
SAP Package PC44

HR accounting: Finland

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The package PC44 (HR accounting: Finland) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCFI.

Technical Information

Package PC44
Short Text HR accounting: Finland
Parent Package HRCFI

Function Groups

SAP Package PC44 contains 16 function groups.

31FI HCM FI: Output functions for payroll log
HR_FI_ABS Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_FI_ATS Annual Tax Statements Finland
HR_FI_AWT Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_FI_CALC_GENERAL Function modules used in Finnish CALC
HR_FI_EVAL Status management of posting run FI
HR_FI_GARCAL HCM FI: Garnishment calculation
HR_FI_GEN Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HR_FI_QUTA_PY Quota/Absence handling in payroll FI
HR_FI_SICK Sickness handling in Payroll
HR_FI_WTE Work time equalisation (Time QUOTA)
HR_FI_XML HR-FI: XML handling modules
HRFI_VIEW_ELETTR Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
HRPAYFI_COMPANY_CAR HR Finland: Company Car functions
HRPAYFI_REPORTING HCM FI: Functions for payroll reporting
HRPAYFI_TAX HCM FI: Tax related payroll functions


SAP Package PC44 contains 52 transactions.

PC00_M44_ATS_DC Data Collector Annual Tax Statement
PC00_M44_ATS_PRES Data Presentation for ATS
PC00_M44_CALC Payroll driver
PC00_M44_CALC_SIMU Simulate payroll accounting Finland
PC00_M44_CDTA Prelim.Program Data Medium Exchange
PC00_M44_CEDT Payslip
PC00_M44_CEDT_ELETTR Remuneration statement as eLetter
PC00_M44_CKTO Payroll Account
PC00_M44_CLJN Payroll Journal
PC00_M44_CLSTR Display cluster FI (Results for SF)
PC00_M44_CTAX Monthly tax and social remittance
PC00_M44_FTUM Create Trade Union File
PC00_M44_HPAC Utility report to clean HPA DBtables
PC00_M44_HPAL Transaction for HPA with FI postings
PC00_M44_IABP0 Mass Update: Vacation Bonus Payments
PC00_M44_LAAI0 Annual Accident Insurance Statement
PC00_M44_LAIR Accident Insurance Reporting
PC00_M44_LAWT0 Annual Working Time
PC00_M44_LCST Labor Cost Statistics
PC00_M44_LDED List Deductions
PC00_M44_LERR0 Employee Representative Report
PC00_M44_LHPA0 Holiday Pay Accrual
PC00_M44_LKEL0 Kela application report
PC00_M44_LLIS Report for Low Income Support
PC00_M44_LOTR0 Overtime Report
PC00_M44_LPEN EEs changing insurance type
PC00_M44_LSEA Earnings statement
PC00_M44_LTALEL LEL/TaEL announcement
PC00_M44_LTCRE Display Tax Card Information
PC00_M44_LTEL TEL employment and year announcement
PC00_M44_LTUM List Trade Union Membership Fees
PC00_M44_LTVR TVR Hours for PS Reclassification
PC00_M44_LVAC0 Finnish Vacation Planning
PC00_M44_LVAC1 Vacation Calculation
PC00_M44_LWTR Finnish subappl. wage type reporting
PC00_M44_RIP0 Raise in Pay History
PC00_M44_RIP1 Raise in Pay Comparison
PC00_M44_SPOB Statistics on Places of Business
PC00_M44_SSTS0 Service Sector Statistics
PC00_M44_STAT Statistical reporting
PC00_M44_STBC Blue Collar Statistics
PC00_M44_STPR Private sector statistics, Finland
PC00_M44_STWC White Collar Monthly Statistics
PC00_M44_TYEL0 TYEL Monthly Reporting
PC00_M44_TYEL1 TYEL Yearly Reporting
PC00_M44_UPD9 Update Infotype 0009 Payment method
PC00_M44_UTCCP Delimit/Copy Tax Infotype
PUOC_44 Off-Cycle Workbench Finland
PUOC_44_VAC Off-Cycle Vacation Handling
S_L6D_84002040 IMG Activity: PY_FI_WCBC_001

Database Tables

SAP Package PC44 contains 64 database tables.

