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Bei ansehen →The package PCAL_CE_EN (HR Extensions for Concurrent Employment Payroll) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PCAL_CE_EN |
Short Text | HR Extensions for Concurrent Employment Payroll |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PCAL_CE_EN contains 1 database tables.
HRPY_GROUPING | Transparent grouping table from payroll runs |
SAP Package PCAL_CE_EN contains 23 structures.
HRPY_DT_PERSON | Structure for Difference Table DT_PERSON |
HRPY_PAY99_RESULT | Structure of payroll result table: international |
HRPY_PAYCA_RESULT | Structure of payroll result table: Canada specific |
HRPY_PURL_ALL | Payroll structure: PURL_ALL |
PAY99_INTERNAL | Internal tables for the payroll image |
PAY99_INTERNAL_PERAS | Internal tables and variables for the payroll image |
PAY99_PAYROLL_IMAGE_LINE | Line of table for payroll image |
PAY99_VAR | PERNR dependent global variables in payroll (for sync.point) |
PAY99_VAR_MONTHLY | PERNR dep. global var's in payroll to be refreshed monthly |
PAYCA_NATIONAL_CE | Additional tables for payroll image (Canada) |
PAYCA_PAYROLL_IMAGE_LINE | Line of table for payroll image Canada |
PAYCA_PERSON | HR-PAY-CA: National of payroll result (Person) |
PAYUS_PERSON | HR-PAY-US: National part of payroll result (Person) |
PAYXX_INTERNAL_PERAS | Additional tables for payroll image (only for RPCALCX0) |
PAYXX_PAYROLL_IMAGE_LINE | Line of table for payroll image (only RPCALCX0) |
PCCE_CONTEXT_REFERENCES | Structure: references in context |
PCCE_CONTEXT_REFERENCES_HEADER | References in context: Headerlines of tables |
PCCE_CONTEXT_REFERENCES_INTERN | References in context: Payroll internal tables |
PCCE_CONTEXT_REFERENCES_RESULT | References in context - payroll result |
PCCE_LRT_PERSON | LRT on person level |
PCCE_PERNR_RT | Pernr with RT |