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Bei ansehen →The package SDDO (ABAP/4 Dictionary: Domains, Data Elements) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SDDO |
Short Text | ABAP/4 Dictionary: Domains, Data Elements |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SDDO contains 4 function groups.
SDAD | DD Interface to Class DOMA, DTEL |
SDDO | DD Interface to Class DOMA, DTEL |
SDRN | DD: Modules for renaming DE |
STYP | Interfaces for types |
SAP Package SDDO contains 8 database tables.
DTELDOKI | sddo |
DTELDOKTL | Documentation - text lines |
DTELDOKTL1 | Documentation - text lines |
DTELLINKS | sddo |
DTELPROT | sddo |
DTLIDOKCR | Set of conflicts for renaming the links to data elem. docu. |
DTLIDOKI | Docu index for renaming the links to data element docu. |
SAP Package SDDO contains 3 views.
DD01V | DD: Domain header with text |
DD04V | DD: Header and Short Text for Data Elements |
DD07V | View on fixed values and domain texts |
SAP Package SDDO contains 75 structures.
DCASTATMSG | DD: Message about curr. statistics for DOMA/DTEL/TTYP |
DCCHECKRES | ABAP Dict.: Check result for element of an indexed set |
DCDATATYPE | DD: Check string for a data type |
DCDEPTAB | Table of dep. objects incl. addtl. info. (DOMA,DTEL,TTYP) |
DCDODTRMSG | ABAP Dict.: Result message for the act. of a domain/data el. |
DCDODTSMSG | ABAP Dict.: Start message for activating a domain/data elem. |
DCDOHDATTR | Header Attributes of DOMA Changed by Input Checks |
DCDOMAACT | DD: Control String for Domain Activation Program |
DCDOMAACTP | DD: Control Parameter String for Domain Activation Program |
DCDOMACHK | DD: Check string for domain activation program |
DCDOMACHKI | DD: Check string for domain activ. prog. (inner consistency) |
DCDOMACHKR | DD: Check string for dom.act.prog. (referential correctness) |
DCDOMAFLAG | Control string for DD_DOMA_FLAG_CHECK |
DCDOMAFVAL | DD: Check string for the checks regarding the values |
DCDOMAGET | Reference Structure for Function Module DD_DOMA_GET |
DCDOMAMNT | DD: Fields in the domain maintenance screen |
DCDOMAPUT | Control string for DD_DOMA_PUT |
DCDOMAVTAB | DD: Check string for the checks regarding a value table |
DCDOOUTPUT | DD: Checks for Output Attributes of Domains |
DCDOVTGET | ABAP/4 Dic: Read status of data for the domain value tables |
DCDTDOATTR | Attributes of DTEL with DOMA Changed by the Input Checks |
DCDTEDATTR | Attributes of DTEL Changed by the Input Checks |
DCDTEDCHK | Check String for Input Checks in Data Element Maintenance |
DCDTELACT | Control String for DTEL Activation Program |
DCDTELACTP | DD: Control parameter string for data element activator |
DCDTELCHK | DD: Control String for Data Element Header Tests |
DCDTELCTRL | DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator |
DCDTELFLAG | DD: Checks for Flags in Data Element |
DCDTELGET | DD: Control String for DD_DTEL_GET |
DCDTELPUT | Control String for DD_DTEL_PUT |
DCDTELTXT | DD: Status of the Data Element Text in a Language |
DCDTGET | DD: Control string for reading data element information |
DCDTHDATTR | Header Attribute for DTEL Changed by Input Checks |
DCDTREFOBJ | DD: Checks for Objects Referenced in Data Element |
DCDTSHCHK | DD: Search help checks in the data element activator |
DCDTSHGET | DD: Control string for reading a search help |
DCDTTXATTR | Texts for DTEL Changed by Input Checks |
DCDTTXCHK | DD: Control String for Data Element Text Tests |
DCDTX030L | DD: Text for Nametab Representation (Header) for DTEL |
DCDTX031L | DD: Nametab Fields with Expanded Flags for DTEL |
DCFUNSTRUC | Function module structure |
DCMSGPARAM | DD: Parameter string for messages |
DCNAME | DD: Checks for Object Name (TTYP, DTEL, DOMA) |
DCNTABGEN | DD: Control string for nametab generation |
DCOUTPUT | DD: Checks for Output Attributes of Data Element |
DCSACTCTRL | DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator |
