
SAP Package RSRD

BW: Broadcasting

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The package RSRD (BW: Broadcasting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.

Technical Information

Package RSRD
Short Text BW: Broadcasting
Parent Package RS_BW_STRUPAK

Function Groups

SAP Package RSRD contains 3 function groups.

RSRD_GENERAL Broadcasting, General Function Modules
RSRD_OPEN_DIALOG_SAPGUI Open Dialog with SAPGui Interface
RSRD_PROCESS_CHAIN Boadcaster: Initiate with Process Chains


SAP Package RSRD contains 3 transactions.

RSRD_LOG Broadcaster Application Log
RSRD_REPLAY Restart Broadcasting for Log Number
RSRD_START Start Broadcaster for Test Purposes

Database Tables

SAP Package RSRD contains 28 database tables.

RSRD_ATTR Broadcasting Framework: Producer/Distributor Attributes
RSRD_ATTR_DEP Dependencies Between Attributes
RSRD_ATTR_GROUP Broadcasting Framework: Attribute Groups of Classes
RSRD_ATTR_GROUPT Broadcasting Framework: Attribute Groups of Classes -Texts
RSRD_ATTR_VALUE Posible Values for Class Attributes in Broadcasting Framewk
RSRD_ATTRT Broadcasting Framework: Texts for Attributes
RSRD_DISTTYPE Document Types in Broadcasting Framework
RSRD_DISTTYPE_OF Possible Output Formats for This Distribution Type
RSRD_DISTTYPET Text Table for Document Types
RSRD_DOC_ATTR Document Attributes Generated from a Class
RSRD_DOC_ATTRT Broadcasting Framework: Texts for Document Attributes
RSRD_HASH_CNT Frequency of Use of Broadcast Targets
RSRD_OUTFORM Output Formats in Broadcast Framework
RSRD_OUTFORM_OT Output Format per BW Object Type
RSRD_OUTFORMT Text Table for Output Formats
RSRD_PERS_STRING Personalization of Texts - Mapping Table for Hash Code
RSRD_REGISTR_USR Permitted User for Registering Settings for Events
RSRD_REGISTRATN Registration of Settings to Events (Report Dissemination)
RSRD_SETT_NODE Nodes from Broadcast Settings
RSRD_SETT_NODE_A Attributes for Nodes from Broadcast Settings
RSRD_SETT_NODE_T Language-Dependent Attributes for Nodes from Settings
RSRD_SETTING Broadcasting Settings
RSRD_SETTINGT Texts for Settings in Broadcasting Framework


SAP Package RSRD contains 5 views.

RSRD_V_DISTTYPE Distribution Types
RSRD_V_OUTFORM View for Output Format
RSRD_V_REGISTRTN Broadcasting Monitor View Using Registrations and Settings
RSRD_V_SETTING View Using Broadcast Settings and Texts


SAP Package RSRD contains 37 structures.

RSRD_S_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP Attribute Group (for Grouping on Tabstrips, and so on)
RSRD_S_CLASS_INSTANCE Administration of Framework Class Instances
RSRD_S_DOC_ATTRIBUTE Document Attribute in Broadcasting Framework
RSRD_S_EVENT Scheduling for Event in Broadcaster
RSRD_S_FILE Report Dissemination: File
RSRD_S_INFOCUBE Maintenance Process Type Data Change: InfoCubes
RSRD_S_IOBJNM_DT Data ofor InfoObject when Filtering in Broadcasting
RSRD_S_KM_FOLDER List of KM Folders
RSRD_S_LANGUAGE_USER Required Language/User Combinations in Job Scheduling
RSRD_S_LOG_HEADER_CONTEXT Context Information for Application Log Header
RSRD_S_LOG_MESSAGE_CONTEXT Application Log Context for a Message
RSRD_S_RECIPIENT Recipient-Specific Creation of Documents
RSRD_S_REG_SELECT Selection Parameter for Registration
RSRD_S_REGISTRATION Registration Information for UI
RSRD_S_SETTING_DT Setting Parameters for Design Time
RSRD_S_SETTING_NODE Nodes of a Setting for Design Time
RSRD_S_SETTING_NODE_DT Nodes of a Setting for Run Time
RSRD_S_SETTING_OVERVIEW Fields for Overview Display of Settings in Broadcaster
RSRD_S_SETTING_SCHEDULING Information for Explicit Scheduling of Settings
RSRD_S_TEXT_VARIABLE Text Variables in Broadcasting
RSRD_S_USER User in Broadcasting Framework
RSRD_S_USER_MAPPING Mapping of BW Users to Portal Users
RSRD_S_VALUE Value with text
RSRD_S_VARIANT Maintenance Process Type Data Change: Variants in Pro. Chain
RSRD_S_WORKLOAD Auxiliary Structure:Segment Workload During Event Processing
RSRD_SX_ATTRIBUTE Attribute of a Producer/Distributor Class in RD Framework
RSRD_SX_CLASS_DT Broadcaster Class for Design Time
RSRD_SX_CONTROL_QUERY Definition of the Control Query (Design Time Format)
RSRD_SX_DOCUMENT Document in Broadcasting Framework
RSRD_SX_DOCUMENT_PLUS Document with Attributes and Authorization Information
RSRD_SX_ITEM_DETAIL Detailed Information on Setting Layout in Broadcast Item
RSRD_SX_ITEM_OVERVIEW Data on the Layout of the Overview Section in Broadcast Item
RSRD_SX_REGISTRATION Data on Registration View in Broadcast Item
RSRD_SX_SCHEDULING Scheduling Information for the Help Window
RSRD_SX_UI_ELEMENT Atribute as UI Element
RSRD_SX_USERS User in Broadcasting Framework


SAP Package RSRD contains 10 programs.

RSRD_BOOKMARK_REORGANISATION Reorganization of Bookmarks/ View IDs (Generated in Broadcasting)
RSRD_BROADCAST_FOR_TIMEPOINT Executing Broadcast Settings for a Predefined Time
RSRD_BROADCAST_LOG Broadcasting: Log Display
RSRD_BROADCAST_PROCESSOR Report Dissemaintion Framework: Executing the Transferred Settings
RSRD_BROADCAST_REENTRY Restarting a Cancelled Job Using the Application Log Number
RSRD_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_EXPORT Export UI Description Producer/Distributor to a Local XML File
RSRD_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_IMPORT Import UI Description Producer/Distributor from Local XML File
RSRD_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSPORT Transport Attributes for Producer/Distributer Classes (Broadcasting)
RSRD_CLEAN_SCHEDULES Deletion of Schedules for Settings That No Longer Exist

Search Helps

SAP Package RSRD contains 4 search helps.

RSRD_INFOPROVIDER Selection of InfoProviders
RSRD_LOG_SUBOBJECT Broadcaster: Selection of Subobjects for Application Log
RSRD_SETTING_ID Selection of Broadcast Settings
RSRD_TP_EVENT_ID Selection of a Time with Registration

Message Classes

SAP Package RSRD contains 1 message classes.

RSRD Report Dissemiantion

Authorization Objects

SAP Package RSRD contains 1 authorization objects.

S_RS_BCS BEx Broadcasting Authorization for Scheduling