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Bei ansehen →The package SDOC (Documentation Maintenance) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SDOC |
Short Text | Documentation Maintenance |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SDOC contains 17 function groups.
0SDC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0SDO | Views for SDOC Applications |
DSYA | Hypertext: Call documentation, glossary |
SDAV | Function Modules Worklist |
SDCA | Basis Docu Cross Application |
SDOC | R/3 documentation |
SDOD | Database function documentation |
SDOH | Docu help access |
SDOI | Documentation: WinHelp access |
SDOP | R/3 documentation print modules |
SDOW | Documentat.: Link to PC Word Processing |
SDOX | Doc.: Enhancement concept (from 3.1) |
SDVT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SMV1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SPO3 | Data Entry Dialog Box |
SSAT | Test |
SUTI | Various accesses |
SAP Package SDOC contains 6 transactions.
EDIT | Juergen's Editor |
SE61 | R/3 Documentation |
SO60 | Call R/3 Help Library |
SO75 | Getting Started with the R/3 System |
SUCH | Translatability CHECKs |
T_RSDOKU03 | Where-used List for Hypertext Docu. |
SAP Package SDOC contains 50 database tables.
DOCALTLANG | Alternative language for displaying document |
DOKALTLANG | Assignment of alternative languages for document display |
DOKHL | Documentation: Headers |
DOKID | Table Field-Screen Index |
DOKIL | Index for Documentation Table DOKH |
DOKSH | Documentation Statistics History |
DOKSI | Documentation Statistics History Index |
DOKTL | Documentation - text lines |
DOSSH | Documentation: Short Text Statistics History |
DOSSI | Documentation: Short Text Statistics History Index |
DOSSO | Documentation: Short Text Statistics - Object-Specific |
RSDCX | Exceptions Table for Short Text Statistics |
SDOC_SETTINGS | SDOC: Settings for Documentation |
T9COM | Components |
T9DEV | Assignment of Components to Development Classes |
T9PRO | Products |
TBEKR | Application Area - Package Assignment |
TBER | Application area |
TCHLP | Help: Assignment of Books to Packages |
TCSTC | Documentation: Copy of TSTCT |
TDOCU | Control Table for the Document Manager |
TDOKU | Documentation: Class Table |
TER16 | Assign Package to Terminology Maintenance Unit |
THLDYNS | Standard Erhi on Listtynps override table |
THLPG | Help: Assignment of Books to Packages |
THLPX | Documentation: Transactions Without Links to Books |
THSTC | Documentation: Copy of TSTCT |
TK11 | Relevant packages for Release 1.1 |
TLSYS | Language Versions in the System |
TMETA | METAL File Management |
TODOK | Objects without Documentation |
TSDDC | Packages with Documentation Priorities |
TSDDD | Assignment: Technical Writer/Translator->Package |
TSDDT | Assignment: Translator -> Package |
TSDOC | User Parameters for Documentation |
TSDUM | Conversion Table for Text Symbols in Online Documentation |
TSKT2 | Statistics on the proposals pool |
TSKT4 | Log of Translations for Language Transport |
TSKTX | Parameters for Short Text Utilities |
TSOS | Import Log Records |
TSST1 | Statistic Editing Status Assignment Pers. Resp. DEVCLASS |
TSST2 | Editing status functions |
TSST3 | Editing Status Values |
TTXFORMAT | Customizing Table for Text Format (RTF, DOC....) |
TUCHK | Table for Extended ABAP Checks |
TUCHK1 | Starting points for the reengineering analysis jobs |
TUCHK2 | ABAP Checks |
TUCHK3 | Information on the CHECK Index |
TUCHK4 | Exception: Literals in ABAPs |
SAP Package SDOC contains 2 views.
H_SDOCHLPF | Connection: data element supplement / screen |
S_DOKUHLPF | Maintain DE supplement/screen ref.s |
SAP Package SDOC contains 42 structures.
ATTRIBUTES | Int. structure for adding attributes w/o format |
AVSELECT_1 | Selection criteria for limiting work list |
AVSELECT_2 | Global assignment |
AVSELECT_3 | Data basis selection |
AVSTATE | Specifying documents by processing status |
DOC_RFC | selection rfcdes maintenance |
DOCCLASS | Document class + text |
DOCDZ | Data element supplements |
DOCEXTSCRE | Doc. tools: Document enhancement - Screen fields |
DOCRFC | RFC destination selection |
DOCST | Work Fields for Documentation Statistics |
DOCU_EXIST | Object Name and Exists Flag |
DOK_CLS | Docu Classes |
DOKCLASSES | Document class |
DOKCLSSTD1 | Document length class-dependent |
DOKSAVESTD | Structure for F4 Help status |
DOKTYPSTD | Documentation type |
DOKUS_LINKPOS | Position of Hyperlinks in HTML Tables |
EDIT_STRUC | Structure of parameter interface edit_text_..2 |
EDITEXCL | Excludes reference for Edit_Text |
EDITSTRUC | Interface references |
ENVI | Documentation objects for a specific environment |
FEXCLUDES | Menu options not displayed |
HELP_LNKS | Links to be converted |
HLP_EXEDAT | Executable and Command line data for Winhelp call. |
MOD_LOG | Status list of converted modifications |
RSDC9 | Work Fields for R/3 Documentation Print Form |
RSDCD | Internal Table for Documentation Statistics |
RSDCS | Key for Selected Documentation Objects |
RSDCU | Work Fields for R/3 Documentation |
RSDD2 | Internal Structure: Short Text Maintenance |
RSDDT | SAPMSDDT Local Fields |
RSTAB | Loop Version |
RSTAT | Structure for Short Text Translation |
RTERM | Internal Structure |
SDOC_DLIST | List of Saved Worklists |
SEARCHTAB | Internal Admin. of the Search Screen Structure |
TRANS_ERR | List of Docu Errors in Transport Objects |
WORDT_2 | Internal Table for Terminology Check |
SAP Package SDOC contains 56 programs.
