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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package PC04 (HR Payroll: Spain) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCES.
Package | PC04 |
Short Text | HR Payroll: Spain |
Parent Package | HRCES |
SAP Package PC04 contains 25 function groups.
0PE1 | HR-ES: Social Insurance |
0PEP | Extended table maintenance (generated) |
31ES | Output modules for Spain |
31ES | Ausgabebausteine für Spanien |
34CA | PY-ES: Seniority |
34CA | PY-ES: Seniority |
34CB | Get print coordinates from SapScript |
34CD | Employment regulation |
34CE | Payroll evaluations |
34CF | Contracts |
34CL | Data protection legislation |
34CP | Protocols |
34CQ | Reading of data with DAQ |
34CR | PY-ES: Reading of Spanish DB tables |
34CS | PY-ES: Social Insurance |
34CT | PY-ES: Taxes |
34CU | General payroll utilities |
34CV | PY-ES: Social Insurance (evaluations) |
34CW | Internal Revenue Service evaluations |
34W1 | HRMS-ES: Funcional group for Web Add-On |
34W1 | HRMS-ES: Grupo funcional para Web Add-On |
HRPY_LOAN_ES | Company loan (Spain) |
HRSP_ES | payroll splits ES |
RPFE | Print routines Spain |
RPPE | HR: Generate personal calendar (Spain) |
SAP Package PC04 contains 31 transactions.
PC00_M04 | Area menu Payroll - Spain |
PC00_M04_C11X | Employment Tax (IRPF) reports |
PC00_M04_C190 | Employment Tax (IRPF) reports |
PC00_M04_CALC | Payroll |
PC00_M04_CALC_SIMU | Payroll run simulation Spain |
PC00_M04_CCRI | Deductions certificate |
PC00_M04_CDTA | Prepare data exchange |
PC00_M04_CEDT | Remuneration Statement |
PC00_M04_CEDT_XE | Remuneration Statement (XE) |
PC00_M04_CERT_EMP | Company Certificate |
PC00_M04_CKTO | Payroll Account |
PC00_M04_CLJN | Payroll journal |
PC00_M04_CLSTR | Display payroll results |
PC00_M04_CONTR_INEM | Notification of contracts to INEM |
PC00_M04_CPEF | Confirm cash payments |
PC00_M04_CTCE | Forms for Social Insurance |
PC00_M04_ERE_CALEN | Manage ERE calendars |
PC00_M04_ERE_EXPED | Labor Force Adjustment File (ERE) |
PC00_M04_FFOT | Prepare DME trasfers |
PC00_M04_JAHRLICHE | Area menu-Annual subsequent activity |
PC00_M04_MENS_AFI | Affiliation message |
PC00_M04_MENS_FDI | FDI message |
PC00_M04_PAP | Area menu-subs. activities per payr. |
PC00_M04_PDUNABHAGIG | Area menu - Period-indep. subs. act. |
PC00_M04_RESP_FDI | Evaluation of FDI message responses |
PC00_M04_RESP_FRA | Assessment of answers to AFI msg. |
PC00_M04_RESP_INEM | Evaluation of INEM responses |
PC00_M04_SONSPERIOD | Area menu - Subs. activities, other |
PC00_M04_TGEN | Generate personal calendar |
PC00_M04_UTMS | Display TemSe files |
PC04 | Area menu Payroll - Spain |
SAP Package PC04 contains 8 database tables.
T5E4A | Contribution limits by non-industrial risks |
T5E4I | Contribution limits according to full remunerations |
T5E4J | Contribution groups |
T5E4JT | Text table for contribution groups |
T5E4L | Configuration of special payment wage types |
T5EB1 | Retirement plans: attributes for Form 345 |
T5EC1 | Directory of payroll results used in the TC |
T5ET2 | Cluster table for Spain |
SAP Package PC04 contains 9 views.
V_5E42_C | Association of contract categories for Social Insurance |
V_T5E4A | Contribution limits by non-industrial risks |
V_T5E4I | Contribution limits according to full remunerations |
V_T5E4J | Contribution groups |
V_T5E4L | Configuration of wage type processing |
V_T5EB1 | Attributes to retirement plans for template 345 |
V_T5EFI | Severance pay calculation |
VV_T511K_ES_FIREF | Check the additional contribution for firefighters |
VV_T511P_ES_IPREM | Check IPREM value |
SAP Package PC04 contains 142 structures.
