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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package PC44 (HR accounting: Finland) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRCFI.
Package | PC44 |
Short Text | HR accounting: Finland |
Parent Package | HRCFI |
SAP Package PC44 contains 16 function groups.
31FI | HCM FI: Output functions for payroll log |
HR_FI_ABS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HR_FI_ATS | Annual Tax Statements Finland |
HR_FI_AWT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HR_FI_CALC_GENERAL | Function modules used in Finnish CALC |
HR_FI_EVAL | Status management of posting run FI |
HR_FI_GARCAL | HCM FI: Garnishment calculation |
HR_FI_GEN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HR_FI_QUTA_PY | Quota/Absence handling in payroll FI |
HR_FI_SICK | Sickness handling in Payroll |
HR_FI_WTE | Work time equalisation (Time QUOTA) |
HR_FI_XML | HR-FI: XML handling modules |
HRFI_VIEW_ELETTR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRPAYFI_COMPANY_CAR | HR Finland: Company Car functions |
HRPAYFI_REPORTING | HCM FI: Functions for payroll reporting |
HRPAYFI_TAX | HCM FI: Tax related payroll functions |
SAP Package PC44 contains 52 transactions.
PC00_M44_ATS_DC | Data Collector Annual Tax Statement |
PC00_M44_ATS_PRES | Data Presentation for ATS |
PC00_M44_CALC | Payroll driver |
PC00_M44_CALC_SIMU | Simulate payroll accounting Finland |
PC00_M44_CDTA | Prelim.Program Data Medium Exchange |
PC00_M44_CEDT | Payslip |
PC00_M44_CEDT_ELETTR | Remuneration statement as eLetter |
PC00_M44_CKTO | Payroll Account |
PC00_M44_CLJN | Payroll Journal |
PC00_M44_CLJNPAYCARD | Pay Card |
PC00_M44_CLJNPAYLIST | Pay List |
PC00_M44_CLSTR | Display cluster FI (Results for SF) |
PC00_M44_CTAX | Monthly tax and social remittance |
PC00_M44_FTUM | Create Trade Union File |
PC00_M44_HPAC | Utility report to clean HPA DBtables |
PC00_M44_HPAL | Transaction for HPA with FI postings |
PC00_M44_IABP0 | Mass Update: Vacation Bonus Payments |
PC00_M44_LAAI0 | Annual Accident Insurance Statement |
PC00_M44_LAIR | Accident Insurance Reporting |
PC00_M44_LAWT0 | Annual Working Time |
PC00_M44_LCST | Labor Cost Statistics |
PC00_M44_LDED | List Deductions |
PC00_M44_LERR0 | Employee Representative Report |
PC00_M44_LHPA0 | Holiday Pay Accrual |
PC00_M44_LKEL0 | Kela application report |
PC00_M44_LLIS | Report for Low Income Support |
PC00_M44_LOTR0 | Overtime Report |
PC00_M44_LPEN | EEs changing insurance type |
PC00_M44_LSEA | Earnings statement |
PC00_M44_LTALEL | LEL/TaEL announcement |
PC00_M44_LTCRE | Display Tax Card Information |
PC00_M44_LTEL | TEL employment and year announcement |
PC00_M44_LTUM | List Trade Union Membership Fees |
PC00_M44_LTVR | TVR Hours for PS Reclassification |
PC00_M44_LVAC0 | Finnish Vacation Planning |
PC00_M44_LVAC1 | Vacation Calculation |
PC00_M44_LWTR | Finnish subappl. wage type reporting |
PC00_M44_RIP0 | Raise in Pay History |
PC00_M44_RIP1 | Raise in Pay Comparison |
PC00_M44_SPOB | Statistics on Places of Business |
PC00_M44_SSTS0 | Service Sector Statistics |
PC00_M44_STAT | Statistical reporting |
PC00_M44_STBC | Blue Collar Statistics |
PC00_M44_STPR | Private sector statistics, Finland |
PC00_M44_STWC | White Collar Monthly Statistics |
PC00_M44_TYEL0 | TYEL Monthly Reporting |
PC00_M44_TYEL1 | TYEL Yearly Reporting |
PC00_M44_UPD9 | Update Infotype 0009 Payment method |
PC00_M44_UTCCP | Delimit/Copy Tax Infotype |
PUOC_44 | Off-Cycle Workbench Finland |
PUOC_44_VAC | Off-Cycle Vacation Handling |
S_L6D_84002040 | IMG Activity: PY_FI_WCBC_001 |
SAP Package PC44 contains 64 database tables.
