BEN09 | Insured Person - Position |
E1BEN10 | Savings plans |
E1BEN11 | Savings Plan - Contributions |
E1BEN12 | Savings Plan - Investments |
E1BEN13 | Savings Plan - Beneficiaries |
E1BEN14 | Beneficiary - Person |
E1BEN15 | Beneficiary - Organization |
E1BEN16 | Beneficiary - Address |
E1BEN17 | Insurance plans |
E1BEN18 | Insurance Plan - Coverage |
E1BEN19 | Insurance Plan - Beneficiaries |
E1BEN20 | Beneficiary - Person |
E1BEN21 | Beneficiary - Organization |
E1BEN22 | Beneficiary - Address |
E1BEN23 | Flexible spending accounts |
E1BEN24 | Flexible Spending Account - Contributions |
E1BEN25 | Stock purchase plans |
E1BEN26 | Stock Purchase Plan - Contributions |
E1BEN27 | Stock Purchase Plan - Beneficiaries |
E1BEN28 | Beneficiary - Person |
E1BEN29 | Beneficiary - Organization |
E1BEN30 | Beneficiary - Address |
E1BEN31 | Miscellaneous Plans |
E1BEN32 | Miscellaneous Plan - Coverage |
E1BEN33 | Miscellaneous Plan - Contributions |
E1BEN34 | Miscellaneous Plan - Investments |
E1BEN35 | Miscellaneous Plan - Beneficiaries / Dependents |
E1BEN36 | Beneficiary / Dependent - Person |
E1BEN37 | Beneficiary - Organization |
E1BEN38 | Beneficiary / Dependent - Address |
E1BENRET01 | Header data |
E1BENRET02 | Person insured |
E1BENRET03 | Insured Person - Working Time |
E1BENRET04 | Insured Person - Absence Data |
E1BENRET05 | Insured Person - Retirement Plans |
E1BENRET06 | Retirement Plans - Cumulated Amounts |
E1BENRET07 | Retirement Plans - Cumulated Hours |
E1BENRET08 | Retirement Plans - Service |
E1BENRET09 | Retirement Plans - Estimated Retirement Benefits |
FSA_BALANCE | Individual balance for flexible spending account |
HCM_BEN_ADDRESS_PDF | Structure for Address and Header Information |
HCM_RPUCOB_ADDRESS_PDF | Common Structure for Address data for multiple COBRA forms |
HCM_RPUCOB_ER_NOTICE_PDF | Structure for COBRA Emplyer Notice Form (PDF) |
P0167 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans) |
P0167_AF | Addition Fields for Query Infotype 0167 Health Plan |
P0168 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans) |
P0168_AF | Addition Fields for Query Infotype 0168 Insurance Plan |
P0169 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plans) |
P0169_AF | Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0169 Savings Plan |
P0170 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts) |
P0170_AF | Additional Fields for Query 0170 Flexible Spending Account |
P0171 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information) |
P0171_AF | Addt'l Fields for Query Infotype 0171 Gen. Benefits Inform. |
P0172 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims) |
P0172_AF | Additional Fields for Query IT 0172 FSA Claims |
P0211 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries) |
P0211_AF | Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0211 COBRA Beneficiary |
P0212 | HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan) |
P0212_AF | Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0212 COBRA Health Plan |
P0219 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations) |
P0219_AF | Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0219 Organization |
P0236 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans) |
P0236_AF | Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0236 Credit Plan |
P0270 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments) |
P0270_AF | Additional Fields for Query Infotype 0270 COBRA Payments |
P0375 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.) |
P0375_AF | Additional Fields for Query for Infotype 0375 Ben. Add. Info |
P0376 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info) |
P0376_AF | Additional Fields for Query IT 0376 Medical Benefits Info |
P0377 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans) |
P0377_AF | Additional Fields for Query IT 0377 Miscellaneous Plan |
P0378 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason) |
P0378_AF | Additional Fields for Query IT 0378 Benefit Adjustm. Reason |
P0379 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans) |
P0379_AF | Additional Fields for Query IT 0379 Stock Purchase Plan |
P0565 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.) |
P0565_AF | Additional Fields: Query Infotype 0565 Ret. Plan Val. Res. |
P0602 | HR Master Record: Infotyp 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation) |
P0671 | HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct) |
P0671_AF | Additional Fields - Query - Infotype 0671 (COBRA FSA) |
PC27S | Benefits payroll results international |