PAYES_NATIONAL | Payroll result: Spain |
PAYES_RESULT | HR-PAY-ES: Structure for payroll result |
PC225 | Payroll result: Social Insurance (ES) |
PC226 | Payroll result: Taxes (ES) |
PES_190_ALV | Tax office reports listing |
PES_190_ALV1 | Tax office reports listing |
PES_190_ALV2 | Tax office reports listing |
PES_190_ALV3 | Tax office reports listing |
PES_FORM_CERT_EMP00 | Company Certificate |
PES_FORM_F0_COT_CC | Quotation to account com.and unemployment |
PES_FORM_F0_COT_CC_OUT | Non-industrial risks and unemployment contr. |
PES_FORM_F0_DAT_EMPRESA | Company's data |
PES_FORM_F0_DAT_LAB | Labour data |
PES_FORM_F0_DIRECC | Address data of the company and the employee (worker) |
PES_FORM_F0_IDENT | Personal data of the employee or worker |
PES_FORM_F0_REP_EMP | Representative of the company |
PES_FORM_F0_TRABAJADOR | Worker's data |
PES_FORM_F0_TRABAJADOR_OUT | Employee data |
PES_FORM_I190_0002 | Form: Template 190, overview sheet |
PES_FORM_I190_0003 | Templates: Withholding tax certificate |
PES_FORM_RE_L14_R | Templates: ERE |
PES_FORM_RE_L3_R | ERE Company Certificate |
PES_FORM_RE_L3_R_OUT | ERE Company Certificate |
PES_FORM_RE_L4_R | Template: Initial entry of the worker |
PES_FORM_RE_L5_R | Templates: ERE - sales report |
PES_FORM_RE_L5_R_09 | Templates: ERE - sales report |
PES_FORM_RE_L6_R | Forms: ERE, Employee preemptive right |
PES_FORM_RE_L7 | Form: ERE - Application for Contributory Benefits |
PES_FORM_RE_L9_R | Request to restart the benefits |
PES_FORM_TCXX_0001 | Form: Template TC1 |
PES_FORM_TCXX_0002 | Form: Template TC1 |
PES_PERNR_INFO | List of persons with more administration information |
PES_PS0001_INFO | Infotype 0001 organisation information |
PES_RPTGENE0_ALV | Personnel calendar generation listing |
PES_SIMCAL | Personal calendar symbols. International, national, ABP |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_APELLIDO2 | Form: ERE - Second Surname |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_BANCO | Form: ERE - bank details |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_COMPL | Form: Labor force adjustment plan - Supplementary data |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_CONT_L7 | Form: ERE - Document Option |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_CUENTA | Form: ERE - bank account |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_DISCAPACIDAD_NO | Form: ERE - Disablity equal to or greater than 33% - No |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_DISCAPACIDAD_SI | Form: ERE - Disablity equal to or greater than 33% - Yes |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_FECHA_NAC | Form: ERE - Date of Birth |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_FECHA_SOLIC | Form: ERE - Application Date |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_HIJOS | Form: ERE - Children |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_NIF | Form: ERE - Tax payer's reference number (NIF) |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_NOMBRE | Formu: ERE - First Name |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_PERS | Form: ERE person |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_REP_EMP | Form: ERE company representative |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_S_CUERPO_L5 | Form: ERE - line of the sales report |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_S_CUERPO_L5_09 | Form: ERE - Body of income declaration table |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_S_HIJO_L7 | Form: ERE - Child declaration line |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_TC2 | Form: Labor force adjustment plan - TC2 |
PES_SUFORM_ERE_TRAMITACION | Form: Labor force adjustment plan - Processing |
PES_SUFORM_I190_0004 | Form: Withholding certificate - professionals |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_ADD_DATA | Form: Withholding certificate - additional data |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_CABECERA | Form: Withholding certificate - header data |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_DESC_ASC | Form: Garnishment certificate - Descendant, ascendant |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_DINESP | Form: Withholding certificate - monetary amount and in kind |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_FORM0003 | Form: Garnishment certificate - Form 0003 |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_FORM0004 | Form: Garnishment certificate - Form 0004 |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_FORM0005 | Form: Garnishment certificate - Form 0005 |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_INTGR | Form: Withholding certificate - integrated amounts |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_ORG_DATA | Form: Withholding certificate - organizational data |
PES_SUFORM_I190_CERET_REPRESEN | Form: Withholding certificate - representative |
PES_SUFORM_INEM_DIRECCION | Form: INEM (employment office) address |
PES_SUFORM_INEM_IDENT | Personal data of the employee or worker |
PES_SUFORM_TCXX_0002_FIX | Form: Template TC1 |
PES_SUFORM_TCXX_0002_VAR | Form: Template TC1 |
PES_SUFORM_TCXX_ABREV | Form: Template TC1 - TC2 abbreviated |
PES_SUFORM_TCXX_CLCNTL | Form: Template TC1 - control key |
PES_SUFORM_TCXX_ID_ERE | Form: Template TC1 - ERE |
