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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package PGAR (HR Garnishments) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PGAR |
Short Text | HR Garnishments |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PGAR contains 2 function groups.
0P3G | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRGAR00 | Func. group International Garnishments |
SAP Package PGAR contains 45 database tables.
PA0476 | HR master record infotype 0476 (Deductions Spain) |
PA0477 | Personnel Master Record Infotype 0477: Debt (Garnishments) |
PA0478 | Personnel Master Record Infotype 0478: Adjustment (Garnish) |
PA0611 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0611 |
PA0612 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0612 |
T53G0 | Jurisdiction |
T53G0T | Description of the jurisdiction |
T53G1 | Garnishment Category |
T53G1T | Description of the garnishment category |
T53G2 | Agency |
T53G2T | Description of the agency |
T53G4 | Debt Types for Garnishments |
T53G4T | Description of the debt |
T53G5 | Model for the basis amount |
T53G6 | Description of the basis model |
T53G7 | Characteristics of the basis model |
T53G8 | Model for the gross amount |
T53G9 | Description of the Model for the gross amount |
T53GA | Characteristics Model for the gross amount |
T53GB | Model for the net amount |
T53GC | Description of the Model for the net amount |
T53GD | Characteristics Model for the net amount |
T53GE | Model for the non-exempt amount |
T53GF | Description of the Model for the non-exempt amount |
T53GG | Characteristics Model for the non exempt amount |
T53GH | Non Exempt: Special rules |
T53GI | Non Exempt: Description of special rule |
T53GJ | Non Exempt: Characteristics Special rule |
T53GK | Non Exempt: Level Systems |
T53GL | Non Exempt: Description of Level Systems |
T53GM | Non Exempt: Characteristics Level Systems |
T53GN | Non Exempt: Level Systems Dependents |
T53GO | Model for the relationship to other debts |
T53GP | Description of the model for the relationship to other debts |
T53GQ | Service Charge |
T53GR | Service Charge Description |
T53GS | Service Charge Characterisitics |
T53GT | Priority of debts |
T53GU | Calculation Model |
T53GV | Description of the calculation model |
T53GW | Characteristics of the Calculation Rule |
T53GX | Basis Model Rounding |
T53GX1 | Description Basis Model Rounding |
T53GX2 | Characteristics Basis Model Rounding |
T53GY | Garnishments Elements |
SAP Package PGAR contains 25 views.
V_T53G0 | Jurisdiction |
V_T53G1 | Category of the Order |
V_T53G2 | Agency for Garnishments |
V_T53G4 | Debt Types |
V_T53G5 | Model for the Basis Amount |
V_T53G7 | Characteristics of the basis model |
V_T53G8 | Model for the Gross amount |
V_T53GA | Characteristics of the Gross amount |
V_T53GB | Model for the net amount |
V_T53GD | Characteristics of the Net amount |
V_T53GE | Model for the non-exempt amount |
V_T53GG | Characteristics Model for the non exempt amount |
V_T53GH | Non Exempt: Special rules |
V_T53GJ | Non Exempt: Characteristics Special rule |
V_T53GK | Non Exempt: Level Systems |
V_T53GM | Non Exempt: Characteristics Level Systems |
V_T53GO | Model for the relationship to other debts |
V_T53GQ | Service Charge |
V_T53GS | Service Charge Characterisitics |
V_T53GT | Priorities of Debts |
V_T53GU | Calculation Model |
V_T53GW | Characteristics of the Calculation Model |
V_T53GX | Model Rounding Amount |
V_T53GX2 | Characteristics of the Rounding Model |
V_T53GY | Garnishments Elements |
SAP Package PGAR contains 27 structures.
P0476 | HR master record for infotype 0476 |
P0477 | HR master record for infotype 0477 |
P0478 | HR master record for infotype 0478 |
P0611 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0611 |
P0612 | HR Master Record for Infotype 0612 |
PC2E0 | Payroll results: Garnishment order |
PC2GA | Payroll results: Garnishment order |
PC2GB | Payroll results: Garnishment debt |
PC2GC | Payroll results: Garnishment record |
PC2GD | Payroll results: Garnishment record |
PMGAR | Field String for Feature: International Garnishments |
PS0476 | HR master data: Infotype 476: Garnishments: Order |
PS0477 | Garnishments: Debt |
PS0478 | Garnishment Adjustments |
PS0611 | Garnishments: Management Data |
PS0612 | Garnishments: Interest |
PSBT | Bank Transfer |
PSCOURT | Garnishment Order: Court |
PSCREDITOR | Garnishment order - International part |
PSFEE | Service Charge |
PSGARNS | Non-Exempt Amount |
PSGAROR | Garnishment order - International part |
PSLAWYER | Plaintiff Lawyer |
PSTHIRD | Third Pary Remittance |
PSTRANSFER | Transfer |
Q0477 | Infotype 0477: Screen structure |
TRANSER | Transfer |
SAP Package PGAR contains 3 programs.
MP047600 | Module Pool for infotype 0476: International Garnishments: Order |
MP047700 | Module Pool for Infotype 0477: Intnernational Garnishment: Debt |
MP047800 | Module Pool for Infotype 478: International Garnishments: Adjustments |
SAP Package PGAR contains 5 search helps.
H_P0476 | Test Search Help for P0476 |
H_T53G0 | Test Search Help for P0476 |
H_T53G1 | Test Search Help for P0476 |
H_T53G4 | Debt Code Search Help |
H_T53GU | Garnishment Calculation Rule |
SAP Package PGAR contains 1 message classes.
HRGARGARNISHMENT | International Garnishments |