PME30 | Field string for feature: Benefits |
PME39 | Field string for feature: Benefits |
PME48 | Field string for feature: Benefits |
PME72 | Field string for feature: Benefits |
PS0167 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0167 (Health Plans) |
PS0168 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plans) |
PS0169 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan) |
PS0170 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0170 (Flexible Spending Accounts) |
PS0171 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information) |
PS0172 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0172 (FSA Claims) |
PS0211 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiaries) |
PS0212 | HR Master Record: Infotpye 0212 (COBRA Health Plan) |
PS0219 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0219 (External Organizations) |
PS0236 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0236 (Credit Plans) |
PS0270 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments) |
PS0375 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Inform.) |
PS0376 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0376 (Medical Benefits Info) |
PS0377 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans) |
PS0378 | HR Master Data Record: Infotype 0378 (Benefit Adj. Reason) |
PS0379 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plans) |
PS0565 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0565 (Retirement Plan Val. Res.) |
PS0602 | HR Master Record: Infotyp 0602 (Retirement Plan Cumulation) |
PS0671 | HR Master Record - Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct) |
Q0167 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0167 (Health Plan) |
Q0168 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0168 (Insurance Plan) |
Q0169 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0169 (Savings Plan) |
Q0170 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0167 (Savings Plan) |
Q0171 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0171 (Gen. Benefits Information) |
Q0172 | Screen fields for infotype 0172 (FSA claim) |
Q0211 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0211 (COBRA Beneficiary) |
Q0212 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0212 (COBRA Health Plan) |
Q0219 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0219 (External Organization) |
Q0236 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0236 (Credit Plan) |
Q0270 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0270 (COBRA Payments) |
Q0375 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0375 (Add. Benefits Information) |
Q0377 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0377 (Miscellaneous Plans) |
Q0379 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0379 (Stock Purchase Plan) |
Q0565 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0565 (Pension scheme eval. results) |
Q0602 | Screen fields for infotype 0602 (pension scheme cumulations) |
Q0671 | Screen Fields for Infotype 0671 (COBRA Flex. Spending Acct) |
Q5UB0 | Benefit screen rields for view maintenance |
RPBEN_CONTRIB_LIMITS | Benefit limits for employee contribution |
RPBEN_CONTRIBUTIONS | Benefit employee contribution |
RPBEN_D1 | Benefit display of credit plans |
RPBEN_DA | Benefit display of health plans |
RPBEN_DB | Benefit display of insurance plans |
RPBEN_DC | Benefits display of savings plans |
RPBEN_DD | Benefit display of flexible spending accounts |
RPBEN_DE | Benefit dispay of miscellaneous plans |
RPBEN_DF | Benefit display of stock purchase plans |
RPBEN_FAMILY_MEMBER_DATA | Benefits - Family Member Data |
RPBEN_ICON | Benefit Structure for FM Interface |
RPBEN_O1 | Benefit offer for credit plans |
RPBEN_OA | Benefit offer for health plans |
RPBEN_OB | Benefit offer for insurance plans |
RPBEN_OC | Benefit offer for savings plans |
RPBEN_OD | Benefit offer for flexible spending accounts |
RPBEN_OE | Benefit offer for miscellaneous plans |
RPBEN_OF | Benefit offer for stock purchase plans |
RPBEN_PAY_CUMUL_RESULTS | Cumulated Payroll Results |
RPBEN_RPLBEN01 | Structure for Report RPLBEN01 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN02 | Structure for Report RPLBEN02 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN03 | Structure for Report RPLBEN03 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN04 | Structure for Report RPLBEN04 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN05 | Structure for Report RPLBEN05 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN06 | Structure for Report RPLBEN06 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN08 | Structure for Report RPLBEN08 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN09 | Structure for Report RPLBEN09 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN13 | Structure for Report RPLBEN09 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN15 | Structure for Report RPLBEN15 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN16 | Structure for Report RPLBEN16 |
RPBEN_RPLBEN18 | Structure for Report RPLBEN18 |
RPBEN_S1 | Benefit choice for credit plans |
RPBEN_SA | Benefit choice for health plans |
RPBEN_SB | Benefit choice for insurance plans |
RPBEN_SC | Benefit choice for saving plans |
RPBEN_SD | Benefit choice for flexible spending accounts |
RPBEN_SE | Benefit selection for miscellaneous plans |
RPBEN_SF | Benefit selection for stock purchase plans |
RPBENACTIO | Benefit structure for reactions to adjustment reasons |
RPBENAHR | Benefit Reference Period for Dynamic Eligibility |
RPBENBNF | Benefit repeat structure for beneficiaries |
RPBENBPCAT | Benefits Category |
RPBENCBF | Benefit Repeat Structure for Contingency Beneficiaries |
RPBENCRQ | Benefit Corequisite Plans |
RPBENDBF | Benefit beneficiary (for display) |
RPBENDCL | Benefit Display FSA Claims |
RPBENDDP | Benefit dependent (for display) |
RPBENDEP | Benefit repeat structure for dependent |
RPBENDIV | Benefit investments (for display) |
RPBENDOCUMENT | Benefit information for document template |
RPBENDPR | Benefit Display Valuation Results for Retirement Plans |
RPBENEEDAT | Benefit reference structure for function modules |
RPBENENROLL | Benefit structure for screen fields for enrollment |
RPBENERR | Benefit structure for error table |
RPBENERR_BPLAN | Benefit structure for error table with plan |
RPBENEVENT | Benefit adjustment reasons |
RPBENFIELDS | Benefit structur for fields |
RPBENFORM_HEADER | Benefit header information for form generation |
RPBENFORMS_OFFICEINT | Benefit Office form assigned to person |
RPBENFORMS_SAPSCRIPT | Benefit SAPscript form assigned to person |
RPBENIDOC_CATEG | Benefits - Relevant Categories for IDoc |
RPBENIDOC_DOCUMENT | Benefit IDOC document |
RPBENIDOC_EVENT | obsolete: Benefit IDOC event |
RPBENINV | Benefits repeat structure for investments |
RPBENINV_PCT | Benefit repeat Ssructure investments (percentages only) |
RPBENMEMORY | Saving personnel number lists |
RPBENOBF | Benefit beneficiaries (for offer) |
RPBENODP | Benefit dependent (for offer) |
RPBENOFFER | Benefit structure for lower level of benefits offer |
RPBENOFFERTREE | Hide structure for offer date |
RPBENOIV | Benefit investments (for offer) |
RPBENPERNR | Benefit Structure for Error Log Display |
RPBENPERSONFORMS | List of Persons (for Form Printout) |
RPBENPERSONLIST | Person List (for Tree Display) |
RPBENPERSONSTATUS | Person List (for Tree Display) |
RPBENRETCMHRS | Benefit Cumulated Working Hours Relevant to Retirement Plan |
RPBENRETIDOC_RECEIVED_DATA | Benefit Data Received from TPA for Retirement Plans |
RPBENRETPLAN | Benefit Relevant Retirement Plan |
RPBENRPT01 | Benefit program-specific fields |
RPBENSBF | Benefit beneficiary (for choice) |
RPBENSCL | Benefit Selection for FSA Claims |
RPBENSDP | Benefit dependent (for choice) |
RPBENSIV | Benefit investments (for choice) |
RPBENSUBSCRIBER | Benefit subscriber |
RPBENSUBSCRIBER_DATES | Benefit subscriber data |
RPBENTREEITEM | Item structure for tree control |
RPBENTREEITEM_U | Item Structure for Changes in Tree Control |
RPBENTREEITEMUPDATE | Item structure for tree control (update) |
RPCOB_RPLCOBREGEND | COBRA Structure for ALV Field Catalog for Rep. RPLCOBREGEND |
RPCOBDEPEND | COBRA Dependent of a Beneficiary Reference Structure |
RPCOBDYNP | Benefit screen fields: personal data for COBRA beneficiaries |
RPCOBEVENT | COBRA reference structure for qualifying events |
RPCOBLET01 | Benefit text variables for COBRA correspondence |
RPCOBPLTYPE | COBRA Reference Structure for Relevant Plan Type |
RPCOBQBDAT | COBRA reference structure for function modules |
RPCOBTARGET | COBRA Reference Structure for FSA Target Amounts |
RPLBEN07_ALV | Header Structure for Output of Report RPLBEN07 |
RPLBEN07_ALV1 | Output Structure for Report RPLBEN07 |
RPLBEN11_ALV | Output Structure for Report RPLBEN11 |
RPLBEN11_ALV1 | Output Structure for Report RPLBEN11 |
RPUBEN46_ALV | Structure for RPUBEN46 |
RPUBEN46_ALV1 | 2nd Structure for Output of Report RPUBEN46_ALV |
RPUCOB01_ALV1 | Output Structure for Report RPUCOB01 |
RPUCOB01_ALV2 | Output Structure for Report RPUCOB01 |
SAP Package PBEN contains 91 programs.
