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Bei ansehen →The package SAUS (Transport Control (Repository Switch)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SAUS |
Short Text | Transport Control (Repository Switch) |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SAUS contains 20 function groups.
SAUS | Repository Switch Tools |
SUG_SHD | Modules running in shadow system |
SUG1 | Upgrade Modules, Available as of 4.5 |
SUG2 | Upgrade: Function Implementation < 3.0 |
SUG4 | Upgrade Modules with 4.0 Structures |
SUGA | Substitution Modules after Switch |
SUGB | Low-Level TODIR/GTODIR Interface |
SUGC | Switch: Functions as of 3.00 |
SUGD | Switch: Hierarchy Compatible with 2.1 |
SUGF | Accessing the Shadow Repository |
SUGI | Repository Switch Import Tools |
SUGL | Modules to Access System Logs |
SUGM | Administrating Components in the Upgrade |
SUGN | Rep. Switch Upgrade: Nametab Interface |
SUGO | Accessing Delivery Content (TODIR) |
SUGQ | Calculate modules for Support Package Q |
SUGR | Modules Exclusively for the Upgrade |
SUGS | External Interfaces of Upgrade |
SUGX | Repository Switch General Tools |
SXSF | Existence Check for Transport Fragments |
SAP Package SAUS contains 35 database tables.
ADDONCHECK | Relationship Between Enterprise Add-Ons + Check F. Modules |
AVERS | Information About Updates of R/3 Add-On Products |
COMP_LAYER | Component Layering |
CVERS_REF | Reference Table for CVERS Entries |
CVERS_TXT | Component Version System Information |
DDDTRENUPG | DD: Table for Renaming Data Elements During Upgrade |
DDMTF | Nametab Field Structure for Delayed Writing |
DDMTT | Nametab header structure for delayed writing |
DDYTF | Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTF) |
DDYTT | Substitution Nametab (shadow-shadow-nametab for DDXTT) |
EXCHOBJ | Upgrade: Substitution-Relevant Objects |
FINDOEXCPT | List of Exceptions for Program RDDFINDO (See Documentation) |
GODIR | Central Object Directory (Contains All Known Objects) |
GODIRLOCK | Synchronization for Reports that Fill GODIR |
LANGTRKORR | Languages/Requests/Components (in the Upgrade) |
NAVERS | UPG: Information About Updates of R/3 Add-On Products |
NAVERS_EXT | UPG: Additional Information for Software Comp. (in AVERS) |
NCVERS | Table of Software Components in the Shadow Repository |
PUTTB | Substituted Tables of a Release |
PUTTB_SHD | Control Table for Shadow Import During the Upgrade |
PUTTBX | Extension of Puttb |
RELCOMPMAP | Extend Table RELEASEMAP by Components |
RELEASEMAP | Mapping Table for Bit Field: (G)TODIR-RELMAP |
RSTODIRD | Table for Storing the Results of Report RSTODIRD |
SHADOW | Table for shadow system (during upgrade) exclusively |
TAREF | Table References of the Transportable Object Types |
TODIR | Object List for Switch |
TRIGTAB | Table Containing All Tables |
UPGPARAM | Upgrade Parameters |
UPGTATAF | Control Table for Creating Indexes in Advance |
UPGTBATG | Control Table for Creating Indexes in Advance |
UPGXPRA | Upg: Log Table for RSXPRAUP |
UVERS | Upgrade Information |
UVERS_HIST | Upgrade Information - History |
UXCLIST | List of Tables to Be Converted Externally with Exp./Imp. |
SAP Package SAUS contains 51 structures.
