Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package SBDC (SAP Batch Input) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SBDC |
Short Text | SAP Batch Input |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SBDC contains 4 function groups.
SBDC | Batch Input |
SBDG | FMs to generate batch input programs |
SBDP | Batch Input Logs |
SBDR | Batch Input Recording |
SAP Package SBDC contains 3 transactions.
SHDB | Batch Input Transaction Recorder |
SM35 | Batch Input Monitoring |
SM35P | Batch Input: Log Monitoring |
SAP Package SBDC contains 4 database tables.
APQI | Queue info definition |
APQL | Batch Input Log Directory |
BDCUSEOP | User-Specific Options for Transaction SM35 |
SAP Package SBDC contains 28 structures.
BDC_RECORD | Fields for batch input recording |
BDC_SESSIO | Batch input: Session parameters |
BDCDATA | Batch input: New table field structure |
BDCDATAOLD | Batch input: New Table Field Structure |
BDCDF | Modified fields of a recording |
BDCFT | Batch input: Input table field structure |
BDCLD | Batch input log directory |
BDCLK | Batch input: Log message key |
BDCLM | Batch input: Log messages |
BDCMH | Batch input: Message header |
BDCMSGCOLL | Collecting messages in the SAP System |
BDCREORG | Structure for lock object esbtcreorg |
BDCRUN | Batch input: Runtime analysis |
BDCTH | Batch input: Transaction header |
CTU_PARAMS | Parameter string for runtime of CALL TRANSACTION USING... |
D0100 | Help Structure for Batch Input Processing |
D0200 | Help structure for screen documentation 200 |
D0220 | Help structure for screen documentation 220 |
D0230 | Help structure for screen documentation 230 |
D0300 | Help structure for screen 300 (Start Batch Input) |
D0400 | Help structure for screen documentation 400 |
D0500 | Help structure for screen documentation 500 |
D0800 | Batch input: Screen 800 |
MHDR | Batch input: Message header |
MSBTC | Screen fields for module pool sapmsbtc |
RFC_SPAGPA | SPA/GPA structure for RFC |
RLOG | Transfer parameter for program RSBDCLOG from BTCU |
THDR | Batch input: Transaction header |
SAP Package SBDC contains 29 programs.
RSBDC_ANALYSE | Batch input: session analysis |
RSBDC_ARCHDEL | Program to Delete Batch Input Logs Using ADK |
RSBDC_ARCHIVE | Archiving Batch Input Logs Using ADK |
RSBDC_ARCHREAD | Program for Sequential Batch Input Archive Read Using ADK |
RSBDC_PROTOCOL | Batch Input: Session Logs |
RSBDC_REORG | Batch Input: Reorganize Sessions and Logs |
RSBDCBTC | Utility Report For Batch Input |
RSBDCBTC_SUB | Utility Report For Batch Input |
RSBDCCKA | TemSe Object Check |
RSBDCCKT | TemSe Object Check |
RSBDCCUA | Batch input: Display of the key setting for bi |
RSBDCDAT | Batch Input: Export and Import of Sessions |
RSBDCDEL | Delete recordings |
RSBDCDMP | Dump for a Queue |
RSBDCDRU | Batch Input: Print Session Contents |
RSBDCLCH | Convert Old BDC Logs to TemSe BDC Logs |
RSBDCOS0 | Execute OS Command (Logged in SYSLOG and Trace Files) |
RSBDCREC | Generate Batch Input Program From Recording |
RSBDCREO | Batch Input: Reorganize Sessions and Logs |
RSBDCRSE | Search for Recordings |
RSBDCSUB | Batch Input: Process All Sessions |
RSBDCTL1 | Cross-system analysis of database for batch input sessions |
RSBDCTL2 | Select/delete batch input sessions in a client |
RSBDCTL3 | Analyze Batch Input Logs for Missing Clients and Folders |
RSBDCTL5 | Correction of Batch Input Sessions with Invalid Lock Dates |
RSBDCTL6 | Selection/Deletion of Batch Input Sessions or Recordings |
SAPMSBDC_CC | Batch Input: Session Monitoring |
SAPMSBDT | Transaktionsrecorder Batch-Input |
SAP Package SBDC contains 1 message classes.
D6 | Meldungen zur Umsetzung von BI Protokollen in TemSe Dateien |
SAP Package SBDC contains 1 authorization objects.
S_BDC_MONI | Batch Input Authorizations |