
SAP Package SBIM

Business Information Warehouse: Metadata maintenance

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The package SBIM (Business Information Warehouse: Metadata maintenance) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SBIM
Short Text Business Information Warehouse: Metadata maintenance
Parent Package BASIS


SAP Package SBIM contains 5 transactions.

SBI1 Maintain enhanced InfoSource
SBI2 Maintain enhanced master data str.
SBI3 Maintain append for InfoSource
SBI4 Maintain append for master data
SBI5 Delete InfoObjects

Database Tables

SAP Package SBIM contains 13 database tables.

ROAPPL BW: Application Components
ROAPPLT BW: Name of the Application Components
RODCHA BW: InfoObjects / Characteristics
RODCHABAS InfoObjects / basic characteristics in the source system
RODIOBJ InfoObjects of the source system
RODIOBJCMP BW: InfoObjects / Compounding
RODKYF BW: Key Figures
RODTIM BW: Time Characteristics
ROIS InfoSources in the source systems
ROISIOBJ BW: Assignment of InfoSource Fields to InfoObjects
ROIST Name of the InfoSources
ROMSDIOBJ BIW: Assignment of master data attributes to InfoObjects


SAP Package SBIM contains 5 views.

V_RODCHA Maintenance of dependent InfoObjects
V_RODCHABS Maintenance of primary InfoObjects
V_RODKYF Maintenance of key figures
V_RODUNI Maintenance of units
V_ROIS Maintenance of InfoSources


SAP Package SBIM contains 5 structures.

ROBASCFLAG Source-system-specific properties from basic characteristics
ROISGENFD Generation of InfoSources, internal structure
ROISGENFDC Interface: Generation of InfoSources
ROLTPROP Source-system-specific properties
RSAO_IOBJ Structure for InfoObject assignment