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Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package SCPR (Business Configuration Sets) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SCPR |
Short Text | Business Configuration Sets |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SCPR contains 32 function groups.
SCPR | BC Sets: External Interfaces |
SCPR_HELP | Help (F1 & F4 for BC Sets in Remote Sys) |
SCPR_INTF | BC Sets: Interfaces |
SCPRAC | BC Set: Activation Modules |
SCPRACTL | BC Sets: Analyze Activated Data |
SCPRCHECK | BC Set: Check Modules |
SCPRCOMPARE | BC Sets: Compare two BC Sets |
SCPRCP | BC Set narrowly defined |
SCPRCRITICAL | BC Sets: FMs which must always run |
SCPRCTRL | BC Set display and maint. with controls |
SCPREN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCPRFEAT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCPRHI | BC Set: Activation documents |
SCPRIM | BC Set IMG interface |
SCPRME | Memory for data transfer IMG to profile |
SCPRMP | Bulk Data Processing for BC Sets |
SCPRPR | BC Sets broadly defined |
SCPRPRINT | BC Set Printer Output |
SCPRPROT | BC Sets: Activation Logs |
SCPRPS | Hierarchical BC Sets |
SCPRSETUP | BC Sets: System and User Settings |
SCPRSTAM | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCPRSV | BC Set services |
SCPRTB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCPRTM | BC Sets with direct value assignment |
SCPRTR | BC Sets: Transport Requests |
SCPRVAR | BC Sets: Variable Handling |
SCPRVI | BC Set View maintenance interface |
SCPRVVAR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package SCPR contains 8 transactions.
SCPR20 | Activate BC Sets |
SCPR20PR | BC Set Activation Logs |
SCPR3 | Display and maintain BC Sets |
SCPR92 | BC Sets: Maintenance tool 2 |
SCPRAT | Change BC Set Value Attributes |
SCPRCOP | Copy Several BC Sets |
SCPRIP | Delete Several BC Sets |
SCPRSETUP | BC Sets: Central Settings |
SAP Package SCPR contains 38 database tables.
SCPRACPM | BC Sets: Activation Logs (Messages) |
SCPRACPP | BC Sets: Activation Logs (BC Set Names) |
SCPRACPR | BC Sets: Activation Logs (Activated Data Records) |
SCPRACTP | BC Set: Activated in local system |
SCPRACTR | BC Set: Active records in Local System |
SCPRACTST | BC Sets: Activation Status |
SCPRACTV | BC Sets: Activated in local system (old) |
SCPRACTW | BC Set: Active Values in Local System |
SCPRACTX | BC Set: Activated in local system |
SCPRACTXL | BC Sets: Language-Dependent Activation Links for Variable |
SCPRATTR | BC Set: Attributes |
SCPRCCSV | BC Set: Values |
SCPRCOBJ | BC Set: Manually maintained cust. object tables |
SCPRCSVV | BC Sets: Proposed Variable Values for Cross-System-Viewer |
SCPRDATA | BC Set: Values |
SCPRDATAC | BC Set: Values |
SCPRDOCU | BC Set: BC Set key document keys |
SCPRENTY | BC Set: Organizational units |
SCPREXCPT | BC Set: Control Table for Exceptions |
SCPRFAVO | BC Sets: Favorites |
SCPRFEAT | BC Set: Features in Exception Handling |
SCPRFEATT | BC Set: Short Texts for Features in Exception Handling |
SCPRFLAG | BC Sets: Specially flagged BC Sets |
SCPRFLDV | BC Set: Replace Field Text in Variable Fields |
SCPRPBUF | Buffer logs for output |
SCPRPPRL | BC Sets: Hierarchical BC Sets |
SCPRRECA | BC Set: BC Set record attributes |
SCPRSTAM | BC Set: Master data exception table |
SCPRSTAT | BC Sets: Background view activation update status |
SCPRTEMP | BC Sets: Save temporary table data in DB |
SCPRTEXT | BC Set: Short texts |
SCPRUSRC | BC Set: Last User SW Componet Entered |
SCPRUSRV | BC Set: Last variable entered per user (activ.) |
SCPRVALL | BC Set: Values (language-dependent) |
SCPRVALS | BC Set: Values |
SCPRVVAR | BC Set: Assignment activity, view --> view variant |
SCPRXTAB | BC Set: Tables unsuitable for BC Sets |
SAP Package SCPR contains 2 views.
SCPRFATTR | BC Set Fields and Attributes |
SAP Package SCPR contains 57 structures.
