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Bei ansehen →The package PCAL_CE (HR enhancements for Payroll for concurrent employment (CE)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PCAL_CE |
Short Text | HR enhancements for Payroll for concurrent employment (CE) |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PCAL_CE contains 3 function groups.
0PCCE_MENU | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRCCE_PERS_WGTYP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRCCE_REPORTNAME | Name of report for CE/not CE |
SAP Package PCAL_CE contains 4 database tables.
T52BG | Use of Grouping Reasons for Objects |
T549AG | Payroll Area Grouping |
T549AGA | Assign Payroll Areas to Payroll Area Groupings |
T549AGT | Payroll Area Grouping Texts |
SAP Package PCAL_CE contains 3 views.
V_T549AG | Payroll Area Grouping Texts |
V_T549AGA | Define Payroll Area Groupings |
V_T7CCE_PERS_WGT | Determine Person Wage Types |
SAP Package PCAL_CE contains 33 structures.
GPVAL_CD | Selection Option Payroll Area Grouping |
H99_CLST_S_COUNTRY | RPCLST: Structure for Country |
H99_CLST_S_EMPLOYEE_CONT | RPCLST: Structure for Employee |
H99_CLST_S_NAME_TABLE | RPCLST: Structure for Name Table |
H99_CLST_S_NAMES | RPCLST: Structure for Employee Names |
H99_CLST_S_PAYRESULT | RPCLST: Structure for Payroll Result |
H99_CLST_S_SO_PERNR | RPCLST: Structure for Perno Range |
HRPAY99_ALLAP | Structure for Payroll Table ALLAP |
HRPAY99_GROUP_PERAS | Structure with PERAS BEGDA and ENDDA for GROUP tables |
HRPAY99_GROUP_RGDIR | Stucture of the Table Group_Rgdir |
HRPY_MV | Data for Averages (Table MV in Payroll) |
HRPY_PT | Structure for Table PT |
HRPY_SAVE_MODIF | Structure for Table SAVE_MODIF |
HRPY_VORT | Summarized ORT |
PAY_PERSON_RESULT_CE | Person Payroll Result for CE |
PAY99_CUMUL_PERSON_RESULT | Unfiltered person cumulation tables- international |
PAY99_GLOBAL_SWITCHES | Internat., Global, Pers.Assignt-Dependent Switch in RPCALCx0 |
PAY99_GLOBAL_VAR | Intern, Global, Pers.Assignt-Dependent Variables in RPCALCx0 |
PAY99_PERSON | Structure for Payroll Result: international (Person) |
PAY99_PERSON_MOVED | Structure for Payroll Result: international (Person) |
PAY99_PERSON_REF | Structure for Payroll Result: international (Person) |
PAY99_PERSON_RESULT | Structure for Payroll Result: international (Person) |
PC200A | Person Payroll Result Key |
PC2BT_PERSON | Payment-Related Information (Person) |
PC2CRT_PERSON | Cumulated Results Table (Person) |
PC2DT_PERSON | Difference Table (Person) |
PC2GROUPING | Payroll Result: Grouping Table |
PC2GRP_KEY | Key Fields for Grouping Table |
PC2RT_GP | Payroll Result: Payroll for Global Employees |
PC2RT_PERSON | Results Table (Person) |
PCCE_GROUP_RGDIRS | Lines of a table that contains all RGDIRs of a group |
SAP Package PCAL_CE contains 1 programs.
SAP Package PCAL_CE contains 1 search helps.
H_T549AG | Grouping Value for Payroll Areas |