MP016700 | Module Pool: Infotype 0167 Benefits Health Plans |
MP016800 | Module Pool: Infotype 0168 Benefits Insurance Plans |
MP016900 | Module Pool: Infotype 0169 Benefits Savings Plans |
MP017000 | Module Pool: Infotype 0170 Benefits Flexible Spending Accounts |
MP017100 | Module Pool: Infotpye 0171 General Benefits Information |
MP017200 | Module Pool: Infotype 0172 FSA Claims |
MP021100 | Module Pool: Infotpye 0211 COBRA Beneficiaries |
MP021200 | Module Pool: Infotype 0212 Benefits COBRA Health Plans |
MP021900 | Module Pool: Infotype 0219 External Organizations |
MP023600 | Module Pool: Infotype 0236 Benefits Credit Plans |
MP027000 | Module Pool: Infotype 0270 COBRA Payments |
MP037500 | Module Pool: Infotype 0375 HCE Information (US) |
MP037600 | Module Pool: Infotype 0376 Benefits Medical Information |
MP037700 | Module Pool Infotype 0377: Benefits Miscellaneous Plans |
MP037800 | Module Pool: Infotype 0378 Adjustment Reasons |
MP037900 | Module Pool: Infotype 0379 Stock Purchase Plans |
MP056500 | Module Pool: Infotype 0565 Retirement Plan Valuation Results |
MP060200 | Module Pool: Infotype 0602 Retirement Plan Cumulations |
MP067100 | Module Pool: Infotype 0671 COBRA Flexible Spending Accounts |
RPLBEN01 | Eligible Employees |
RPLBEN02 | Participation |
RPLBEN03 | Health Plan Costs |
RPLBEN04 | Insurance Plan Costs |
RPLBEN05 | Savings Plan Contributions |
RPLBEN06 | Vesting percentage |
RPLBEN07 | Changes in Benefits Elections |
RPLBEN08 | FSA Contributions |
RPLBEN09 | Change of eligibility status |
RPLBEN11 | Employee Demographics |
RPLBEN13 | Changes in Default Values for General Benefits Information |
RPLBEN15 | Costs/Contributions for Miscellaneous Plans |
RPLBEN16 | Stock Purchase Plan Contributions |
RPLBEN17 | Benefit Election Analysis |
RPLBEN18 | Contribution Limit Check |
RPLBEN19 | Enrollment Statistics |
RPLCOBREGEND | End of Maximum Coverage Continuation Period for COBRA |
RPLFSA01 | Flexible Spending Account: List of Account Balances |
RPU40A06 | XPRA HR Benefits: Fill new currency table and currency fields |
RPU40A07 | XPRA HR Benefits: Convert insurance plans and coverage variants |
RPU40A08 | XPRA HR Benefits: Convert credit plans and credit variants |
RPU40A09 | XPRA HR Benefits: Convert savings plans, ER contribution rule |
RPU40A10 | XPRA HR Benefits: Convert savings plans, payment frequency |
RPU40A11 | XPRA HR Benefits: Enter relevancy indicator in T5UBA |
RPU40A12 | XPRA HR Benefits: Fill new infotypes 0375 and 0376 and 0171 |
RPU47001 | Benefits - XPRA for Customizing of Dependent/Beneficiary Elgibility |
RPUBEN05 | Print Enrollment Form |
RPUBEN09 | Overview of Benefit Plans |
RPUBEN15 | Print Confirmation Form |
RPUBEN41 | View Maintenance Jump From IMG |
RPUBEN42 | Benefit Configuration Consistency Check |
RPUBEN43 | Copy Benefit Area |
RPUBEN44 | Delete Benefit Area |
RPUBEN45 | Currency Conversion in a Benefit Area |
RPUBEN46 | Plan Cost Summary |
RPUBEN47 | Dynamic Eligibility Check |
