
SAP Package PC42

HR accounting: Taiwan

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The package PC42 (HR accounting: Taiwan) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCTW.

Technical Information

Package PC42
Short Text HR accounting: Taiwan
Parent Package HRCTW

Function Groups

SAP Package PC42 contains 4 function groups.

31TW Taiwan
HRPAYTW2 Print Taiwan cluster TN
HRSP_TW payroll splits TW
PC42_ABS Taiwan absences


SAP Package PC42 contains 44 transactions.

PC00_M42 Payroll menu for Taiwan
PC00_M42_ADV_OCRN Advance payment using off-cycle reas
PC00_M42_ADV_REP Advance payment using report
PC00_M42_AWS Area menu for Bonus
PC00_M42_CALC Payroll Driver Taiwan
PC00_M42_CALC_SIMU Simulate Payroll
PC00_M42_CAWS Process Year End Bonus
PC00_M42_CDTA Prepare Bank Transfer
PC00_M42_CDTB Prepare Bank Transfer /Extra Payment
PC00_M42_CDTF Cancel Bank Transfer
PC00_M42_CEDT Print Remuneration Statement
PC00_M42_CKTO Display Payroll Account
PC00_M42_CLJN Display Payroll Journal
PC00_M42_CLSTR Display Payroll Result
PC00_M42_CMP0 First payment in Monthly Payroll 42
PC00_M42_CTXM Run Yearly Tax Certificate Report
PC00_M42_CTXP Periodical salary tax summary
PC00_M42_CTXW Tax Certificate Report (Payday)
PC00_M42_CWTR Wage Type Reporter for Taiwan
PC00_M42_FFOT Perform Bank Transfer
PC00_M42_JAHRLICHE Subsequent activities TW - Annual
PC00_M42_LAM0 LI/NHI/NP amt adjust from payroll 42
PC00_M42_LHCE Print LI/NHI Certificate
PC00_M42_LHI0 Display/Update LI/NHI date 42
PC00_M42_LHIA NHI legal reporting Adjustment 42
PC00_M42_LHIC NHI legal reporting Changes 42
PC00_M42_LHID NHI difference report
PC00_M42_LHIJ NHI legal reporting Join 42
PC00_M42_LHIM NHI legal reporting Medium 42
PC00_M42_LHIQ NHI legal reporting Quit 42
PC00_M42_LIM0 3in1 (LI/NHI/NP) or 2in1 (LI/NP) med
PC00_M42_LINF Masterdata overview 42
PC00_M42_LLIA LI legal reporting Adjustment 42
PC00_M42_LLIC LI legal reporting Changes 42
PC00_M42_LLIJ LI legal reporting Join 42
PC00_M42_LLIQ LI legal reporting Quit 42
PC00_M42_LLPD LI & NP Data Difference Report
PC00_M42_LNC0 Update infotype from T7TW1B 42
PC00_M42_NPPS Pension and Severance payment report
PC00_M42_NPR0 New Pension DME Download Report
PC00_M42_PAP Subs.activities - Per payroll period
PC00_M42_PDUNABHAGIG Subs. activities TW - Period-indepen
PC00_M42_SONSPERIOD Subsequent activities TW - Other per
PC42 Payroll menu for Taiwan


SAP Package PC42 contains 14 structures.

PAYTW_NATIONAL HR-PAY-TW: National part of payroll result
PAYTW_RESULT HR-PAY-TW: Definition of payroll result
PC28H Payroll Structure New Pension Taiwan
PC2C7 Payroll Structure Tax (Taiwan)
PC2C8 Payroll Structure Labor Insurance Taiwan
PC2C9 Payroll Structure NHI Taiwan
PC2CA Payroll Structure NHIF Taiwan
PC2CB Payroll Structure ESF Taiwan
PC2CC Payroll Structure Saving Plan Taiwan
PC2CD Payroll Structure EWF Taiwan
RPTWCTXX Structure for income tax reports
RPTWNHLI Structure for LI and NHI reports
RPTWSEV0 Structure for severance/retire payment
RPTWTAX Input structure for Taiwan tax report


SAP Package PC42 contains 41 programs.

HTWCALC0 Payroll Driver for Taiwan
HTWCAWS0 Bonus calculation
HTWCDTA0 Preliminary Program - Data Medium Exchange for Several Payment Runs
HTWCDTF0 Data Medium Exchange: Cancelling Transfers
HTWCEDT0 Remuneration Statements Taiwan
HTWCKTO0 Taiwan Payroll Accounts
HTWCLJN0 Payroll Journal --- Taiwan specific
HTWCLLO0 Taiwanesen subroutines for RPCLSTLO
HTWCLSTR Payroll Results for Cluster TN
HTWCMLI9 Cash Breakdown List (Read TN Cluster)
HTWCMP00 Multiple payments
HTWCTXM0 Tax Certificate Report & Media Form
HTWCTXP0 Periodiclly Income Tax Summary Report
HTWCTXW0 Tax Certificate Report & Media Form (Payday)
HTWCWTR0 Wage Type Reporter for Taiwan
HTWLAM00 Read payroll result and update infotype 0354/0355/0818
HTWLCE00 Certificate for LI/NHI payment
HTWLHI00 List and update LI/NHI/NP data
HTWLHIA0 NHI Adjust report
HTWLHIC0 NHI Change report
HTWLHID0 Difference Report of NHI Data
HTWLHIJ0 NHI Join report
HTWLHIM0 NHI Medium report
HTWLHIQ0 NHI Quit report
HTWLIM00 3in1 (LI/NHI/NP) or 2in1 (LI/NP) medium report
HTWLINF0 Infotype Overview for Employee
HTWLLIA0 LI Amount Adjust report
HTWLLIC0 LI Change report
HTWLLIJ0 LI Join report
HTWLLIQ0 LI Quit report
HTWLLPD0 Data Comparison Report for Labor Insurance or New Pension (Taiwan)
HTWLNC00 Delimit IT0354, IT0355, and IT0818 record when T7TW1B is changed
HTWLNPM0 TW New Pension One-time medium report
HTWLNPP0 TW Pension and Severance payment calculation report
HTWLNPR0 Taiwan New Pension Media Report
HTWLRT00 Retirement/Severance/Resignation calculation
HTWSI970 Social Insurance (LI/NHI) of Taiwan
HTWUTXM0 Delete tax reported data
HTWUVB50 Export/import Program and Word forms into/from database.
RPU_M42_FFOT Create data medium exchange 42