P44_ERR_REPTAB Assignement of employee representatives to unions
T7FI43B Zuordnung von Ausnahmen zu Statistiken
T7FI43D Exception texts (Finland)
T7FI43F Assignment of IT0033 to Statistical Exceptions (Finland)
T7FI503 HR-FI: Grouping for vacation factor
T7FI549Q Finnish pay periods to average calculation relevance
T7FIA0 Record Identifiers (ATS)
T7FIA0T Record Identifier Texts (ATS)
T7FIA1 Tax Codes (ATS)
T7FIA1T Tax Code Texts (ATS)
T7FIA2 Tax Code Assignments to ATS Data Records
T7FIA3 Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS)
T7FIA4 Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS)
T7FIA5 ATS Categories
T7FIA5T Category Texts (ATS)
T7FIA6 Payer ID Assignment to Contact Person (ATS)
T7FIAG Finnish absence classification
T7FIAG_MULTI Finnish absence classification (multiple)
T7FIAWT_T Subgroups for annual working time report
T7FIAWT_TM Main groups for annual working time report
T7FIAWT1 Subgroups for annual working time reporting
T7FIAWT2 Mapping of time wage types in annual working time report
T7FIAWTM Maingroups for annual working time reporting
T7FIB0 Wage type assignment to Payment Types (ATS)
T7FIB1 Default Tax Card Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS)
T7FIB2 Payment Types (ATS)
T7FIB2T Payment Type Texts (ATS)
T7FIB3 Payment Type Cumulation (ATS)
T7FID0 TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS)
T7FID1 Travel Expense Tax Keys (ATS)
T7FID1T Travel Expense Tax Keys (ATS)
T7FIE0 Customer ID's for eLetters
T7FIE1 Name for Customer ID's for eLetters
T7FIE2 Fonts to be used for eLetters of a country
T7FIE3 eLetter Template
T7FIE4 Name of eLetter Template
T7FIE5 eLetter Format
T7FIE6 Name of eLetter Format
T7FIE7 Images for eLetters
T7FIE8 Name for Image for eLetters
T7FIE9 Images used in a eLetter form
T7FIEA Channel for eLetter Template
T7FIEB Line of channel for eLetter Template
T7FIEC Field definitions for channel for eLetter Template
T7FIHPA1 Customizing Table for Holiday Pay Accrual Report
T7FILIS Table for Low Income Support Statement
T7FIOIX Idx Vacation Accr + ER SCR contrib.->Posting item, A-sets
T7FIOIX_DIR Directory of productive posting runs for HPA/SCR (Finland)
T7FIOPX Reversal Posting items (P-sets)
T7FIPF Attributes of reserves posted to Financials (Finland)
T7FIPRT Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland)
T7FISL Lenth of sickpay periods (XNAB)
T7FIT0 Trade Unions Finland
T7FIT0T Trade Unions Finland Texts
T7FITU Trade Unions / Locals Finland
T7FITUP Assignment of Payee to Trade Union / Local Finland
T7FITUT Trade Unions / Locals Finland
T7FIV0 Holiday Bonus Handling Types
T7FIV0T Holiday Bonus Handling Type Texts
T7FIV1 Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage Types
T7FIV2 Assignment of Annual Vacation Averages to Wage Types
T7FIV3 Holiday Bonus Handling Types
T7FIVF Finnish vacation payment factors
T7FIWT Worktime equalisation /free shift matrix)


SAP Package PC44 contains 53 views.

H_T500L_ELETTER Countries usable for eLetter
V_T7FI43B Statistical Exceptions (Finland)
V_T7FI503 Finnish vacation factor groups
V_T7FI549Q Payroll Periods with additional attributes
V_T7FI549Q_A Payroll Periods with Additional Annual Attributes
V_T7FI549Q_Q Payroll Periods with Additional Quarterly Attributes
V_T7FIA0 Record Identifiers (ATS)
V_T7FIA1 Tax Codes (ATS Data Collector)
V_T7FIA2TC Tax Code Assignment to Record Identifier (ATS)
V_T7FIA3 Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS Data Presentation)
V_T7FIA4 Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS Data Collector)
V_T7FIA5 Categories (ATS)
V_T7FIA6 Payer ID Assignment to Contact Persons (ATS)
V_T7FIAG Absence Grouping Finland
V_T7FIAG_MULTI Absence Grouping Finland (multiple)
V_T7FIAWT1 Mapping of subgrp to maingrp annual working time
V_T7FIAWT2 Mapping of time wage types to subgroups
V_T7FIAWTM Maingroups for annual working time reporting
V_T7FIB0 Wage Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS)
V_T7FIB1 Default Tax Card Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS)
V_T7FIB2 Payment Types (ATS)
V_T7FIB3 Payment Type Cumulation (ATS)
V_T7FID0 TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS)
V_T7FID1 TE Tax keys (ATS)
V_T7FIE0 Customer ID's for eLetters
V_T7FIE2 Fonts for eLetters
V_T7FIE3 eLetter Template
V_T7FIE5 eLetter Format
V_T7FIE7 Images for eLetters
V_T7FIE9 Images used in a eLetter form
V_T7FIEA Channel for eLetter Template
V_T7FIEB Line of channel for eLetter Template
V_T7FIEC Field definitions for channel for eLetter Template
V_T7FIHPA1 Holiday Pay Accrual reporting
V_T7FIPF Attributes of reserves posted to Financials (Finland)
V_T7FIPRT Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland)
V_T7FISL Maintain Rules for Finnish XNAB adaption
V_T7FIT0 Finnish Trade Unions
V_T7FITU View of Trade Unions / Locals Finland
V_T7FITUP View of Trade Unions / Locals Assignment to Payees Finland
V_T7FIV0 Vacation Bonus Handling Types
V_T7FIV1 Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage Types
V_T7FIV2 Assignment of Annual Vacation Averages to Wage Types
V_T7FIV3 Vacation Bonus Handling Types
V_T7FIVF Finnish vacation factor definition
V_T7FIWT Matrix for free shift calculation in worktime equalisation
VV_511_B_FI Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG
VV_T511K_DA_01 Maintain Age Limit for Daily Allowance
VV_T511K_FI_CAR Check Company Car Constants Finland
VV_T521B_FI_GARN Maintain Finnish Garnishment Payees
VV_T521C_FI_GARN Maintain Payees for Garnishments Finland
VV_T521C_FI_TUMF Determine allowed payees per membership type
VV_T530E_B_FI_0014 Maintain reasons for change of IT0014 Finland


