
SAP Package PC10_BEN

Benefits Payroll Integration USA

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The package PC10_BEN (Benefits Payroll Integration USA) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCUS.

Technical Information

Package PC10_BEN
Short Text Benefits Payroll Integration USA
Parent Package HRCUS

Function Groups

SAP Package PC10_BEN contains 5 function groups.

HRBENUS403B Tax-Deductible Pensions §403(b) IRS
HRBENUSGENERAL Function Group for US benefits
HRBENUSGENERAL01 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRBENUSGROSSCOMP Function group for gross comp. view
HRBENUSPENSION Accumulations for Pension


SAP Package PC10_BEN contains 3 transactions.

P000_M10_NDT 401(k) non-discrimination testing
P000_M10_PEHR Pensionable earnings and hours
THIPAA For checking past certificates

Database Tables

SAP Package PC10_BEN contains 8 database tables.

T7USBEN01 Model for saving plans compensation
T7USBEN01T Text for saving plans compensation
T7USBEN02 Adjustment to saving plans compensation
T7USBEN03 Catch-up contribution for Savings plan
T7USBEN04 High Deductible Health Plan Contributions
T7USBENH1 For saving records of issued HIPAA certificates
T7USBENH2 For savings records of on-demand printing of HIPAA certs.
T7USBENPE US pension related data (e.g. Soc. Sec. wages and taxes)


SAP Package PC10_BEN contains 4 views.

V_T7USBEN01_1 Saving plans compensation model name and text
V_T7USBEN02_1 Saving plans compensation model setup
V_T7USBEN03 Catch-up contribution for Savings plan
V_T7USBEN04 High Deductible Health Plan Contributions


SAP Package PC10_BEN contains 5 structures.

PMEB2 Field Strings for Feature: Benefits Reporting (ERISA 5500)
RPBENUS403B_LIMIT Structure for benefits 403b limits information
RPSBENU1 ALV Display structure for report RPSBENU1
RPSBENU2_ALV1 For output of report RPSBENU2: For items
RPSBENU2_ALV2 For output of report RPSBENU2


SAP Package PC10_BEN contains 6 programs.

RPCPENU0 Pensionable Earnings and Hours Report
RPSBENU1 Benefits: 401(k) Non-discrimination Testing
RPSBENU2 Benefits: ERISA 5500
RPUPRA_USPEN01 Conversion of compensation model tables
RPUPRA_USPEN02 Conversion program for pension database table 46B -> 46C++

Message Classes

SAP Package PC10_BEN contains 2 message classes.

59 HR NA: Integration Messages
HRBENUSPAYROLL Error messages for US Benefits-Payroll