P44_ERR_REPTAB | Assignement of employee representatives to unions |
T7FI43B | Zuordnung von Ausnahmen zu Statistiken |
T7FI43D | Exception texts (Finland) |
T7FI43F | Assignment of IT0033 to Statistical Exceptions (Finland) |
T7FI503 | HR-FI: Grouping for vacation factor |
T7FI549Q | Finnish pay periods to average calculation relevance |
T7FIA0 | Record Identifiers (ATS) |
T7FIA0T | Record Identifier Texts (ATS) |
T7FIA1 | Tax Codes (ATS) |
T7FIA1T | Tax Code Texts (ATS) |
T7FIA2 | Tax Code Assignments to ATS Data Records |
T7FIA3 | Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS) |
T7FIA4 | Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS) |
T7FIA5 | ATS Categories |
T7FIA5T | Category Texts (ATS) |
T7FIA6 | Payer ID Assignment to Contact Person (ATS) |
T7FIAG | Finnish absence classification |
T7FIAG_MULTI | Finnish absence classification (multiple) |
T7FIAWT_T | Subgroups for annual working time report |
T7FIAWT_TM | Main groups for annual working time report |
T7FIAWT1 | Subgroups for annual working time reporting |
T7FIAWT2 | Mapping of time wage types in annual working time report |
T7FIAWTM | Maingroups for annual working time reporting |
T7FIB0 | Wage type assignment to Payment Types (ATS) |
T7FIB1 | Default Tax Card Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS) |
T7FIB2 | Payment Types (ATS) |
T7FIB2T | Payment Type Texts (ATS) |
T7FIB3 | Payment Type Cumulation (ATS) |
T7FID0 | TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS) |
T7FID1 | Travel Expense Tax Keys (ATS) |
T7FID1T | Travel Expense Tax Keys (ATS) |
T7FIE0 | Customer ID's for eLetters |
T7FIE1 | Name for Customer ID's for eLetters |
T7FIE2 | Fonts to be used for eLetters of a country |
T7FIE3 | eLetter Template |
T7FIE4 | Name of eLetter Template |
T7FIE5 | eLetter Format |
T7FIE6 | Name of eLetter Format |
T7FIE7 | Images for eLetters |
T7FIE8 | Name for Image for eLetters |
T7FIE9 | Images used in a eLetter form |
T7FIEA | Channel for eLetter Template |
T7FIEB | Line of channel for eLetter Template |
T7FIEC | Field definitions for channel for eLetter Template |
T7FIHPA1 | Customizing Table for Holiday Pay Accrual Report |
T7FILIS | Table for Low Income Support Statement |
T7FIOIX | Idx Vacation Accr + ER SCR contrib.->Posting item, A-sets |
T7FIOIX_DIR | Directory of productive posting runs for HPA/SCR (Finland) |
T7FIOPX | Reversal Posting items (P-sets) |
T7FIPF | Attributes of reserves posted to Financials (Finland) |
T7FIPRT | Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland) |
T7FISL | Lenth of sickpay periods (XNAB) |
T7FIT0 | Trade Unions Finland |
T7FIT0T | Trade Unions Finland Texts |
T7FITU | Trade Unions / Locals Finland |
T7FITUP | Assignment of Payee to Trade Union / Local Finland |
T7FITUT | Trade Unions / Locals Finland |
T7FIV0 | Holiday Bonus Handling Types |
T7FIV0T | Holiday Bonus Handling Type Texts |
T7FIV1 | Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage Types |
T7FIV2 | Assignment of Annual Vacation Averages to Wage Types |
T7FIV3 | Holiday Bonus Handling Types |
T7FIVF | Finnish vacation payment factors |
T7FIWT | Worktime equalisation /free shift matrix) |
SAP Package PC44 contains 53 views.