SAP Package PC44 contains 82 structures.

HFICEDT0_ELETTER Selection parameters for report HFICEDT0_ELETTER
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_END_SE End records for swedish eletter files
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL1 EPL1-record for eLetter (start record for file)
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL4 EPL4-record for eLetter (customer private image)
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL5 EPL5-record for eLetter (customer private form)
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL6 EPL6-record for eLetter (customer private backside form)
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL7 EPL7-record for eLetter (service-provided image)
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL8 EPL8-record for eLetter (service-provided form)
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPLK EPLK-record for eLetter (start record for letter)
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_IDENT Identification for eLetter for Sweden
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_IMAGE_SE Image record for eLetter for Sweden
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_LINE Line-record for eLetter
HFIGARL0 Garnishment overview
HFILGAR0_OUTPUT Garnishment overview
HFILKEL0_OUTPUT kela application
HFILTAX1_ALV1 ALV Structure for Data pair format of report HFILTAX1
HFISPRS0_OUTPUT Output structure for private sector statistics
HFISSTS0_OUTPUT Output structure for Service sector Statistics, Finland
HFIVAC01V Structure for report HFIVAC01
HRFI_NET_COMPONENTS HR-FI: Components of garnishable net
HRFI_XML_ERROR Error collection structure
P44_ACCRUAL Structure for accrued Quotas used in HPA Report
P44_AIR Accident Insurance Reporting Data Container
P44_ATS_DC TemSe structure for ATS0 Data Collector
P44_ATSAN ATS Data Collector - Employer Appendix Summary
P44_ATSCO ATS Data Collector - Company Details
P44_ATSEE ATS Data Collector - Normal Employee Details
P44_ATSEE2 ATS Data Collector - Normal Employee Details, WITH PERNR
P44_ATSLL ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Limited Liability
P44_ATSLL2 ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Limited Liability
P44_ATSLW ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Low Wage Support
P44_ATSRT Wage type structure for Finnish Annual Tax Statement
P44_AWT_OUT Annual working time reort output structure
P44_ERR_OUT1 Output structure for emp. rep. report type 1
P44_ERR_OUT2 Output structure for emp. rep. report type 2
P44_HBDAYS Holiday Bonus Days Available for Annual Payment
P44_HPA Holiday Pay Accrual Data container
P44_HPA_ACCRUED Structure for BAdIs used in Holiday Pay Accrual HFILHPA0
P44_HPA_AVRULES Special structure for HPA Average Rules
P44_KELA_OUTPUT Kela output table text-value
P44_PSO HCM FI Personnel Services Office deduction
P44_SEA_ORG Organizational information for statement of earnings
P44_SEA_PERS Personal information for statement of earnings
P44_SEA_SAL_ROW Row type for salary info on statement of earnings
P44_STAT_BCS Statistics for Blue Collar employees - Finland
P44_STAT_WHC Statistics for White Collar employees - Finland
P44_TAX_VSPSERIE Payee-specific breakdown for Annual Tax Statement Finland
P44_TAX_VSPSTUKI ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Low Wage Support
P44_TAX_VSPSVYHT Company summary for Annual Tax Statement Finland
P44_TAX_VSPSVYSL Payment type summary for Annual Tax Statement Finland
P44_TAX_VSRAERIE ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Limited Liability
P44_TAX_VSTLIITE ATS Data Collector - Employer Appendix Summary
P44_TUMLIST Trade Union Membership list for Finland
P44_TUMPAYMENT Record structure for Trade Union Membership payments Finland
P44_TYEL_YEARLY TYEL Yearly Insurance Data
PAYFI_NATIONAL National part of payroll results, Finland
PAYFI_RESULT Structure for payroll result: Finland
PC2FI_CSI Social ins & result structure for Finland
PC2FI_CST Tax result table for Finland, cumulative
PC2FI_GAR Garnishment results Finland
PC2FI_SCRT Tax result table for Finland, cumulated wage type level
PC2FI_SI Social ins & result structure for Finland
PC2FI_SIRT SI result table for Finland, cumulated wage type level
PC2FI_ST Tax result structure for Finland
PFI_HFICTAX0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report HFICTAX0
PFI_HFILKEL0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report HFILKEL0
PFI_HFILLIS0 Structure for Displaying Data in Report HFILLIS0
PFI_PERSON_INFO HR_FI: Person´s Attributes
PFI_PERSON_ORG_INFO HR_FI: Person´s Organisational Attributes
PFI22 Structure item for Vacation List (HFICVAC0)
PFISALARY_ORG Salary for Finnish reporting
PMEPB Field String for Feature 44POB Places of Business Finland
PMEPS Decision fields for feature 44TVR and 44TUN