DCTEXTLEN | DD: Checks for Texts for Data Element |
DCTTX030L | DD: Text for Nametab Representation (Header) for TTYP |
DCTTYPCTRL | DD: Control Parameter for Single Activator of Mass Activator |
DCTTYPGET | Control structure for DD_TTYP_GET |
DCTTYPPUT | Control structure for function module DD_TTYP_PUT |
DCTXTDESCR | Structure of a Table with General Texts |
DCUSEDTYPE | DD: Control Bar for Tests of Type Definition for Data Elem. |
DCVALTAB | DD: Checks for Value Table |
DD07VT | DD: Temp. Replacement Structure for VIEW DD07TV |
DDACTRES | DD: Activation result incl. dependent propagation |
DDCACHE | DD: Control String for Read Routines |
DDDEPRES | DD: result of handling of dependent objects |
DDDOACTRES | DD: Status of domains (activation result) |
DDDOMSTATE | DD: Status of domains |
DDDOSTATE | Status of Objects |
DDDTSTATE | DD: Status of Data Elements |
DDNUMFVAL | DD: Structure for numeric fixed values |
DDSETSTATE | Status of Objects |
DTELINFO | DD: nametab information for data element (elementary type) |
DTEXROUT | Flag Byte 2 (EXROUT) in Header of Runtime Object |
DTFLAG1 | Flag byte 1 of nametab for data elements and table types |
DTFLAG2 | Flag byte 2 in nametab for field attributes |
DTFLAG3 | Flag byte 3 of nametab for field attributes? |
DTFLG1 | Flag Byte 1 in Nametab Field Entry for DTEL, TTYP |
DTFLG2 | Flag Byte 2 in Nametab Field Entry for DTEL, TTYP |
DTHEADVAL | DD: Control string for DTEL header tests |
DTYPINFO | DD: data type information (part of nametab information) |
EXTDFIES | DD Internal: Information on Table Fields |
TYPEHDINFO | DD: header information for types (nametab information) |
SAP Package SDDO contains 28 programs.
DTRENCOR1 | Correction DDDTRENUPG Entries for RADDRDOC |
RADADCLI | DD: Interface for reading classes/interfaces |
RADDDTYP | DD: Inhouse XPRA for filling DDTYPES |
RADDOCHL | DD: Check Routines of Domain Activation Prog. for General External Use |
RADDODBA | DD: Access to DB Tables for the Domain Activation Program |
RADDOINI | DD: Def. of Activation Modes of Domain Act. Prog. (Proc. Flow, Checks) |
RADDOTXT | Clean up texts for domain fixed values |
RADDOUTL | DD: Report with Externally Used Utilities of Domain Activation Program |
RADDRDOC | DD: XPRA for Renaming Data Elements In-House |
RADDREX1 | DD: Data Element Renaming During Shadow Upgrade: Phase 1 |
RADDREX2 | DD: Data Element Renaming During Shadow Upgrade: Phase 2 |
RADDREXE | DD: XPRA for Renaming Data Elements In-House |
RADDTCHL | DD: Check Routines of Domain Activation Prog. for General External Use |
RADDTDOR | DD: Rename data elements in the docu |
RADDTINI | DD: Behavior Definition Methods for DTEL Activation Program |
RADDTLEN | DD: XPRA for correcting length definitions in data elements |
RADDTLIR | DD: XPRA for renaming links to data element documentation |
RADDTML1 | DD: Master language changed locally in a system |
RADDTN41 | DD: XPRA: Fill sources+nametab for DTEL with direct type entry |
RADDTNTAB | ddtest |
RADDTRCH | DD: Determine Dtel docu & links under old AND new names |
RADDTREN | DD: XPRA for Renaming Data Elements In-House |
RADDTRIS | DD: Create object list for renaming action for data elements |
RADDTTXT | DD: XPRA for correcting length definitions in data elements |
RADDTUTL | DD: Report with Externally Used Utilites of Data Element Act. Program |
RADLANGU | DD: Conversion of DD data type LANG |
RADREFTCOR | Correction of initial REFTYPE for reference to class/interface |
RDVALDEL | Clean-Up of Fixed Values |
SAP Package SDDO contains 7 search helps.
DD_DBTB | Search for database tables |
DD_DOMA | DD: F4 on domains |
DD_DTEL | Search for Data Elements |
DD_DTEL_NOREF | Search for Data Elements without References |
DD_STRUC | Search for Structures |
DD_TTYP | Search for Table Types |
DD_TYPES | Dictionary types (data elements, structures, table types) |