
SAP Package QG03

QM quality information system (Q messages and errors)

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The package QG03 (QM quality information system (Q messages and errors)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package QG03
Short Text QM quality information system (Q messages and errors)
Parent Package APPL


SAP Package QG03 contains 17 transactions.

MCOA QMIS: Cust. analysis, Lot overview
MCOC QMIS: Cust. Analysis Quant. Overview
MCOE QMIS: Customer Analysis Q Score
MCOG QMIS: Customer Analysis Lot Counter
MCOI QMIS: Customer Analysis Quantities
MCOK QMIS: Customer Analysis Expense
MCOM QMIS: Customer Analysis Level/Disp.
MCOO QMIS: Customer analysis - insp. lots
MCOP QMIS: Cust. Analysis Item Q Not.
MCOV QMIS: Cust. Anal. Overview Q Not.
MCOX QMIS: Customer Analysis Defects
MCVP QMIS: vendor analysis items Q notif.
MCVX QMIS: Vendor analysis defects
MCVZ QMIS: Ven. Analysis- Q Not. Overview
MCXP QMIS: Matl. Analysis - Q Notif. Item
MCXV QMIS: mat. analysis overview Q not.
MCXX QMIS: Material analysis defects


SAP Package QG03 contains 1 views.

VQMFEEL_V1 Item and header data for the notification (QMIS)


SAP Package QG03 contains 14 structures.

MCQKENNZ1 QMIS field attributes indicators (Q notifications/defects)
MCQQFADD QMIS field attributes indicators (Q notifications/defects)
MCQQFADD_M Additional structure to QMIS notifications: characteristics
MCQQFUSR QMIS user fields Q notifications/defects (items)
MCQQMADD QMIS field attributes indicators (Q notifications/defects)
MCQQMUSR QMIS user data Q notifications/defects
MCQQQFADD QMIS Field Attributes Indicators (Q Notifications/Defects)
QRG10 Ranges for Q notification type (Doma QMART)
QRG11 Ranges for report category (DOMA FEART)
QRG12 Ranges for Catalog type (DOMA QKATART)
QRG13 Ranges for code group (DOMA QCODEGRP)
QRG14 Ranges for Code (DOMA QCODE)
QRG15 Ranges for Notification Number (DOMA QMNUM)
SQM0E Supplementary identifiers for defect analysis


SAP Package QG03 contains 10 programs.

RMCQ0300 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS
RMCQ0400 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS
RMCQ0500 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS
RMCQ0600 Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS
RMCQ0700 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS
RMCQ0800 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS
RMCQ0900 Sample Program for Generating Standard Analyses in LIS
RMCQ1000 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS
RMCQ1100 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS
RMCQ1200 Sample program for generating standard analyses in LIS