
SAP Package PC29


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The package PC29 (Argentina) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCAR.

Technical Information

Package PC29
Short Text Argentina
Parent Package HRCAR

Function Groups

SAP Package PC29 contains 8 function groups.

31AR Function modules for log output
HRAR_DAQ Function modules for DAQ
HRAR_PAYROLL Function module for payroll
HRARPAYCURRENCY Functions to access S-tables w/ currency
HRPAY00_AR_TERMINATION Function group for termination function
HRPAYARCLST001 Display of tables for HARCLSTR
HRPAYARVISTAS001 Extended table maintenance (generated)
HRSP_AR payroll splits AR


SAP Package PC29 contains 42 transactions.

PC00_M29 Area menu-Payroll acctg Argentina
PC00_M29_CALC Payroll
PC00_M29_CALC_SIMU Simulation payroll accounting 29
PC00_M29_CART Third ART statement 29
PC00_M29_CCEN ANSeS census 29
PC00_M29_CDGI0 SIJP-Interface 29
PC00_M29_CDGI1 RG 4110 interface 29
PC00_M29_CDGI2 Income Tax
PC00_M29_CDTA Payroll-transfer to prel.prog.DME-29
PC00_M29_CDTB Payment advances Pre-program DME 29
PC00_M29_CEDT Payroll remunerations statement - 29
PC00_M29_CF649 Form 649 29
PC00_M29_CIMPF Final settlement 29
PC00_M29_CKTO Payroll account 29
PC00_M29_CLJN Payroll journal 29
PC00_M29_CLPD Settlement of monetary payments
PC00_M29_CLSTR Tools - payroll result - 29
PC00_M29_CLSTRA2 Disp.income final settlement results
PC00_M29_CSERV Certification of Service
PC00_M29_CTER0 Termination
PC00_M29_CVAC0 Vacation leave 29
PC00_M29_FFOC Intl payment methods - Cheque
PC00_M29_FFOT Create DME 29
PC00_M29_FFOV Intl payment method - notification
PC00_M29_JAHRLICHE Area menu-Subseq. activities Annual
PC00_M29_LIBR Legal Payroll Payments Book 29
PC00_M29_MONATLICHE Area menu-Subseq. activities Monthly
PC00_M29_MSIM My simplification
PC00_M29_MSTMS Mi Simplification - Temse Display
PC00_M29_NVAC Leave notification
PC00_M29_OS00 Welfare Fund 29
PC00_M29_PAP Area menu-Subs. act. Per payr. per.
PC00_M29_PDUNABHAGIG Area menu-Subs. act. Period-indep.
PC00_M29_SI00 Unions 29
PC00_M29_SIG0 Income Tax simulation
PC00_M29_SONSPERIOD Area menu-Subs. act. Other periods
PC00_M29_SSDD Social insurance payment data
PC00_M29_SSDD_ADMIN Social insurance payment data
PC00_M29_TAX0 Income Tax list
PC00_M29_TRM0 Termination driver
PC00_M29_UTMS TemSe display 29
PC29 Area menu-Payroll acctg Argentina


SAP Package PC29 contains 56 views.

V_T596I_AR View Argentina for table T596I
V_T596J_AR View Argentina for table T596J
V_T7AR0P_A Business addresses by Personnel area/subarea
V_T7AR44 Scale for Welfare Fund distribution percentages
V_T7AR45 Additional absence information for SAC and ART calculations
V_T7AR45_A Additional absence information for average calculation
V_T7AR45_B Additional absence information - overview situation
V_T7AR45_C Additional absence information - adjustment type
V_T7AR45_D Additional absence information for Cert. Service time calc.
V_T7AR47 Assign comp. limit grouping to collective group agreement
V_T7AR48 Grouping for compansation limits
V_T7AR50 Income tax category codes
V_T7AR52 Wage type allocation to income tax category
V_T7AR53 Limits and values by income tax category
V_T7AR54 Income tax scales
V_T7AR55 Income tax deduction destination entities
V_T7AR56 Income Tax - Deductions reduction
V_T7AR59 Assign coll. agreement (II) to coll. work agreement class
V_T7AR60 Relationship between family memb. cat. and fam. allow. cat.
V_T7AR61 Generation rules for family allowance wage types
V_T7AR61C Generation rules for family allowance wage types
V_T7AR62 Grouping of Social Insurance contribution percentages
V_T7AR63 Descriptions grouping of Social Insurance contribution pct
V_T7AR64 Conversion coefficients of monetary units
V_T7AR65 Identification of pay scale category
V_T7AR68 Rule groups for guaranteed net amounts
V_T7AR69 Leave provision: Wage types for its calculation
V_T7AR70 Social Insurance contributions: percentages
V_T7AR74 Contribution percentages according to grouping and class
V_T7AR75 SAC: Off-cycle payroll run data
V_T7AR76 Guaranteed net amounts - Wage types f/transfer of differnces
V_T7AR82 Assignment of ANSeS document type
V_T7AR83 Assignment of ANSeS province code
V_T7AR83_A Assigning provincial code SICORE-3
V_T7AR84 Assignment of ANSeS nationality code
V_T7AR85 Assignment of ANSeS marital status code
V_T7AR87 Additional information for SIJP reasons for action
V_T7AR87_A Additional information for ANSeS reasons for action
V_T7AR87_B Information for action reasons - My simplification
V_T7AR90 Rules for calculating compensation
V_T7AR91 Assign. collective agreement to collective work agree. type
V_T7AR92 Collective work agreement: Code and text
V_T7AR94 Basic standard wage limit for seniority severance pay
V_T7AR95 Severance pay code: Code and text
V_T7AR97 Assign. sev. pay code to grouping of sev. pay legal norms
V_T7AR98 Grouping employees for sev. pay calculation: Code and text
VV_511K_B_NDSFM Payroll constant NDSFM
VV_511K_B_PROMA Payroll constant PROMA (Argentina)
VV_511K_B_SACSV Payroll constant SACSV
VV_511K_B_SESAD SESAD payroll constant (Argentina)
VV_511K_B_SIND1 Payroll constants SIND1 and SIND2
VV_511K_B_SIND2 Payroll constant SIND2
VV_511K_B_UNI Constants SIND1 and SIND2
VV_511K_B_VACGP VACGP constant
VV_T596G_AR_TAXR Specification of TAXR cumulation wage types
VV_T5F99FF_AR_TAXR Field definition for TAXR


SAP Package PC29 contains 91 structures.

HARCXXXX Report parameters (Payroll evaluations)
P29MSIM_CCBU_01 Employee wage accounts CBU
P29MSIM_CDAT_01 Complementary data (of dependents)
P29MSIM_DEXP_01 Company business address/production address
P29MSIM_RLAB_01 Work relationship
P29MSIM_VFAM_01 Employee family links
PAR_COINDS Structure of coind payments for termination
PAR_HARCSIG0_L0 Structure for ARCIMP - Tax settlement simulation
PAR_HARCSIG0_L1 Structure for ARCIMP - Tax settlement simulation
PAR_HARCSIG0_L2 Structure for report Tax settlement simulation
PAR_HARCSSD0_ALVGRD ALV Grid Catalog Representation for Report HARCSSD0 Output.
PAR_NVAC Leave notification form data
PAR_RELLB Work relationship
PAR_TAX_DATA Argentina tax structure
PAR01 Data for generation of the DGI-SIJP diskette
PAR02 HRMS-AR: Deductions performed - R.G.4110 - DGI
PAR03 Temse file for business address
PAR04 Temse file for employer
PAR05 Temse file for named person
PAR06 Temse file for family members/next of kin
PAR07 Cluster key A2
PAR08 Welfare Fund
PAR09 Welfare Fund
PAR10 Unions
PAR11 Unions
PAR14 F4 for the subtype field
PAR15 Item structure for R.G. 4110 List
PAR16 Structure for ANSeS Register List
PAR17 Header structure for R.G.4110 List
PAR18 Header structure for SIJP List
PAR19 Item structure for SIJP List
PAR20 Item structure for Form 649 List
PAR21 Structure item for HARCTER0 List
PAR22 Structure item for Vacation List (HARCVAC0)
PAR23 Structure for gross and contributions difference list
PAR25 Item structure for SI.CO.RE list 3-Deductions
PAR26 Item structure for list SI.CO.RE 3-Taxables Deducted
PAR29 Item structure for SIJP List - Version 11
PAR30 Item structure for SIJP list/Version 13
PAR31 Data for generation of floppy disk DGI-SIJP/Version 11
PAR32 SICORE file (Income Tax deductions)
PAR33 SICORE file (Taxed persons Income Tax)
PAR34 Data for generating DGI-SIJP diskette - Version 13
PAR35 Item structure for SIJP list - Version 14
PAR36 Data for generating the DGI-SIJP diskette - Version 14
PAR37 Item structure for SIJP list - Versions 16-18
PAR38 Item structure for SIJP list - Versions 16, 17 and 18
PAR39 Data for generating DGI-SIJP floppy disk - Version 19
PAR42 Item structure for SIJP List - Versions 19
PAR43 Data for generating DGI-SIJP diskette - Version 20
PAR44 Item structure for SIJP List - Version 20
PAR45 Data for generation of the DGI-SIJP diskette - Version 24
PAR46 Item structure for SIJP List - Version 24
PAR47 Datos para generación del diskette DGI-SIJP - Versión 26
PAR48 Estructura item para Lista S.I.J.P. - Versión 26
PAR49 Data for generating the DGI-SIJP diskette - Version 27
PAR50 Item structure for S.I.J.P. list . Version 27
PAR51 Data for generating DGI-SIJP floppy disk - Version 32
PAR52 Item structure for SIJP list - Version 32
PAR53 Data for DGI-SIJP floppy disk generation - Version 33
PAR54 Item structure for SIJP list - Version 33
PAR55 Data for floppy disk DGI-SIJP generation - Version 34
PAR56 Item structure for SIJP list - Version 34
PAR57 Data for floppy disk generation DGI-SIJP - Version 34.1
PAR58 Item structure for SIJP list - Version 34.1
PARTIME_S_CMPINFO Structure f. quota compensation
PARTRM_S_PAR Extra parameters for termination
PAYAR_NATIONAL HR-PAY-AR: National payroll results structure
PAYAR_RESULT HR-PAY-AR: Payroll result structure
PC2L9 Final tax settlement data in Cluster A2.
PC2LA Correction of days according to month divisor
PC2LG Termination of contract: General data
PC2LH Header structure for vacation provision
PC2LI Structure item for calculation of vacation provision
PC2QD Family Allowance result information
PC2QE Social Insurance master data
PC2QF Information annexed to WPBP table
PC2QG Tax master data
PC2QH Tax results
PC2QI Tax deduction results
PC2QT Other employers
PME69 Interface: Additional family member/next of kin data
PME79 Determine grouping of factors for contributions
PME99 Determination of pay scale situation
PMEA0 Verify validity of an automatic correction
PMEA2 Full time working hours per month, by category
PMEA3 Employment situation by absence category
PMEAR Field string for collective agreement feature
Q7AR61 Family allowance wage type generation rules
Q7AR69 Leave provision: Wage types for its calculation