ADDONUP | Structure for All Add-On Products in the Upgrade |
COMPINFO | Release Upgrade Information of a Component |
CONFL_OBJ | Transport Object Triggers Conflict |
CVERS_PAST | Parameter Structure for UPG_GET_PAST_COMP_REL |
DDYTFS | Structure for Shadow DDXTF |
DDYTTS | Structure for Shadow DDXTT |
DX040L | Nametab Header, Database Structure DDNTT |
DX041L | Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF |
GSAUS_PA | Interface Parameter FUGR SAUS |
GSUGI_PA | Parameter Description for Function Group SUGI |
GSUGR_PA | Parameter Structures of the Function Group SUGR |
LANGBUFENT | Buffer Entry for Language Import in the Upgrade |
LOGTABLE_S | Structure for Log Table of Enterprise Add-On Check Modules |
NCVERS_I | Copy of NCVERS with 3.0D Data Elements |
PATCHLIST | Request List for Queue Calculator/Missing Support Packages |
PATCHQSEQ | Return Structure of the Support Package Sequence |
PATCHQSEQ2 | Return Structure of the Support Package Sequence |
PUTTABNAME | SL136: Structure to Define an Upgrade Command File List |
PUTTBXS | Extension of Puttb (Include) |
RS40_DDXTT | This structure must always look like DDXTT |
RS40_DTELT | Transfer Structure for FM SUBST_GET_DELIVERED_DTELS |
RS40_TADIR | 4.0 TADIR Structure for 4.0 Upgrade |
RS40FIELDS | Upgrade: Extended Fields in Release 4.0 |
RSFILLST | Structure for Function Module SUBST_GET_FILE_LIST |
RSMRGSTR | Structure for Function Module SUBST_MERGE_LIST |
RSUPGSTC | Structure as a Reference for FB UPGRADE_READ_TABLE_SIZES |
RSUPGTALST | Return Structure for Function Module PUT_READ_RSUPGTAS_DATA |
SAUS_DPARA | Repository Switch: Definitions for FM Interfaces |
SAUS_TABNM | List of Table Names |
SUGB_FPARA | Transfer Parameter for FUGR SUGB |
SUGB_PARA | Atomic Data Types for FUGR SUGB |
SUGE_DISTT | Subst.: Frequency Distribution of Domains, Data Elements |
SUGE_FPARA | Interface Parameter FUGR SUGE |
SUGI_FPARA | Data Structures for FUGR SUGI |
SUGI_PAE | Export Parameter for Function Group SUGI |
SUGI_SRUM | Structure for Database Request (Used in R3up) |
SUGI_TBTAB | Internal Structure for FUGR SUGI |
SUGI_TLINE | Substitution: Structure for SUBST_START_REPORT (Tab. Par.) |
SUGI_TSTAT | Status Table for List Processing Function Modules |
SUGN_FPARI | Substitution Upgrade: Interface Structure for FUGR SUGN |
SUGRS | Job Log Entries in List Format |
SUGRS3 | Text Table with 256 Characters per Line |
SUGS_FPARA | Reference Fields for Function Modules for Funct. Group SUGS |
SUGX_DISTT | Subst.: Frequency Distribution of Domains, Data Elements |
SUGX_FPARA | Interface Parameter for FUGR SUGX |
SUGX_HIST | Substitution: Transfer Structure for TODIR_HISTORY |
SUGX_TNAME | List of Table Names |
SUPG_TAREP | Upgrade: Param.Structure for SUBST_GET_OPEN_SAPOBJ_TAS_REPS |
UPGLOCSIZE | Structure of the Freespace Requirements on the DB in Upgrade |
V4TRKLIST | List with Transport Requests, Format > 4.0 |
SAP Package SAUS contains 106 programs.
RADDRCHK | DD: Check for Data Elements with Conflicts |
RADDRREP | DD: Preparation of additional data elements with conflicts |
RADTBNEX | DD: Check whether Changed EXPAND can Result in Problems |
RADUTOPS | DD: Adjustment of ORA Parameters to db_block_size |
RADUTORA | DD: Adjustment of ORA Memory to db_block_size |
RDDAPPSE | Check for connected Application Servers |
RDDCLTAF | Repositiory Switch: Deletion of Table TATAF |
RDDCOLLE | Repository switch: Collect the DDIC objects after the SPDD adjustment |
RDDCOMBO | Insert a Command File in Another Command File |
RDDCP4TB | Repository Switch: Modify TADIR with Entries for New Release |
RDDCP6TB | Repository Switch: Modify TADIR with Entries for New Release |
RDDDBSTA | Exclusion of Substitution Tables of Update Statistics in DBSTATC |
RDDDL4TA | Repository Switch: Modify TADIR with Entries for New Release |
RDDDL4TB | Repository Switch: Modify TADIR with Entries for New Release |
RDDFINDL | Auxilliary Program for RDDFINDO: Fills List w. Exception Obj.w/o TADIR |
RDDGENLD | Generate ABAP LOADS According to Object List - New: SGEN |
RDDGENRS | Generate Programs Required for the Repository Switch |
RDDGETGT | Conflict Test of a Transport Object With Delivery |
RDDINDCH | Call index check |
RDDINDDL | Exchange procedure: collect all existing indexes (in textfile) |
RDDINDPR | Exchange procedure: collect all existing indexes (in textfile) |
RDDIT006 | Report for determining customer export for exchange procedure |
RDDIT008 | Log writer is checked with write test |
RDDIT020 | FULLTASK Calculation for Transferred Add-Ons in the Upgrade |
RDDIT021 | Inclusion of R/3 Add-On Products in the Delivery |
RDDIT023 | Ending Add-On Component Import, Starting Post-Processing |
RDDITCUG | Generate All GUIs |
RDDLDINV | Repository Switch: Invalidate Intermediary ABAP Loads |
RDDLDTCH | Repository Switch: Invalidate Intermediary ABAP Loads |