RPUBEN49 | Currency Conversion of Benefits Infotype Records |
RPUBEN50 | Copying Templates in BDS |
RPUBEN51 | Maintenance of Templates in BDS |
RPUBEN52 | IDoc Data Transfer |
RPUBEN53 | Copy Benefit Plan |
RPUBEN54 | Delete Benefit Plan |
RPUBEN55 | Adjustment Permission Overview |
RPUBEN56 | Standard Plans Overview |
RPUBEN62 | Group Enrollment |
RPUBENADJRSN | Mass Generation of Adjustment Reasons |
RPUBENENROL | Enrollment |
RPUBENEOIM | Evidence of Insurability |
RPUBENFSACLM | Claims Monitor |
RPUBENGENSTATUS | COBRA General Notice Print Status |
RPUBENOVIEW | Overview of Employee Benefits |
RPUBENPARTM | Participation Monitor |
RPUBENRETIDOCIN | Transfer of Data for Retirement Plans: Inbound |
RPUBENRETIDOCOUT | Transfer of Retirement Plan Data: Outbound |
RPUBENRETSRV | Calculation of Length of Service for Retirement Plans |
RPUBENSELEE | Employee Selection |
RPUBENTERM | Stop participation |
RPUCOB01 | Collection of Qualifying COBRA Events |
RPUCOB02 | Processing of Qualifying COBRA Events and Letters |
RPUCOB03 | COBRA Participation |
RPUCOB04 | COBRA Payments |
RPUCOB05 | COBRA Cost Summary |
RPUCOB06 | COBRA Form Printing |
RPUCOB07 | COBRA Election Period Monitor |
RPUCOB08 | COBRA Invoice Printing |
RPUCOB09 | COBRA Employer Premium Assistance Report |
RPUCOB10 | IDoc Data Transfer |
RPUCOBENSTATUS | COBRA Employe Notice Status Report |
RPUCOBOVERDUE | COBRA Overdue Payments Monitor |
RPUCOBUNASTATUS | COBRA Unavailability Notice |
RPUFSA01 | FSAs: Administration and Balancing |
RPUFSA02 | FSAs: Individual Account Balance |
SAP Package PBEN contains 1 search helps.
HRBEN00DTTYP | Benefit search help for date types for actual working hours |
SAP Package PBEN contains 14 message classes.
HRBEN00FEATURES | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Merkmale |
HRBEN00FMODULES | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Funktionsbausteine |
HRBEN00FORMS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Formulargenerierung |
HRBEN00IDOC | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Datenübertragung (IDOC) |
HRBEN00INFOTYPES | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Infotypen |
HRBEN00LISTREPORTS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Listreports |
HRBEN00SERVICE | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Dienstzeitberechnung |
HRBEN00TABLEREADS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Tabellenleseroutinen |
HRBEN00TOOLREPORTS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Werkzeuge |
HRBEN00TREEREPORTS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Baumdarstellungen |
HRBEN00USEREXITS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - User Exits |
HRBEN00VIEWS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - Views |
HRBENUSCOBRA | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - COBRA (US) |
HRBENUSUSEREXITS | Fehlermeldungen für ArbgLeistungen - User Exits (US) |
SAP Package PBEN contains 1 authorization objects.
P_BEN | HR: Benefit Area |