SAP Package PC44 contains 46 programs.

HFIBNKU0 Update the payment method of IT0009 of selected employees
HFICALC0 Payroll driver (Finland)
HFICDTA0 Preliminary Program - DME for Several Payment Runs (Finland)
HFICEDT0 Remuneration Statement Finland
HFICEDT0_ELETTER Remuneration statement as electronic letter for ePost
HFICKTO0 Payroll Accounts
HFICLJN0 Payroll Journal - Finland
HFICSTS0 HR-FI: Quarterly and annual statistics for hourly workers
HFICTAX0 Periodic Tax Return/Tax and social insurance statement Finland
HFICVAC0 Off-cycle payroll run for vacation payment
HFIELET0 Download eLetter from TemSe file
HFIFTUM0 Quarterly / semi-annual file for trade unions (Finland)
HFIIABP0 Batch Input for Vacation Bonus Payments Finland
HFIITUMF Create New IT0057 for Trade Union Fees via Batch Input
HFILAIR0 Accident insurance reporting (Finland)
HFILAWT0 Annual working time report Finland
HFILCST0 HR-FI: Quarterly Enquiry of Labor Costs
HFILDED0 Legal deductions list (Finland)
HFILERR0 Employee representative report Finland
HFILGAR0 Garnishment overview (Finland)
HFILHPA_REVISION Holiday Pay Accruals Transfer to FICO (Revision information)
HFILHPA0 Holiday Pay Accrual
HFILKEL0 KELA Insurance Reporting
HFILOTR0 Overtime report (Finland)
HFILPEN0 List of employees legally obliged to change insurance type (Finland)
HFILRIP0 Raise in Pay History Report
HFILRIP1 Raise in Pay Comparison Report
HFILSEA0 Earnings statement
HFILTAX0 Data collector for annual tax statement (Finland)
HFILTAX1 Finnish ATS Data Presentation
HFILTUM0 Trade union membership fees list (Finland)
HFILTUMF Download TUM fees from TemSe file (Finland)
HFILTYEL0 TYEL Monthly Reporting
HFILTYEL1 TYEL Yearly Reporting
HFILVAC0 Finnish Vacation Planning Report
HFILVAC1 Vacation calculation report
HFILWTR0 Finnish wage type reporting
HFISPOB0 Statistics: Places of Business (Finland)
HFISPRS0 HR-FI: October statistics for private sector
HFISTBC0 Blue Collar statistics report
HFISTWC0 White Collar Monthly Statistics report
HFIUHPA0 Utility program to clean HPA DB tables T7FIOIX and T7FIOIX_DIR
HFIUTEM0 Download from TemSe data to frontend

Search Helps

SAP Package PC44 contains 2 search helps.

H_T7FI1P Provide help for Tax Reference Number from T7FI1P
HRPADFI_STA11_T7FI43F Helpview for 10-digit POB ID from T7FI43F (Finland)

Message Classes

SAP Package PC44 contains 2 message classes.

HRCALFIREPORTING Messages for Finnish payroll reporting
HRPAYFI00 Messages for Finnish payroll handling