SAP Package PC29 contains 54 programs.

HARCAF02 Average difference for family allowances
HARCALC0 Payroll accounting program Argentina
HARCART0 Remuneration statement for employees with LRIC licences
HARCCEN0 Social Insurance Administration (SNSS) census
HARCDBC0 Determining gross amounts and contributions differences
HARCDGI0 Generation of employee declarations - Version 34
HARCDGI1 Res.886/2000-Income Tax 4th tax bracket-SICORE 4-Deductions
HARCDGI2 Res.886/2000-Income Tax 4th tax bracket-SICORE 4-Deductions
HARCDGI9 R.G. 4110 - 4th Cat. Income Deductions - File Generation
HARCDTA0 Pre-program Data medium exchange Various payment processes
HARCDTB0 Previous program Data medium exchange Separate payment process
HARCEDT0 Remuneration statement
HARCF649 Form 649- Sworn Annual Declaration of Employee
HARCIMPF Final settlement on Income Tax
HARCIMPU Income Tax - Tax and withholding calculation
HARCKTO0 Payroll account
HARCLJN0 Payroll journal
HARCLPD0 Settlement of monetary benefits
HARCLSTR Cluster AR payroll results
HARCLSTRA2 Cluster A2 reading
HARCMLI9 Cash breakdown list
HARCNVAC Report for Leave Notification
HARCOS00 List of payments to welfare fund
HARCSI00 Union contribution list
HARCSI12 Generation of annual declarations - Version 12
HARCSI13 Generation of employee declarations- Version 13.1
HARCSI15 Generation of employee declarations - Version 15
HARCSI16 Generation of employee declarations - Version 16
HARCSI17 Generation of employee declarations - Version 17
HARCSI18 Generation of annual statements - Version 18
HARCSI93 Generation of employee declarations
HARCSIAR Generation of employee declarations - Version 32
HARCSIG0 Income Tax simulation
HARCSINC Social Insurance - Calculation of Contributions and Deductions.
HARCSIR0 Personnel count for SIJP
HARCSRV0 Certification of Services
HARCSSD0 Define last date of Social insurance contribution payment
HARCTER0 Off-cycle payroll run: employees leaving the company
HARCVAC0 Off-cycle payroll run for vacation payment
HARLIBR0 Legal Payroll Payments Book: Law 20.744 Art. 52 - Forms version
HARLIBR1 Legal Payroll Payments Book: Law 20.744 Art.52 - SapScripts version
HARU0875 Create initial records in TI 0875 starting with 0021
HARUMSM0 My Simplification: TEMSE File Management
HARUT720 Clear invalid entries from table T7AR72
HARUTAX0 Income Tax list
HARUTMS0 Display of Temse - Multi-record files
HARUTMS1 Temse file display - Original version
HARUTMS2 TemSe file transfer
HARUTMS3 Display of Temse files-Indiviual register
RPU_M29_FFOC Print check
RPU_M29_FFOT Create DME 29
RPU_M29_FFOV Notification of payment 29

Message Classes

SAP Package PC29 contains 2 message classes.

HRCALARREPORTING Mensajes para los reports de nómina
HRCALARVIEWS Mensajes para las vistas de tablas de nómina