DOCU_CONTENT_ANALYSE1 | Analysis: Commands per Docu Class |
DOCU_CONTENT_ANALYSE2 | Analysis: Variables per Docu Class |
DOCU_CONTENT_ANALYSE3 | Analysis: To Which and to how Many Docu Classes is There a Link |
DOCU_READ_CHANGE_DATA_FRM_FILE | Obsolete: Read data from server file for development system creation |
DOCU_READ_CHANGE_DATA_TEST | Obsolete: Read data from server file for development system creation |
DOCU_WRITE_CHANGE_DATA_TO_FILE | Obsolete: Write data in server file for development system creation |
INDX_SH_DELETE | Delete Entries from INDX Table withs RELID = 'SH' |
RDOCFINDER | Full Text Search for Short Texts and Long Texts |
RDOKTERM | OBSOLETE: Full Text Search for Short Texts and Long Texts |
REPAIR_DOCU | Documentation Repairs |
REPAIR_DOCU2 | Self-Explanatory Flag: Consistency Between T100 / T100U / DOKIL |
RSCHECK1 | Test for naming convention |
RSCUACHK | ?... |
RSDOCBER | Documentation Authorization |
RSDOCET1 | SDOC: Enhancement concept - Test report |
RSDOCET2 | SDOC: Enhancement concept - Test report |
RSDOCET3 | SDOC: Enhancement concept - Test report |
RSDOCEU1 | Where-used list call with roll area change |
RSDOCH01 | Documentation: Display the Book 'Getting Started with the R/3 System' |
RSDOCH02 | Documentation: Display the help with RFC |
RSDOCU50 | Downloading the Implementation Guide and Release Notes for WinHelp |
RSDOKU01 | OBSOLETE: Check Report: Check Structure and Longtext |
RSDOKU02 | OBSOLETE: Check report: Hypertext document syntax check |
RSDOKU03 | OBSOLETE: Where-used List for Hypertext Documents |
RSDOKU04 | OBSOLETE: Check Report: Missing Glossary Terms |
RSDOKU05 | Check report: Documents that are not in any structure. |
RSDOKU06 | OBSOLETE: Check Report: Hypertext Document Syntax Check |
RSDOKU07 | Check report: Hypertext document syntax check |
RSDOKU08 | Check report: Hypertext document syntax check |
RSDOKU09 | Check report: Hypertext document syntax check |
RSDOKU11 | Check Report: Check Structure and Document |
RSDOKU21 | Check Report: Check Structure and Document |
RSLADELT | OBSOLETE: Import languages |
RSMODLST | Program for Locating Modifications |
RSRSEU2 | DE where-used list incl. roll area change |
RSSDOC00 | Print Doc. Modules from Environment Analysis |
RSSDOC01 | RSSDOC01: Documentation of Person Responsible, Transactions, Programs |
RSSDOC10 | Print Documentation Element by Document Class |
RSSDOC18 | Find Incorrectly Translated Characters |
RSSDOCGE | Mass Activation of Documentation elements |
RSSDOCSD | R/3 Documentation Statistics |
RSSDOCSF | R/3 Documentation Statistics |
RSSDOCTB | RSSDOCTB: R/3 Table Manual |
RSSDOSSD | R/3 Documentation Statistics |
RSTWGZS2 | Online Documentation Statistics |
RSUCHK01 | Display Errors in ABAP/4 Text Pool |
RSUCHK04 | History: Text Problems |
RSUCHK09 | Analysis of Screen Painter Texts |
RSUCHSTA | Faulty Programs |
SAJTED13 | Call Editor |
SAPFSDC1 | Pool for External PERFORMs |
SAPMSDCU | ?... |
SDOC_COUNT1 | Count Documents |
SDOC_EMPTY_LINES_COUNT1 | Determine Number of Empty Lines at End of Documents |
SEARCH_WRONG_NAMES_DOKIL | Invalid characters in DOKIL |
TESTH | Test |
SAP Package SDOC contains 2 search helps.
H_SDOCHLPF | Connection: data element supplement / screen |
SDOC_DLIST | List of Saved Worklists |
SAP Package SDOC contains 1 message classes.
SD | Online-Doku, Terminologie, Übersetzung, Help |
SAP Package SDOC contains 1 authorization objects.
S_DOKU_AUT | SE61 Documentation Maintenance Authorization |