IMG_BCSET | BC Sets: Cust. Activity with BC Set Flag |
SCPR_ACTX | BC Set: Assign old, new values to activation variables |
SCPR_BCSET | BC Sets: BC Set Name for Interfaces to Other Tools |
SCPR_DESCR | BC Set: Table field descriptions |
SCPR_OVAL | BC Set: Data recs of objects with transp. Value repository |
SCPR_PARNT | BC Sets: BC Set Name with Name of Hierarchical Parent |
SCPR_RECRD | BC Set: A data record with its field descriptions |
SCPR_RVAL | BC Set: A data record with transparent value repository |
SCPR_VALL | Structure of Table SCPRVALS |
SCPR_VALS | Structure of Table SCPRVALS |
SCPRACTERP | BC Sets: BC Set Activation Error Log |
SCPRACTERR | BC Sets: BC Set Activation Error Messages |
SCPRACTINF | BC Sets, Activation Log: Transfer Parameters |
SCPRACTLINK_S_TAB_OF_IMGACT | BC Sets: Structure of FM scpr_actlink_if_get_tab_of_act |
SCPRACTOPT | BC Sets: Activation Options |
SCPRACTREE | Activation Log Display Structure (Tree) |
SCPRARFC | Activation ID - RFC Destination Assignment |
SCPRBRFC | BC Set - RFC Destination Assignment |
SCPRDOCEXT | BC Set: External Structure for the BC Set Documentation |
SCPRDYNPRO | BC Set: Work fields for maintenance screens |
SCPRFLDACT | BC Sets: Table Field Activation Information |
SCPRFLDVTC | BC Set: Table Control Variable Field Texts Auxil. Structure |
SCPROBJACT | Transfer Structure: Table, Cust.Obj., IMG Act. plus Texts |
SCPRODATA | Transfer structure for compressed table data |
SCPRODATA2 | Transfer structure for compressed table data |
SCPROFLD | Transfer structure for tables and fields |
SCPROPROF | BC Set lists transfer structure |
SCPROPROF1 | Favorites Transfer Structure |
SCPROPROF2 | BC Set lists transfer structure |
SCPROTABL | Transfer structure for table names |
SCPRSETUP1 | BC Sets: System Settings |
SCPRSETUP2 | BC Sets: User Settings |
SCPRVALL_COMPS | BC Sets: Compare the Language-Dependent BC Set Values |
SCPRVALS_COMPS | BC Sets: Compare (Language-Independent) BC Set Values |
SCPRVALUE2 | BC Set: Values |
SCPRVALUES | BC Set: Values |
SCPRVARI | Transfer Parameter of not-copied BCSET fields |
SCPRVARL | BC Sets: Variables with Language Information |
SCPRWFIELD | Aux. str. for tabstrip with table fields and attributes |
SCPRWTABL | Table names for gen.TableControl, cf. SCPROTABL |
SCPRXACT | Ranges structure for activities in BC Sets |
SCPRXACTID | Activation ID Ranges Structure |
SCPRXDAT | Ranges structure for last-changed date |
SCPRXFLD | BC Set table ranges structure |
SCPRXLANG | BC Set transfer ranges definition |
SCPRXMOD | Ranges structure for last-changed by |
SCPRXOBJ | Ranges structure for activities in BC Sets |
SCPRXOTYPE | Cust. object type transfer ranges definition |
SCPRXPROF | BC Set transfer ranges definition |
SCPRXREF | Ranges structure for reference names |
SCPRXRTYPE | BC Set types transfer ranges definition |
SCPRXTABL | BC Set table ranges structure |
SCPRXTEXT | BC Set short text ranges structure |
SCPRXTIME | Ranges Structure for Time of Last Change |
SCPRXVAL | BC Set table ranges structure |
SCPRXVERS | BC Set version ranges structure |
VSCPRDATAC | Aenderungsbelegstruktur, generiert durch RSSCD000 |
SAP Package SCPR contains 25 programs.
SAPSCPR20 | BC Sets: Selection by Attributes |
SAPSCPR200 | BC Set Format to Download to File |
SAPSCPR201 | BC Set: Display |
SAPSCPR21 | BC Sets: Selection by Text |
SAPSCPR22 | BC Sets: Selection by Tables and Fields |
SAPSCPR23 | BC Sets: Selection by Attributes (at Activation) |
SAPSCPR231 | Display Hit List of Activated BC Sets |
SAPSCPR24 | Bus.Conf.Sets: Selection by Attributes (when Creating Hier. BC Sets) |
SAPSCPR26 | Bus.Conf.Sets: Selection by Cust. Activities and Objects |
SAPSCPR27 | BC Sets: Selection by Tables and Fields |
SAPSCPR6 | BC Sets: Maintenance Tool |
SAPSCPR7 | BC Sets: Activate |
SAPSCPR901 | Select Bus. Conf. Sets and put them in a Transport Request |
SAPSCPR910 | Business Configuration Set: Change Validity Range |
SAPSCPR999 | Bus.Conf.Sets: Check System Settings |
SCPR3 | BC Sets: Maintenance Tool, Version with Controls |
SCPR8 | BC Sets: Administration of Activation Links |
SAP Package SCPR contains 8 search helps.
S_MODIFIER | Search Help for scpractp-modifier |
S_PROFID | Search Help for scpractp-profid |
SCPRBCSET | Search by BC Set Attributes |
SCPRCOMP | Search Help for SW Components with Release |
SCPRCPROF | BC Set help |
SCPRSAM | BC Sets: Collective Search Help |
SCPRTEMPL | BC Set search help |
SCPRTEXT | BC Set search help with text |
SAP Package SCPR contains 1 message classes.
SCPR | BC-Sets |
SAP Package SCPR contains 1 authorization objects.
S_BCSETS | BC Set Authorization Object |