H_T500L_ELETTER | Countries usable for eLetter |
V_T7FI43B | Statistical Exceptions (Finland) |
V_T7FI503 | Finnish vacation factor groups |
V_T7FI549Q | Payroll Periods with additional attributes |
V_T7FI549Q_A | Payroll Periods with Additional Annual Attributes |
V_T7FI549Q_Q | Payroll Periods with Additional Quarterly Attributes |
V_T7FIA0 | Record Identifiers (ATS) |
V_T7FIA1 | Tax Codes (ATS Data Collector) |
V_T7FIA2TC | Tax Code Assignment to Record Identifier (ATS) |
V_T7FIA3 | Assign Structure Fields to Tax Codes (ATS Data Presentation) |
V_T7FIA4 | Wage Type Assignment to Tax Codes (ATS Data Collector) |
V_T7FIA5 | Categories (ATS) |
V_T7FIA6 | Payer ID Assignment to Contact Persons (ATS) |
V_T7FIAG | Absence Grouping Finland |
V_T7FIAG_MULTI | Absence Grouping Finland (multiple) |
V_T7FIAWT1 | Mapping of subgrp to maingrp annual working time |
V_T7FIAWT2 | Mapping of time wage types to subgroups |
V_T7FIAWTM | Maingroups for annual working time reporting |
V_T7FIB0 | Wage Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS) |
V_T7FIB1 | Default Tax Card Type Assignment to Payment Type (ATS) |
V_T7FIB2 | Payment Types (ATS) |
V_T7FIB3 | Payment Type Cumulation (ATS) |
V_T7FID0 | TE Wage Type Assignment to Tax Keys (ATS) |
V_T7FID1 | TE Tax keys (ATS) |
V_T7FIE0 | Customer ID's for eLetters |
V_T7FIE2 | Fonts for eLetters |
V_T7FIE3 | eLetter Template |
V_T7FIE5 | eLetter Format |
V_T7FIE7 | Images for eLetters |
V_T7FIE9 | Images used in a eLetter form |
V_T7FIEA | Channel for eLetter Template |
V_T7FIEB | Line of channel for eLetter Template |
V_T7FIEC | Field definitions for channel for eLetter Template |
V_T7FIHPA1 | Holiday Pay Accrual reporting |
V_T7FIPF | Attributes of reserves posted to Financials (Finland) |
V_T7FIPRT | Reserves type for posting to Financials (Finland) |
V_T7FISL | Maintain Rules for Finnish XNAB adaption |
V_T7FIT0 | Finnish Trade Unions |
V_T7FITU | View of Trade Unions / Locals Finland |
V_T7FITUP | View of Trade Unions / Locals Assignment to Payees Finland |
V_T7FIV0 | Vacation Bonus Handling Types |
V_T7FIV1 | Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage Types |
V_T7FIV2 | Assignment of Annual Vacation Averages to Wage Types |
V_T7FIV3 | Vacation Bonus Handling Types |
V_T7FIVF | Finnish vacation factor definition |
V_T7FIWT | Matrix for free shift calculation in worktime equalisation |
VV_511_B_FI | Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG |
VV_T511K_DA_01 | Maintain Age Limit for Daily Allowance |
VV_T511K_FI_CAR | Check Company Car Constants Finland |
VV_T521B_FI_GARN | Maintain Finnish Garnishment Payees |
VV_T521C_FI_GARN | Maintain Payees for Garnishments Finland |
VV_T521C_FI_TUMF | Determine allowed payees per membership type |
VV_T530E_B_FI_0014 | Maintain reasons for change of IT0014 Finland |
SAP Package PC44 contains 82 structures.