RDDMODIF | Modifications in the ABAP Workbench Since the Date Specified |
RDDMVSUB | Repository Switch: Modify TADIR with Entries for New Release |
RDDNT4DL | Delete Inactive Nametab Entries for New Tables |
RDDNT4MD | Adjusts Mode Flags in Inactive Nametabs during Upgrade |
RDDNT5MD | Adjusts Mode Flags in Inactive Nametabs during Upgrade |
RDDNTPUR | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Cleanup |
RDDPURI1 | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Cleanup |
RDDPURI2 | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Cleaning Up |
RDDPURI3 | Repository switch: HR-table cleaning for 30A |
RDDPURI4 | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Cleaning Up |
RDDPURI6 | Repository Switch: Rolled Out Code of RDDPURIF |
RDDPURIF | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Cleaning Up |
RDDPURIS | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Cleanup |
RDDPUTTB | Maintenance Tool for Table PUTTB (Exchange Procedure) |
RDDRFCTM | Repository Switch: Generate New Empty Clone Table DDFTX<REL> |
RDDRPTA0 | Repair Report |
RDDSAVT3 | DD: Saves customer entries of DDART, DARTT, IA*/TA* (*<-> ORA, INF,..) |
RDDSAVT4 | DD: Saves Customer Entries of DDART, DARTT, IA*/TA* (*<-> ORA, INF,..) |
RDDSAVTE | DD: Saves customer entries of DDART, DARTT, IA*/TA* (*<-> ORA, INF,..) |
RDDTAXI2 | Extension of RDDTAXIT for the upgrade |
RDDTAXIT | Pre-upgrade program to generate/modify TADIR entries (XPRA) |
RDDXPAND | Expansion of an Object List at the TADIR level |
RDDYT2NT | Substitution: Copy Container Nametab --> Inactive Nametab |
RSADDONCHECK | Check in upgrade for including Enterprise add-ons |
RSAFCHK2 | Check/clean up hex 0 values in CHAR fields |
RSAFCHK3 | Check/clean up hex 0 values in CHAR fields |
RSCNVADR | Wrapper for Log Writing for Address Data Conversion In Prepare |
RSCPFROM | System Switch Upgrade: Copy Entries from Shadow System |
RSCVINIT | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Performing Cleanups |
RSDB02CK | Test, to call DB02 and write the result into a log |
RSDBNTCK | Checks whether a nametab entry exists for all database objects |
RSDCDDXT | Repository Switch: DROP/CREATE of Table DDXTF |
RSDELKMC | Repository Switch: Create D Nametabs for K Matchcodes during Export |
RSDLDSEQ | Delete Physical Pools of Screen Sequence Controls |
RSEXCHANGEOBJS | Determine All Transport Object Types for Substitution Tables |
RSFFCHKD | Check for and Replace hex-0-data in dec-fields of pool-tables |
RSGENYTT | Filling Table DDYTT/F from Shadow DDXTT/F |
RSINCGEN | Generation of the repository switch includes |
RSINDCRE | Preliminary Creation of Secondary Indexes in Upgrade |
RSINDSTP | Preliminary Creation of Secondary Indexes in Upgrade - Stopper |
RSINTCON | Converts Interface of Function Modules 3.0 - 2.1 |
RSLACBUCE | Changing flag for LATRANS |
RSMFCONV | Reset mode flag in DDXTT |
RSNTSYNC | Sync all nametab buffers |
RSPARAGEN | Report for Parallel Generation of ABAP Loads |
RSPATMRG | Merging Patch Object Lists in Table TODIR |
RSPTBFIL | Upgrade: Control of Table Changes |
RSPUSCA4 | Import documentation from customer system to new SAP system |
RSSTORPA | Saving the DB Memory Parameters for All Shadow Tables |
RSTABXTT | Set DDXTT tablsize Field for Parallel PCON Phase |
RSTODIRD | List of Objects Deleted Between Source and Target Release |
RSTODIRS | Display Delivery Table TODIR |
RSTODIRX | Starter for RSTODIRD (Background) for Start by Upgrade |
RSTRESNC | Repository Switch: Modify TADIR with Entries for New Release |
RSUMODIN | Program for Initializing Modification Adjustment |
RSUPDTEC | Prepare tablespaces for MCOD systems |
RSUPG_DDXTT_TABLSIZE | Template Report for Upgrade Reports |
RSUPGBAD | Deactivating BADIs During the Upgrade |
RSUPGBWD | Upgrade: Start Watchdog for Batch Process |
RSUPGDEC | Upgrade: Check DDIC Extension Category |
RSUPGEND | Administrative Work at End of Upgrade |
RSUPGRES | Resetting the Upgrade |
RSUPGRFC | Create RFC Connection for Support |
RSUPGSLI | Configuring the Selective Language Import |
RSUPGSUD | Upgrade Analysis for Repository Switch Upgrade |
RSUVSAVE | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Performing Cleanups |
RSVBCHCK | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Performing Cleanups |
RSVRSALT | Calculate ALTER Statements for Version Tables in Shadow Upgrade |
RSWBO230 | Delete Upgrade Command Files (Release 3.0 and Higher) |
RSXPRACK | Check whether the XPRA was removed from the upgrade |
RSXPRAUP | Set and Reset Flags for Execution of XPRA |
RXPRECHK | Repository Switch: Tool Report for Performing Cleanups |
SAP Package SAUS contains 1 search helps.
H_CVERS | Active Software Components, Releases |
SAP Package SAUS contains 3 message classes.
TG | Nachrichten des Austauschverfahrens |
TH | Nachrichten fuer das Austauschverfahren |
TQ | Nachrichten des R3up |