
SAP Package SBDC

SAP Batch Input

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The package SBDC (SAP Batch Input) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SBDC
Short Text SAP Batch Input
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SBDC contains 4 function groups.

SBDC Batch Input
SBDG FMs to generate batch input programs
SBDP Batch Input Logs
SBDR Batch Input Recording


SAP Package SBDC contains 3 transactions.

SHDB Batch Input Transaction Recorder
SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
SM35P Batch Input: Log Monitoring

Database Tables

SAP Package SBDC contains 4 database tables.

APQI Queue info definition
APQL Batch Input Log Directory
BDCUSEOP User-Specific Options for Transaction SM35


SAP Package SBDC contains 28 structures.

BDC_RECORD Fields for batch input recording
BDC_SESSIO Batch input: Session parameters
BDCDATA Batch input: New table field structure
BDCDATAOLD Batch input: New Table Field Structure
BDCDF Modified fields of a recording
BDCFT Batch input: Input table field structure
BDCLD Batch input log directory
BDCLK Batch input: Log message key
BDCLM Batch input: Log messages
BDCMH Batch input: Message header
BDCMSGCOLL Collecting messages in the SAP System
BDCREORG Structure for lock object esbtcreorg
BDCRUN Batch input: Runtime analysis
BDCTH Batch input: Transaction header
CTU_PARAMS Parameter string for runtime of CALL TRANSACTION USING...
D0100 Help Structure for Batch Input Processing
D0200 Help structure for screen documentation 200
D0220 Help structure for screen documentation 220
D0230 Help structure for screen documentation 230
D0300 Help structure for screen 300 (Start Batch Input)
D0400 Help structure for screen documentation 400
D0500 Help structure for screen documentation 500
D0800 Batch input: Screen 800
MHDR Batch input: Message header
MSBTC Screen fields for module pool sapmsbtc
RFC_SPAGPA SPA/GPA structure for RFC
RLOG Transfer parameter for program RSBDCLOG from BTCU
THDR Batch input: Transaction header


SAP Package SBDC contains 29 programs.

RSBDC_ANALYSE Batch input: session analysis
RSBDC_ARCHDEL Program to Delete Batch Input Logs Using ADK
RSBDC_ARCHIVE Archiving Batch Input Logs Using ADK
RSBDC_ARCHREAD Program for Sequential Batch Input Archive Read Using ADK
RSBDC_PROTOCOL Batch Input: Session Logs
RSBDC_REORG Batch Input: Reorganize Sessions and Logs
RSBDCBTC Utility Report For Batch Input
RSBDCBTC_SUB Utility Report For Batch Input
RSBDCCKA TemSe Object Check
RSBDCCKT TemSe Object Check
RSBDCCUA Batch input: Display of the key setting for bi
RSBDCDAT Batch Input: Export and Import of Sessions
RSBDCDEL Delete recordings
RSBDCDMP Dump for a Queue
RSBDCDRU Batch Input: Print Session Contents
RSBDCLCH Convert Old BDC Logs to TemSe BDC Logs
RSBDCOS0 Execute OS Command (Logged in SYSLOG and Trace Files)
RSBDCREC Generate Batch Input Program From Recording
RSBDCREO Batch Input: Reorganize Sessions and Logs
RSBDCRSE Search for Recordings
RSBDCSUB Batch Input: Process All Sessions
RSBDCTL1 Cross-system analysis of database for batch input sessions
RSBDCTL2 Select/delete batch input sessions in a client
RSBDCTL3 Analyze Batch Input Logs for Missing Clients and Folders
RSBDCTL5 Correction of Batch Input Sessions with Invalid Lock Dates
RSBDCTL6 Selection/Deletion of Batch Input Sessions or Recordings
SAPMSBDC_CC Batch Input: Session Monitoring
SAPMSBDT Transaktionsrecorder Batch-Input

Message Classes

SAP Package SBDC contains 1 message classes.

D6 Meldungen zur Umsetzung von BI Protokollen in TemSe Dateien

Authorization Objects

SAP Package SBDC contains 1 authorization objects.

S_BDC_MONI Batch Input Authorizations