HFICEDT0_ELETTER | Selection parameters for report HFICEDT0_ELETTER |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_END_SE | End records for swedish eletter files |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL1 | EPL1-record for eLetter (start record for file) |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL4 | EPL4-record for eLetter (customer private image) |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL5 | EPL5-record for eLetter (customer private form) |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL6 | EPL6-record for eLetter (customer private backside form) |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL7 | EPL7-record for eLetter (service-provided image) |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPL8 | EPL8-record for eLetter (service-provided form) |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_EPLK | EPLK-record for eLetter (start record for letter) |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_IDENT | Identification for eLetter for Sweden |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_IMAGE_SE | Image record for eLetter for Sweden |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_LINE | Line-record for eLetter |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER_OUTPUT | eLetter overview |
HFIGARL0 | Garnishment overview |
HFILGAR0_OUTPUT | Garnishment overview |
HFILKEL0_OUTPUT | kela application |
HFILTAX1_ALV1 | ALV Structure for Data pair format of report HFILTAX1 |
HFISPRS0_OUTPUT | Output structure for private sector statistics |
HFISSTS0_OUTPUT | Output structure for Service sector Statistics, Finland |
HFIVAC01V | Structure for report HFIVAC01 |
HRFI_NET_COMPONENTS | HR-FI: Components of garnishable net |
HRFI_XML_ERROR | Error collection structure |
P44_ACCRUAL | Structure for accrued Quotas used in HPA Report |
P44_AIR | Accident Insurance Reporting Data Container |
P44_ATS_DC | TemSe structure for ATS0 Data Collector |
P44_ATSAN | ATS Data Collector - Employer Appendix Summary |
P44_ATSCO | ATS Data Collector - Company Details |
P44_ATSEE | ATS Data Collector - Normal Employee Details |
P44_ATSEE2 | ATS Data Collector - Normal Employee Details, WITH PERNR |
P44_ATSLL | ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Limited Liability |
P44_ATSLL2 | ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Limited Liability |
P44_ATSLW | ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Low Wage Support |
P44_ATSRT | Wage type structure for Finnish Annual Tax Statement |
P44_AWT_OUT | Annual working time reort output structure |
P44_ERR_OUT1 | Output structure for emp. rep. report type 1 |
P44_ERR_OUT2 | Output structure for emp. rep. report type 2 |
P44_HBDAYS | Holiday Bonus Days Available for Annual Payment |
P44_HPA | Holiday Pay Accrual Data container |
P44_HPA_ACCRUED | Structure for BAdIs used in Holiday Pay Accrual HFILHPA0 |
P44_HPA_AVRULES | Special structure for HPA Average Rules |
P44_KELA_OUTPUT | Kela output table text-value |
P44_PSO | HCM FI Personnel Services Office deduction |
P44_SEA_ORG | Organizational information for statement of earnings |
P44_SEA_PERS | Personal information for statement of earnings |
P44_SEA_SAL_ROW | Row type for salary info on statement of earnings |
P44_STAT_BCS | Statistics for Blue Collar employees - Finland |
P44_STAT_WHC | Statistics for White Collar employees - Finland |
P44_TAX_VSPSERIE | Payee-specific breakdown for Annual Tax Statement Finland |
P44_TAX_VSPSTUKI | ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Low Wage Support |
P44_TAX_VSPSVYHT | Company summary for Annual Tax Statement Finland |
P44_TAX_VSPSVYSL | Payment type summary for Annual Tax Statement Finland |
P44_TAX_VSRAERIE | ATS Data Collector - Employee Details with Limited Liability |
P44_TAX_VSTLIITE | ATS Data Collector - Employer Appendix Summary |
P44_TUMLIST | Trade Union Membership list for Finland |
P44_TUMPAYMENT | Record structure for Trade Union Membership payments Finland |
P44_TYEL_MONTHLY_REC1 | Record K |
P44_TYEL_MONTHLY_REC2 | Record L |
P44_TYEL_YEARLY | TYEL Yearly Insurance Data |
P44_TYEL_YEARLY_ABS | TYEL Absence Data |
P44_TYEL_YEARLY_REC1 | Record A |
P44_TYEL_YEARLY_REC2 | Record B |
P44_TYEL_YEARLY_REC3 | Record C |
P44_TYEL_YEARLY_REC4 | Record D |
PAYFI_NATIONAL | National part of payroll results, Finland |
PAYFI_RESULT | Structure for payroll result: Finland |
PC2FI_CSI | Social ins & result structure for Finland |
PC2FI_CST | Tax result table for Finland, cumulative |
PC2FI_GAR | Garnishment results Finland |
PC2FI_SCRT | Tax result table for Finland, cumulated wage type level |
PC2FI_SI | Social ins & result structure for Finland |
PC2FI_SIRT | SI result table for Finland, cumulated wage type level |
PC2FI_ST | Tax result structure for Finland |
PFI_HFICTAX0 | Structure for Displaying Data in Report HFICTAX0 |
PFI_HFILKEL0 | Structure for Displaying Data in Report HFILKEL0 |
PFI_HFILLIS0 | Structure for Displaying Data in Report HFILLIS0 |
PFI_PERSON_INFO | HR_FI: Person´s Attributes |
PFI_PERSON_ORG_INFO | HR_FI: Person´s Organisational Attributes |
PFI22 | Structure item for Vacation List (HFICVAC0) |
PFISALARY_ORG | Salary for Finnish reporting |
PMEPB | Field String for Feature 44POB Places of Business Finland |
PMEPS | Decision fields for feature 44TVR and 44TUN |
SAP Package PC44 contains 46 programs.