PES1900000 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec.type 00 (00) |
PES1900001 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 01 (00) |
PES1900002 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 02 (00) |
PES1900402 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 02 (00) |
PES1902001 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 01 (00) |
PES1902002 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 02 (00) |
PES1903101 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 01 (31) |
PES1903105 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 05 (31) |
PES1909900 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 00 (99) |
PES1909901 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 01 (2000) |
PES1909902 | Annual statement of deductions: Rec. type 02 (2000) |
PES2960001 | Income tax: Reg.type 01 |
PES2960002 | Non-residents income tax: Reg.type 02 |
PES3459901 | Template 345: Record type 1 |
PES3459902 | Template 345: Record type 2 |
PESFANDAT | Period and employee data |
PESFANEDL | RED system: Company identification rec. |
PESFANEMP | RED system: Company identification rec. |
PESIGALOG | Structure for log RPIGA0E0 data |
PESREDAYN | Surnames and first name |
PESREDCNA | Service string notification |
PESREDDAM | Data related to the transaction |
PESREDDAT | Period and employee data |
PESREDDBA | RED system: Company identification rec. |
PESREDDEC3 | Economic data |
PESREDDIT3 | Temporary incapacity data |
PESREDEDL | RED system: Line of work data element rec. |
PESREDEDT | RED system: TC-1 Data element rec. |
PESREDEMP | RED system: Company identification rec. |
PESREDEMP3 | RED system: Company identification rec. |
PESREDETF | RED system: Final processing label rec. |
PESREDETF3 | RED system: Final processing label rec. |
PESREDETI | RED system: Identification process label rec. |
PESREDETI3 | RED system: Identification process label rec. |
PESREDEXC | RED system: Registered company name rec. |
PESREDFAB | RED system: Entry/leaving dates rec. |
PESREDODP3 | Temporary incapacity data |
PESREDRZS | RED system: Registered company name rec. |
PESREDSIL | RED system: Silcon Password rec. |
PESREDSIL3 | RED system: Silcon Password rec. |
PESREDTCT | RED system: CT/2 totals rec. |
PESREDTRA | RED system: Employee rec. |
PESREDTRA3 | RED system: Employee rec. |
PESREDTYF | RED system: Contact telephone and fax nos rec. |
PESTC2TIT | CT2 list headings |
PESTMSLIST | TemSe file list |
PMECP | Keys and subkeys for tax office templates |
PMEE0 | List of fields for feature: Special payments (Spain) |
RPCAFIE1_ALV | Afiliation program listing |
RPCAFIE1_ALV1 | Afiliation program listing |
RPCCRIE0 | Structure for report RPCCRIE0 parameters |
RPCEREE0L82 | Labor force adjustment (ERE) calendar |
RPCIMPEX | Structure for Internal Revenue Service evaluations |
RPCLPCE0_ALV3 | Personnel calendar listing |
RPCLPCE0_ALV4 | Personnel calendar listing |
RPCLXXEX | Structure for report RPCLXXX parameters |
RPCPEFE0_ALV | Program exit fields confirmation of cash payment |
RPCSSXEX | Structure for Social Insurance evaluations |
RPEREXEX | Structure of ERE report parameters |
RPFINXEX | Report parameter structure for Co. Cert. and final payt calc |
RPUEREE0L | Structure for the table to display |
RPUTMSE0_ALV | File viewer listing |
SAP Package PC04 contains 43 programs.
RPC190E0 | Employment Tax (IRPF) reports |
RPCAFIE0 | Affiliation message |
RPCAFIE1 | RED system affiliation message |
RPCALCE0 | Spanish payroll |
RPCDEAE0 | Delt@ - PAT electronic notifications |
RPCDEBE0 | Delt@ - RATSB electronic notifications |
RPCDTAE0 | Preparation program for data medium exchange |
RPCDTBE0 | Data medium exchange preparation - separate payment process (Spain) |
RPCEDTE0 | Remuneration Statement |
RPCEREE0 | Labor force adjustment plan (ERE) |
RPCFANE0 | FAN file management |
RPCFDIE0 | FDI message |
RPCFINE0 | Company Certificate |
RPCGR1E0 | History: Withholdings |
RPCGR8E0 | Word document |
RPCGR9E0 | Excel: Deductions |
RPCIATE0 | Employment Tax (IRPF) reports |
RPCKTOE0 | Payroll accounts |
RPCL4BE0 | Report RPCL4BE0 |
RPCL4DE0 | Report RPCL4DE0 |
RPCLJNE0 | Payroll journal |
RPCLJNE9 | Payroll journal Spain |
RPCLLOE0 | Country-Specific Report for RPCLSTLO |
RPCLPCE0 | Display personnel calendar - cluster PC, PCL1 |
RPCLSTRE | Display Cluster RE (payroll results) |
RPCMLIE0 | Currency list (RE cluster reading) Spain |
RPCPEFE0 | Program for confirmation of cash payments |
RPCS96E0 | Calculation of contribution bases and Social Insurance contributions |
RPCSPUE0 | Transfer of special payment entitlement from table T558A |
RPCSPXE1 | Automatic special payments (Spain) |
RPCTC0E0 | Social Insurance contribution models |
RPCTC0E3 | External routines for RPCTC0E0 and RPCFANE0 |
RPCTCEE0 | Social Insurance contribution models |
RPTGENE0 | Personal Calendar Generation (E) |
RPU_M04_FFOT | Preparation for payroll transfer DME |
RPUCLCE0 | Convert contract key in table SV |
RPUCREE0 | Cluster RE (PCL2) conversion, Spain version, XPRA |
RPUCXEE0 | Cluster XE (PCL2) conversion, Spain version XPRA |
RPUEREE0 | Management of ERE calendars |
RPUFRAE0 | Evaluation of responses to AFI messages |
RPUFRIE0 | Evaluation of FDI message responses |
RPULORE0 | Evaluation of protocol for accessing protected data |
RPUTMSE0 | TemSe files display and download |