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Bei ansehen →The package PPAP (Appraisal Systems) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package ABA.
Package | PPAP |
Short Text | Appraisal Systems |
Parent Package | ABA |
SAP Package PPAP contains 21 function groups.
0H0A | Customizing: Appraisals |
HR_CDOC_IT1043 | CHDO HR_IT1043 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HR_CDOC_IT1044 | CHDO HR_IT1044 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HR_CDOC_IT1045 | CHDO HR_IT1045 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HR_CDOC_IT1047 | CHDO HR_IT1047 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HR_CDOC_IT1048 | CHDO HR_IT1048 => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
HRPDV_PAD047 | Additional Data for Appraisals |
RH_APPRAISAL_BAPI | PA-PD: BAPIs for Appraisals |
RH_APPRAISAL_MODEL_BAPI | PA-PD: BAPIs for Appraisal Models |
RHPA | PA-PD: Appraisals - Technology |
RHPA_CALCULATE | PA-PD: Appraisals - Automatic Calculatn |
RHPA_GRAPHIC | PA-PD: Display SAP Business Graphics |
RHPA_PROCESSING | PA-PD: Appraisals - Processing |
RHPA_REPORTING | PA-PD: Appraisals - Reporting |
RHPA_SHOW | PA-PD: Appraisals -Maintenance Interface |
RHPA_SHOW_ENJOY | PA-PD: Appraisals -Maintenance Interface |
RHPA_WORKFLOW | PA-PD: Workflow for Appraisals |
RHPA_WWW | PA-PD: Appraisals on the WWW |
RHPS | PA-PD: Appraisals Catalog - Technology |
RHPS_SHOW | PA-PD: Appraisals Catalog - Interface |
RHPS_SHOW_CTRL | PA-PD: Appraisals Catalog (Control) |
SAP Package PPAP contains 15 transactions.
APPCHANGE | Reporting Options for Appraisals |
APPCREATE | Create Appraisal |
APPDELETE | Delete Appraisal |
APPDISPLAY | Display Appraisal |
APPSEARCH | Reporting Options for Appraisals |
APPTAKEBACK | Reset Appraisal Status to 'Active' |
OOAE | Settings for Appraisal Systems |
OOAM | Change Appraisals Catalog |
OOB1 | Form of Appraisal |
OOB2 | Assign Appraisal Model |
OOFUNC_AP | Functions - Appraisals |
PP_MY_APP | Appraisals With Me as Appraisee |
PP_MY_APP_CREATE | Create Appraisal |
PP_MY_APP_MGT | My Appraisals |
PPAD | Display Appraisals Catalog |
SAP Package PPAP contains 15 database tables.
HRP1043 | DB Table for Infotype 1043 |
HRP1044 | DB Table for Infotype 1044 |
HRP1045 | DB Table for Infotype 1045 |
HRP1047 | DB Table for Infotype 1047 |
HRP1048 | DB Table for Infotype 1048 |
HRPAD47 | PAD47 Additional Data |
HRT1043 | Table Section of Infotype 1043 |
HRT1045 | Infotype 1045 Table Section |
HRT1047 | Table Section of Infotype 1047 |
HRT1048 | Table Section of Infotype 1048 |
T77BF | PA-PD: Form of Appraisal |
T77BG | PA-PD: Form of Appraisal (Possible Relationships) |
T77FUNC | Functions |
T77FUNC_TEXT | Function Texts |
T77TF | PA-PD: Form of Appraisal (Name) |
SAP Package PPAP contains 1 views.
V_T77BG | Possible Combinations (Form of Appraisal) |
SAP Package PPAP contains 75 structures.