HFIBNKU0 | Update the payment method of IT0009 of selected employees |
HFICALC0 | Payroll driver (Finland) |
HFICDTA0 | Preliminary Program - DME for Several Payment Runs (Finland) |
HFICEDT0 | Remuneration Statement Finland |
HFICEDT0_ELETTER | Remuneration statement as electronic letter for ePost |
HFICKTO0 | Payroll Accounts |
HFICLJN0 | Payroll Journal - Finland |
HFICSTS0 | HR-FI: Quarterly and annual statistics for hourly workers |
HFICTAX0 | Periodic Tax Return/Tax and social insurance statement Finland |
HFICVAC0 | Off-cycle payroll run for vacation payment |
HFIELET0 | Download eLetter from TemSe file |
HFIFTUM0 | Quarterly / semi-annual file for trade unions (Finland) |
HFIIABP0 | Batch Input for Vacation Bonus Payments Finland |
HFIITUMF | Create New IT0057 for Trade Union Fees via Batch Input |
HFILAIR0 | Accident insurance reporting (Finland) |
HFILAWT0 | Annual working time report Finland |
HFILCST0 | HR-FI: Quarterly Enquiry of Labor Costs |
HFILDED0 | Legal deductions list (Finland) |
HFILERR0 | Employee representative report Finland |
HFILGAR0 | Garnishment overview (Finland) |
HFILHPA_REVISION | Holiday Pay Accruals Transfer to FICO (Revision information) |
HFILHPA0 | Holiday Pay Accrual |
HFILKEL0 | KELA Insurance Reporting |
HFILOTR0 | Overtime report (Finland) |
HFILPEN0 | List of employees legally obliged to change insurance type (Finland) |
HFILRIP0 | Raise in Pay History Report |
HFILRIP1 | Raise in Pay Comparison Report |
HFILSEA0 | Earnings statement |
HFILTAX0 | Data collector for annual tax statement (Finland) |
HFILTAX1 | Finnish ATS Data Presentation |
HFILTUM0 | Trade union membership fees list (Finland) |
HFILTUMF | Download TUM fees from TemSe file (Finland) |
HFILTYEL0 | TYEL Monthly Reporting |
HFILTYEL1 | TYEL Yearly Reporting |
HFILVAC0 | Finnish Vacation Planning Report |
HFILVAC1 | Vacation calculation report |
HFILWTR0 | Finnish wage type reporting |
HFISPOB0 | Statistics: Places of Business (Finland) |
HFISPRS0 | HR-FI: October statistics for private sector |
HFISTBC0 | Blue Collar statistics report |
HFISTWC0 | White Collar Monthly Statistics report |
HFIUHPA0 | Utility program to clean HPA DB tables T7FIOIX and T7FIOIX_DIR |
HFIUTEM0 | Download from TemSe data to frontend |
SAP Package PC44 contains 2 search helps.
H_T7FI1P | Provide help for Tax Reference Number from T7FI1P |
HRPADFI_STA11_T7FI43F | Helpview for 10-digit POB ID from T7FI43F (Finland) |
SAP Package PC44 contains 2 message classes.
HRCALFIREPORTING | Messages for Finnish payroll reporting |
HRPAYFI00 | Messages for Finnish payroll handling |