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Bei ansehen →The package SCTS_NSP (CTS: Namespaces and Naming Conventions) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SCTS_NSP |
Short Text | CTS: Namespaces and Naming Conventions |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SCTS_NSP contains 8 function groups.
0SH9 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0ST1 | View Maintenance: V_TRESN (Naming Conv.) |
0ST3 | View Maint. CTSRESNAME (Naming Conv.) |
0STN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SCTU | Upgrade Handling of CTS Data |
STCR | Transport System Runtime Routines |
STR4 | General Namespace Modules |
STRB | SL: Namespace Functions |
SAP Package SCTS_NSP contains 1 transactions.
SCTS_RESNAME | Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench |
SAP Package SCTS_NSP contains 10 database tables.
RESP | Project Number for SAP Partner |
RESPT | Text/Language Table for SAP Partner Projects |
TDKZ | Exception Table for DE, DO, TB in Customer Res. with 'Y'/'Z' |
TRESC | Reserved Names for Customizing Tables/Objects |
TRESN | Table of Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench |
TRESNT | Text Table for Table TRESN (Naming Conventions) |
TRNSPACE | SL: Namespaces (Runtime Table) |
TRNSPACEL | SL: Namespaces (Non-Transportable Section) |
TRNSPACET | SL: Namespaces (Transportable) |
TRNSPACETT | SL: Text Section (Language-Specific) for Namespace Table |
SAP Package SCTS_NSP contains 3 views.
CTSRESNAME | Naming Convention in the ABAP Workbench |
V_TRESN | Naming Conventions in the ABAP Workbench |
V_TRNSPACE | Repository Namespaces |
SAP Package SCTS_NSP contains 2 structures.
STRB_TRESN | Structure for TRESN Interfaces (Function Group STRB) |
WBO_PAR | Transport Organizer Parameters |
SAP Package SCTS_NSP contains 15 programs.
CUSTMON1 | Objects in Customer Namespace |
RDDKOR54 | Customer Namespace Reservations for Tables/Views |
RESNMON1 | Find Objects for TRESN Packages (Reserved Namespaces) |
RSAUSTAB | Exception Table for Customer Reserves DE, DO, TB (Y.../Z...) |
RSWBO004 | Set System Change Option |
RSWBO080 | Extended Table Maintenance for Namespace Tables |
RSWBO081 | Display/Change Namespaces |
RSWBO084 | Adjust Namespace Roles for SAP Internal Systems |
RSWBO085 | Namenspace: Direct Activation (Copy to Runtime Table) |
RSWBO111 | Extended Table Maintenance for Naming Conventions (V_TRESN) |
RSWBO112 | Display/Change Naming Conventions |
RSWBO113 | Namespace Information System |
RSWBO114 | Call View Maintenance for Naming Conventions (CTRESNAME) |
RTYPLENG | List of Name Lengths for All Transportable Object Types |
RXWBODVC | XPRA for Adjusting Software Components |
SAP Package SCTS_NSP contains 1 search helps.
NAMESPACE | Namespace |