Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package PMEX (PM: Extraction of Release-independent Objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package PI-BIW.
Package | PMEX |
Short Text | PM: Extraction of Release-independent Objects |
Parent Package | PI-BIW |
SAP Package PMEX contains 4 function groups.
0PMEX | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
PMER | Reading Modules for Init. Data BW-PM/CS |
PMEX | PM/CS: Extraction (any release) |
PMRE | PM/CS: Retraction (only as of 5.0) |
SAP Package PMEX contains 7 database tables.
MC17I30HDRSETUP | Store BW reconstruction for MC17I30HDR (Order) |
MC17I30OPRSETUP | Store BW Reconstruction for MC17I30OPR (Process) |
TEQUI_HIER | Definition of Hierarchies for Equipment |
TFUNCT_LOC_HIER | Definition of Hierarchies for Functional Locations |
TPM_C05 | Extraction Parameters:Task List/Maintenance Plan (as of 5.0) |
SAP Package PMEX contains 9 views.
BIW_0PM_MAINTP_T | BW Extraction View for Maintenance Item Text |
BIW_0PM_TASKL_T | BW Extraction View for Task List Text |
BW_0CS_ORDER | BW: Extraction View of CS Order |
BW_0PM_ORDER | BW: Extraction View of Maintenance Order |
EQUI_HIER | Equipment - Without Superior Equipment (HEQUI = SPACE) |
IFLOS_HIER | Functional Locations - W/O Higher-Level Functional Location |
IFLOT_HIER | Functional Locations - W/O Higher-Level Functional Location |
V_EQUI_HIER | Definition of Hierarchies for Equipment |
V_FUNCT_LOC_HIER | Definition of Hierarchies for Functional Locations |
SAP Package PMEX contains 54 structures.
BWE_0PM_MAINTP_T | BW Extraction Structure for Maintenance Item Text |
BWE_0PM_MAINTPOS | BW Extraction Structure for Maintenance Item |
BWE_0PM_ORDER | PM-BW Master Data: Extraction Structure for the Order |
BWE_0PM_ORDER_T | PM-BW: Text Extraction View for the PM Order |
BWE_0PM_TASKL_T | BW Extraction Structure of Task List Text |
BWE_0PM_TASKLIST | BW Extraction Structure for Task List |
BWE_EQKT | QM/PM/CS-BW Extraction Structure for the Equipment Text |
BWE_EQUI | PM-BW Master Data: Extraction Structure for Equipment |
BWE_IFLOT | QM/PM/CS-BW Extraction Structure for the Technical Location |
BWE_IFLOTX | QM/PM/CS-BW Extraction Structure Text of Technical Location |
BWE_MCB_RETRACT | MCB: Table Structure for Retraction |
BWE_T024I | PM-BW: Maintenance Planner Group Extraction Structure Text |
BWE_T353I_T | PM-BW: Extract Structure Maintenance Activity Type - Text |
BWE_T370C_T | PM-BW Master Data: Extract. Structure for ABC Key Fig. Texts |
BWE_T370F_T | PM-BW: Extraction Structure Type of Technical Location Text |
BWE_T370K_T | PM-BW Master Data: Extract. Structure for Equip. Type Texts |
BWE_T499S | QM/PM/CS-BW Location Text Extraction Structure |
EQIHIENODE | PM-BW: Interface for Nodes of Equipment Hierarchy |
EQIHIERSEL | PM-BW: Interface for Requested Equipment Hierarchies |
MC17I30HDR | PM-BW Extraction: Order |
MC17I30OPR | Extraction PM-BW: Order Process |
MC17I31HDR | LIS-BW: Plant Maintenance Order |
MC17I31OPR | LIS-BW: Characteristics from Order Header |
MC17I32OPR | LIS-BW: Process Data from Plant Maintenance Order |
MCAFIH | PM-/CS Order |
MCAFIH_ADMIN | Comm. structure: Order header: Local timestamp |
MCAFIH_CHAR | CommStructure: Order - characteristics (general) |
MCAFIH_CHAR_CUST | Comm. structure: Order - chars: Service sales data |
MCAFIH_CHAR_PMCS | Comm. structure: Order - chars: common chars PM/CS |
MCAFIH_CHAR_REG | Comm. structure: Order - chars: maintenance acc. to schedule |
MCAFIH_KYF | Comm. structure: Order - Key Figures |
MCAFIH_SYSTEM | Comm. structure: Order - tmestamp system |
MCAFIHB | Order with Reversal Flag |
MCILOA_CHAR | Comm. structure: Location and account assignment (PM/CS) |
MCQMEL_CHAR_PMCS | Communication Structure: Notif.- Chars Reference to Service |
MCVGIH | Order process PM/CS |
MCVGIH_CHAR | Comm. structure: Order - characteristics (general) |
MCVGIH_KEY | Comm. structure: Order process - key figures |
MCVGIHB | Process with cancellation flag |
PMCS_BW_ORDERS | Ranges for order number |
PRMCOLL | Structure for All Cost Tables - MCB Extractor |
PRMCOLL_ZT | Row Data for Data from Task List - MCB Extractor |
PRMEXT | Structure for External Work - MCB Extractor |
PRMEXT_ZT | Row Type for External Work - MCB Extractor |
PRMGMKZ_ZT | Row Type for External Work - MCB Extractor |
PRMINT | Structure for Internal Work - MCB Extractor |
PRMINT_ZT | Row Type for Internal Work - MCB Extractor |
PRMLSTG | Structure for Services - MCB Extractor |
PRMLSTG_ZT | Row Type for Services - MCB Extractor |
PRMMAT | Structure for Material - MCB Extractor |
PRMMAT_ZT | Row Type for Material - MCB Extractor |
PRMPLCS | BW Extraction Structure for PM Planned Costs |
TPLHIENODE | Interface: Elements of Hierarchy Technical Location |
TPLHIERSEL | Interface: Requested Technical Location Hierarchies |
SAP Package PMEX contains 3 programs.
RMBWV317 | BW V3 Updating, Application 17: Plant Maintenance |
RMCINEBW | Reconstruct BW Structures in Plant Maintenance |
RMCSNEBW | Reconstruction of BW Structures in Customer Service |
SAP Package PMEX contains 4 search helps.
EQUITOP | Top Equipment -> EQUZ-HEQUI = SPACE |
IFLSTOP | Coll. Srch Help Highest Func. Locs - with/w.o Altern. Label |
IFLTOP_MAK | Highest Functional Locations - WITH Altern. Labeling (MAK) |
IFLTOP_OAK | Highest Functional Locations - W/O Altern. Labeling (OAK) |
SAP Package PMEX contains 1 message classes.
IBW | Nachrichten zur PM Extraktion |