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Bei ansehen →The package S_ASAP (ASAP Roadmap Migration to KW) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | S_ASAP |
Short Text | ASAP Roadmap Migration to KW |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package S_ASAP contains 16 database tables.
IALSAPFILE | ia_lutSAPFileType |
IALSAPFILT | ia_lut SAP File Type (Text Table) |
IWB4CHKF | ASAP: File Name of Last Checkout |
IWB4CHKO | ASAP: Check-Out Data for Physical Info Object |
IWB4LOIO | ASAP: Instance of Logical Info Object |
IWB4LOIOT | ASAP: Description of Logical Info Object |
IWB4LOPR | ASAP: Attribute Values of Logical Info Objects |
IWB4LORE | ASAP: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects |
IWB4LORI | ASAP: Ingoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects |
IWB4PHF | ASAP: Files of Physical Info Objects |
IWB4PHHR | ASAP: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
IWB4PHIO | ASAP: Instances of Physical Info Objetcs |
IWB4PHNM | ASAP: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
IWB4PHPR | ASAP: Attributes of Physical Info Objects |
IWB4PHRE | ASAP: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects |
IWB4PHRI | ASAP: Ingoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects |