Stability Study

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The package QSTABI (Stability Study) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package EA-PLM.

Technical Information

Package QSTABI
Short Text Stability Study
Parent Package EA-PLM

Function Groups

SAP Package QSTABI contains 11 function groups.

0QST Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
QST01 QM: Stability Study Follow-Up Functions
QST02 Stability Study Inspection Lot
QST03 QM: Stability Study UD Follow-Up Actions
QST04 Read Modules for Stability Study
QST05 QM: Flexible Inspection Specifications
QST06 Services for Stability Study
QST07 Manage Additional Notification Data
QSTEXM BADI Implementations (Stability Study)
QSTH QM: Stability Study Results History


SAP Package QSTABI contains 11 transactions.

QCC_STABI Copy Stability Study Customizing
QCC_STABI_NK Copy Stability Study Number Ranges
QST01 Create Stability Study
QST03 Display Stability History
QST04 Display Inspection Plans
QST05 Graphical Scheduling Overview
QST06 Scheduling Overview (StabilityStudy)
QST07 Change Testing Schedule Items
QST08 Display Testing Schedule Items
QST09 Maintain Planning Building Block
QST10 Display Planning Module

Database Tables

SAP Package QSTABI contains 4 database tables.

TQ43 Storage Conditions
TQ43T Description of Storage Conditions
TQ45 Primary Packaging (Stability Study)
TQ45T Descriptions of Primary Packaging (Stability Study)


SAP Package QSTABI contains 5 views.

QPRS_SEL_Q Selection of Samples for Phys.-Sample Drawing/Notification
QSTH_DB_SEL QM Stabi: Selection of Stability Study History Detail Data
V_MPLA_T399W View for Selection of Maintenance Plans for Call Object Type
V_TQ43 Maintenance of Storage Conditions
V_TQ45 Maintenance of Primary Packaging


SAP Package QSTABI contains 33 structures.

QMEL_EXT_ADDON_APPEND_STABI Additional Fields for Notification (Stability Study)
QST007 Structure for Report RQSTA007 (Testing Schedule Items List)
QST010000 QSTABI: Header Data Stabi Samples (QST01, Var. Screens)
QST010100 QSTABI: Creation of Initial Sample (QST01, Screen 0100)
QST010150 QSTABI: Changing of Initial Sample (QST01, Screen 0150)
QST010200 QSTABI:Definition of Storage Conditions (QST01, Screen 0200)
QST010250 QSTABI: Changing of Storage Conditns (QST01, Screen 0250 ao)
QST010300 QSTABI: Confirmation of Initial Sample (QST01, Screen 0300)
QST010700 QM StabiStudy: Create Testing Schedule (Screen QST01, 0700)
QST010900 QSTABI: Assignment of Bill of Material (QST01, Screen 0900)
QST021000 Screen Fields SAPLQST02, Screen 1000
QST02TYPELIST Structure for Display of Inspection Type List for an Origin
QSTA004 QM:Structure f. ALV f. List Display of Task List w. Packages
QSTA006 Display Structure: Reporting for TestSchedItems and Dates
QSTEXM0020 Fields of the Reference Object Screen for Stability Study
QSTEXM0030 Screen Fields SAPLQSTEXM, Screen 30
QSTEXM0040 Screen Fields: Subscreen of Badi IWO1_SUBSCREEN_0170
QSTH_CHAR QMStabi: All Chars for all Insp. Lots of a Storage Condition
QSTH_DIS_HEADER QMStabi: Display Structure for Stability History-Header Data
QSTH_DIS_ICON QM Stabi: Display Structure for Stability History - Icons
QSTH_DIS_RESULT QM Stabi: Display Structure for Stability History - Results
QSTH_DIS_TABS QMStabi: Display Structure for Stability History - Tab Pages
QSTH_DISPLAY QMStabi: Display Structure for Stability History -Char. Data
QSTH_LOT QM Stability Study: Insp. Lots for Storage Condition
QSTH_RESULT QMStabi: Results for Characteristic for a Storage Condition
QSTH_STABI_CON QM Stability Study: Storage Conditions
QSTLOT QMStabi: Inspection Lots for Storage Condition of StabiStudy
QSTQALS0001 Addon Fields for Table QALS for the Stability Study
QSTQMEL0001 Additional Errors for Notification (Stability Study)
QSTQNPRINT Form Printing: Extended Sample Data w. Short Txts StabiStudy
QSTQPRS0001 Addon Fields for Stability Study
QSTQPRSTXT Supplement Phys. Sample with Status, User Status, and Texts
RQMQMELSTABI QM Stabi:Structure f. Notif.List f. Display of Stabi History


SAP Package QSTABI contains 7 programs.

RQSTA001 QM Stability Study: Print Program - Storage List
RQSTA002 QM Stability Study: Print Program - Sample Removal List
RQSTA003 Display Stability History (List of Studies)
RQSTA004 Display of Packages Used in Inspection Plans
RQSTA005 Graphical Scheduling Overview (Stability Study)
RQSTA006 List of Dates (Stability Study)
RQSTA007 Testing Scheule Item List - Stability Study

Search Helps

SAP Package QSTABI contains 5 search helps.

H_TQ43 Help View for TQ43 Storage Condition for Stability Study
MPLA_QST Testing Schedules for Stability Study
QPRS_ADDON ADDON Search Helps for Collective Search Help QPRS
QPRSQ Physical Samples for Stability Study
QST_MAT1B Material with BOM

Message Classes

SAP Package QSTABI contains 1 message classes.

QST Stabiliätstsudie