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Bei ansehen →The package PP0M (HR-CA: Manager's Desktop HR Components) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PP0M |
Short Text | HR-CA: Manager's Desktop HR Components |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PP0M contains 14 function groups.
HR_IT1019 | CHDO HR_IT1019 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
OHPP0M | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
RH_MDT_UNDO | Undo MDT transfers |
RH_ORGPUB_APP | OrgPublisher Integration/Application |
RH_ORGPUB_TABLE | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
RH_ORGPUB_TABLE2 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
RH_ORGPUB_TABLE3 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
RHMW1 | HR-MWB: Headcount Functions |
RHMW2 | HR-CA Utilities for Manager's Desktop |
RHMWAB | Required Positions |
RHMWBA0 | Application in MDT |
RHMWBC | MDT:Move and Others |
RHMWCOMP | Interface to Compensation |
RHMWRWIF | HR-MDT Interface to RW Reports |
SAP Package PP0M contains 12 transactions.
S_AHR_61000463 | IMG Activity: SIMG_MACBD |
S_AHR_61000467 | IMG Activity: SIMG_MACBFCC |
S_AHR_61000469 | IMG Activity: SIMG_MACSMW0 |
S_AHR_61000473 | IMG Activity: SIMG_MACFCH |
S_AHR_61000477 | IMG Activity: SIMG_MACFCO |
S_AHR_61000481 | IMG Activity: SIMG_MACBFCD |
S_AHR_61000485 | IMG Activity: SIMG_MACPOSBUD |
S_PH0_48000084 | Pos. Generation for Quota Planning |
S_PH0_48000085 | Freezing the Planned Quota |
S_PH0_48000086 | Copying Current Required Positions |
S_PH0_48000087 | Copy Quota Plng into Anoth. PlngType |
S_PH0_48000088 | Delete Unoccupied Pos. on Key Date |
SAP Package PP0M contains 9 database tables.
HRP1019 | DB Table for Infotype 1019 Required Positions |
HRT1019 | Table Section Infotype 1019 Required Positions |
T77AW_SCEN | Assignment of Eval. Paths (MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (Customer) |
T77AW_SCEN_SYST | Assignment of Eval. Paths (from MDT)->OrgPub Scenario (SAP) |
T77POSBUD | Basic Data for Quota Planning |
T77SCEN_AW | Default scenario for Org. chart data retrieval (customer) |
T77SCEN_AW_SYST | Default Scenarios for Org. Chart Data Retrieval (SAP) |
T77SCENQY | Queries per scenario and object type (customer) |
T77SCENQY_SYST | Queries per Scenario and Object Type (SAP) |
SAP Package PP0M contains 1 views.
HRV1019 | View of Infotype 1019 Required Positions |
SAP Package PP0M contains 20 structures.
BAPI_HRAQFIELDDESCRIPTION | Description of Fields in HRFIELDDATA ('Field Catalog') |
BAPI_HRFIELDDATA | Structure of Returned Data (Query) |
BAPI_ORGCHART | Structure with Input Data for Org. Chart BAPI |
BAPI_STRUC | Structure Evaluation Information (Org. Chart Data) |
BAPI_SWHACTOR | Role Resolution Result |
CUST_CONTENTS | Customer Fields (Number/Content) for OrgPublisher Cust. Exit |
HRHEADCNTBUDGET | Structure for Headcount Budget |
HRHEADCOUNTMATRIX | Headcount Matrix |
HRHEADCOUNTMATRIXCOLUMN | Headcount Matrix Column Description Manager's Desktop |
HRI1019 | Include Structure for Infotype 1019 |
HRPOSBUDSTR | Structure for Types of Time Interval |
HRPOSBUDTYP | Structure for Texts on Required Positions |
HRPOSITIONFTE | Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of Positions |
ORGPUB_CUSTOM_REC | Fields for OrgPublisher plus customer fields (tables) |
ORGPUB_REC | Org. Publisher (Timevision) Record |
P1019 | Infotype 1019 Required Positions |
P1019_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P1019_EXP | Expand Infotype 1019 Required Positions |
PT1019 | Table Section for Infotype 1019 Required Positions |
VHRT1019 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package PP0M contains 2 programs.
MP101900 | HR Module Pool Infotype 1019 |
MP1019BI | Visualizar tabla de resultados TAX |