APP_CAT | Transfer Structure: Appraisals Catalog |
APPLIST | Parameters for List Display |
BAPIAPMHEAD | BAPI Structure: Appraisal Header |
BAPIAPPDATA | BAPI Structure: Appraisal (Rating) |
BAPIAPPHEAD | BAPI Structure: Appraisal Header |
BAPIAPPMODEL | Structure of Appraisal Model |
BAPIAPPRAISAL | BAPI Structure: Appraisals (GetList) |
BAPIAPPRAISEE | Structure for Appraisee |
BAPIAPPRAISER | Structure for Appraiser |
BAPIAPPSEARCH | BAPI Structure: Selection Criteria (GetList) |
BAPIEVALUATION | BAPI Structure: Reporting Options (Evaluations) |
BAPIPERIODAPP | BAPI Structure: Period Appraised |
BAPIPERIODSET | BAPI Structure: Creation Period (GetList) |
BAPIPERIODVALID | BAPI Structure: Period Appraised (GetList) |
BAPISCALE_QUANTITY | BAPI Structure: Quantity Scale |
DYNP_OBJECT | Screen Processing: Object |
DYNP_RHPA | Screen Processing: Function Group RHPA (Appraisal) |
DYNP_RHPA_REPORT | Screen Processing: Function Group RHPA_REPORTING |
DYNP_RHPS | Screen Processing: Function Group RHPS |
HRI1043 | Infotype 1043: Fields |
HRI1044 | Infotype 1044: Fields |
HRI1045 | Infotype 1045: Fields |
HRPDV_ALV_WORKLOAD | ALV Structure: Workload |
HRPDV_AP_FOLLOW_UP | PA-PD: Functions for Follow-Up Processing (Workflow) |
HRPDV_APPRAISAL_NOTES | Notes for Appraisals |
HRPDV_APPRAISAL_RANKING | ALV Structure: Ranking List of Appraisals |
HRPDV_APPRAISALS_RECEIVED | ALV Structure: Appraisals Where Appraisee |
HRPDV_APPRAISALS_TODO | ALV Structure: Appraisals To Be Processed |
HRPDV_PROCESS_FINAL | Structure: Functions for Follow-Up Processing |
HRPDV_PROCESS_PART | Structure: Functions for Processing Subappraisals |
HRPDV_S_SELID | Appraisals: Selections ID |
HRPE_APP_PARTIC | Structure: Appraisal - Objects Involved (List Output) |
HRPE_APP_STATUS | Structure: Possible Appraisal Statuses |
HRPE_APPFB | HR-PD: Info needed to calculate multisource results |
HRPE_APPORS_ADD | Structure: Additional Appraiser Data |
HRPE_APPR | HR-PD: Create Appraisal Model (Relationships) |
HRPE_APPRAISAL_STATE | ALV Structure: Appraisal Status |
HRPE_APPRAISALS | Structure: Appraisal |
HRPE_APPRAISEES | Structure: Appraisee |
HRPE_APPRAISORS | Structure: Appraiser |
HRPE_PARTIC_VIEW | Structure: Appraiser |
HRPE_PERIOD | Time Period (Start Date - End Date) |
HRPE_PROCESS | Structure: Follow-Up Processing Functions |
HRPE_PROFA | HR-PD: Appraisals -SOBID after OBJID- |
HRPE_SEL_CRIT | Appraisals: Detailed Selection Criteria (Appraisal Elements) |
HRSEL_PERIOD | Time Period (Start Date - End Date) |
KIND_STRU | Transfer Structure: Appraisal Type |
P1043 | Infotype 1043 |
P1043_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P1043_EXP | Infotype 1043 expanded |
P1044 | Infotype 1044: Results Specification |
P1044_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P1045 | Infotype 1045: Appraisals |
P1045_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P1045_EXP | Infotype 1045 expanded |
P1045_EXT | Infotype 1045 expanded (HRI1044 and screen added) |
P1047 | Infotype 1047 |
P1047_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P1047_EXP | Infotype 1047 expanded |
P1048 | Infotype 1048: Proficiency Description |
P1048_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P1048_EXP | Infotype 1048 expanded |
PAD47 | Additional Relationship Data for Appraisal Model |
PAD47_QUE | Structure for Additional Data in Query |
PT1043 | Fields for Table Section of Infotype 1043 |
PT1045 | Fields for Table Part of Infotype 1045 |
PT1045_ADD | Additional Data (Table Section of Rating) |
PT1045_EXT | Appraisal (infotype 1044 and screen fields added) |
PT1047 | Fields for Table Section of Infotype 1047 |
PT1047_EXT | Extended structure for processing modules |
PT1048 | Fields for Table Section of Infotype 1048 |
VHRT1043 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VHRT1045 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VHRT1047 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VHRT1048 | Change Document Structure, Generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package PPAP contains 22 programs.
MP104300 | HR Module Pool Infotype 1043 |
MP1043BI | Display tables with structure PC27T , New Zealand |
MP104400 | PD infotype 1044 |
MP1044BI | Batch Input - Infotype 1044 |
MP104500 | PD infotype 1045 |
MP104700 | HR PLAN Module Pool Infotype 1047 |
MP1047BI | Display tables with structure PC27T , New Zealand |
MP104800 | HR Module Pool Infotype 1048 |
MP1048BI | Display tables with structure PC27T , New Zealand |
RHPE_APP_CHANGE | Reporting options for appraisals |
RHPE_APP_CREATE | Create Appraisal |
RHPE_APP_DELETE | Delete appraisal |
RHPE_APP_DISPLAY | Display Appraisal |
RHPE_APP_SEARCH | Reporting options for appraisals |
RHPE_APP_TAKE_BACK | Reset status of appraisal to 'Active' |
RHPE_WWW_MY_APPRAISALS | Appraisals Where I Have Been the Appraisee |
RHPEACAT | Display/Change Appraisal Model Catalog |
RHXPEACD | Display Appraisals Catalog |
RHXPEACM | Edit Appraisals Catalog |
SAPMHPA1 | View Cluster for Form of Appraisal |
SAP Package PPAP contains 2 search helps.
HRPDV00_FUNCNAME | General function |
HRPDV00_FUNCNAME_FOLLOW_UP | Function for follow-up processing of appraisals |